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Encrypted Datacube: Story content in the cartel market?


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I am all for giving BioWare money (and I do so each month), but I fear that this could lead to having to buy all quests in CM, thus almost rendering sub even more useless to some. I simply state that we must let them know we are not ok with them putting CONTENT on Cartel Market. Fluff is ok, content is not.



Yes, I do apologize for that outburst, but your suggestions like this one (not P2W = cool on CM) or your idea on chairs on ships (there are maybe 3 chairs in cockpit) are very dumb and show remarkable lack of insight.


That wasn't really less insulting... or childish... just saying.

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Keep drinking the koolaid son. If you honestly believe that the $ from this game is being reinvested into it, I dare you to show me a SINGLE reason you believe that. It's not true. The $ from this game goes to EA. EA develops the NEXT game. SWTOR is on a fixed budget, no matter what income it produces.


This is most clearly content delivered via the CM. To claim anything else is just ignorant or a lie.


Don't really need your help to support a legitimate concern. Your hatred of SWTOR and "the sky is falling" attitude have been well-documented. Thanks for not adding anything useful to any conversation.

Edited by jamesvasquez
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I am all for giving BioWare money (and I do so each month), but I fear that this could lead to having to buy all quests in CM, thus almost rendering sub even more useless to some. I simply state that we must let them know we are not ok with them putting CONTENT on Cartel Market. Fluff is ok, content is not.



Yes, I do apologize for that outburst, but your suggestions like this one (not P2W = cool on CM) or your idea on chairs on ships (there are maybe 3 chairs in cockpit) are very dumb and show remarkable lack of insight.


There are actually 6 chairs in the cockpit. More than enough for a full part of 4. You might think my ideas are "dumb" but at least I provided proof of an already in-game solution to the chair issue and all it costs you is however long it takes to finish coruscant on a Jedi toon.

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As they said, VA is easy, but Q&A'ing many different diverging paths is not. Recording a single stream of dialogue from one VA versues 16 character voices and 40 companion voices interacting with one another with diverging conversation paths is like the difference between microwaving a hot pocket and cooking up an entire banquet for a large party. You're arguing that the one person who threw the hot pocket in the microwave is interfering with the banquet.


No, I'm saying the one person who threw the hot pocket in the microwave should've been helping with the banquet instead of bothering with the microwave, as that one person would've saved time on making the banquet.

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Don't really need your help to support a legitimate concern. Your hatred of SWTOR and "the sky is falling" attitude have been well-documented. Thanks for not adding anything useful to any conversation.


Thanks for being a fan! As for me hating this game, you're incorrect. I love this game...if I didn't, I wouldn't care about it's development or bother posting anything, nor would I have a sub or two for it.


I'm also not sure what you'd like me to add that would be "useful"?! Do you think Bioware will listen to me? I post my opinions, the same as anyone else. They often include what "I" would like as well as support of other players desires, even on things that don't effect me in the least - like chairs...I couldn't care less if we ever have chairs we can sit in...but I can understand why other players would and I think it's a legitimate desire. Every other MMO I've played has had things players could sit in...I think it's a very reasonable request/expectation here.

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Let me just say, some of you may think of me as a superfangirly type of poster and such, which I probably am. But i have to agree, this is idiotic. That little interlude with the Shroud should be available without having to get a super secret datacube from a CM pack. Now, that being said having gotten one of those datacubes, I can say I don't even remember what the Shroud said, I just wanted the credit boom. So um, I have a suggestion to make. Change the cube to give a credit boom and one of the two XP bonus' and dispense with the trip to Nar Shaddaa.
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Thanks for being a fan! As for me hating this game, you're incorrect. I love this game...if I didn't, I wouldn't care about it's development or bother posting anything, nor would I have a sub or two for it.


I'm also not sure what you'd like me to add that would be "useful"?! Do you think Bioware will listen to me? I post my opinions, the same as anyone else. They often include what "I" would like as well as support of other players desires, even on things that don't effect me in the least - like chairs...I couldn't care less if we ever have chairs we can sit in...but I can understand why other players would and I think it's a legitimate desire. Every other MMO I've played has had things players could sit in...I think it's a very reasonable request/expectation here.


I apologize for speaking prematurely then. I just never see you saying anything positive about the game at all.

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I agree with the op, this is sickening, im already paying for content with a sub and through buying vanity items and armor sets, what's the point in putting story content in the cash shop when so little content was contributed with patch 2.2.


I was under the impression after 2.1 bioware received a severe scolding from the community about the lack of game content we recieved, and patch 2.2 would bring us what we wanted. All we got was more cash shop stuff and the same raid rehashed for the 4th time?. Putting story content in the Cartel market, no matter how small, is a slap in the face.

Edited by Shornboy
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I agree with the op, this is sickening, im already paying for content with a sub and through buying vanity items and armor sets, what's the point in putting story content in the cash shop when so little content was contributed with patch 2.2.


I was under the impression after 2.1 bioware received a severe scolding from the community about the lack of game content we recieved, and patch 2.2 would bring us what we wanted. All we got was more cash shop stuff and the same raid rehashed for the 4th time?. Putting story content in the Cartel market, no matter how small, is a slap in the face.


That's the funniest thing about 2.2, the claim was that this would be a content patch and was therefore devoid of CM "features". But of course, packs are not considered "features" by BW, and the "new content" is only accessible to a tiny selection of the playerbase (people already wearing full 72s). So for the majority (actually all) of the people I know who play (my guild, RL friends), the only things 2.2 brought were the new cartel pack and a little bit worse bolster to accommodate for Krayt Dragon gear.


Thanks for the great patch BW! Are the new daily quests in 2.3 going to be in RNG packs too?

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What they should have done is create four quests. One at 20, one at 30 one at 40 and one at 50. In place of the four datacubes. Then you go and do a short intro quest about the Shroud, giving you a forewarning of what is going on with the seeker quests. That way someone who might otherwise have not been all that excited to do those quests would be getting teasers throughout the leveling process about this endgame quest to find the Shroud.
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I apologize for speaking prematurely then. I just never see you saying anything positive about the game at all.


Fair enough. I actually do...but I do tend to side with players who have, what I feel, are reasonable requests of Bioware, which may make me look like an antagonist at times. My $15 per account per month is my "thank you" to Bioware imo, so I may tend to not shower them with praise like others do. :)

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Why aren't these datacubes scattered around the world? We could scan them with our EV-2 fancy macrobinoculars and get an achievement (Detail Oriented or something) for finding all of them and revealing additional information about the Shroud's plans.


Kind of like the MCR-99 droids. I enjoy going to planets and looking for hidden stuff.

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Why aren't these datacubes scattered around the world? We could scan them with our EV-2 fancy macrobinoculars and get an achievement (Detail Oriented or something) for finding all of them and revealing additional information about the Shroud's plans.


Kind of like the MCR-99 droids. I enjoy going to planets and looking for hidden stuff.

Because EA couldn't milk us for money that way, that's why. :( Edited by Glzmo
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I don't care if they are relevant or not - there was work put into this cutscenes and I really doubt that it was CM team work. We need to be really vocal about this - I feel like this is another test how far they can go with CM.


So I'm telling you right now BW - you've already gone way too far. Don't push it.


^ Yout known this getting old fast. Take DCUO for example if you are sub you get all DLC for free for just being a sub. Here it seems like they just keep edging closer and closer to that line to see just what they can get away with. I mean first it was starship pieces, then holyiday events, and now story content, what next? Right now the only thing I think off limits is end game gear. I known we need CM, I have spend my share, but base game is getting little to nothing when come to decedent items being added.


We have show we not please with this, not that have much faith it will do any good. Second off it just another way, like stupid Jawagram, to make it harder to get rare drops people really want. :mad:

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agreed putting story content in the cartel packs, even something like "minor unimportant exposition" is COMPLETE BS. if this becomes a regular thing I'm going to have to re-examnine my decision to play this game. I love it, my guild's great but ultimately currancy is the only language EA understands
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I'm sorry, I thought it was obvious that I was giving hypothetical scenarios to show where the extreme of "no p2w on the Cartel Market but everything else is OK" could take us - the bottom of the slippery slope. Let me rephrase my hypothetical scenario to be more clear.


If they added an Ops to the Cartel Market that had the same level of drops as Nightmare Mode Operation: Terror From Beyond, would that be acceptable? There would be no p2w because comparable gear is already attainable from an existing Op. The only things changing would be the story content and re-skins of Kell Dragon gear and fluff rewards.


Just because they have not, in the past, added a new ops without adding a new tier of gear, does not mean they can't or won't do so in the future if there is money in it. They said they won't, but we all know what that is worth. They could easily get around that by giving the op a new classification. For example (again, hypothetically) They could make a new ops, but call it a raid. They never said they wouldn't put raids on the CM. Hair-splitting for the win!


^This is what I'm getting worried about. Yeah I think they are far from adding raid or flashpoint to the CM, but people need to start realizing that 80% of this game can be describe vanity and not p2w. Even companion (same sex included), could easily be consider extra content and put in CM for set price.

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First they put armors in CM, i didn't say anything because i was not a crafter

Then they put races and appearances in CM, i didnt say anything because i wasnt a cosmetic player

Then they put story content in CM, i didnt say anything because i didnt play for story

Then they put FPs and OPs in CM, but it was too late to say anything by then.


^ This is so true, just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean you wouldn't be next. :D I mean really they can justify almost anything beyond higher level tier of gear and say it’s optional. No I don't think they are going to put flashpoints/Ops in the store any time soon, but who knows. They keep surprising me, not in a good way.

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^This is what I'm getting worried about. Yeah I think they are far from adding raid or flashpoint to the CM, but people need to start realizing that 80% of this game can be describe vanity and not p2w. Even companion (same sex included), could easily be consider extra content and put in CM for set price.


I think that is everything we worry about. No story or playable content (no matter how insignificant) should be put on CM for subscribers. If they want to try milk F2P (fat chance of that happening) on it by forcing them to get SectionX-like passes, I am all for it.

Note that I am not asking for stuff like expansion pack to be free for subs, I am comfortable with paying for expansion packs (I call expansion pack the "X.0.0" versions)

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I think that is everything we worry about. No story or playable content (no matter how insignificant) should be put on CM for subscribers. If they want to try milk F2P (fat chance of that happening) on it by forcing them to get SectionX-like passes, I am all for it.

Note that I am not asking for stuff like expansion pack to be free for subs, I am comfortable with paying for expansion packs (I call expansion pack the "X.0.0" versions)


Kinda hoping they put some of the most awesome endgame content in a RNG Pack now, just to see how many buy it and if there's any backlash from those who keep saying "I'm willing to pay extra for all this" :)

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No, I'm saying the one person who threw the hot pocket in the microwave should've been helping with the banquet instead of bothering with the microwave, as that one person would've saved time on making the banquet.


Cooks gotta eat too, son.


Hehe, sounds like you never made a hot pocket before, probably a good thing.

Edited by chuixupu
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Welp -- starting to look like August 22nd will be roughly my last day of SWTOR.


I WANT this game to be excellent. I'm running out of content that I haven't done (almost finished with all of the storylines). Grinding the same OPs isn't fun, PvP is boring -- there's not much keeping me aside from hopes, dreams, and guild mates.


We NEED more story. We NEED new content. PvP needs to be fixed and given love.


I can look past stupid bugs that get fixed or don't affect me. I can look past the horrid engine. What I can't look past? No new content being added outside the CM.


NiM SV & TFB is not new. 2.3 and 2.4 would have to be fairly large to keep people around. They haven't earned any confidence when a "major" patch is as small as 2.2.


:( I'm just worried about how you tell guildies they need to find a new healer.

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