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My truth about swtor


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Fact. At 3 lvls above I am soloing Heroic 2+


If you are struggling to go at equal levels you need to look at your gear. The f2p model doesn't restrict your gameplay any more than other f2p of the same design/caliber. Look at the WoW f2p model...no ah, no bank, no more than 10g, max lvl 20, can't whisper, no guild, etc...


The F2P isn't meant to be a full version of the game people can play for free. It's a trial. People compare it to Rift, and other F2P/P2W games, but fail to mention that those games were HORRIBLE from the start.

If the guy's posting here, then (pure) F2P is not his problem.

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3. Agree. We were told it would be EITHER credits OR legacy level for the unlocks and it ended up being both. But again the people in #4 supported iit. More on that next.


Just want to point out here that they never said that. It was a misinterpretation by a LOT of the playerbase that this is what they meant, but it wasn't what they said. What they said was poorly worded but they never changed or lied about what they ended up doing with the legacy.


They said that it would either have an unlock condition (i.e., get to level 50, complete chapter 2, get valor 20, etc.) or require credits, nothing would require you to unlock it as well as purchase it. They also said that some features would only be purchasable, with no unlock condition. Legacy level is not an unlock condition, it's a purchase condition. They even joked at the guild summit that if you have a high enough legacy level to be able to purchase the ship GTN that you have earned the right to be a space hermit and never leave your ship.

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Fact. At 3 lvls above I am soloing Heroic 2+


If you are struggling to go at equal levels you need to look at your gear. The f2p model doesn't restrict your gameplay any more than other f2p of the same design/caliber. Look at the WoW f2p model...no ah, no bank, no more than 10g, max lvl 20, can't whisper, no guild, etc...


The F2P isn't meant to be a full version of the game people can play for free. It's a trial. People compare it to Rift, and other F2P/P2W games, but fail to mention that those games were HORRIBLE from the start.


Heck, some Heroic 4 can actually be soloed at the recommended level. There are many valid complaints about SWTOR, but the PvE being too hard is one I'll have to laugh at because it's clearly a joke: "HAHAHAHAHA!"

Edited by AshlaBoga
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The thing that the supporters and detractors of this game have in common is passion for the game. Really OP you love this game dearly, otherwise why would you put so much energy into such a rant? Like the crazy drunk old man yelling to the invisible person on the street about the shape of the clouds. It is either non-sense or you love it so much you have to put some strongly worded statement together about it.


Play the game or don't, at most your paying $15. to finish a single class story line (a month). Or play it for free and it can take longer. No one cares. There is an off button.

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you lost me when you claimed that people who don't agree with you are brain dead and that your truth is the ultimate truth.



you are not all that.


is the game perfect? no. is customer service perfect? no. are most of the "issues" you have complained about - purely subjective opinions? indeed they are.


you post can be summarized by a single sentence "I don't like it, therefore its bad"

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Yea, well, topic says it all, the blind braindead fanboy will be very offended of this post.The normal human being will agree with me


Having been an subscriber after 2 month playing almost non-stop and then decided to quit and delete the game, feeling much better afterwards, let me tell you the real truth about SWTOR:


1. Extremely BAAAAAAD Customer Support


I've only had to use customer support once and they seemed prompt. I'm sure mileage may vary. For me this is like any other product support. Like cell server providers or banks, every single one has people who have had no issues and those that have had issues. I'm sure there are valid customer support issues but again my only experience was a good one.


You should realize that your experience isn't the only one and be willing to look beyond your own personal experiences before making full judgements. That's not to say that the aggregate experience with CS for SWTOR isn't bad, just a suggestion.


2. If you think being a subscriber there you're free from money milking pay-to-win scheme, think again. Oh, and free to play? My butts! Don't make me laugh. Things are even worse for F2P players--and is intentionally made that way.


I'll go with, it works as advertised. I played this game in beta, post launch, after F2P, and up until now. I view F2P as pretty much saving this game. I still plan to play through every class story, since they are great and leagues above any other MMO story, so I want this game to last long enough for me to do that (and if new story content comes then it's a perk). F2P has largely allowed this to happen.


I also played F2P for a while, it as perfectly fine. The best feature of this game, arguably the only unique one, is it's interactive and well crafted (and voiced) storylines. You can play any class 1-50 and experience those for free. To me that's a *HUGE* value.


F2P was never promised to be absolutely free to do everything in the game. There is no business model behind that and to expect that is silly. Naturally they must get an average amount of players to spend a certain amount for the game to exist at all. If you don't want the game to exist then stop playing and wish for this sort of experience. The reality is you rarely ever get something for nothing in life and to be surprised that it doesn't work that way is a bit naive.


3. Super ridiculous Legacy system. You'll often wonder why this being enforced at all in the first place. Designed exclusively as a money sink device--subscriber or not. Same as Cartel Shop (this one is even more ridiculous).


Ignore the legacy system them. I remember when there was no legacy system lol, if you ignore it the game plays the same. I personally love it for a wide array of features, nearly all of which allow you to purchase unlocks with in game cash. A lot of the legacy benefits are great and some of them are even unique compared to other MMOs.


I love the RP behind it too, creating a complex legacy interaction between your different characters.


4. Extremely idiotic and annoying fanboys/asskissers squad I've ever seen (Due to being paid, maybe? Not sure. Don't care anymore) that always destroy ALL kinds of criticisms--even the nice and constructive ones, before immediately and suddenly being banned officially by moderator. Even should any incidentally exists, do not hope it will have the least bit of proper treatment, or further action (*** mode on).


The whole things almost feel like a religious, national ideology or something. Like they've got nothing better to do then defending what the outsiders can clearly see as a failed product. I mean: get a life, morons!


Conversely I'd argue how can you even claim it's a failed product if enough people are playing to complain this much about it lol.


The first step of success in a product is to get to the point people complain about it. That means people are engaged with it and want more out of it, which is a good thing.


The game is far from perfect but a lot of what people complain about on these forums are standard across all MMOs. I think this game engages on a whole new level with the story and interaction. That aspect is so highly polished that people expect the entire game to be a shiny diamond. In reality the rest of it isn't because of that. Time is a limited supply, when it's spent in one area it isn't spent in another.


The art and civility of constructive criticism is lost on a huge portion of MMO players these days. It saddens me.


5. Story-based content? Bull. It's different for like two classes per faction (Rep or Imp). The rest is the same. Choices in the story to have impacts in the game? Bull. Nothing's changed. Grind fest fapfapfap all the way 'till you bleed and die of boredom.


Each class has choices that impact that class story line. If you don't like it why are you playing it and complaining, save your time and go elsewhere. Obviously it engages you more than you are willing to admit or you wouldn't be *engaged* in this complaint post.


6. Coitus interuptus after reaching Lvl. 50 (the highest level cap in SWTOR, minus Makeb). One will wonder heavily what to do after which.


Welcome to the world of MMOs, it does suck but no MMO does it perfect and SWTOR has gotten a *LOT* better at this since launch.


7. Able to play as a fully single player experience? Bull. The game forces you to group when fighting bosses, despite having the same or below one's level--with insane HP and cranked stats to boot. Look at the star/planet chart in your ship for guidance of what level you should be before leaving or even hope to complete one planet's quests. Based on experience, it should be at least 3 levels above the written/targeted ones.


You can skip all heroic quests, they aren't required and are plainly titled. You can play all class quests solo, most quite easily. There are a couple cases that are a bit challenging, but that's intended.


8. Cartel Shop is a joke. Choke full of useless vanity craps nobody needs on the field.


That's intended. When a game goes to F2P (this has happened to many many other games over the years)... The first thing people requests is exactly that, that it only be vanity items to avoid the coined phrase "pay to win." Often that sentiment softens but this becomes a case of trying to please everybody is very hard.


9. The final nail in the coffin: BUGGY AND UNSTABLE ENGINE AND SERVER! Severe server latensy, graphical artefacts and crash to desktop be your true eternal friend and companion. EVERYBODY knows and experience it themselves but denied vehemently. Idiot. Don't bother posting a complaint or even constructive suggestion(s). Look up point 4.


I don't run into too many issues, certainly not that many more than most other games (single or multiplayer). The rendering engine is a bit weak in certain situations, but not show stopping, just a bit annoying in crowded places like the fleet. Many MMOs suffer issues similar, though SWTOR might suffer a bit more in this area.

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Yea, well, topic says it all, the blind braindead fanboy will be very offended of this post.The normal human being will agree with me


Having been an subscriber after 2 month playing almost non-stop and then decided to quit and delete the game, feeling much better afterwards, let me tell you the real truth about SWTOR:


1. Extremely BAAAAAAD Customer Support


2. If you think being a subscriber there you're free from money milking pay-to-win scheme, think again. Oh, and free to play? My butts! Don't make me laugh. Things are even worse for F2P players--and is intentionally made that way.


3. Super ridiculous Legacy system. You'll often wonder why this being enforced at all in the first place. Designed exclusively as a money sink device--subscriber or not. Same as Cartel Shop (this one is even more ridiculous).


4. Extremely idiotic and annoying fanboys/asskissers squad I've ever seen (Due to being paid, maybe? Not sure. Don't care anymore) that always destroy ALL kinds of criticisms--even the nice and constructive ones, before immediately and suddenly being banned officially by moderator. Even should any incidentally exists, do not hope it will have the least bit of proper treatment, or further action (*** mode on).


The whole things almost feel like a religious, national ideology or something. Like they've got nothing better to do then defending what the outsiders can clearly see as a failed product. I mean: get a life, morons!


5. Story-based content? Bull. It's different for like two classes per faction (Rep or Imp). The rest is the same. Choices in the story to have impacts in the game? Bull. Nothing's changed. Grind fest fapfapfap all the way 'till you bleed and die of boredom.


6. Coitus interuptus after reaching Lvl. 50 (the highest level cap in SWTOR, minus Makeb). One will wonder heavily what to do after which.


7. Able to play as a fully single player experience? Bull. The game forces you to group when fighting bosses, despite having the same or below one's level--with insane HP and cranked stats to boot. Look at the star/planet chart in your ship for guidance of what level you should be before leaving or even hope to complete one planet's quests. Based on experience, it should be at least 3 levels above the written/targeted ones.


8. Cartel Shop is a joke. Choke full of useless vanity craps nobody needs on the field.


9. The final nail in the coffin: BUGGY AND UNSTABLE ENGINE AND SERVER! Severe server latensy, graphical artefacts and crash to desktop be your true eternal friend and companion. EVERYBODY knows and experience it themselves but denied vehemently. Idiot. Don't bother posting a complaint or even constructive suggestion(s). Look up point 4.


1. I agree, the customer support is pretty lacking


2. Yes, I agree, they milk subscribers but you don't need to let them milk you. Don't buy anything extra. As for F2P, yeah, F2P model does suck but if you are a subscriber then who cares. I don't see any P2W items though.


3. Legacy could have been amazing if they kept going like they started it. The second legacy patch, that all perks were now per character, I knew they were going F2P and I knew the system was going down hill. Still, they have some pretty good perks in there. The money sink, on a per character basis, sucks but it is what it is. Got to have something to spend credits on.


4. Yes, this game does have some pretty avid defenders. No need to be rude or insulting because of it. Ignore them if you don't like to read their funny funny posts.


5. The story is excellent on the first play through. You can skip it from then forward and watch just the new class quests. If you think this game is a grind then you must be new to MMOs. Everquest was a grind. This game is not. I understand you point but to call it a grind is silly.


6. Not sure what you are saying here. Maybe im just tired but I don't understand how your sexual reference has anything to do with ToRs level cap.


7. They never said you would have a complete experience as a solo player. They never said anything about solo players being able to tackle bosses by themselves. You can level fully from 1 to 55 completely solo. You do not need to outlevel planets. You can do every single solo quest in game as a solo player. If you cannot then you, and I hate this reference, need to L2P.


8. If you think the Cartel Market is a joke then you don't need to worry about being milked because there is nothing on there you want.


9. Yeah, they do have engine problems and lag problems etc.

Edited by Soluss
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7. Able to play as a fully single player experience? Bull. The game forces you to group when fighting bosses, despite having the same or below one's level--with insane HP and cranked stats to boot. Look at the star/planet chart in your ship for guidance of what level you should be before leaving or even hope to complete one planet's quests. Based on experience, it should be at least 3 levels above the written/targeted ones.


L2P issue. You can do content 3 levels *above* without too much of an issue. Just gotta know your class, make use of a companion that compliments your class.

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I lol'd, point 2 says the game is pay to win then point 8 says the cartel market is full of crap no one needs! So where is the pay to win???


Exactly, this post is full of useless complaints and contradictions, good bye Blizzard employee

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