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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ETA on Advanced Class change?

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I am for the idea, and since they will offer free or purchasable 60ties, the argument that some one will not learn their character's AC is no longer valid.

However, I do not see them doing it at this point or we would have heard something by now, which is unfortunate, I would buy that feature for a couple of toons myself.

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I am for the idea, and since they will offer free or purchasable 60ties, the argument that some one will not learn their character's AC is no longer valid.

However, I do not see them doing it at this point or we would have heard something by now, which is unfortunate, I would buy that feature for a couple of toons myself.

It'd be a nice feature, but I don't see it happening.

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Nah.....you want a sentinel instead of a guardian, roll another knight and pick sentinel this time...


And if your would-be sentinel has gear that absolutely cannot be replaced? Should they really have to loose it because you don't want the devs to code in an AC switch option?

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And if your would-be sentinel has gear that absolutely cannot be replaced? Should they really have to loose it because you don't want the devs to code in an AC switch option?


No, keep the sentinel with his irreplaceable gear, and roll a guardian, or buy a L60 one. Have 2 toons!


The people who have been asking for this feature since the game began, most likely no longer want it anyway, they have either left, or have numerous toons now.


It is only useful for people who change their minds every 5 minutes.


That said, I would have no issue with having it added for these people, so long as it costs the same as purchasing a new L60 character.

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No, keep the sentinel with his irreplaceable gear, and roll a guardian, or buy a L60 one. Have 2 toons!


The people who have been asking for this feature since the game began, most likely no longer want it anyway, they have either left, or have numerous toons now.


It is only useful for people who change their minds every 5 minutes.


That said, I would have no issue with having it added for these people, so long as it costs the same as purchasing a new L60 character.


I have well over 30 lvl 55+ characters. I've been here since launch and I remember watching a pre-launch Youtube with devs and producers at an outdoor event with a cheering crowd saying "there will be AC swapping in this game" - they were very specific. I still want it. So please keep your assumptions to yourself. I have many characters (good for rep farming in events and dly grinds and crafting on several servers) but only one main.

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I have well over 30 lvl 55+ characters. I've been here since launch and I remember watching a pre-launch Youtube with devs and producers at an outdoor event with a cheering crowd saying "there will be AC swapping in this game" - they were very specific. I still want it. So please keep your assumptions to yourself. I have many characters (good for rep farming in events and dly grinds and crafting on several servers) but only one main.


And you just proved my point.


As I said, I don't actually mind it being added anymore, so long as you pay the same as the L60 purchase....which is essentially the same thing.

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I would do this if it were offered. I always wanted to reroll as a tank, but I have just done so much on my Commando... 100% planets... Every single datacron... Things that would take literally months to duplicate...


I don't want to do all of that again :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to have this feature. I've played through the Inqusitor story line a few times as both a Sorcerer and Assassin. Playing as an Assassin, getting half way through the story then fancying being a Sorcerer does make one wish you could change. You can already change specs so I don't see how changing from one AC to another is an alien concept or the end of the world. Some people are reacting to the suggestion of this like its addition would ruin their lives.


If people want to use it then they would have the option to and if that's not your thing then you don't need to use it, everyone wins, the game doesn't collpase into a black hole. Not to mention that Thanaton and Satele have had 'AC changes' in the comics. Eg, Thanaton used to be a Sith Assassin and then dedicated himself to study of the Force and became a Sorcerer.


In the long run I think it'd keep people more invested in the story of their character because if they feel like changing they don't have to start all over again, and some people like to RP their character so I can see that being a nice addtion for them too. E.g starting as an Assassin then at the start of chapter 2 when certain things happen, switching to a Sorcerer as your character's strength in the force increases due to plot reasons.

Edited by SovereignXII
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As much as it would be easy to make a new character to play a different spec, there are multiple reasons why somebody would not want to have to make a new character.

  • Non-completed sets, or non-cartel items that are bound to the character are not obtainable on the new character without a significant amount of credits.
  • Roleplay reasons: A character may decide to change their style to accomodate for either their role, or a general change. A marauder may logically become a Juggernaught by spending time training this way, and adjusting to a single lightsaber style.
  • Not everybody has time to grind to level up a new character. Some people have a life to live in the real world.


PS: If you don't want an advanced class change, don't use it. Simple as that.

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  • 5 weeks later...

As I said, I don't actually mind it being added anymore, so long as you pay the same as the L60 purchase....which is essentially the same thing.

Nothing like the same thing. A new level 60 gives you an additional character to run endgame dailies on, extra storage space, and additional crafting. Swapping your AC just changes the roles you can specialise into.

Yup should cost the equivalent of whatever purchasing a new 60 will cost in KotFE

Not sure why such a heavy price needs to be paid for wanting to swap the role your character has?


Personally I've always liked the idea of being able to Tank OR Heal. It fits my idea of my bounty hunter as more of a bodyguard than a hitman. Note I say 'OR', I do not think the core heal and tank abilities should be available at the same time. But it seems the value of roleplaying seems to be undervalued in MMORPGs these days :(

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Nothing like the same thing. A new level 60 gives you an additional character to run endgame dailies on, extra storage space, and additional crafting. Swapping your AC just changes the roles you can specialise into.


Not sure why such a heavy price needs to be paid for wanting to swap the role your character has?


Personally I've always liked the idea of being able to Tank OR Heal. It fits my idea of my bounty hunter as more of a bodyguard than a hitman. Note I say 'OR', I do not think the core heal and tank abilities should be available at the same time. But it seems the value of roleplaying seems to be undervalued in MMORPGs these days :(


Once again, you choose to ignore the devs' design intent. That intent is that NO character has access to tanking and healing abilities AT ANY TIME, not just at the same time. This is why no class (AC) can tank and heal. You can choose a class (AC) that can tank and DPS OR a class (AC) that can heal and DPS, but NOT a class (AC) that can tank AND heal.


The reason why a cost equivalent to creating a new level 60 character would be justified is that you are changing your CLASS, not just your spec, or your role.


YOU may not think that your AC is your class, but as has been noted, the last word from ANY BW rep regarding AC's and classes was that AC's are FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT class designs and that the AC's were treated as FULL CLASSES unto themselves. You can choose to ignore those statements using whatever justification you want to use, but that does not make your AC any less your class.


You can see this yourself by checking your guild roster for characters over level 10. How many characters above level 10 in your guild have their CLASS listed as "bounty hunter", "Jedi knight", "Sith warrior", "Sith inquisitor", "Jedi consular", "Imperial agent", "smuggler" or "trooper"? Now, how many have their class listed as "mercenary", "powertech", "operative", "sniper", "marauder", "juggernaut", "assassin", "sorcerer", "commando", "vanguard", "gunslinger", "scoundrel", "guardian", "sentinel", "sage" or "shadow"?

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Once again, you choose to ignore the devs' design intent. That intent is that NO character has access to tanking and healing abilities AT ANY TIME, not just at the same time. This is why no class (AC) can tank and heal. You can choose a class (AC) that can tank and DPS OR a class (AC) that can heal and DPS, but NOT a class (AC) that can tank AND heal.

Once again you choose to ignore the forums design intent of giving players an area to discuss and request possible changes to the game. I'm not arguing what the original design intent was. What I am saying is that allowing AC swapping is not balance breaking as the abilities still lie behind restrictions.

The reason why a cost equivalent to creating a new level 60 character would be justified is that you are changing your CLASS, not just your spec, or your role.

You are changing your ADVANCED CLASS, if you were changing your CLASS your story would be changed, your companions would be changed.

In SWTOR Bounty Hunter -> Sith Warrior is a CLASS change, Powertech -> Mercenary is an ADVANCED CLASS change.

All AC selection does is partition off certain roles (some ACs only have DPS specs available) and make sure Healing and Tank core abilities can not be combined with Tank/Heal specs.

Changing your role is not earth shattering to game balance. It is done relatively painlessly for subscribers after the minimum cost to unlock Field Respecialisation. Some of the ACs have more fundamental changes to their gameplay in existing spec swap (Pyrotech -> Shield Tech, a DPS to Tank build requires full regearing) than a proposed AC swap would bring.

You seem to use other games definition of what is and isn't CLASS to influence your opinion on SWTOR. Maybe you should look to 'World of Warcraft' a game that allows for Paladins, Druids and Monks to have relatively easy access to all the roles.

YOU may not think that your AC is your class, but as has been noted, the last word from ANY BW rep regarding AC's and classes was that AC's are FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT class designs and that the AC's were treated as FULL CLASSES unto themselves. You can choose to ignore those statements using whatever justification you want to use, but that does not make your AC any less your class.

The game is very clear on what it defines as CLASS and ADVANCED CLASS.

You can see this yourself by checking your guild roster for characters over level 10. How many characters above level 10 in your guild have their CLASS listed as "bounty hunter", "Jedi knight", "Sith warrior", "Sith inquisitor", "Jedi consular", "Imperial agent", "smuggler" or "trooper"? Now, how many have their class listed as "mercenary", "powertech", "operative", "sniper", "marauder", "juggernaut", "assassin", "sorcerer", "commando", "vanguard", "gunslinger", "scoundrel", "guardian", "sentinel", "sage" or "shadow"?

This is a use of redundancy. It would be wasteful to list both the CLASS and the ADVANCED CLASS, after all a Powertech has to be a Bounty Hunter, and as the CLASS is chosen first it stands that column would carry that title.

It would be a more useful column if it listed the chosen SPECIALISATION rather than the initial CLASS or ADVANCED CLASS (ie Pyrotech, Advanced Prototype, ShieldTech) as that would at least give you an idea what the character was able to do.

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  • 2 months later...
Don't know what you're talking about, but straight-to-60 tokens is pretty-much just a breath away from AC Swap tokens.


Then use one and play the advanced class you prefer. It makes no sense for a character to change their fundamental skills that they have used for years, at a whim.

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but straight-to-60 tokens is pretty-much just a breath away from AC Swap tokens.


No it's not. You're creating a whole new character, if anything it makes AC swaps even less likely. Why would they offer a AC swap when you can buy a lvl 60 character of whatever AC you want? The main reason why people wanted it was to avoid having to level up a new character. Well now you don't have to, so there's no reason at all to have one.

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No it's not. You're creating a whole new character, if anything it makes AC swaps even less likely. Why would they offer a AC swap when you can buy a lvl 60 character of whatever AC you want? The main reason why people wanted it was to avoid having to level up a new character. Well now you don't have to, so there's no reason at all to have one.


While I can not foresee what the future holds I pretty much have to agree with this. I'd imagine they are making a killing from these tokens based on the number of posts that I see about them alone. Sure, they have had issues, but once that's all finally resolved I see these quickly becoming one of the top sellers.

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I'd imagine they are making a killing from these tokens.


Here's the thing... This thread dates back to May of 2013. That means over the course of 2 years, and I know for a fact it's something that's been asked for since about day 2 of release. They have not put in something that lets you switch AC's.


In fact they've been quite clear that they have no intention of doing so ever.


Now the CM seems like a logical place to put such a thing if they were so inclined, but they never did. Now you have lvl 60 tokens, which effectively do the same thing. I can make a character of any AC and not have to level it up, so effectively I can convert my Jedi Guardian into a Sentinal without any real effort, I even have decent gear.


So why would they offer a AC switch when doing so would quite easily cut into the sale of the level 60 tokens. Especially when making a AC at this point would require additional coding something that's already been done for the tokens.

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No it's not. You're creating a whole new character, if anything it makes AC swaps even less likely. Why would they offer a AC swap when you can buy a lvl 60 character of whatever AC you want? The main reason why people wanted it was to avoid having to level up a new character. Well now you don't have to, so there's no reason at all to have one.
Then use one and play the advanced class you prefer. It makes no sense for a character to change their fundamental skills that they have used for years, at a whim.
So why would they offer a AC switch when doing so would quite easily cut into the sale of the level 60 tokens. Especially when making a AC at this point would require additional coding something that's already been done for the tokens.


Except that you guys seem to be forgetting that leveling a character all the way up to 60 didn't happen overnight. All the credits you raised, all the missions you've done, all the alignment you've earned, all the companion affection you've mustered, all the schematics you've collected, the personal cargo bays you've purchased, all the bound gear that can't be reclaimed ever again.


You telling me to just abandon all that for a mere AC respec that's already doable?

Edited by Fevee
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  • 4 weeks later...
Then use one and play the advanced class you prefer. It makes no sense for a character to change their fundamental skills that they have used for years, at a whim.


Within the Class/Advanced Class/Discipline structure of SWTOR, an AC swap is very similar to a Discipline swap.

It makes as much sense that my Bounty Hunter can pick up a second blast pistol in their off hand (Powertech>Mercenary) as it does they can change to a shield generator (Pyrotech>Shieldtech).

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