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Dread Guards Nightmare overtuned

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Yeah, other have already said that. And I answered that while I did overlook that for this particular fight, my concern was more with wishes that every fight should be tuned this tight.


Now, don't get me wrong here. I wouldn't mind if nightmare mode was indeed tuned this tightly for every fight. But if it was, gear progression would need to be addressed somehow. I also favor NiM and HM not sharing a lockout, and from that perspective having the second boss being the brick wall is pretty bad.


Personally I think developers should release nightmare tiers tuned at the same level as the DG fight and leave it like that for as long as it took for the next NiM to come out. That should give the top tier guilds enough time to get their clears on that challenge level and sort out the rankings. Then relax enrage timers somewhat so it can be completed by the second tier of guilds as well. Don't revamp mechanics or anything, just adjust the enrage timer slightly (maybe another minute on the DG, that's a number I've seen thrown around).


Suggestion in red

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Speaking from someone who has over a dozen World and US firsts in WoW, this fight is not possible right now.


I have beat my head against a wall, I've worked on bosses for weeks to get firsts, and I've done ridiculous strats to think outside the box. This fight right now is NOT possible given the current enrage timer. It isn't like we can get better gear, we're all BiS in full 72 with optimal augments and relics. KeyboardNinja, go in there, see it for yourself, and I promise you no one will kill this fight in its current iteration.


And you are either lying or cheating somehow because it is currently impossible to be fully BiS on enhancments AND armorings. Assuming you have been clearing all content every week and not cycling any players you may have all 72s in your raid but getting the proper enhancements will take another 8 weeks of running HM. And don't tell me people canRE and we had em crafted because II'm almost positive your server is just like POT5 where the only enh known right now are the crappy ones. So no, people have a little room to move before being BiS 72s as an entire raid.

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And you are either lying or cheating somehow because it is currently impossible to be fully BiS on enhancments AND armorings. Assuming you have been clearing all content every week and not cycling any players you may have all 72s in your raid but getting the proper enhancements will take another 8 weeks of running HM. And don't tell me people canRE and we had em crafted because II'm almost positive your server is just like POT5 where the only enh known right now are the crappy ones. So no, people have a little room to move before being BiS 72s as an entire raid.


Alt runs...

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And you are either lying or cheating somehow because it is currently impossible to be fully BiS on enhancments AND armorings. Assuming you have been clearing all content every week and not cycling any players you may have all 72s in your raid but getting the proper enhancements will take another 8 weeks of running HM. And don't tell me people canRE and we had em crafted because II'm almost positive your server is just like POT5 where the only enh known right now are the crappy ones. So no, people have a little room to move before being BiS 72s as an entire raid.



*** are you talking about?


I crafted 5 enhancements since tuesday, right now I have full 72 enhancements (proper power ones)


Infact, you couldve had all 72 mods and armorings/relics before tuesday if you have been winning a single piece of HM gear per lockout (which is not true because there are 10 pieces (excluding bracer/belt as you can pretty much get them without drops) drop in HM and only 8 players, so you will likely have players winning multiple items per run anyway).


Now you can craft Implants and enhancements. I don't see why you couldn't be in full 72s.

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And you are either lying or cheating somehow because it is currently impossible to be fully BiS on enhancments AND armorings. Assuming you have been clearing all content every week and not cycling any players you may have all 72s in your raid but getting the proper enhancements will take another 8 weeks of running HM. And don't tell me people canRE and we had em crafted because II'm almost positive your server is just like POT5 where the only enh known right now are the crappy ones. So no, people have a little room to move before being BiS 72s as an entire raid.


Before you start slinging mud and name calling perhaps you should think. Alt runs are very useful in gear people out.

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And you are either lying or cheating somehow because it is currently impossible to be fully BiS on enhancments AND armorings. Assuming you have been clearing all content every week and not cycling any players you may have all 72s in your raid but getting the proper enhancements will take another 8 weeks of running HM. And don't tell me people canRE and we had em crafted because II'm almost positive your server is just like POT5 where the only enh known right now are the crappy ones. So no, people have a little room to move before being BiS 72s as an entire raid.


Just like Pot5? In Chosen, we know all the BiS enhancements and have 16+ players in full BiS (at least for enhancements). The gear limitation is the UW implants and relics, but even the implants are already craftable in some cases.

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lol there's a lot of people out there that belive there's only 2 dps classes to play. Let them believe what they want.


Imagine a world...a world filled with...snipers....and marauders...a world where juggernauts cannot hold aggro...a world where the healer yells at the marauders for standing too close...a world without MERCS!

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I don't know, an off taunt and cooldowns are very useful for enrages or eating (such as incinerate armour in firebrand and stormcaller) tank swap mechanics.


I agree, I used to run with a jugg dps and the taunt is very handy at times when "ish" hits the fan or when you want to go challenge yourself with 4-5-6 man operations hehe.

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lol there's a lot of people out there that belive there's only 2 dps classes to play. Let them believe what they want.


Hey snipers count as 2 classes. The ranged Sniper... and the rolley polley



I agree, I used to run with a jugg dps and the taunt is very handy at times when "ish" hits the fan or when you want to go challenge yourself with 4-5-6 man operations hehe.

Maull the Merciless! Guy who's always on your mind.

Edited by paowee
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Hey snipers count as 2 classes. The ranged Sniper... and the rolley polley



Maull the Merciless! Guy who's always on your mind.


Do not bring him up. I hear if you say his name three times, he appears and asks you if you lift, bro.

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I used to run with a jug dps in the days of EC and we were fine but the general consensus is still "why bring one saber when you can bring 2"

I remember back in the beta when jug dps was substantial higher than marauders too lol

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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Maull the Merciless! Guy who's always on your mind.


Hey I still think about him so it must be true lol


Do not bring him up. I hear if you say his name three times, he appears and asks you if you lift, bro.


This is definitely true, be careful...that's why i didn't bring up his name :)

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Just like Pot5? In Chosen, we know all the BiS enhancements and have 16+ players in full BiS (at least for enhancements). The gear limitation is the UW implants and relics, but even the implants are already craftable in some cases.


In fairness I was basing this on our server crafter thread... so given how nice your guild apparently is... thanks for sharing that with the rest of the server.


Regarding alt runs That is the first I had ever heard of someone doing alt runs to gear up their main... so I suppose that is also possible. But that seems like an easy excuse to try to get out of the claim I was trying to make.


In either case there are those who are claiming it is impossible at different levels of that spectrum so which is right? If itis iimpossible to get past 50% and someone gets to 40% then obviously you were not correct at saying 50%. There are those who say you can't have tanks and healers helping to DPs so you can't count those numbers, yet others have stated exactly the opposite. Could it be, just MAYBE you guys are not as "great" as you claim to be and that maybe, just maybe you have a little room for improvement?


I'm not saying it isn't overturned, but stating impossible is a strong claim.

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So who thinks tomorrows patch is going to be for this? I personally think its to fix terror enrage bug and maybe pve proc relics


Also heaven forbid the one bug fix we have all been waiting on that they happen to make a blue post about....... Wait for it.... SCALING THE PERSONAL STARSHIP DUMMIES!!!!! The most anticipated change in the game.

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Also heaven forbid the one bug fix we have all been waiting on that they happen to make a blue post about....... Wait for it.... SCALING THE PERSONAL STARSHIP DUMMIES!!!!! The most anticipated change in the game.


but finally you can see proper dps output vs a boss as a lvl 22 !

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