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BioWare says no more open world PvP in the making ever !!


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Yes. And that's why i am complaining. They put pve quests in pvp areas. Huge design failure in my eyes.


....they are PVP quests in PVP areas.


If they were PVE quests, they would not be in the PVP area, tagged as "PVP" in your quest log, and they would not give you WZ comms as a reward.

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The problem is that we PVP subs haven't seen any content in eons. We have gotten one small and very underwhelming WZ in the last 18 months. We have been ignored since f2p and ROTHC. Hell, we didn't even get the 15 courtesy minutes it would have taken to add in new valor ranks. PVP subs are the lost subs for Bioware, and with ESO, eqn, gta5, and new consoles coming this year they can't afford to keep dragging their knuckles around on this.


gta 5 and consoles arent MMOs and ESO is a failure most likely (even worse then SWTOR or warhammer).

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If it's a main PvE game, I now understand why this game is suffering.


They hyped PVP pre, during, and post launch yet we are the one area of the game who has been completely ignored for a year now. We got one tiny and mediocre WZ since 1.2. We haven't even started season 1 (who the hell stays in pre-season a whole year?!). We didn't get new valor ranks, or new rewards, or new wz's for an expansion. The space game, that hardly anyone ever touches, has seen more attention than PVP has in the last year. We have been ignored since f2p, including an expansion. So what gives BW?

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or some carebear playing a stealth class following somebody around waiting for them to pull a pack of mobs before attacking.


You obviously do not know the definition of a "carebear" in MMO's. A carebear would stealth and follow someone around until they were attacked by a mob they couldn't handle, then heal the person and help kill the mob.

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Why does it have to be about competing with Warzones? Why can't it just be something to do for fun? Everyone ************ about a lack of world PvP always sounds like they WANT to go have organic battles with enemy players.

I never had the impression that world PvP was supposed to replace Warzones or be tied to gear progression, I always thought it was supposed to just be something players could do if they wanted.


If what you're really after is PvP that gets you stuff, why would it matter if it's in the world or in a Warzone?


Think about it genius...incentive drives player activity. People don't run Ops that don't award loot or tokens. Everything in this game is about the NEXT piece of gear. If NiM Ops and SM rewarded the same things, players would stick to Story.


It's also quite obvious you know nothing about the current state of PvP as well - the changes in 2.0 have made it an absolute ***** to regrind all of our gear. While we're grinding, we've had all of the Expertise stripped away from our older gear, making it literally impossible for a 52 to compete with a 55 geared player. World PvP is dead because of this for a bit.

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gta 5 and consoles arent MMOs and ESO is a failure most likely (even worse then SWTOR or warhammer).


ESO is looking fantastic in the latest leaked beta vid, not the pre-pre-alpha footage that looked bad. And whether or not "they are consoles nor MMO's" is a moot point, since they will STILL pull away gamers who will likely never return. SWTOR needs to bring out the big guns to start and to end the summer, or else they will continue losing subs. SSSP (WITH PVP IN IT) new wz's, new raids, and alot of REAL content is needed. GTA5, ESO, EQN, and new consoles will pull people away. Everyone who has played SWTOR since launch saw a friend leave for d3, or for ME3, gw2, pandaland, etc... and they never return. It is the proverbial death by a thousand cuts. SWTOR needs to work double or triple hours around the office and deliver REAL content, soon.

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You know who says that? People who are awful at PVP. PVE Is a memorization and time game. It isn't that difficult, believe me I knew a girl in WoW doing HM raids who didnt know which way south was on a freakin map. PVP is more of a quick thinking man's game since it requires alot of snap reactions and on the fly out-thinking your opponent.


So? What's your point? I understand that you think PVP requires more skill than PVE (which I partly agree with), but so? What does that have to do with anything?

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Some type of open world PVP would be a big draw. It could be a story based event and combine dailies and PVP quests like Gree. I think it would be fun to have PVE/PVP events in Coruscant or Dromund Kaas or an Empire vs Republic fight on some random moon base. Even on a rotating bases like one week its on Tatooine another on Makeb, etc...
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Really simpel, reason why call of duty games have millions of people playing them everyday is because the player vs player part is so well made, and they game objectives with them like search and destroys and capture the flag etc.

Some of these mecanics are in some MMOs as well. But bioware as a company just dont have a clue on how to do these things. They tried pre launch with ilum and we got the biggest mass exodus from the game with ilum 1.1.


Even a simpel stat system that says how many times you have killed this player, been killed by this player

have rewards that take a long time to get lets say a uniq awesome mounts etc that only can be obtained by doing these things.Simpel castle objectives with holo flags that represent republic and empire, take a objective and raise the flag and gain prestige, some like that. These are all things BioWare is not smart enough to handle so they just give up

and make a few instanced WZ instead that gets old fast.


If players have a awesome reason to pvp out in the world then the players will come bigtime as proven 1000 times

in other games that understand PvP. So in short, the developers at bioware is lazy and ignorant.



lolol...seek help....quickly.

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Some type of open world PVP would be a big draw. It could be a story based event and combine dailies and PVP quests like Gree. I think it would be fun to have PVE/PVP events in Coruscant or Dromund Kaas or an Empire vs Republic fight on some random moon base. Even on a rotating bases like one week its on Tatooine another on Makeb, etc...


Pve quests in pvp areas are just fun for pvp players. For pve players its ganking/griefing hell, trust me. It could be not much further away from "fun".

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The irony is that it is the PVE crowd, not the PVP crowd, that wants to be the "special snowflake". God forbid someone else can complete the hardest raid in the game and have the same gear, oh lordy lordy. On top of that, PVE is also where most of class balancing comes into play. You never see PVP players whining about a .00071% dps differential on a spreadsheet. If you don't like PVP, fine, but don't contribute to a PVP thread if you don't.


lies. PvPers whine about anything and everything. the new whine is operative roll and how it needs to be nerfed because" waaaah, it's just not fair!"


or remember the whine about how sages pebbles took longer to activate than sorcerer's lightning? man...that was a good one.

let's us not forget the great whine of 1982 that nerfed scoundrels and operatives to the ground and guess what? bads were still bads and kept losing.


lol oh yeah...remember when commandos and mercs used to be good? back before people whined about grav round/ tracer missile? I could go on but...lol...

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So? What's your point? I understand that you think PVP requires more skill than PVE (which I partly agree with), but so? What does that have to do with anything?


So shut that PVE hero up who is all smug about "Good I only PVE therefore, only PVE content should be made.". Plenty of people only pay SWTOR sub to PVP, and we haven't seen anything but one small wz in the last year or so. One new wz isn't going to cut it every year, especially when an expansion launched with not a crumb of development for the pvp crowd. We didn't even get the 10 minutes it takes to program in new valor ranks. We are the forgotten subs right now, and we need content.

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lies. PvPers whine about anything and everything. the new whine is operative roll and how it needs to be nerfed because" waaaah, it's just not fair!"


or remember the whine about how sages pebbles took longer to activate than sorcerer's lightning? man...that was a good one.

let's us not forget the great whine of 1982 that nerfed scoundrels and operatives to the ground and guess what? bads were still bads and kept losing.


lol oh yeah...remember when commandos and mercs used to be good? back before people whined about grav round/ tracer missile? I could go on but...lol...


Take your whine some place else, sinple....

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So shut that PVE hero up who is all smug about "Good I only PVE therefore, only PVE content should be made.". Plenty of people only pay SWTOR sub to PVP, and we haven't seen anything but one small wz in the last year or so. One new wz isn't going to cut it every year, especially when an expansion launched with not a crumb of development for the pvp crowd. We didn't even get the 10 minutes it takes to program in new valor ranks. We are the forgotten subs right now, and we need content.



Paying for a sub in SWTOR solely for PvP.


Would be like me paying for a sub to WoW for the immersive and unique class-based story content.



oh. . . wait. . .

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lies. PvPers whine about anything and everything. the new whine is operative roll and how it needs to be nerfed because" waaaah, it's just not fair!"


or remember the whine about how sages pebbles took longer to activate than sorcerer's lightning? man...that was a good one.

let's us not forget the great whine of 1982 that nerfed scoundrels and operatives to the ground and guess what? bads were still bads and kept losing.


lol oh yeah...remember when commandos and mercs used to be good? back before people whined about grav round/ tracer missile? I could go on but...lol...


Those are all bug fixes, or imbalances. I never said PVP players didn't make noise or cry for nerfs, but the PVE crowd is usually the one to make the most noise and be the most immature about it. Go to WoW forums on a patch day and look at all the "My spec is broken because my brother pulls .5% more dps than me with the same gear". This isn't a PVE vs PVP thread, this is just a thread to bring attention to BW that PVP subs are still subs too and we have been treated as second class subs for some time now.

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Paying for a sub in SWTOR solely for PvP.


Would be like me paying for a sub to WoW for the immersive and unique class-based story content.



oh. . . wait. . .


I very much like the wz's and pvp balance of SWTOR. It's fun, fast paced, and enjoyable. However, the lack of content that bioware is delivering for PVP subs is troubling. We have been ignored hard since f2p, and even as an expansion launched. Not even giving us new valor ranks is a slap in the face. I love SWTOR and want to support it for the future, but I can't justify a sub going forward if bw doesn't show that they care about the PVP subs.

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I very much like the wz's and pvp balance of SWTOR. It's fun, fast paced, and enjoyable. However, the lack of content that bioware is delivering for PVP subs is troubling. We have been ignored hard since f2p, and even as an expansion launched. Not even giving us new valor ranks is a slap in the face. I love SWTOR and want to support it for the future, but I can't justify a sub going forward if bw doesn't show that they care about the PVP subs.


That was kind-of my point.


In all honesty, PvE is being shafted as well. Yes, I'm aware that PvE has gotten more than PvP -- and rightfully so, because statistically there are more PvE players than hard-core PvP players. Most other games neglect PvP as well -- at least in comparison to PvE.


This doesn't mean PvP should be left in the dust, either -- but PvPers shouldn't expect much based on history, and on the fact that the "playstyle" BW/EA is currently catering to is still feeling just as crappy.

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That was kind-of my point.


In all honesty, PvE is being shafted as well. Yes, I'm aware that PvE has gotten more than PvP -- and rightfully so, because statistically there are more PvE players than hard-core PvP players. Most other games neglect PvP as well -- at least in comparison to PvE.


This doesn't mean PvP should be left in the dust, either -- but PvPers shouldn't expect much based on history, and on the fact that the "playstyle" BW/EA is currently catering to is still feeling just as crappy.


I'm not asking for much. I understand PVE is a focal point of SWTOR, so is story, and I'm not asking that dev time be removed from them. I'm just asking that PVP, a much touted feature before during and post launch, not be completely and totally ignored like it has the last year. We saw the game go f2p, and an expansion launch and we haven't seen a crumb of content. Not one new wz, not sssp with pvp, we didn't even get the courtesy of new valor ranks (Which takes all of about a lunch break to code in). PVP subs are subs too, and we feel very neglected right now.

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For starts just put us in the same leveling zones I never understood why we barely had contact with the other faction during leveling after level 20 they should have cut us loose. I could go to alderaan and gank lowbies all day but who really does that. They should have never listened to the people who are afraid to get ganked in lowbie zones from here on out planets should have no restriction when it comes to confrontations.
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They had world pvp on ilum. It didn't work, because:

1) There were like 3 to 5 times more imps than reps

2) This game uses worst engine ever made. I do not enjoy playing a game with 3-11 fps during a massive battle. (And I can run games like crysis and stuff on max.)


What's the point in making any world pvp if the performance will be horrible and nearly unplayable.

Edited by Aelther
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I'm not asking for much. .....PVP subs are subs too, and we feel very neglected right now.


And I'm just explaining why you aren't getting sympathy from PvEers.

We're feeling the same way.



In reality, we should be working together to push EA/BW to release more content faster, for both PvE, PvP and RP. PvE will probably always get the most content, with RP the least -- but the best solution would be to have them exponentially increase the content for every single aspect of the game.


Unfortunately, most people have given up hope. I don't blame them, either -- and I can feel myself getting closer to that point. Still have 4 storylines to finish, though! ^.^



TL;DR PvEers feel the same as PvPers -- we shouldn't be fighting, when BW/EA is the problem =)

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