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Am I the only person that LIKES Space Combat?


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I like it.... I want them to take it further....


I want to see PvP with the ship battles....


I want to see Raids with the ship battles... Like, even though its not time yet, Attack on the death star. 5 4 man groups. each group has a role... 1 Handles Station defenses, 2 handle Tie fighters or X Wings, 2 Handle Capital Ships.



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Much more fun than the other MMO mini-games I'm used to.


Endearing, too. I like the commentary your character and your companions spout during the levels. For example, during the first Republic escort, my Consular just shouts "WHERE IS HE GOING?"


She read my mind.

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This. Make it so group members can board your ship and man your rear turrets or something. I did and escourt and enemy fighters were constantly coming in from the rear of me, how great would it be to have a tail gunner or two?


The space portion of the game itself is more like like a seperate mini game which is a little sad. It feels quite disconnected from the rest of the game.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assure you this aspect of the game will see improvement over time... Just the fact that it's enjoyable on the release version is amazing enough...

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Nope. I love it. I only played two missions so far but it is awesome. I come from playing SWG for 8 years, so it is nothing like that in terms of size, but it is wicked never-the-less.


The graphics are cool and being able to fight capital ships, waves of enemies, etc., is really fun. They did a pretty good job on it.

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I like it for what it is.. a nice diversion and a real "mini game" inside the larger rpg. Kinda like the speeder races in SW:KoToR. I can see there being some expansion opportunities, in the distant future, relative to groups/pvp/missions, etc.


good job devs!

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Tunnel shooters are a legitimate game, and several of them did quite well on their own (think Rogue Squadron). This space combat is really just a simplified tunnel shooter, so if that's what you like then you'll probably enjoy this as a mini game.


Personally I hate tunnel shooters or any "on rails" levels in other games, and consequently I don't like SWTOR's implementation and will avoid it as much as possible (although I'll grind out any storage upgrades, it'll be grinding, not playing).


So, no, you're not the only person who likes it. The split is fairly even and I'm glad some people enjoy the work they've put in. The forums were wiped for launch, but there was a fairly "energetic discussion" on this point across several threads in the beta forums (the same type of friendly discussion we see on the queues now). We determined that everyone hates everyone else, everyone but the most recent poster is a complete idiot, about half the people love space combat as is and the other half hate it... and BioWare was putting in a tunnel shooter.


Go blast some Imps and quit worrying about what I think. ;-)

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It is a fun mini game.


It is very very repetitive.


Having free roam 3D space battles would remove a lot of the repetitiveness as you could come at the battle from several different directions. Or take different paths. Also multiplayer is a big tenant of the genre and the fact that space combat is not multiplayer is a huge failure on their part.


I was again disappointed that the Republic and Empire missions are just reskins of each other.


So yes as something you do maybe once a month it's fun. As something you do multiple times a day for a couple of hours... it's wholly inadequate.

Edited by FITorion
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I jumped for joy when i found that cybertech makes ship parts, I like doing the missions and the commendations will let you buy things. As they stated they will be adding more to the vendors like this, so as you keep doing them you will be able to get more neato things!
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I really enjoy it, and actually I thought I wouldn't touch it, there is some software out there that will allow you to use a Xbox controller, or joystick, that is awesome. Over all I like the change up, and it is what it is.


The XP pay out is not bad, and I love that I can seriously sit on my ship in the morning when no one is really online PVP, crew skill, and do some space missions and see some progress on my level.

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Amazing! Thanks, I'll be doing even more of it then...


Also, I think it's important to remember this is intended as a side mini-game, to get your mind "off" the more traditional MMO-style gameplay. I'm not sure I have an issue with it not "fitting" with the rest of the multiplayer-oriented aspects of the game.


I understand what you're saying but, this is an MMO. And MMO's rely on repeatable yet interesting content that adheres to the tenets of MMO content (e.g. allows for PVE, PVP, multiplayer etc, etc). This is why, to me, the current form of space combat doesn't fit within this MMO.


And that's before you begin to consider how it applies to the IP.


I know you like it, but what you have to remember is that others do not.

Some for the reasons I specified.

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Space itself is gorgeous. Love the ship models for the most part, except for my own. Looks so......tiny when in the combat mode.


I've only tried the first mission twice (failed it both times), so I'm still getting used to it. Not really sure if I'm supposed to be firing at the turrets on the Imperial ships, or just taking out the fighters? It's the shuttle escort mission.


I'll figure it out. It's a nice little mini game. But something on the order of JTL, with these graphics, would be sweet.

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I like it.


I do wish that if I complete the objectives + bonus early it would end the mission though.


I hate ones like Balosar Outpost where I finish with 3+ minutes on the clock.


But yeah, I like the space combat. I tend to do it in the mornings while I drink my coffee.

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I enjoy space combat. I want to see it made a bit more robust tho.


My only real complaint is how spasmodically the ship pitches, rolls and yaws as you move the cursor around. It looks absurd. IMO the ship shouldn't change orientation at all for targeting and should instead just move appropriately for the flight path it's taking.


I would like to see specific system damage when your shields drop. Separate health levels for each system: weapons, shield generator, engines, etc. If you lose shields and take damage something is going to suffer for it. Systems should lose some of their effectiveness when damaged.


I'd like to see more bonuses and they don't have to be displayed as objectives. If the player manages to take out key targets on a battle cruiser, for instance, there should be acknowledgement and a bonus commendation. (Also I want to see the darn thing blow up, not just drift out of view!)


I understand why combat is on rails and honestly I don't mind it. However, it would be nice if the rails could branch. Think of the shooter-on-rails arcade games like "Time Crisis" and "House of the Dead". Along the flight path there should be alternate routes that we could take by, for instance, blowing open a hangar door on a space station and flying through it.


Space combat is a fun little minigame, but it could be so much more, even short of being rebuilt as a full space flight sim.

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It's pretty enjoyable, more so than I thought it would be. The missions also yield some nice XP. With that said, once the novelty wears off, I can see it becoming a bit monotonous. Linear content such as this needs constant updates to stay interesting, hopefully they expand and deliver.
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I love it; i just wish you could do more in space like mine minerals even if it was something like the planet scanning thing like Mass Effect 2 has.


Also the 12,000 exp per mission is nice (the first time you do the mission).



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