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Favorite types of personalities in WZs.


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Every. Single.DPS. Who. cant. DPS.


im so sick and tired of seeing DPS players who simply cant focus, and cant even put up any semblance of contribution aside from being damage sponges to soak up hits more important and competent team members could be taking.


When I out DPS everyone but 1-2 people on my team when im full tank spec PT with 200K+ protection...somethings very very wrong. And sadly, it happens often. on teams with good heals/tanks the weak link is invariably the DerPS.


I list them as a personality type, because all they do is run around hitting things, so you would think theymight actually be decent at it, since they ignore all actual objectives.

OMG. I could NOT agree more. As a lifetime DPS guy - who rolled a Combat Sentinel SPECIFICALLY to kill healers - I can't tell you how many hundred of times I've put a mark on a healer just to be the only person hitting them.


What's really surreal is watching an entire slew of DPS run around battering on tanks and other DPS, watching their health bars never move and never thinking to switch targets. They just batter on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, an on, and on, and on, and on.


It makes me fear for the future of our species.

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The non stealther who follows other stealth classes to a node.



I hate this person with a passion.


Flip side


I love this person when defending.


I see you share my deep hatred for *******es who do this to me constantly in regs on otherwise-easy caps. Can't count the number of hypergates where a jugg is alone standing right on the node and I've got force cloak ready for that cap and some ******e sniper or jugg follows me over there and brings a defender

And LOL @ groncho, so true

+1 and high five

Edited by JP_Legatus
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The "don't throw the ball at me" guy!


I feel no explanation is needed.


The "I'm here to fight" guy. - Best imagined with Voidstar door alarms ringing in the background.


The "Epic showdown healer" guy... and his adversary - Probably a Vengeance guy from page 1. Still locked in the same battle of prestige in the first room in Voidstar while the real battle is in the last.


Nice thread :p

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Do you still hate him even if although he goes to the same node, he purposely take a different path in order to catch the attention of defenders where you're not ?


(In other word he's a bait)


good luck on pugs forming any coherent thoughts let alone a productive one like that

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While I'm here I might aswell give some credits to...


The "Über pro ninja" - The guy who actually stealths and starts sapping reinforcements when you are capping a node. <3 <3 <3


and of course his less gifted brother.


The "QUICK KILL HIM" guy. The guy who breaks all CC on reinforcements so they interrupt your capping /cry


But keep trying Quick Kill Him guy, one day you might evolve into a Über pro ninja.

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The "don't throw the ball at me" guy!


Hey now.. I'm that guy!


Though, I'm a DPS sage.. so seriously, don't pass me the ball. If I'm waiting in the EZ, i'm not there for a pass, i'm there to pull you then assist you as you walk in. Sure, if I pull and you then get pulled back.. pass, but not until a pull is attempted.


Speaking of Huttball, I got two for this one.. First, the stealther in the EZ that thinks they can catch the ball while still in stealth. Second is the turret.. you know.. that guy who sits at the top of your sides center platform or your endzone and just attempts to dps/heal.


Alderann has to be as others mentioned, the "must have all three" guy. Though, just as wonderful (this fits into Hypergate as well) is the stand on the node defender.


Voidstar has to be at the bridge with the helper. That one guy that is 3-4 seconds behind and instead of trying to slow down anyone incoming, they try to assist with getting the bridge down.


Above all, my favorite for any warzone, the stealther late assist. It's that stealther that shows up to a inc call late and then comes out of stealth on his own just before the a defender dies. This is not one of those common occasions, but when it happens, I do cry a little. (and bonus points if someone actually knows what should be done in this situation)

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Second is the turret.. you know.. that guy who sits at the top of your sides center platform or your endzone and just attempts to dps/heal.


Well truth be told, you need DPS to lock down mid if you wish to have a chance at the ball, and it's not a bad move on the healers part to stay the h3ll out of mid and heal out from the top (as they have some LOS'able objects as well as escape routes) to avoid AoE/Spike bombardment. You don't need 8 people to move the ball to score, but you do need to lock down Mid as best as you can to have a chance.


From the end zone I totally agree...

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And I'm shocked nobody has mentioned this guy yet...(which has Real Gamers of Genius potential)...







  1. The guy who is coming out of the cloner, ignoring the map (and the indicator of which team currently has the ball), as well as ignores Ops chat filled with "DONT LET HIM LEAP TO YOU" and yet allows that Marauder or Jugg to freely leap to him down from the Pit getting a free score.
    And that's not the end...once said bad has had his mom verbally abused for 2 minutes, as he sits there typing back a "I was stunned" rebuttle, it never fails when that Marauder comes right back with the ball and LEAPS YET AGAIN to the same baddie...who after the 2nd time/score...finally leaves the WZ!

Edited by Pistols
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my favorite is the guy who immediately attacks the person i just mezzed in order to pull off a ninja cap. this happened to me in a civil war earlier today; solo defender who i hit with a tech override -> conc missile. a teammate behind me starts attacking the mezzed guy as soon as i start to cap. luckily said defender got tunnel vision and left me alone. but i had very nice things to say in ops chat while the timer was ticking on the cap lol
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The Hutballer who has the ball but hasn't brought "PASS" onto his task bar and will just keep running in circles until the other team finally get it off him...............thank gawd someone did.
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I love the "Whisper Stalker". This is the person whose rage is so great that he follows you out of the WZ, whispering sweet-nothing's of vulgarity and hate to you. And in crescendo, he /ignores you before you can offer your apologies.


Or the "I am gonna roll a toon at the other faction just so I can whisper this guy and say that he has a hard time killing me and that he is ****, but I am rly not annoyed by it that he is hitting me on his own the entire time but I'll just re-roll an entire new toon so I can whisper him just to say that"

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My favourite is 'The Defender'.


They will immediately run to Snow/Grass, East/West or the left-hand pylon and then sit there and give instructions to their team for the remainder of the Warzone. They aren't actually particularly good at their class, but they hide this under the pretence that they are "playing the objective". They could totally out-DPS you, but they're "taking one for the team" and holding the fort because they "don't care about kills".


They fill the chat box with useless crap for 90% of the Warzone. They will encourage and congratulate everyone if the team is winning, but as soon as you start losing they will turn on you:







Despite the fact that they are not involved in the fight at all, and have no idea what is happening, they will continue to give instructions and form bizarre tactical plans. Suddenly, an enemy player will attack The Defender. Because they overestimate their own ability, they will first try to kill the attacker. "Time for a solo kill!" they think. Uh-oh. They are down to 30% health and their opponent is still at 90%.




They die 2 seconds later.





They continue raging for the remainder of the Warzone. You lose, and re-queue. You enter the next Warzone, to find The Defender is once again in your group.


"Good luck guys! We can do this! I'll take Snow. :)"




Here we go again...

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Every. Single.DPS. Who. cant. DPS.


im so sick and tired of seeing DPS players who simply cant focus, and cant even put up any semblance of contribution aside from being damage sponges to soak up hits more important and competent team members could be taking.


When I out DPS everyone but 1-2 people on my team when im full tank spec PT with 200K+ protection...somethings very very wrong. And sadly, it happens often. on teams with good heals/tanks the weak link is invariably the DerPS.


I list them as a personality type, because all they do is run around hitting things, so you would think theymight actually be decent at it, since they ignore all actual objectives.


Yeah, bad dps kills the team; at least a slow healer contributes somewhat.

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Some of the "bad" things in here are also ways to win games. The one I really need to defend though is this.


1 guy running into 2-4 over and over again isn't actually stupid. (save for AH). If you can use 1 person to distract 2-4 of them at another node you are winning the numbers game at the node that matters. This is not stupid, it's incredibly useful. It's arguable whether doing this against 2 people will be worth it depending on the situation, buy any time you can hold up 3-4 of them you are making life so much easier than it could be for your team. In this case stupid is the team that lets themselves be baited.

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Some of the "bad" things in here are also ways to win games. The one I really need to defend though is this.


1 guy running into 2-4 over and over again isn't actually stupid. (save for AH). If you can use 1 person to distract 2-4 of them at another node you are winning the numbers game at the node that matters. This is not stupid, it's incredibly useful. It's arguable whether doing this against 2 people will be worth it depending on the situation, buy any time you can hold up 3-4 of them you are making life so much easier than it could be for your team. In this case stupid is the team that lets themselves be baited.


Yes, that's what i call "keep enemies occupied", but in fact i call him a "Lemming".

I'm often a Lemming, too, because of the obvious reasons stated above. ;)


But usually, after my 10th death there it's no fun anymore and I give up this tactic.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The guy in huttball that gets ball and heads towards his own end zone with everyone in group chat screeming outher way for him to then die and they score lol


The cap all nodes guys gotta be my fav.


The healer that screems no one helped him after i asked in chat any healers and got no reply


The voidstar defenders at attackers rez point when we struggling to hold a side


The voidstar defenders that stay for kills while attackers already at next door


the guy that goes afk in a corner, you vote to kick so he hits someone once and goes afk again so he dont get kicked


Actually this one is my fav, the guy that calls incomming when he dies.


Far too many to list lol

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The "F**ing Noobs" guy. When a WZ is turned against the tide by the enemy resulting in a loss, this guy will tell you how it is. This is the first line of communication you hear from him and the fact that he's very low on damage, healing, medals and haven't contributed much in general does not seem to faze him. Edited by Vandrain
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Doctor No, he starts giving orders to not do things ("don't go there!", "why isn't anybody doing that?") At the end, as nobody isn't doing what isn't said, he often voices the little consideration he has for the team's skill... always negative.
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1 guy running into 2-4 over and over again isn't actually stupid. (save for AH). If you can use 1 person to distract 2-4 of them at another node you are winning the numbers game at the node that matters. This is not stupid, it's incredibly useful. It's arguable whether doing this against 2 people will be worth it depending on the situation, buy any time you can hold up 3-4 of them you are making life so much easier than it could be for your team. In this case stupid is the team that lets themselves be baited.


It's never worth "distracting" 2 players, unless you are a useless player who cannot contribute in a fight.


Let's use Alderaan Civil War as an example. Your team holds Snow. The enemy team holds Mid and Grass. You have 1 defending Snow and 6 attacking Mid. The enemy team will have 2 defending Grass and 6 defending Mid. If you go to "distract" at Grass, it doesn't gain your team any numbers. It's still 6 vs 6 in the Middle and you are just going to continuously die at Grass. It's better to help attack Mid. Then your team will have 7 at Mid against the other team's 6.


Another tactic I see far too often is someone running to the enemy pylon at the start of Ancient Hypergate. 1 player from their team will be defending their own pylon. The other 6 will be going Mid. Therefore, the enemy team only needs to send 2 to kill the "distraction". They'll still have 6 in the Middle which makes it an even fight.


You should never go to "distract" 2 players at an enemy pylon. You can go to kill them both and cap. But "distracting" is a useless tactic that makes you look bad and hinders your team.

Edited by BuzzingFridge
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The 'Cap doesn't fit guy'.


You know who I mean. The guy who stands there watching you tie up multiple opponents and doesn't think to start capping. The guy who fights on and on as chances to cap come and go.


Closely related to all those who ignore the brief windows of opportuntiy to cap on all maps but huttball when the node is cleared, even when they are closest to it.

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