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Favorite types of personalities in WZs.


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Here's a few of my favorites:


1) Vengeance guy - He's out for vengeance. You scored in Huttball. He's going to chase you all over the map now, even back to your own health pack on your side, wherein you heal, turnaround and kill him. Sometimes the enemy team will have 3 of these guys at the same time.


2) Soresu dude - He's in soresu form. Wearing tank gear. No guards. Somehow he has less HP than everyone else (paradoxically). Will end the match with 0 protection, 120k damage and 27 deaths.


3) Forcequake guy - There are no other skills. If you stun him, he will stun break and go back to casting forcequake. Forcequake is all he knows.

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Too Cool for School Ninja


The rest of us use stealth in pedestrian ways: Capping at every good opportunity, smoking that red who's all over key team members, and so forth. This guy's on a higher level, lurking outside of fights or weaving through them; asessing, and waiting for the ideal opportunity to use his Real Ultimate Power as a god-tier ninja.


Some say he never unstealths to do anything useful. I believe we're just not capable of seeing fast enough to catch him at it or comprehending his complex tactics.

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The 'I'm not using cheap tactics' guy in huttball. The Sin/operative who says "i'm going into the EZ so just drop in the pit when you get the ball and intercede/pass to me". Only the rest of the team seemingly doesn't want to do this. They will continue to try to use the vents (multiple times usually until they finally get on the catwalk), wait in front of every fire trap and get burned down, every time. Sooooo painful.


As an addendum, the stealth who stays in the EZ longer than he should when it's clear by the 0-2 score after two possessions that his team isn't good enough to 7 vs 8 and he should probably leave the EZ at this point and assist.

Edited by Ridickilis
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The idiot who doesn't know how to play - Most of my teams are full of them at the moment.



  • The non-stealths who try to hold people off their pylon at hypergate with like 2 people.
  • The heros who don't pass in huttball.
  • The people who don't throw off-heals in huttball when ball carrier needs healing.
  • People who fill ball carriers resolve randomly.
  • Non-stealth dragging the whole enemy team to a pylon in Hypergate.
  • People who just call "incoming" with no number of enemies.
  • People who zerg nodes and leave nodes undefended or 1 person.
  • People who stay zerged at a node, for example 5 people staying to kill 1 person.
  • People who try to kill everyone defending a node before even attempting to cap it.
  • People who don't even bother trying to peal DPS off healers.
  • People who run the length of the map to get a kill.
  • Those that think every game is team deathmatch.
  • People who break stun after first mezz.
  • People who don't call.
  • Idiots flaming in chat because they get killed.
  • People who stealth out when carrying ball in HB to avoid a death.
  • Those that willingly die in AH pylon blast.
  • Those that jump into an enemy group in AH trying to get kill streaks.
  • People who have taunts and don't use them.
  • People who stack up and get AoE hammered.
  • People who rather fight at enemy spawn than defend doors in VS.
  • People who try to cross fire pits in huttball instead of passing when loads of enemies around.
  • Sages/Sorcs who don't throw bubbles on people near death (even if DPS).
  • People who get the ball in huttball then stand around doing nothing.


Not exactly personalities.. though, without these people my days would be a lot less interesting.

Edited by Jayshames
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The non stealther who follows other stealth classes to a node.



I hate this person with a passion.


Do you still hate him even if although he goes to the same node, he purposely take a different path in order to catch the attention of defenders where you're not ?


(In other word he's a bait)

Edited by Altheran
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2) Soresu dude - He's in soresu form. Wearing tank gear. No guards. Somehow he has less HP than everyone else (paradoxically). Will end the match with 0 protection, 120k damage and 27 deaths.


Oh Bolster, how you hate my HP every time I level.


Honestly I die about 27 times IF I guard people, and about 2-3 times if I don't.


Gonna go with:


Rambo: The guy who head first rushes a node solo vs 2-4 people even though we announced, and he saw us go to another node.


1337: The people who blatantly use speed hacks and reset hacks in pre 55 warzones.


Tunnel Vision Guys (as its always a pack): You killed their mara, ball carrier, or carried a ball. All 4+ will pound on you for 30-60 seconds for no reason other than to see you die, as your team takes a node or scores.


Tank and DD Killer: Pro at endlessly wailing away at the DDs and Tanks while leaving the healer alone to keep them up while they murder you repeatedly.


Center Pro Guy: Mindlessly goes for center/south at all costs and times.


Stun King: Repeatedly stuns everything near full resolve or with full resolve.


The non stealther who follows other stealth classes to a node.


Except when I'm bait. Course I also let them know Im doing that. Works like a charm every time, the two follow off to kill me while the stealthers ninja the node. Lolz all around.

Edited by Maelael
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The "Cap All The Nodes" guy:


Are you winning in AH? Doesn't matter, we need both nodes. He will endlessly feed them points at their node no matter what. Worst of all they always bring some friends or people will just start following them. Met this guy while healing on my Mando. I had only let a couple of people die so I had no clue how we were losing, of course once the board pops up and everyone in the WZ has around 3 deaths except for these guys that have 8-12 a piece.


Have 2 nodes in CW/NC? You better get that third one too. No matter how big of a push there is at your nodes these guys are at mid (it's always mid) getting shredded by the Op and Sin guarding it. We lose the node and never get it back because the other team knows how to rotate.

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The healer who heals while standing in an enemy orbital strike, because he thinks he's godmode with my guard.


OMG, yes this. Or the exact opposite of that, the leet kiting healer who runs halfway across the map to get away from that one and only Marauder hounding him when he could've just stood there and take his pitiful damage through guard and taunt.

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This Type on My Team

The people who call 1 inc at a pylon when there are two of them (your team). If just one of your team breaks off to help them you end up losing the node you are currently struggling for.


This Type on the Other Team

Tank with his pet pockethealer playing by themselves farming medals.

Edited by HuaRya
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I love the "Whisper Stalker". This is the person whose rage is so great that he follows you out of the WZ, whispering sweet-nothing's of vulgarity and hate to you. And in crescendo, he /ignores you before you can offer your apologies.
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Mine would be the guy/girl who tries to lead the warzone team with insults. Just two days ago I was playing a match of Novare Coast when I noticed an Assassin stealthing around south, I guess to plan his attack. When his shenanigans caused us to lose east due to lack of enough defenders, this assassin got mad. I mean real mad. So mad, I could see steam coming from his TOON'S ears. He began cursing us out and whatnot, calling us bad, telling us how we can't defend anything, and he also told a couple of the team mates a little something about what he did with their mothers. When I asked nicely for him to calm down, and reminded him in the nicest way I could that it was still early in the game and we could still win, he then proceeded to say "shut up wh*re, nobody asked you." I guess that was from the fact most people on my server know I'm a girl, and of course my feelings were hurt, but it was okay. I (sorcerer healer) and an Operative healer never gave him any heals after that.


Always willing to bark orders, and always the first to call others bad. :)

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I was going to say the "Huttball Hoarder" (guy who won't pass to you over the fire, but instead has to try to walk the ball over, only to get stunned and burn up) - but someone sort of already covered that.


So I'll say, the "Last Minute Quitter" - he's stuck it out all through the WZ until there are 40 seconds left. Then quits. Ensuring that someone will back fill just in time to see the score board. Hate this guy because I was just that backfiller. :mad:

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Every. Single.DPS. Who. cant. DPS.


im so sick and tired of seeing DPS players who simply cant focus, and cant even put up any semblance of contribution aside from being damage sponges to soak up hits more important and competent team members could be taking.


When I out DPS everyone but 1-2 people on my team when im full tank spec PT with 200K+ protection...somethings very very wrong. And sadly, it happens often. on teams with good heals/tanks the weak link is invariably the DerPS.


I list them as a personality type, because all they do is run around hitting things, so you would think theymight actually be decent at it, since they ignore all actual objectives.

Edited by SlimsPicken
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The non stealther who follows other stealth classes to a node.



I hate this person with a passion.


Flip side


I love this person when defending.


is the same guy that will cap....while u started capping 3 seconds before

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Most of the time its a fail but I have pulled it off as in meaning pull defenders off of another node or just simply take it. I don't do it often.


this has it uses. I do this from time to time when the enemy hits a node with 6+ people, leaving one defender. I only do this on a class i know i can 1v1 and 1v2 on (sin, op mostly), and i do a count of folks to make sure i can anticipate any stealth defenders. the move either takes 2+ folks away from the node they are focusing, giving my team the number advantage, or i get the node outright and if that focused node gets taken there's no loss in our ownership of two. It also puts some folks in a twizzy. A three-cap will start many folks squawking. The more time they spend sqawking in chat typing, the less they are doing to me team to get an objective :)


My facepalm is when you call 'inc 2 grass', and look up to see 7 people rushing to grass to help you kill that two attackers, leaving the other nodes completely undefended for the other 6 reds to freely capture them.

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Too Cool for School Ninja


The rest of us use stealth in pedestrian ways: Capping at every good opportunity, smoking that red who's all over key team members, and so forth. This guy's on a higher level, lurking outside of fights or weaving through them; asessing, and waiting for the ideal opportunity to use his Real Ultimate Power as a god-tier ninja.


Some say he never unstealths to do anything useful. I believe we're just not capable of seeing fast enough to catch him at it or comprehending his complex tactics.


Reminds me of the stealths who leave their team undermanned at south and always go for the furthest node in novarra coast. If they get it, they are so proud, and demand that the entire team come to defend, even though it is the furthest node from the base and the closest to the opponant's base. Which means that our team can't hold it. And taking it cost the south node. And then they try it again ! Usually by this time the warzone is a loss.

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The non stealther who follows other stealth classes to a node.



I hate this person with a passion.


Flip side


I love this person when defending.


UM IT DOESN'T WORK UNLESS YOU GIVE HIM A SHORT NAME. I vote for "You can't see me guy".

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