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Favorite types of personalities in WZs.


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My favourite is 'The Defender'.


They will immediately run to Snow/Grass, East/West or the left-hand pylon and then sit there and give instructions to their team for the remainder of the Warzone. They aren't actually particularly good at their class, but they hide this under the pretence that they are "playing the objective". They could totally out-DPS you, but they're "taking one for the team" and holding the fort because they "don't care about kills".


They fill the chat box with useless crap for 90% of the Warzone. They will encourage and congratulate everyone if the team is winning, but as soon as you start losing they will turn on you:







Despite the fact that they are not involved in the fight at all, and have no idea what is happening, they will continue to give instructions and form bizarre tactical plans. Suddenly, an enemy player will attack The Defender. Because they overestimate their own ability, they will first try to kill the attacker. "Time for a solo kill!" they think. Uh-oh. They are down to 30% health and their opponent is still at 90%.




They die 2 seconds later.





They continue raging for the remainder of the Warzone. You lose, and re-queue. You enter the next Warzone, to find The Defender is once again in your group.


"Good luck guys! We can do this! I'll take Snow. :)"




Here we go again...

Had this guy playing with me on the progenitor the other day


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... he then proceeded to say "shut up wh*re, nobody asked you." I guess that was from the fact most people on my server know I'm a girl, ...


Thats discrimination! As a former male prostitute I am extremely insulted by your implication that only females can be wh*res! I think you need to take a class in remedial political correctness!

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good luck on pugs forming any coherent thoughts let alone a productive one like that


Yea I only do that with people who I know aren't idiots (or figured it out half way through). I'd say 25% chance of them understanding what I'm doing, but about 99% chance the pug opposition falls for it. 8 warzones last night it worked like a charm, pulled 4+ people off a node to come chase me and a healer down while the derps got their crap together and took it about 1-2 minutes later than expected.


I love the people when I say "Me and Healer go left to draw 3-4 people, everyone else pound right, well join you when we die" and I end up with 4-6 people on left. Not sure what I'd call them other than "Muppets".

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The "Cap All The Nodes" guy:


Are you winning in AH? Doesn't matter, we need both nodes. He will endlessly feed them points at their node no matter what. Worst of all they always bring some friends or people will just start following them. Met this guy while healing on my Mando. I had only let a couple of people die so I had no clue how we were losing, of course once the board pops up and everyone in the WZ has around 3 deaths except for these guys that have 8-12 a piece.


Have 2 nodes in CW/NC? You better get that third one too. No matter how big of a push there is at your nodes these guys are at mid (it's always mid) getting shredded by the Op and Sin guarding it. We lose the node and never get it back because the other team knows how to rotate.


Yeah, this guy and stealth huttball at the end zone guy (I'm open guys! Why cant you get me the ballllll).


Oh, and defender guy - just the part about being too big to call an incoming until its way too late

Edited by islander
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Some of the "bad" things in here are also ways to win games. The one I really need to defend though is this.


1 guy running into 2-4 over and over again isn't actually stupid. (save for AH). If you can use 1 person to distract 2-4 of them at another node you are winning the numbers game at the node that matters. This is not stupid, it's incredibly useful. It's arguable whether doing this against 2 people will be worth it depending on the situation, buy any time you can hold up 3-4 of them you are making life so much easier than it could be for your team. In this case stupid is the team that lets themselves be baited.


You're confusing tank distraction (When it works) with guy that dies in 4 seconds to two people as any extras run off.


I'm talking about the people who rush nodes and give out free easy kills. Or that don't wait 20-30 seconds to move with the team instead of giving free kills.

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Thats discrimination! As a former male prostitute I am extremely insulted by your implication that only females can be wh*res! I think you need to take a class in remedial political correctness!


Haha, oh you :). Funny post but I don't go along with political correctness. Good laugh though, made my day <3

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My favourite is 'The Defender'.


They will immediately run to Snow/Grass, East/West or the left-hand pylon and then sit there and give instructions to their team for the remainder of the Warzone. They aren't actually particularly good at their class, but they hide this under the pretence that they are "playing the objective". They could totally out-DPS you, but they're "taking one for the team" and holding the fort because they "don't care about kills".


They fill the chat box with useless crap for 90% of the Warzone. They will encourage and congratulate everyone if the team is winning, but as soon as you start losing they will turn on you:


As a assassin I often find myself guarding off nodes. When this happens I consider it my civic duty to spam useless information into the chat box. Some of my favorites are:


"Don't worry guys, I'm AFK'ing the **** outta this node"

"Node secure, proceeding to watch TV"

"Node capped, pants down"


And when enemies start incoming I enjoy being extremely optimistic of my odds:

"4 inc, can probably solo"

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As a assassin I often find myself guarding off nodes. When this happens I consider it my civic duty to spam useless information into the chat box. Some of my favorites are:


"Don't worry guys, I'm AFK'ing the **** outta this node"

"Node secure, proceeding to watch TV"

"Node capped, pants down"


And when enemies start incoming I enjoy being extremely optimistic of my odds:

"4 inc, can probably solo"


ROFL. Nice.

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OMG. I could NOT agree more. As a lifetime DPS guy - who rolled a Combat Sentinel SPECIFICALLY to kill healers - I can't tell you how many hundred of times I've put a mark on a healer just to be the only person hitting them.


What's really surreal is watching an entire slew of DPS run around battering on tanks and other DPS, watching their health bars never move and never thinking to switch targets. They just batter on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, an on, and on, and on, and on.


It makes me fear for the future of our species.


Oddly I've found its mostly Sentinels/Marauders that do this lol.

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"The More You Know"




Well its good to know, I've been put off rolling a Sentinel/Marauder alt because I've not seen one played well enough that couldn't have been bettered by a Jugg, that and as I said, they tend to just run about and not really focus.


I do like the bleed masters though, it's like they don't know I can remove 2 at a time every 5 seconds. More to the point, why do I never see them go for that Sorc healer who cant remove bleeds?

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I do like the bleed masters though, it's like they don't know I can remove 2 at a time every 5 seconds. More to the point, why do I never see them go for that Sorc healer who cant remove bleeds?

More to the point, why do I never see them go for that Sorc healer who cant remove bleeds?

why do I never see them go for that Sorc


We need a name for this. The Maras that never go for the sorc.


I'll never understand why me on my Jugg or even on my Sorc are the only ones pounding on the healers (cause its always plural Imp vs Pub...), especially the super squishy Sorcs, and the maras are off painting their nails or attacking tanks and DPSers that get healed to full.


Having a good Mara is like a treasure, I don't blame the other team for focusing me down for revenge when I murder one of them.

Edited by Maelael
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It's never worth "distracting" 2 players, unless you are a useless player who cannot contribute in a fight.


Let's use Alderaan Civil War as an example. Your team holds Snow. The enemy team holds Mid and Grass. You have 1 defending Snow and 6 attacking Mid. The enemy team will have 2 defending Grass and 6 defending Mid. If you go to "distract" at Grass, it doesn't gain your team any numbers. It's still 6 vs 6 in the Middle and you are just going to continuously die at Grass. It's better to help attack Mid. Then your team will have 7 at Mid against the other team's 6.


Another tactic I see far too often is someone running to the enemy pylon at the start of Ancient Hypergate. 1 player from their team will be defending their own pylon. The other 6 will be going Mid. Therefore, the enemy team only needs to send 2 to kill the "distraction". They'll still have 6 in the Middle which makes it an even fight.


You should never go to "distract" 2 players at an enemy pylon. You can go to kill them both and cap. But "distracting" is a useless tactic that makes you look bad and hinders your team.


Yes, but then in the case of voidstar it works. There are only two nodes and at the beginning of the game is when the enemy team is the most split up, so if you can get a one person advantage by forcing at least 2 of them to defend one side you give yourselves an extra man on the other door. Obviously if they already have 2 defenders there that aren't moving you don't need to do this. If you do though they may call out that you're attacking and send way too many reinforcements though due to panic, giving an opportunity for the real target to be bombed. It's situational but to say it's never worth it is wrong. There is always value in deception but the person acting needs to be aware of the big picture. You don't even need to do it over and over and over again once they are too scared to leave a single defender.

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It's never worth "distracting" 2 players, unless you are a useless player who cannot contribute in a fight.


Let's use Alderaan Civil War as an example. Your team holds Snow. The enemy team holds Mid and Grass. You have 1 defending Snow and 6 attacking Mid. The enemy team will have 2 defending Grass and 6 defending Mid. If you go to "distract" at Grass, it doesn't gain your team any numbers. It's still 6 vs 6 in the Middle and you are just going to continuously die at Grass. It's better to help attack Mid. Then your team will have 7 at Mid against the other team's 6.


Yeah, and when everybody is zerging mid but getting nowhere, the 2nd defender at grass decides sooner or later that it's fine to charge to mid because they can just sit on grass. This leaves a clear opening, but nobody takes advantage of it and the match is lost. Alternatively, someone notices it and a couple of good players on your team are sent to grass and cap it, and then your team switches to defense and rides out the attacks.

I've seen it happen this way plenty of times---enough to know it generally works, where the team isn't smart enough to leave at least two defenders when they hold two nodes.


Another tactic I see far too often is someone running to the enemy pylon at the start of Ancient Hypergate. 1 player from their team will be defending their own pylon. The other 6 will be going Mid. Therefore, the enemy team only needs to send 2 to kill the "distraction". They'll still have 6 in the Middle which makes it an even fight.


You should never go to "distract" 2 players at an enemy pylon. You can go to kill them both and cap. But "distracting" is a useless tactic that makes you look bad and hinders your team.


Wait...what? I think your math is wrong. If they have 6 at mid, and send one to their pylon, they have one less at mid. Unless...they have 6 at mid, a defender, and...one stealther going to our pylon who can handle our lone defender(hinthint).


In any case, the idea is that the enemy team should NOT be left to comfortably sit on a poorly guarded node, especially if after several tries those at the well-guarded spot aren't getting anywhere. If there's a chance to grab a node that's poorly guarded, it's just dumb not to grab it (though there's an exception for hypergate---if you happen to be at theirs early on, keep them off the pylon, but if you grab it and lose it, well, you know).

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As a assassin I often find myself guarding off nodes. When this happens I consider it my civic duty to spam useless information into the chat box. Some of my favorites are:


"Don't worry guys, I'm AFK'ing the **** outta this node"

"Node secure, proceeding to watch TV"

"Node capped, pants down"


And when enemies start incoming I enjoy being extremely optimistic of my odds:

"4 inc, can probably solo"


LOL! I about died laughing.


Which brings me to my favorite WZ personality. The smart ***. They bring humor to what can be tense and monotonous.


From yesterday:

'Go left, ninja cap the node, and call inc.


'Got it. Go mid. Duel for half the match. Die stupid"

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I love the "Whisper Stalker". This is the person whose rage is so great that he follows you out of the WZ, whispering sweet-nothing's of vulgarity and hate to you. And in crescendo, he /ignores you before you can offer your apologies.


Haha, this guy rules! Then he'll un-ignore to get in another couple of rage whispers before re-ignoring.


My favorite is Mr. Under-achieving General.


You know, the guy who starts barking... I mean.... offering suggestions on strategies, followed by a polite "DON'T SUCK U F'IN NOOBS. He then spends his time in the warzone calling out commands and strats, chastising the failures. Because of his dedication to communication, he sacrfices his own performance; having 2 medals, <100k damage, 12k prot, and 873 healing. The stress of being a warzone leader never gets to him though, as he kindly reminds you that TOR may not be your game, and that you should unsub...

Edited by LordAragore
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Well its good to know, I've been put off rolling a Sentinel/Marauder alt because I've not seen one played well enough that couldn't have been bettered by a Jugg, that and as I said, they tend to just run about and not really focus.

I'm on Jung Ma, and I shelved my Vigilance Guardian for a Combat Sentinel after facing a Carnage Marauder named Dovah-sah.


That guy is a BEAST. It was literally like watching a blender go through our team with surgical precision. That was and @ss-kicking I was delighted to take, because you don't see that kind of amazing gameplay every day.

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