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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Win Trading and Que Dodging in Ranked Warzones


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All we ask is that you please be patient while we try to narrow this gear gap. We are working hard to gear up for the sake of a competitive PvP environment, rather than an environment where one side has a vast gear disadvantage.



Thing is, PM just got our ranked team together, we have 4 brand new 55's and the rest of us are in partisan that isn't fully min/maxed but we STILL PLAN on queueing for ranked against other teams and earning our gear, or queueing for regular warzones to earn our gear.


You would be much better served to just queue for regulars and earn your partisan gear and learn about the teams and strategies you will face on this server rather than farm each other for ranked commendations.

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Alright, swore I would not reply, but I just want to clear one thing up here for certain people. Those who think we do not want competitive PvP, this is not true. It is just that our idea of competitive PvP is an equal playing field. Right now, the people who have fully min/maxed partisan have about a 30-50% stat advantage over us(and yes I actually did the math on this.)


We came here to this server without any legacy perks or credits, and we had to start our gear grind a month behind you all. I've seen quite a few fully min/maxed players from checking them already. It is just our idea of competitive PvP is not to lose because of such a gear difference to where each player on the enemy team has 30-50% more stats than us. We are working to even the playing field and hopefully improve the PvP further on this server. We're not out to steamroll people, we just want it to be competitive.


All we ask is that you please be patient while we try to narrow this gear gap. We are working hard to gear up for the sake of a competitive PvP environment, rather than an environment where one side has a vast gear disadvantage.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. It takes a lot of guts to come into a thread like this and make your presence known. The Ebon Hawk has a fairly close knit pvp community and I think that if you take the time to communicate with its members in a respectful manner you'll find your stay here much more enjoyable for all involved.


However there are two points I'd like to address.


The first is concerning gear. With the advent of 2.0 the gear gap was effectively closed. Prior to it's release, there may have been a significant gear gap between people with multiple sets of min-maxed elite war hero gear and someone just starting out, but with the addition of bolster and the removal of expertise from all the old gear - the playing field has been effectively leveled. The gear gap between someone just starting to pvp today and the best geared person on the server is so small that any dedicated and skilled pvp'er should be able to overcome that in no time - without having to resort to win trading in ranked matches. As it has been pointed out previously in this thread, no amount of gear makes someone a good player, at most it gives them a slight advantage in survivability and the amount of damage they can produce. That being said, I've seen players with absolutely no pvp gear generate a million heals in a match or do over 700k in damage. Were they easier to kill than someone who was fully geared? You bet, but that does not mean they weren't capable of contributing in a positive manner to any team they were on. Having seen it occur on more than one occasion, I'm fairly confident in saying that a group of under-geared players who communicate well can beat even the most geared and feared premades on the server.


The second thing I'd like to address is the way that your guild has been treating the other players on this server.


Let me direct your attention to a quote taken from a post made by your GM from your guild's website:

"We respect good players for being good and that is where it ends. We have no quarrel with anyone, nor do we wish to have any. We're here to hopefully promote a healthier PvP environment, with less egos and more play."

Considering this thread has numerous reports of trash talking by members of your guild, and taking into account that win trading is generally seen as an exploit by the majority of the server that you have rolled on, I only have one question for you...


How is your guild living up to the standards you have set for yourself?


I could be wrong, but I don't think laughing at people in warzones and exploiting the ranked system to get free comms creates a "healthier PvP environment." That is, of course, just my opinion... but I am truly curious to see what the justification is for the types of actions your guild seems to be doing, especially since you want to make a positive impact on the Ebon Hawk pvp community.


Despite appearances, I truly am pleased that there has been an influx of new talent to our server and it is my sincere wish that your stay on the Ebon Hawk can help revitalize the limited ranked scene we have here. Treat others the way you wish to be treated and I'm sure that the rest of the community will quickly come to appreciate your presence here.


Wishing you all the best,


Edited by DarthPanopticus
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Thank you for taking the time to respond. It takes a lot of guts to come into a thread like this and make your presence known. The Ebon Hawk has a fairly close knit pvp community and I think that if you take the time to communicate with its members in a respectful manner you'll find your stay here much more enjoyable for all involved.


However there are two points I'd like to address.


The first is concerning gear. With the advent of 2.0 the gear gap was effectively closed. Prior to it's release, there may have been a significant gear gap between people with multiple sets of min-maxed elite war hero gear and someone just starting out, but with the addition of bolster and the removal of expertise from all the old gear - the playing field has been effectively leveled. The gear gap between someone just starting to pvp today and the best geared person on the server is so small that any dedicated and skilled pvp'er should be able to overcome that in no time - without having to resort to win trading in ranked matches. As it has been pointed out previously in this thread,t no amount of gear makes someone a good player, at most it gives them a slight advantage in survivability and the amount of damage they can produce. That being said, I've seen players with absolutely no pvp gear generate a million heals in a match or do over 700k in damage. Were they easier to kill than someone who was fully geared? You bet, but that does not mean they weren't capable of contributing in a positive manner to any team they were on. Having seen it occur on more than one occasion, I'm fairly confident in saying that a group of under-geared players who communicate well can beat even the most geared and feared premades on the server.


The second thing I'd like to address is the way that your guild has been treating the other players on this server.


Let me direct your attention to a quote taken from a post made by your GM from your guild's website:


"We respect good players for being good and that is where it ends. We have no quarrel with anyone, nor do we wish to have any. We're here to hopefully promote a healthier PvP environment, with less egos and more play."


Considering this thread has numerous reports of trash talking by members of your guild, and taking into account that win trading is generally seen as an exploit by the majority of the server that you have rolled on, I only have one question for you...


How is your guild living up to the standards you have set for yourself?


I could be wrong, but I don't think laughing at people in warzones and exploiting the ranked system to get free comms creates a "healthier PvP environment." That is, of course, just my opinion... but I am truly curious to see what the justification is for the types of actions your guild seems to be doing, especially since you want to make a positive impact on the Ebon Hawk pvp community.


Despite appearances, I truly am pleased that there has been an influx of new talent to our server and it is my sincere wish that your stay on the Ebon Hawk can help revitalize the limited ranked scene we have here. Treat others the way you wish to be treated and I'm sure that the rest of the community will quickly come to appreciate your presence here.


Wishing you all the best,



Conq [aug] vs Partisan


Now let's start with the initial difference.










+8 Armor

+9 Endurance

+8 Willpower

+3 Power

+4 Surge Rating


For the sake of saving time and making this easier for readers, let's convert the off stats to 1 stat: Off Stats. So basically, we'll combine Surge, Power, or Crit, Alacrity etc.


+8 Armor

+9 Endurance

+8 Main Stat

+7 Off Stats




Now this is 1 piece of gear, we have a total of 14 pieces to upgrade. So let's multiply these numbers by 14 for the full set.


14x8 = +112 Armor

14x9 = +126 Endurance

14x8 = +112 Main Stat

14x7 = +98 Off Stats


Now this is the shift from full Partisan to full Conq. Next, let's calculate the augment (purple) differences.




+20 Endurance

+32 Willpower


Now, let's multiply this by 14, because we need to augment all our gear.


20x14 = +280 Endurance

32x14 = +448 Main Stat (aka WP for me)


Now, let's total it together in order to find true values of geared people, vs entry-geared players. Remember, these values can change based on the player's profession. IE: Tank, more End.


+560 Main Stat

+406 Endurance

+112 Armor

+98~200 Off Stat


Think gear doesn't matter? Think again. By the way, this isn't even optimized. Imagine fully optimized?

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Conq [aug] vs Partisan



Think gear doesn't matter? Think again. By the way, this isn't even optimized. Imagine fully optimized?


Thanks for posting the math on gear differences. I guess the fact that I was able ninja cap a node from one of your members while I was wearing absolutely no pvp gear at all has no bearing on the situation.


That being said, you completely ignored the more important of the two points I was making. What does gear have to do with treating others with respect and making a positive impact on our community? Are you saying that because of gear differences it is ok to trash talk and exploit the ranked system?

Edited by DarthPanopticus
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My only question is this.


The math seems sound. Between two people standing on the fleet. How does that math stack up in a Warzone with the bolster buff present?


Fleet math is all well and good, but when the new bolster is present, it changes a lot of things, and makes some math a moot point.

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Thanks for posting the math on gear differences. I guess the fact that I was able ninja cap a node from one of your members wearing absolutely no pvp gear at all has no bearing on the situation. That being said, you completely ignored the more important of the two points I was making. What does gear have to do with treating others with respect and making a positive impact on our community? Are you saying that because of gear differences it is ok to trash talk and exploit the ranked system?


How exactly have we been trash talking? We've been ignoring you guys for the most part while you guys continue to trash talk us in general chat, sending us hate tells, talking bad about us on forums, even going to Shin's shadow post to try to slander her there in her thread which was designed to help other Shadows. Also spitting on members of Watchmen and generally doing nasty emotes. For the most part we do not reply, all the while you guys continued to talk trash on us for the past few days. I wonder just which crowd is being disrespectful here? If any trash talk came from us, I assure you we have received FAR more trash talk than we have given.



Just look at the tone of your post, bragging about how you stealth capped a node on one of our members implying we are bad, while I haven't insulted anyone here, merely posted the gear difference numbers.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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I Ran into them in Lowbies too. I did see some **** talk, which really wasn't even all that warranted. I do hope they come see us in 55s.



Let them Gear up.. I just hope they are a team that will consistently que for ranked.



Maybe they wont QQ and go play GW2 if things don't go their way. And by all means.. If they win, we will have new tactics and gearing problems to sort out.. Either way them being here is a net positive.


RE: They came to an RP server to troll.

lol.. hey watchdudes.. watch this :D


I wish this server would stop referring to watchmen as if they're entirely made up of members from another server. They have around 50 members in the guild right now. Out of those 50, 4 of them came from another server. The rest have been a part of the Ebon Hawk Community for awhile. Some including myself, have been on Ebon Hawk since launch. Not all of us are "skilled" or deemed worthy enough to hop on to the elite pvp guilds on this server. Some of us are competent players but for players like me, I'm stuck in a constant limbo because I can't find a pvp guild with enough members to form a ranked team. When I do find one, they get disillusioned by getting steamrolled by Game Genie/Guerilla, etc or their key members get poached and join the elite guild. I thought I had a shot with Zen, but they've decided to quit the server and reroll on POT5. I don't feel like rerolling and starting the whole grind process all over again. So what's a player like me supposed to do? Watchmen has offered me a chance to do some organized Ranked WZ play and you know what? If I can help them get geared sooner it's better for me. They never asked me if I was a competent player, they didn't make me run in groups with them to evaluate if i was worthy enough to join their guild. They accept everyone into the guild regardless of level and regardless of skill. Granted, most of us in the guild probably won't get to be on their ranked teams but even a 10% shot at joining a Competent, Organized, Ranked team is still better than the 0% chance I had before they came here. I just ask the rest of the community to give them their time to get their gear, see what they're about. If they were truly a bunch of *****s I wouldn't associate with them. And so far, my dealings with the core 4 have been nothing but positive. They're a great bunch of people. Get to know them, and you may find yourself to be pleasantly surprised.

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How exactly have we been trash talking? We've been ignoring you guys for the most part while you guys continue to trash talk us in general chat, sending us hate tells, talking bad about us on forums, even going to Shin's shadow post to try to slander her there in a topic which had nothing to do with this situation. Also spitting on members of Watchmen and generally doing nasty emotes. For the most part we do not reply, all the while you guys continued to talk trash on us for the past few days. I wonder just which crowd is being disrespectful here? If any trash talk came from us, I assure you we have received FAR more trash talk than we have given.

I'm having a hard time believing Panopticus would thrash talk anyone. But obviously you are referring to the entire server community, which is a mistake. You cannot expect to be a part of the community if you keep saying "we" and "you". To be honest, I believe you are getting more attention than you deserve as a guild that hasn't pulled its head out of the sand yet.


Trust me on this: TEH community is more likely to praise a guild based on their behaviour rather than gear (I believe skill has not been mentioned yet, only gear). I'm sure the server is ready to accept new competitive PvP guilds if it ever receives one. I wish you luck redeeming yourself in the eyes of this community, posting here was a step in the right direction.

Edited by Advanderer
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How many ranked comms do you get from a ranked win where you dont play anyone? I'm genuinely curious, because if the goal is to itemize your partisan set, I feel like this is a pretty inefficient way to gear up... it can't be more than like, 100 ranked comms. Which you're converting back to warzone comms (painful for me to even type that). So, why not just queue for regs, actually *play games* so you can get to know the people/skill here, get maybe more like 150+ wz comms/game, and not piss anyone off?


I've never won a ranked game by it being empty, so I could be totally off the mark here. /shrug


edit after reading the rest of the boards today: Also, if you're hitting numbers to be in our records thread, then you're probably doing okay on gear. Just sayin.


You can get between 130-140 ranked comms in win and loss is 90 or so ranked comms. And I agree 100%. Even with the conversion they are much better off queuing regs and getting a feel for the competition rather than win trading. But hey, guess us Ebon Hawkers have a lot more class than the other servers. >.> We work for our gear.




Conq [aug] vs Partisan




eww math.


I augment partisan gear...I dunno about you...well except implants and ear pieces. It takes waay too long to grind out a full set of conq especially with how ranked has been here that it's just easier to augment it once you get it. Can you calculate it WITHOUT the augment difference?

Edited by Clogski
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Conq [aug] vs Partisan


Now let's start with the initial difference.










+8 Armor

+9 Endurance

+8 Willpower

+3 Power

+4 Surge Rating


For the sake of saving time and making this easier for readers, let's convert the off stats to 1 stat: Off Stats. So basically, we'll combine Surge, Power, or Crit, Alacrity etc.


+8 Armor

+9 Endurance

+8 Main Stat

+7 Off Stats




Now this is 1 piece of gear, we have a total of 14 pieces to upgrade. So let's multiply these numbers by 14 for the full set.


14x8 = +112 Armor

14x9 = +126 Endurance

14x8 = +112 Main Stat

14x7 = +98 Off Stats


Now this is the shift from full Partisan to full Conq. Next, let's calculate the augment (purple) differences.




+20 Endurance

+32 Willpower


Now, let's multiply this by 14, because we need to augment all our gear.


20x14 = +280 Endurance

32x14 = +448 Main Stat (aka WP for me)


Now, let's total it together in order to find true values of geared people, vs entry-geared players. Remember, these values can change based on the player's profession. IE: Tank, more End.


+560 Main Stat

+406 Endurance

+112 Armor

+98~200 Off Stat


Think gear doesn't matter? Think again. By the way, this isn't even optimized. Imagine fully optimized?


Why aren't your shells augmented already and rip out the mods? The aug part sounds like an excuse to back your numbers. That said how many people are full augmented conq right now? Not everyone and win trading doesn't make it alright you can note people slandering Shins thread but it was the truth with a screen shot of the convo telling people what to do.


I am not on this server but as a person who is a vocal point for the game b choice you get the recognition that comes with that, do something frowned upon by the community and expect to be called out it goes both ways.

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...I augment partisan gear...I dunno about you...well except implants and ear pieces. It takes waay too long to grind out a full set of conq especially with how ranked has been here that it's just easier to augment it once you get it. Can you calculate it WITHOUT the augment difference?


Technically, he did calculate the difference without augment differences:


14x8 = +112 Armor

14x9 = +126 Endurance

14x8 = +112 Main Stat

14x7 = +98 Off Stats


The only additional grinding would be minimal pve/crafting for the extra augment kits if not reusing shells.


Those differences shouldn't be game breaking.

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Technically, he did calculate the difference without augment differences:


14x8 = +112 Armor

14x9 = +126 Endurance

14x8 = +112 Main Stat

14x7 = +98 Off Stats


The only additional grinding would be minimal pve/crafting for the extra augment kits if not reusing shells.


Those differences shouldn't be game breaking.


LOL thanks. All I saw was numbers and eww...numbers and then "Conq [aug] vs Part". :|

Edited by Clogski
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How exactly have we been trash talking? We've been ignoring you guys for the most part while you guys continue to trash talk us in general chat, sending us hate tells, talking bad about us on forums, even going to Shin's shadow post to try to slander her there in her thread which was designed to help other Shadows you guys attempted to derail it. Also spitting on members of Watchmen and generally doing nasty emotes. For the most part we do not reply, all the while you guys continued to talk trash on us for the past few days. I wonder just which crowd is being disrespectful here? If any trash talk came from us, I assure you we have received FAR more trash talk than we have given.



Just look at the tone of your post, bragging about how you stealth capped a node on one of our members implying we are bad, while I haven't insulted anyone here, merely posted the gear difference numbers.


First of all, the reason I made my post about stealth capping was not to imply any sort of lack of skill on anyone's part. Far from it, from everything I've heard you all are quite skilled and I'm truly sincere when I say that I think your presence on the server is a good thing. The point to my anecdote was to give evidence that gear is not as important as you claim it to be, and the desire to have better gear should not be enough to make someone want to cheat the system. If you feel that I was doing that in order to somehow berate your skills, then I truly apologize, that was not my intent.


As for your other claims, I've never even talked to any of you in game nor have I ever emoted at any of you, so I'm not quite sure where you are getting the idea that I have been whispering you and talking trash. In fact, I went out of my way to even avoid mentioning your names in every single post I've made. The only reason I posted in the first place, was to call the community's attention to the fact that there was exploiting occurring and I wanted to get their input on the matter and hopefully, in a respectful manner, let the people responsible for it know that kind of behavior is not appreciated on the Ebon Hawk.


If you note, the reports about trash talking have not come from me or any or anyone in my guild. They were not asked for but were offered by other members of the community who chose to chime in about conduct that they felt was reprehensible.


Your accusation of me attempting to slander someone in the shadow forums is completely untrue. In fact, if you had read the post I made, I directed people who had come into that thread to discuss the win trading issue to come to this thread instead because I did not want to see that thread get derailed by name calling (and I did that without even mentioning the subject). I'm glad that Shin was able to have the thread cleaned up so it's not bogged down by this issue.


If other people have chosen to do the types of things you are referring to, that's their choice....but don't get it twisted, I have never done those things.


Ultimately, this thread would not have ever been created if the choice wasn't made to exploit ranked games and get free comms. If you wish to be treated with respect, then all I can say is that, in my humble opinion, you have made a few mistakes by choosing to act the way you have. That's not an insurmountable barrier to overcome, but if you choose a combative approach to addressing these issues, I think you'll discover that you may not like the responses you get.

Edited by DarthPanopticus
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You can get between 130-140 ranked comms in win and loss is 90 or so ranked comms


Thats what I thought it was for like, completing a game and actually doing things that will get you medals and such. I was thinking in an empty game you get like... objective medals... and thats it? 130 seems high for not doing anything! Thanks for answering though, I know you guys were victims of some of those empty matches so I'll take your word for it.


You'd still definitely get more comms from winning (and if you're running a 4 man, imp side, with smart people, it should be a win) a normal-duration regular match, so I still stand by what i said!

Edited by NadirPalo
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Why are augments even in the conversation?


1) They're easy to get.

2) Kits are also easy to get.

3) If you replace a piece that's augmented, like an earpiece, you swap out the augment into the new piece

4) I'm fully augmented in custom gear so going from Partisan to Conquerer with regular armor items means only the increase from the upgrade.


Honestly, augments are the second easiest thing to worry about. The first being how easy it is to gear up Partisan in the first place.

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Why are augments even in the conversation?


1) They're easy to get.

2) Kits are also easy to get.

3) If you replace a piece that's augmented, like an earpiece, you swap out the augment into the new piece

4) I'm fully augmented in custom gear so going from Partisan to Conquerer with regular armor items means only the increase from the upgrade.


Honestly, augments are the second easiest thing to worry about. The first being how easy it is to gear up Partisan in the first place.


That can be prohibitively expensive if you are unable to craft them, PvP exclusively, and have no other source of income. I can understand feeling undergeared there, esp. re: bolster.


But I don't see how queue dodging an win trading gets you augments.

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I Watchmen has offered me a chance to do some organized Ranked WZ play and you know what? If I can help them get geared sooner it's better for me.


If they were truly a bunch of *****s I wouldn't associate with them. And so far, my dealings with the core 4 have been nothing but positive. They're a great bunch of people. Get to know them, and you may find yourself to be pleasantly surprised.


Whoa ho ho ludott... /hugs bro.. Didn't mean to get your briefs all in a bunch.


I actually had a Watchmen in a Voidstar last night, and the person was a night and day diff from what I encountered in Lowbies. (didn't catch the name.. But PVP when im super baked takes most of my concentration.. sometimes I don't catch names right away)


but like I said.. Having a new guild, weather re rollers or a redistribution of talent is a net positive for this server. I just hope you all put togeather a solid team and start frequenting the Ranked scene.


Honestly Im glad you found a new home and look forward to seeing you in WZs


**** talk will happen.. I try and keep mine to short jabs and comical quips made is jest. Don't hesitate to give some back or whisper me if you think its outta line.


RE Gear:

Take you math and shove it.. anywhere you see fit.. lol

In Min/Max Parti Gear that's Augmented out, you should be able to preform on par with the most elite player on the server. Im not even the most leet sorc by any stretch and have 0 problem consistently breaking between 800k-1.2mill


As far as ranked is concern,, well.. To my knowledge there isn't any teams in full conq with team synergy in que, waiting to facestomp the masses.. The 2% advantage isn't worth the effort IMO.. at least not now. So Itemize your Parti gear and have fun.

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... I just ask the rest of the community to give them their time to get their gear, see what they're about. ...


Yesterday was one my first experiences in a warzone with a Watchman 4 man premade. I may have been up against them in the past and just not paid attention to the tags (as many of you know from Illum, I often Force Charge first and look at names second). Nevertheless, it was an interesting Civil War match, as the Watchmen committed hard to taking our natural turret early. Another Guerrilla and I were sent to cap & block for our natural, which kept the 3 enemy (all of which I believe were Watchmen) at bay for some time. Within a couple of minutes our team capped the enemy’s natural, and then the middle turret. A heated fight remained on our natural for another couple of minutes, until we finally had a triple cap on them.


It was at this time we got the ‘warzone shutting down message’ as the Watchmen premade rage quit the match. In the end, the enemy team got backfilled so the warzone continued. In fact I feel sorry for Luddott (who I believe is a good player and a good guy) as he was part of the back-fill for this failed opening attempt. Even so, Luddott to his credit stuck it out and gave as good as he got.


With the reports of win trading, and IMO even worse, the practice of immediately LEAVEING ranked matches against other teams, because they weren’t a part of their ranked-com exploitation plan, this rage quitting as a result of their own failed strategy seems to give a glimpse as to "what they're about".

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Lol the guild was Watchmen or whatever. These guys are terribads already, my level 11 was spanking them in the lowbie ques. Apparently they are win trading because the skillz that killz aren't there. Edited by Barantos
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Lol the guild was Watchmen or whatever. These guys are terribads already, my level 11 was spanking them in the lowbie ques. Apparently they are win trading because the skillz that killz aren't there.


lol. and this is where this thread goes bad again.



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Let's try not to cast too many stones here, people. I mean, c'mon... :rolleyes:


I've seen some of the more "elite" players rage quit matches, some even before they start because they've deemed their teammates unworthy. And ranked kickball matches/picking teams from a pool of 16 have been happening for a long time on TEH. I have a very hard time believing that win trading hasn't been done before as well.

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Win trading is just ridiculous. You will never catch me doing on principal.


I would however que against a "known" team for ranked scrimmages,, but you bet your *** Ill be playing to win.. even if my whole team starts node camping.


I take that mentality into every WZ im in. even those I sub in for other teams. My guildies better run the focus train or Ill roll out the consistent bombs, then blow them a bunch of **** for letting the healers freecast.


I better be felling the love:D

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Let's try not to cast too many stones here, people. I mean, c'mon... :rolleyes:


I've seen some of the more "elite" players rage quit matches, some even before they start because they've deemed their teammates unworthy. And ranked kickball matches/picking teams from a pool of 16 have been happening for a long time on TEH. I have a very hard time believing that win trading hasn't been done before as well.


There is nothing wrong with kickball. The goal there is to practice and actually play out the ranked games. Going in and letting one side win as fast as possible so you can finish as many games as possible as fast as possible is totally different. (And I'm not accusing anyone of that, as I don't know for sure what was going on).


tldr: if you que for ranked, just play out the match to the best of your ability.

And to all the new people on the server: WELCOME!!

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There is nothing wrong with kickball. The goal there is to practice and actually play out the ranked games. Going in and letting one side win as fast as possible so you can finish as many games as possible as fast as possible is totally different. (And I'm not accusing anyone of that, as I don't know for sure what was going on).


My personal opinion is that kickball is a grey area. It's a predetermined setup and you know who you're going up against, their team composition, and teams are picked to be relatively even. No, it's not win trading between guildies and friends, but it's not exactly a real match either. Regardless of how anyone views it, there's very little room on TEH to cry foul, because just about every underhanded tactic/exploit/glitch/whatever has been in play here since the days of the Ilum Battlemaster gear debacle.


If these guys wanna skirt the system in an effort to gear up and jump into the ranked scene, I would think most of you would be glad to have a new red-headed stepchild to smack around.

Edited by TheronFett
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