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Adding bowcasters again? Really?


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And yes, I want to be a special butterfly. I role play, and for me this breaks the immersion. I'm sorry you find it so difficult to understand that some people actually want to try to be unique.

If we were really going for immersion, then anyone who wanted one could go down to the weapon shop and buy one. For creds. They're not vorpal swords.


So no, it does not break your immersion, it breaks your meta-gaming.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have never seen anyone actually use the bowcaster outside of the month of the Chevin event. I am not saying that there are not folks that do, just that I have not noticed folks using it since.


Mine is used to transfer barrels.

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I never said you dont deserve it. I simply want unique items to be unique and unique events to be unique which includes those unique items.


So no, you misssed the event, for whatever reason, and so I don't think people should get a second chance. But thats just my opinion.


And yes, I want to be a special butterfly. I role play, and for me this breaks the immersion. I'm sorry you find it so difficult to understand that some people actually want to try to be unique.


There are probably a couple hundred thousand players with those bowcasters... you are not unique

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There are probably a couple hundred thousand players with those bowcasters... you are not unique


Thats highly unlikely considering theres probably no more than a couble of hundred thousand subscribers who play now and also did the event

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So basically what I'm getting from these posts is it's okay for BW to recycle weapons if you guys don't have it? LOL oookay. Ironically half the names in here arguing that point are also pro-raiders who cry to the end of the world when someone suggests to even things out on that end. Carry on forum trolls!
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Am I right in thinking that while these weapons are also bowcasters, they have a different style then the ones that come from the past event in question? I don't see what the problem is, bowcasters are very popular and many players would love to have one. Those who did the first event will still have a unique weapon, while those not playing/could not play the event still have a chance at getting a weapon they like! :)



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You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


Ah, that "Exclusiveness" and this "Eliticism" again - which is so alien to me.


I really cannot understand it.


Your post basically reads like this :


"I'm happy that I have things no-one else is EVER going to have - and I'm happ with that."


And I'm quite sure that everyone thinking the same way would whine if there was an event they couldn't participate in - and demand that the event's rewards be handed to them as well ...


I'm so sick of this "Exclusivism" ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Ah, that "Exclusiveness" and this "Eliticism" again - which is so alien to me.


I really cannot understand it.


Your post basically reads like this :


"I'm happy that I have things no-one else is EVER going to have - and I'm happ with that."


And I'm quite sure that everyone thinking the same way would whine if there was an event they couldn't participate in - and demand that the event's rewards be handed to them as well ...


I'm so sick of this "Exclusivism" ...


Thats exactly what I mean :) And you must be sick of exclusivism because you missed the event maybe? Well, you didnt take part in a one time event, why should you be given a second chance? Its ridiculous

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Thats exactly what I mean :) And you must be sick of exclusivism because you missed the event maybe? Well, you didnt take part in a one time event, why should you be given a second chance? Its ridiculous


I'll tell you whats rediculous....


You took part in a one time event and got a nice unique bowcaster for your effot...so did I and I am very fond of it :)


Now you are QQing on the forums because BW plan to add a completely different bowcaster as a reward for some completely different content. Note that the new bowcaster rewards are NOT the same bowcasters that you or I received from the Chevin event. They do not even look similar, let alone identical.


Still.....here you are crying like a baby that other players stand a chance to obtain a completely different bowcaster...so what you are saying is I have a bowcaster and I do not want any other player to ever have one, even if it bears no resemblance to mine, just so I can feel like a special snow flake....the only rediculous thing here is your self entitled attitude....you HAVE a unique bowcaster that no other players can obtain, but even the fact that other players can obtain a completely different bowcaster is too much for you....lol....



Edited by ImperialSun
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There is only one course of action to take. Surround this person with many toons using bowcasters. I still have one from the event (yay! I'm so unique!) and I think if we get enough people to follow them around on the fleet with bowcasters equipped, the point should be made.
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Such an iconic weapon should have never have come from a time-limited event in the first place. Time limited items are a stain on this genre. People like the OP who look to games to fill the void of accomplishment in their lives need to be deterred not catered to.
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Such an iconic weapon should have never have come from a time-limited event in the first place. Time limited items are a stain on this genre. People like the OP who look to games to fill the void of accomplishment in their lives need to be deterred not catered to.




I have one of the unique Chevin event bowcasters...and I too believe this is such an iconic weapon that they should be available elsewhere in game...


Fine, keep the Chevin event bowcasters unique so as not to upset the exclusive crowd, but defintiely add some more in game so that other players can obtain them....thats win/win for both sides surely?


I get that some people get really hung up on having exclusive items and thats fine, to each their own, what the OP is QQing about however is literally the most selfish demand I have ever heard, given that the new bowcaster rewards are not even the same model/look as the Chevin equivalents....



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Of the 6 bowcasters available in the Chevin event - there are only three unique models. So it was actually only 3 bowcasters with 2 reskins each.


The new bowcasters are reskins of 2 of those models.


The new pistol is a reskin of the Survival carbine blaster rifle that is already in game.


I don't really care that they're reskinning the Chevin weapons.... but I would like to see new models used for rewards more frequently in these events.

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There is only one course of action to take. Surround this person with many toons using bowcasters. I still have one from the event (yay! I'm so unique!) and I think if we get enough people to follow them around on the fleet with bowcasters equipped, the point should be made.


I had the same idea earlier! I was thinking of taking it a bit further though:


On the Imp side, everyone needs to roll (or play) as an Agent Sniper, and use their Ensign Temple companion (who can equip blaster rifles, even though almost all her abilities require 2 pistols) so we can maximize our bowcaster usage!


On the Pub side, same thing. Just change Sniper to Vanguard, and Temple to Jorgan.


*THEN* we surround the Original Poster with our army of bowcasters for our complete victory!


. . .


Nah, screw it. Already owning the old bowcasters, I'd rather have fun and play the event (and get the new ones, too!). Deliciously-evil plan, though. :)

Edited by Fractal_Eye
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I have a black green crystal from the rakghoul event. I have a full containment officer set. and I would be absolutely ECSTATIC if it gets brought back. I can't wait for the event to become recurring.


because you see... its not the items I own, that make me special. I make me special. heck I don't even use preorder crystal anymore except on one alt, for whom it fits into her color scheme.


so I'm happy that people who wanted to use a bowcaster - will have a chance to do so. I actually didn't get one myself, opted to just get sandpeople sets, since way back then, we had almost no bind on legacy gear and orange wrists/belts were very difficult to find. still not regretting it.

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Bowcasters again? You're totally right OP. I didn't like bowcasters the first time around and didn't get one, and now I won't get one again when they could have designed something cooler that would appeal to me. The devs should have consulted us.


Oh wait you're just a brat. But I'm totally serious that bowcasters are lame.

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You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


Well its over, because now everyone will have another chance to run around with bowcasters and now when you use a bowcaster people aren't going to wonder or ask you where you obtained it because they will automatically assume you got it from the new bounty hunting event.


"Oh you've been playing in this game since release, you got a bowcaster from one of those unique events? Well guess what, I've been playing for 2 weeks and I already have a bowcaster"


Why does Bioware want to destroy uniqueness in the game?

If someone looks to a video game to feel unique and special, then they should probably re-examine their priorities in life.

So basically what I'm getting from these posts is it's okay for BW to recycle weapons if you guys don't have it? LOL oookay. Ironically half the names in here arguing that point are also pro-raiders who cry to the end of the world when someone suggests to even things out on that end. Carry on forum trolls!

There is a huge difference between recycling a particular weapon and re-using a weapon "type". Based on your argument, there should never been any more weapons, armor, color crystals, mounts, pets, etc. used as a event rewards because they have already given those things out as rewards before.

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What gave you the idea to bring back bowcasters? Did people whine enough for you to give in and basically make recycled weapons?


You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


Well its over, because now everyone will have another chance to run around with bowcasters and now when you use a bowcaster people aren't going to wonder or ask you where you obtained it because they will automatically assume you got it from the new bounty hunting event.


"Oh you've been playing in this game since release, you got a bowcaster from one of those unique events? Well guess what, I've been playing for 2 weeks and I already have a bowcaster"


Why does Bioware want to destroy uniqueness in the game?


If you have UNIQUE EVENTS, you should keep the rewards UNIQUE. And let me guess, this new event will occur over and over and over?


And an ewok with a bowcaster? for real bioware? "What should we add to this bounty hunting event? Hmm i know, an Ewok! And uhhh...let him use a bowcaster! YAY! "


Wow, you do a lot of complaining on muliple topics in multiple threads. Maybe SWTOR isn't for you?

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So basically what I'm getting from these posts is it's okay for BW to recycle weapons if you guys don't have it? LOL oookay. Ironically half the names in here arguing that point are also pro-raiders who cry to the end of the world when someone suggests to even things out on that end. Carry on forum trolls!

I'm not a raider but what raiders want is equipment which is mechanically superior so they can tackle the next tier of the raid. If someone does not do top-tier raiding, they have no need for top-tier raid-quality gear. It would just make their characters way OP for landscape content.


As I stated before, if we were going to be truly realistic about bowcasters, anyone should be able to troop down to the local weapon shop and buy one at any time. I don't know how "special" they are in terms of lore, but in the game they are just blaster rifles shaped like crossbows.


And as stated before, if pixels on a computer screen make someone feel that they have accomplished something of any value, they need some help.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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They're not the same bowcasters. They have different names and different appearances. For whatever silly reason that you feel you need to have something that nobody else has to feel like a special snowflake, you still have it. I got my bowcasters from the Chevin event, let some new people get new bowcasters from another new event.
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Never should have limited looks to one time events to begin with. Adaptive with MODS should have been the way of everything at the start, and all weapons should have a way to be obtained again and again.


The uniqueness would come in all the variances you have as a whole. If they make lots of options, you will see less clones running around (except for possibly the slave bikini look).

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