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  • Location
    Fairfax, VA
  • Interests
    Art, animation, video games, and generally being a layabout.
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  1. I suspect the decision that determines whether or not you have the ability to save him or let him die to the rockfall occurs in the dialogue immediately beforehand, where you either tell him to fight the Son's influence, or tell him that you've resolved to kill him. I told him that I was going to kill him, and ran through all of the options in the finale. He either dies from a landslide, or from the wounds you inflicted during battle. While it all felt a little anticlimactic, I did get a kick out of the reveal that he was the big bad all along. And yes, I got the letter from him despite his death. Chalked it up to a bug and gave the enclosed Trophy to Lt. Iresso. Go team.
  2. I'll check once I get in game, but if it's truly behaving like the Sith Corruption toggle was, and toggling off every single time I hit a load screen, I'm going to get pretty frustrated pretty fast. Unlike Sith Corruption, toggling this causes a load screen. Oof. Yeah I did notice my V-Sync didn't seem to be doing a thing, but I didn't think to toggle it (despite that being my advice to my parents every time their internet isn't working... ) Anywho, just hopped in game and it does stick between load screens. Thank goodness. Thanks for the heads up. This helped me out a lot.
  3. Jedi Consular. Just hit Dark V last night after completing the class storyline on Belsavis, and loved every second of it. My character's personality really feels like it's coming together. While it all started slow, it's become very worthwhile.
  4. Jung Ma as well. Saw plenty of Imps on Alderaan, and frequently heard calls of enemy locations on Tattooine. You won't be seeing much action on Nar Shadaa, there seems to be only one truly shared PvP area which you don't access until level 30 (a bonus quest). It'll pick up, especially if you look for trouble, just keep going.
  5. Started to get used to it, then I entered Contested Zones and it's just aggravating to keep my head on a swivel for reds. Very annoying, I really hope they fix this ASAP.
  6. Whatevs, I always vote for the heals.
  7. Much more fun than the other MMO mini-games I'm used to. Endearing, too. I like the commentary your character and your companions spout during the levels. For example, during the first Republic escort, my Consular just shouts "WHERE IS HE GOING?" She read my mind.
  8. Imperial Agent is my absolute favorite. They go all Minority Report with a holo. I'm curious about who those pictures are of...
  9. For what it's worth, me and some friends of mine have been rolling around in a group of 4 pretty much exclusively, and we've been accommodating to the soloers around us. Generally if we come across one of the long spawning bonus elites, and someone is already waiting, we'll let the other player wreck it first, even help. That said, it's an MMO. Some people will be jerks and take your stuff. We won't. Unless you're an Imp, of course.
  10. Haha, oh goodness I lol'd here at work, I'm glad no one was around to hear it. Man, that's pretty cruel, but you're doing your own part by spending time on these forums instead of distracting yourself until the end of the work day! Soon, friend. Soon.
  11. It's a great ability, and I get that it's supposed to be the ability Satele uses on Darth Malak to pin him to the cliff face in the Hope trailer, but it lacks the same power. The in-game effects don't do the trailer version justice. That said, it gets the job done, and I'm fine with that.
  12. Thank you kindly. I shall live vicariously through your experiences until I can leave work and fire up the game myself.
  13. September 11th and in. Sometimes being a responsible adult is the pits. Can I go home now?
  14. I'm concerned about this as well. We'll see how it goes, though. And no, RP-PvP was not an option for the pre-launch guild program. They're flying blind on how interested players may or may not be in these types of servers.
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