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Scantily clad player characters..


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I would agree with you execpt for your first sentence, there are people who still treat women with disdain. Similarly, yes whilst we now have a choice, a woman who chooses to dress their female character in a slave outfit is likely to be branded a s***.


My personal view on feminism or equality in general is that it's about opportunity and respect. Having the choice to do something is fine, but people are often chided for these choices. The choice you speak of is often less of a choice when the consequence is not what you desire.


of course there are, didn't I say as much. your rant came across though as claiming that everyone dressing their character skimpily, does that out of bad reasons.


and people regarding skimpily dressed woman as a ****? is not a problem of that woman. THAT is an unfeminist thing to say, blaming the woman for how she dresses, not the people who are judging her and deriding her for it. its like blaming assault victim for getting assaulted, not the person who did the assaulting.


the whole point of feminism is to achieve respect for variety of choices, NOT reinforce the idea that some choices are undesirable.


**** shaming is the opposite of feminism.

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You are probably going one level deeper then what most people want to go. There's visual immersion and then theres the additional stuff you are talking about. I dont RP so it doesnt bother me that there is OOC stuff going on. I want my star wars game to look like a star wars game. Not some poster or advertisment to a star wars themed strip club.


But see you can choose not to read chat, or you can change it to "other" and you can choose not to participate in group events or the LFG tool. You can even go to an RP server and find a heavy RP guild. But it's kinda hard to ignore the many half naked troopers, bounty hunters and jedi running around in front of me.


I do get your point, and I didn't mean to suggest that I think it's a non issue overall...I know it is important to some people.


Just not to me. There are too many things that break immersion in an MMO. You mentioned some you can avoid, but you can't avoid others. I think that I get much better immersion from single players games. All MMOs break immersion to some extent because of...well...the nature of an MMO.


One of the biggest immersion breakers for me is actually combat. See, I loved combat in TFU...I really felt like a powerful force user. In this game...not so much. Not only is the effects toned down quite a bit (which is understandable), you are very limited based on class as to what you can do and the weapons you can use (again, understandable based on the game design).


Kind of silly I can't use a carbine as a BH, or being restricted on the type of lightsaber I can use. I understand blasters for smugglers, but we have seen smugglers use rifles.


And I will not even begin talking about "light side sith" or Bounty Hunters/Smugglers choosing a side.


Again, that doesn't mean that visual immersion is unimportant or trivial. I find the argument back and forth a bit silly, but other than that I think it's a valid issue for some folks.


It is just only one of many issues for me immersion wise...I usually let it slide in MMOs.

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of course there are, didn't I say as much. your rant came across though as claiming that everyone dressing their character skimpily, does that out of bad reasons.


and people regarding skimpily dressed woman as a ****? is not a problem of that woman. THAT is an unfeminist thing to say, blaming the woman for how she dresses, not the people who are judging her and deriding her for it. its like blaming assault victim for getting assaulted, not the person who did the assaulting.


the whole point of feminism is to achieve respect for variety of choices, NOT reinforce the idea that some choices are undesirable.


**** shaming is the opposite of feminism.


Whilst I was only trying to convey that there is still an issue of women being treated disrespectfully in games, seems I didn't quite get it right, or not written it well enough.


I'm not suggesting that women who choose to dress like that SHOULD be called S***s I'm saying that they will be because some people are morons, and that's the issue. We haven't achieved that respect, so whilst we have the choice, we don't have the respect.

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Whilst I was only trying to convey that there is still an issue of women being treated disrespectfully in games, seems I didn't quite get it right, or not written it well enough.


I'm not suggesting that women who choose to dress like that SHOULD be called S***s I'm saying that they will be because some people are morons, and that's the issue. We haven't achieved that respect, so whilst we have the choice, we don't have the respect.


the thing is... we won't be gaining acceptance, let alone respect if we give in to the notions that we cannot do something just because some jerk will sneer at it. that's allowing bully to win.


like I said, there's a big difference between forced skimpy armor, glaringly unequal sexualization and just having variety of options. TOR is certainly not perfect, or perfectly equal in that regard. but its still a step in a right direction. can't stop jerks from being jerks. but rising above it? that's possible. not letting some jerk stop you from doing something you find enjoyable? I'd say that's necessary.


there's a big hoopla about women not belonging in gaming right now. some jerks at E3 opened their mouths and stupidity came out. does that mean women should just shut up and take it, accept it and chafe under unfairness of it? not at all.


for me at least, i cannot allow knowing that out there somewhere, some jerk I don't even know, and most likely never interact with salivating over virtual flesh, stop me from amusing myself with cute skimpy outfits that make sense for my character, I cannot let them stop me from having fun my way.

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What you need to remember is that 99% of the player base is male. So you give that 99% the ability to dress a female character in next to nothing, allow their companions to be dressed in the same way. Then allow their female characters to "romance" other female characters and finally give them the ability to name said characters how they like.

Bingo - percentage of the game population happy.

However what BW fail to have noticed is that the majority of that 99% of male gamers is not in the 12-15yr old schoolboy category, so those additions were simply not required.

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Whilst I was only trying to convey that there is still an issue of women being treated disrespectfully in games, seems I didn't quite get it right, or not written it well enough.


I'm not suggesting that women who choose to dress like that SHOULD be called S***s I'm saying that they will be because some people are morons, and that's the issue. We haven't achieved that respect, so whilst we have the choice, we don't have the respect.


Hey, i get called a moron for having my Sith Warrior in Bounty Hunter armor every now and then... doesnt mean im to blame. Doesnt mean i shouldnt dress him up in Bounty Hunter armor anyway.

Just that i have an ignore list that gets used alot.

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What you need to remember is that 99% of the player base is male. So you give that 99% the ability to dress a female character in next to nothing, allow their companions to be dressed in the same way. Then allow their female characters to "romance" other female characters and finally give them the ability to name said characters how they like.

Bingo - percentage of the game population happy.

However what BW fail to have noticed is that the majority of that 99% of male gamers is not in the 12-15yr old schoolboy category, so those additions were simply not required.


I can make up crap all day too but you are pretty naive if you sincerely believe women only make up 1% of the gamer population at large, let alone in this game. And pretty sheltered if you think only males ( and pubescent ones at that) want those options. Hint: not only do women fart they also reek when they do.

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advertising companies have done psychological studies for decades on what people want to see in the way of people in commercials.

the information they have also goes for what people want to see as news casters.

it works for what people want to see in movie stars.

and even store clerks.

so why shouldn't it work for fantasy game avatars?


those studies show that all people male. female. and otherwise want to see YOUNG scantly clad, painfully thin females with large breasts and deep, exposed cleavage in the rump.


the number of people that don't want this may be vocal but are so few that they are statistically irrelevant.




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..and companions.


I find this funny. I'm no prude. Two of my female toons have the relaxed uniform top, in fact, but jeez. I see less vitual flesh in Tera.


Err.....Either we don't play the same game, or every player on your server is an Aman or a Baraka.....:p

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advertising companies have done psychological studies for decades on what people want to see in the way of people in commercials.

the information they have also goes for what people want to see as news casters.

it works for what people want to see in movie stars.

and even store clerks.

so why shouldn't it work for fantasy game avatars?


those studies show that all people male. female. and otherwise want to see YOUNG scantly clad, painfully thin females with large breasts and deep, exposed cleavage in the rump.


the number of people that don't want this may be vocal but are so few that they are statistically irrelevant.





There's also studies that show all MMO players want to play nothing but WoW-clones. Yet, every new clone fails like Waterworld.

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advertising companies have done psychological studies for decades on what people want to see in the way of people in commercials.

the information they have also goes for what people want to see as news casters.

it works for what people want to see in movie stars.

and even store clerks.

so why shouldn't it work for fantasy game avatars?


those studies show that all people male. female. and otherwise want to see YOUNG scantly clad, painfully thin females with large breasts and deep, exposed cleavage in the rump.


the number of people that don't want this may be vocal but are so few that they are statistically irrelevant.





Fascinating. Please give me a link to those studies.

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Are we playing the same game? All of my female armor completely covers my characters and there is at least some choice in this game as to what you want to wear in terms of styles. Other games have different models for female and male characters that make every single piece of female gear "sexy".


In my opinion, this game is way different than others and the females are not wearing ridiculous outfits, but maybe that's just my experience. I also haven't noticed any game art that depicts women in skimpy clothing either. Kudos for that.

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I'm glad there is at least one skirt option now. It's kind of ridiculous where we have the choice to be 100% covered or almost 0% covered and very little in-between. Why not long skirts with a high slit? Or more mid-length dresses/skirts? Or something that shows some cleavage without practically being underwear?


Seeing how beautifully the clothing is done in GW2 compared to SWTOR makes me sad.

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there's a big hoopla about women not belonging in gaming right now. some jerks at E3 opened their mouths and stupidity came out. does that mean women should just shut up and take it, accept it and chafe under unfairness of it? not at all.


O.O Seriously? Someone said women don't belong in gaming? Tell me it was at least a loud mouth gamer in the background and not some developer caught talking to someone!

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O.O Seriously? Someone said women don't belong in gaming? Tell me it was at least a loud mouth gamer in the background and not some developer caught talking to someone!


I think it was a developer. They probably grew up when video games were predomently a male activity.

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I understand the frustration of some of you ladies at being judged based on how you're dressed, but I'd just like to point out that this isn't the patriarchy trying to keep you down. People of both sexes are judged by strangers all the time based on how they're dressed. And there's nothing wrong with it.


See, if I go to a job interview wearing ratty jeans and a "Suck my *****" t-shirt, I guarantee you I'm not getting that job, no matter how perfectly qualified I am on paper. It's because I've chosen to present myself as the sort of person they'd rather not hire.


And if I go straight to a club afterwards to hit on women, again, I'm not going to do nearly as well as I would have if I'd bothered to try to look good. And the fact that I'd be reeking of flop sweat after that failed job interview wouldn't help, either.


On the other hand, if I wear that same outfit to a punk rock show, people will be more likely to talk to me than they would if I were wearing a nice suit and expensive shoes. I'd fit the atmosphere better, and they'd be less likely to think I had some ulterior motive for being there.


Oh, and while we're on that subject... You know how restaurants have those signs reading "No shirt, no shoes, no service?" Well, guess what? They expect you to wear pants, too. Pretty silly, huh? They just expect you to, like, know that. Without them even telling you. Now, is that fair? I'd tell you how I learned this, but my lawyer has advised me not to talk about the incident right now.

Edited by nateslice
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I can make up crap all day too but you are pretty naive if you sincerely believe women only make up 1% of the gamer population at large, let alone in this game. And pretty sheltered if you think only males ( and pubescent ones at that) want those options. Hint: not only do women fart they also reek when they do.


Have you got any kind of evidence at all to indicate that females make up any kind of recognisable percentage of the player base here?

You are telling me that people 20+ also go out of their way to dress onscreen sprites in as few clothes as possible? Sorry, but I still say the major percentage of people who use the "minimal clothing" options are male and 12-15.

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Problem is most parents dont take interest in their kids play time. I mean letting you kid buy GTA IV if he's only 14yrs is so wrong in many ways, but they do it just to let him shut up and leave them alone. This is fact. Age restriction is there for a reason not because it feels right.
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in other words.... in game mimics real life. :)

True. I see some characters that look pretty ridiculous but certainly nothing more outrageous than you'd see on the People of Walmart website, lol.

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