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Encrypted Datacube: Story content in the cartel market?


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I understand everyone here is mad with this and so i am( i found out about this thanks to this Thread), but honestly i think its pointless to even post when there is people telling us to go to Youtube to watch the cutscenes( why even do the class quests then? go pvp and see your quests on Youtube) the cartel market for me is just a cancer that keeps growing, that is my opnion, so please dont tell me that the CM is important to get content into the game, because it did through Cartel Packs(i dont care how common the cubes are), when we see things like the youtube argument and saying that those cutscenes are flufly just to defend the market, i think there is nothing more to be said, i have given up, i admire everyone else here trying to show bioware that you do not approve of this, but its pointless, they do not care about the our Feedback, they will keep doing that with the CM, and since there are people here WHO actually like the ideia of getting story content from packs (i dont get care if its just a few lines IS STORY content) i find it really hard that this will change.
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This is wrong on such a fundamental level. To those that say it's just a little thing & if you want it that bad just buy it off the GTN: your apathy is what has allowed this to happen & what will allow it to continue to escalate.


The Cartel Market has been given far more attention than any other aspect of the game since it was launched. Now it has reached a turning point. I have been upset with the cartel Market for a while now, but using it to release new story content is absolutely unacceptable. If we as a community don't put our feet down right now, I wager it won't be long before we see the first Cartel FP or even Cartel Market exclusive op pass. Maybe they'll even just bypass that entirely & make the next highest tier of gear exclusive to the Cartel Market.


With more & more elements of the game being tied into the Cartel Market, it won't be long before everything revolves around it. Mark my words; this pattern will continue if we don't put a stop to it now! We must draw a line in the sand now that aesthetic items are one thing, but when the newest content is now tied to the Cartel Market, this game will die. And should it reach that point, we have no one to blame but ourselves.


"Apathy is death."

- Darth Traya

Edited by revan_worshipper
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The Cartel Market has been given far more attention than any other aspect of the game since it was launched.


I just want to comment on this -- can people please stop making stuff like this up?


CM content = much easier to produce. Re-skinned (or, like at least one of the new sets, not changed at all) armor is DEAD simple to add into the game. In fact, any armor is really rather easy.


I doubt it is being given any more attention than the rest of the game -- it just happens to release content faster. Yeah, that is a problem -- but it isn't directly related to the CM. It isn't like the level designers and programmers are working on CM content. . .

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I just want to comment on this -- can people please stop making stuff like this up?


CM content = much easier to produce. Re-skinned (or, like at least one of the new sets, not changed at all) armor is DEAD simple to add into the game. In fact, any armor is really rather easy.


I doubt it is being given any more attention than the rest of the game -- it just happens to release content faster. Yeah, that is a problem -- but it isn't directly related to the CM. It isn't like the level designers and programmers are working on CM content. . .

Still, the remainder of the concerns are valid. Yes, CM is produced much faster, because it is easier, nobody with half ounce of sense can argue with that. But, we simply cannot remain silent while playable content and story content is pushed through Cartel market.

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Still, the remainder of the concerns are valid. Yes, CM is produced much faster, because it is easier, nobody with half ounce of sense can argue with that. But, we simply cannot remain silent while playable content and story content is pushed through Cartel market.




The entire point I was making is that as long as there is that one in two, or five, or ten guy that keeps jumping to defend the Cartel Market, this situation will only get worse. If we keep giving them an inch, they will continue to take miles just as they have done so far.

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The entire point I was making is that as long as there is that one in two, or five, or ten guy that keeps jumping to defend the Cartel Market, this situation will only get worse. If we keep giving them an inch, they will continue to take miles just as they have done so far.


Yup. And when they overstep their bounds, they'll apologize and tell us they care...and then go right back to doing it again.

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This was coming........


EA (Bioware) could have used there extra cash from the CM to really invest back in to the game, make it really profitable.


Unfortunately EA has there own way of doing business, If you have something good, milk it until its rotten.

Edited by Jrea
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but honestly i think its pointless to even post when there is people telling us to go to Youtube to watch the cutscenes( why even do the class quests then? go pvp and see your quests on Youtube)


I can't stand to watch any class quests on youtube, because with class quests, or in combat I'm actually involved in the story with my character. When I see someone else's character, it completely ruins my immersion. Seeing one NPC doing a monologue does not break my immersion. And comparing it to watching PVP is just silly. It's all about control over your character and being part of something.


I'm not saying this to defend the decision, but people keep making really ridiculous arguments. The important point is that people don't want to see actual important stories get put on the CM. If they stopped here, after a while nobody will care. People are fearing what it COULD become.

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I just want to comment on this -- can people please stop making stuff like this up?


CM content = much easier to produce. Re-skinned (or, like at least one of the new sets, not changed at all) armor is DEAD simple to add into the game. In fact, any armor is really rather easy.


I doubt it is being given any more attention than the rest of the game -- it just happens to release content faster. Yeah, that is a problem -- but it isn't directly related to the CM. It isn't like the level designers and programmers are working on CM content. . .


Thing is, it isn't made up. Yeah, a lot of stuff was reskinned but a lot of it is also new. There are more new CM items being created than there are new OP and FP items being created. And they look better. Also look at the crafted items. Look bad, not a lot of them...but the designers pull out all the stops on CM gear.


Before the CM, the gear you got from doing operations looked better. I won't say good because some of them look ridiculous, but the new stuff just looks awful.


While the CM is supposed to be dedicated to aesthetics, it should not prevent players from gaining aesthetically pleasing items through game play...but unfortunately it seems to have done just that.


And now they want to put cut-scenes and missions in to the CM? No, it's just another step in a bad direction and if players defend it or stand by and say nothing it will lead further and further down a dark road where everything new is going to cost extra.


It's a bad decision and EA/BW should feel bad.

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That is really strange that they would include any kind of story content into the CM packs. I got one of those and was wondering what the heck it was. I hope they don't do this anymore in the future. Without those cubes, we'll be cheated content...even if it is only a few minutes worth. >.>
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So this is the love that the developers were going to show the subs? Seriously?


I see things like this and again, I think to myself, why am I subscriber again? I know I know, there's convenience, quick-bars, bank-slots and quick-travel. I'm still not convinced even that is worth $15. But being forced to BUY story piecemeal off the Cartel Market is too much.


What a slap in the face. No question, subscribers should have had access to this INCLUDED with sub. At this point, I have to idea what EAware is trying to prove except to provoke people into canceling to see what the metrics will bring.


Pretty shameful.


* * *

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As others have said, it is not a problem of how "long" the story is, it is a story, piece of lore, etc. Adding that to packs makes no sense.

I do not really care about the cutscenes, as I can watch them online if I choose to, but I still think that STORY/LORE SHOULD NOT BE ON CARTEL MARKET


Again, it's only purpose is to make an item turn in for a pick of 1 of 3 static items is all it is. That is its purpose in the packs, the devs are giving people a chance with these cubes and the consequent static list of reward items to take a RNG slot from said pack and to let you pick something that you want with it. The "content" as people are calling it is just a way to make what would just be a rather bland and vanilla turn this item into that quest terminal over there to get your choice of reward into something a little more engaging. Something less boring for lack of words at the moment. People are just going pear shaped and ************ because that is what they like to do.

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So this is the love that the developers were going to show the subs? Seriously?


I see things like this and again, I think to myself, why am I subscriber again? I know I know, there's convenience, quick-bars, bank-slots and quick-travel. I'm still not convinced even that is worth $15. But being forced to BUY story piecemeal off the Cartel Market is too much.


What a slap in the face. No question, subscribers should have had access to this INCLUDED with sub. At this point, I have to idea what EAware is trying to prove except to provoke people into canceling to see what the metrics will bring.


Pretty shameful.


* * *



For all the "slaps in the face" people claim to be getting someone at Bioware must have one sore hand.....or maybe people just go ape **** and over react about damn near everything and in true form call it a slap in the face. I would almost suggest making a drinking game out of "slap in the face" but sadly as melodramatic as so many people seem to be the poor soul who tries to take on that drinking game would never live through the drunken stupor.

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Yup. And when they overstep their bounds, they'll apologize and tell us they care...and then go right back to doing it again.


Yep... I barely every play anymore. It's just Cartel this and Gambling Pack that. 2.1 broke my spirit.

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Apparently you can't, they bind I heard, and once you've used them, that's it folks...according to another post I read earlier.


You can however unlock them in the collections tab and use the ones you have unlocked on all of your other toons.

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I can't stand to watch any class quests on youtube, because with class quests, or in combat I'm actually involved in the story with my character. When I see someone else's character, it completely ruins my immersion. Seeing one NPC doing a monologue does not break my immersion. And comparing it to watching PVP is just silly. It's all about control over your character and being part of something.


I'm not saying this to defend the decision, but people keep making really ridiculous arguments. The important point is that people don't want to see actual important stories get put on the CM. If they stopped here, after a while nobody will care. People are fearing what it COULD become.

i am sorry, was i not clear or something? i did not say to go watch pvp, what i meant there is that if people are telling us that cutscenes are not important(you know because there is also planet quests which is the same for everyone), than why not just go get xp to level and go do simple endgame(hence the pvp comparision cuz it progress you without giving insight into the plot), i never compared it to watching pvp, i also love the little story side things, i even read all the mails, so for some people(me included) those cubes are a big deal.

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ZOMG Bioware lied to me again. I guess I will just keep posting on their forums hoping they stop. Instead of unsubbing and doing something meaningful, or just sucking it up and accepting this fact...


Because of the scope of this situation, I am not yet prepared to unsub. I am, however, prepared to voice my concerns and expect some kind of response from the Bioware team about it. Since the company has so graciously given me the ability to do so, I'm willing to try until I get a response.

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Because of the scope of this situation, I am not yet prepared to unsub. I am, however, prepared to voice my concerns and expect some kind of response from the Bioware team about it. Since the company has so graciously given me the ability to do so, I'm willing to try until I get a response.


GL with waiting for a major company to admit they are lying to people. ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaaha



I needed that.

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Again, it's only purpose is to make an item turn in for a pick of 1 of 3 static items is all it is. That is its purpose in the packs, the devs are giving people a chance with these cubes and the consequent static list of reward items to take a RNG slot from said pack and to let you pick something that you want with it. The "content" as people are calling it is just a way to make what would just be a rather bland and vanilla turn this item into that quest terminal over there to get your choice of reward into something a little more engaging. Something less boring for lack of words at the moment. People are just going pear shaped and ************ because that is what they like to do.


None of us who complain really care what the quest is or what is rewards. We do care that it is a quest/story/lore and it is on Cartel Market, something that they told us would not happen (all those fancy "CM is only for aesthetics" speeches). So we feel the need to let BW know we are unhappy with that. But people keep shutting us off because it is such a meaningless part of the story. If it was a "CM-exclusive" Flashpoint (which this could easily lead to if unchecked) the outrage would be much bigger

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Again, it's only purpose is to make an item turn in for a pick of 1 of 3 static items is all it is. That is its purpose in the packs, the devs are giving people a chance with these cubes and the consequent static list of reward items to take a RNG slot from said pack and to let you pick something that you want with it. The "content" as people are calling it is just a way to make what would just be a rather bland and vanilla turn this item into that quest terminal over there to get your choice of reward into something a little more engaging. Something less boring for lack of words at the moment. People are just going pear shaped and ************ because that is what they like to do.


oh i am sorry, but thats not the reason, i am REALLY sorry if you think thats the reason because it simple is NOT, if they wanted to give you a choice over that, they would not need to give you a quest with the Shroud talking important stuff that predates the story that is happening on makeb (plus other stufff that i am still waiting to see on dulfy) they could have give you a LOT of ways for you to choose one of those items, i managed to see only one of the cubes thanks to dulfy, and men i just dont know what they were thinking, but please dont make up stuff like, because if youre not a developer dont claim that the reason is that(omg its just not), because the cube that i watched, there was some pretty cool information and its Story CONTENT related to makeb, there is no defending that lol, the purpose of those in the packs i will no dare to speculate.

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I kinda feel like normal this is an over reaction much like the reaction to the Cartel Rep out cry. Which turned into nothing important really. Now if this leads to actual content through just CM packs - or buying them from the Market afterwards.


All indications are these are pretty common thus they will be dirt cheap on the Trade Market likely what BW figured would occur.

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