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Put the Dreadseed armor on the Cartel Market


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Lol joking. But seriously, i've been digging for 50 hours on tattooine in total and I havent got the helmet, and after that I've got to go to hoth, alderaan and makeb.


If they actually did put it on the CM, id quit the game.


Thank you Bioware for putting something in the game that we actually have to spend in game time to work for.

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As frustrating as it is to complete, I totally agree with you.


I've often wished for some things to be made easier to get hold of. But after finishing up a long quest line or camping several locations / NPC's numbingly for hours or even days, the sense of achievement gives the item / set higher appreciation.

Edited by Omisri
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As frustrating as it is to complete, I totally agree with you.


I've often wished for some things to be made easier to get hold of. But after finishing up a long quest line or camping several locations / NPC's numbingly for hours or even days, the sense of achievement gives the item / set higher appreciation.


PRobably the most frustrating thing other than warzones :/

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Agreed, absolutely not. There are very few hard to get/find items in this game. They made the areas not deplete anymore that should be enough.

I got my dread seed set when areas still depleted. Frustrating yes. Worth It? Yes

Edited by cuttothechase
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As frustrating as it is to complete, I totally agree with you.


I've often wished for some things to be made easier to get hold of. But after finishing up a long quest line or camping several locations / NPC's numbingly for hours or even days, the sense of achievement gives the item / set higher appreciation.


How bout camping spawns for Time-Lost drake in WoW for weeks/months or even longer -.- lol was worth it in the long run. :D

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How bout camping spawns for Time-Lost drake in WoW for weeks/months or even longer -.- lol was worth it in the long run. :D


Time-lost. I remember that spawn camping fondly. 3 months, 1 week for me. How about you?

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Do Star Forager and Dreadseed take the same amount of time to get?


You can now find either one of them when digging, regardless of your Dark/Light side on the H4 that ends the seeker droid quest line. So, yes.



Today I found 2 helmets (1 Star Forager and 1 Dreadseed) and 3 Chestpieces (2 Dreadseed and 1 Star Forager) on Tatooine and Alderaan respectively.

I must have spend no more than 3 hours total.


So, you might want to use the GSI enhancers when you continue looking. They help.

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Yes I would too like to see this. I've spent too many hours try to get that f'n helmet and got so many gloves I just destroy them. Wish list see them in cartel market and collection for account wide cc purchase.
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DO NOT put the Dreadseed Armor on the Cartel Market! I would be really pissed off if you did. I like being able to work for thesse types of Items. It's things like the Dreadseed Armor that make this game actually worth my time.
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