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Change dark ward back


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I've given it some time since the change. And I STILL hate the new animation. It's awful. It's bright. It pains my eyes to watch.


And because it's a huge ball of pink-brightness-of-a-thousand-suns it completely masks over any of the existing proc animations. I have to look really hard just to see any of them, and if I'm tanking I've got a lot more to do than put my face to the screen trying to look for proc animations, which for the sheer brightness of it all at the same time causes my eyes to boil in their sockets. Even mechanics aside it's impossible to tell what color my assassin's gear is, and also the saber because of just how overpowering that light is.


Slight over exaggeration aside, for the love of god please change this animation! Make it a shadowy haze, or tone down the brightness to 1 (from 1000 or whatever it is now). I want to see my assassin again. With this and the tank issues I've considered making her a DPS, though that would just be switching prone-to-spikyness-tank to a mostly-subpar-DPS.

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Ok at first i loved the new dark ward. but now..........


either please


1. keep the holocron and remove the overly bright glow or

2. keep the bright glow (tune it down a little bit!) and remove the holocron.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok at first i loved the new dark ward. but now..........


either please


1. keep the holocron and remove the overly bright glow or

2. keep the bright glow (tune it down a little bit!) and remove the holocron.




I agree, though i'd prefer the ultra bright purple glow leaves.

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Do you guys think the shadow's got a better animation for theirs?


A subtle ring of rocks which floats around your character vs. 3 rings (mid one being relatively large) of a datacron (why is it a Jedi datacron), plus an eye-bleedingly bright glow that washes out all color and animations. I'll take the shadow animation.


The shadow one also makes more sense. They pull rocks out of the ground, and the rocks block attacks. The assassin's datacron comes out of...nowhere, and blocks attacks...somehow. Maybe the enemy is too busy with their eyes boiling away to be able to hit you properly.

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A subtle ring of rocks which floats around your character vs. 3 rings (mid one being relatively large) of a datacron (why is it a Jedi datacron), plus an eye-bleedingly bright glow that washes out all color and animations. I'll take the shadow animation.


^ This. Its the massive eyesore of purple glow that washes out your entire character and even lightsaber color that makes me hate Dark Ward now. It needs to be toned the heck down.


Leave the Holocron (make it a sith one maybe)...and make the purple glow only show up once when you apply the buff, not a constant persisting glow through the course of its duration...

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I offer the following to the people who made the new Dark Ward.


Swinburne University: Basic Design Principles.


Please pay particular attention to the section on 'Visual Hierarchy'.


While I am being deliberately snarky because there are a number of eye-gougingly bad visual design choices in swtor, Swinburne does offer some really good courses through iTunes U (i.e. free).. go have a look.

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^ This. Its the massive eyesore of purple glow that washes out your entire character and even lightsaber color that makes me hate Dark Ward now. It needs to be toned the heck down.


Leave the Holocron (make it a sith one maybe)...and make the purple glow only show up once when you apply the buff, not a constant persisting glow through the course of its duration...

+1 on this. Why did I spend so much effort and credits to get the right gear look, when 100% of the time in Darkness spec I can't see $^#$ bc of the purple glow. Hey Bioware, this disincentives us from buying stuff on the Cartel Market. Get on it.

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did the new vibrant Colors improve the glowyness of the Animation? :D (Shadow player here:p)


Granted, I only really looked at it when we were fighting TC which is really sunny, but it did seem like even in the shadowy area of the courtyard that the brightness was toned down a little. I could actually mostly make out my character's armor color (my lightsaber is already purple so no test there) and I had an easier time seeing my procs.

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i see, i have never seen the shadow version. But i understand now.


Perhaps the purple horror could be removed, and instead make the holocrons have some glowing glyph's on them or something to show that they are charged with darkness.

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I am so sick of being hot pink. So sick of it.


BioWare, class rep, does anyone see this thread?


The Assassin Class Rep's response was on page 2:

It's just an animation...:(


I guess she doesn't care :(

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The Assassin Class Rep's response was on page 2:



I guess she doesn't care :(


No offense to any one but the class has bigger issues and it would be silly to waste one of the first 3 Q's we have on this. Maybe down the line after the first round this can be brought up. At the moment there are just for pressing concerns.

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This whole "we don't read the class forums ever" thing is getting a bit old.


2 months, 10 pages, and 90 replies later we don't get a peep. 40 minutes in General and the same topic gets the following response:

A giant pink disco ball ... OF DEATH! Seriously though: agreed on all counts, and just checked with the class design guys and they agree the visual effects should be changed to better match the darker purpler Inquisitor theme. We'll see what we can do!


Annoyances at the community team/developers aside, at least they're finally thinking of changing it.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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This whole "we don't read the class forums ever" thing is getting a bit old.


2 months, 10 pages, and 90 replies later we don't get a peep. 40 minutes in General and the same topic gets the following response:


Annoyances at the community team/developers aside, at least they're finally thinking of changing it.


Well.. that is a bit sad.

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This whole "we don't read the class forums ever" thing is getting a bit old.


2 months, 10 pages, and 90 replies later we don't get a peep. 40 minutes in General and the same topic gets the following response:


Annoyances at the community team/developers aside, at least they're finally thinking of changing it.


there's an easy solution if the devs don't read Class Forums then we shouldn't write in the Class Forums




Edited by DarthSpekulatius
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This whole "we don't read the class forums ever" thing is getting a bit old.


2 months, 10 pages, and 90 replies later we don't get a peep. 40 minutes in General and the same topic gets the following response:


Annoyances at the community team/developers aside, at least they're finally thinking of changing it.




Is it just me or are they punnishing the class forums when we behave well and rewarding us when we behave bad and posts in the wrong places?

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2 months, 10 pages, and 90 replies later we don't get a peep. 40 minutes in General and the same topic gets the following response:

Even posting in General doesn't guarantee that your topic will be looked at.

I've posted this one about a major assassin visual bug:




It's 2 months old as well and never got a response. My original intention was to bump the thread daily, but i got infractions for that so had to stop.

This is how "good" developers are communicating with us.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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With an Assassin tank as a main, damage spikes aside, this is my biggest reason for dissatisfaction. I don't mind the glow, it should be that and/or some dark purple mist. A cube that comes from nowhere, breaking into rotating runes, in my opinion, doesn't belong here and doesn't fit with any effect of any other class. I would love to see it changed into a dark fog that circles my character instead, that would make sense, or just removed as an effect altogether.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So. Sorc bubble. Dark Ward which in itself is radiant pink bubble with swirling thingies. Harhessed darkness. Another shiny showoff effects.

In the end we have this:



Just so you know it - inside of this white-purple orb of light is person with red glowy stick. :)


Also, I post in this color to hurt your eyes. I assume it was your goal to hurt eyes of every Darkness assassin out there, Bioware.

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