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BioWare says no more open world PvP in the making ever !!


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I'm not a pvper anymore, but I still have to say "good" to this. "World PvP" as they call it in WoW is no holds barred, and it's been garbage since they invented battlegrounds. All it is is gankers (2vs1, when another guy shows up to make it fair they leave) and PKing griefers who just one-shot lowbies "for fun." There's nothing interesting to be gained from it and everything to lose, mainly time. It is also the reason pvp is the most toxic part of the WoW community, worse even than hardcore raiding. Everyone looks at the griefing as some kind of right of passage that gives them free reign to grief when they achieve a higher level. "If it's red it's dead" is the order of the day. There are those who are above it, but then there are those who do nothing but.


It's garbage. One of the first things I did in WoW was leave pvp servers behind. No one EVER wants a fair fight, they will wait until you are at half health, and/or fighting mobs, or fear you into said mobs, then spit on your corpse like they accomplished something. The fact that it's catered to at all is still a blight on the "community."


Edit: Didn't realize this was a necro, but my point stands.


You think there's rage on the forums now? Wait until every third thread is about world pvp and how something unfair happened. That's the WoW forums for you.

Edited by Henge_Wolf
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Wait ... open world PvP ... you mean like that very large zone on Ilum that no-one ever uses except when it's the Gree event ... and Outlaws Den on Tatooine that is only used for those wanting the HK part?


Why would they want to develop any more open world PvP when the existing areas for just that are never used on the majority of servers?

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I'm not a pvper anymore, but I still have to say "good" to this. "World PvP" as they call it in WoW is no holds barred, and it's been garbage since they invented battlegrounds


Relevant text bolded for ease.


I'm just gonna say this: IMO, one of the very worst things to ever infect the MMO industry is the concept of "instances." Whether it be dungeons or PvP, instanced content feels canned & artificial, & conveys the impression that the game is nothing more than an amusement park, where the Random Group Finder utility takes the place of lining up for the ride.


Why did Everquest 1 feel like an actual world? Because -- until the advent of Lost Dungeons of Norrath -- it was entirely contested content.


Prior to the advent of WoW Battlegrounds, open world PvP was just about the most riotously good time you could have in that game. Drunken raids of opposing faction towns? O, bring it on! TM/SS wars that raged for hours? Bring it on! But all that disappeared when Battlegrounds hit, & WoW was made worse for it, & IMO it's all an outgrowth of developer over-reliance on instanced content which is making MMOs worse.


I would kill for a new, next-generation MMO without any form of instanced content at all.

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this. we're in the same boat.


if you want to rail against something, rail against the cartel market.


I am shamefaced at how much fire i've lost over the years. I gave in to the cartel market and it now owns my soul.

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If there was a serious inquiry into what happened to the 300 million that went into development criminal charges would result.

They must have had a good time at the companies expense.

It's the only explanation when a guy like Chris Roberts can do Star Citizen for 20-30 million and this gang of hired hands can't get even the basic copy paste combat from WoW to work properly.



I wonder how SC turned out? Anybody know? I haven't had the chance to try the game out yet :D

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1. Who remembers when Illum dropped and how it was unplayable for many people because of the lag introduced with massive PvP being kicked in on this engine and with their server architecture?


i had a lot of fun with Ilum pvp. I think i was on the harbinger at the time. It was fun going to ilum, seeing who had control and if there were any battles going on. Gather forces in the cave/tunnels then charge the middle area with 15-30 people. sure I could barely function with all the lag, but i still had a good time.

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Yes. And that's why i am complaining. They put pve quests in pvp areas. Huge design failure in my eyes.


Quite a few MMOs put pve quests in a pvp zone. Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean it isnt suppose to have the risk of pvp for the reward. Honestly, you are the type that gives PVE players a bad name.

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Quite a few MMOs put pve quests in a pvp zone. Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean it isnt suppose to have the risk of pvp for the reward. Honestly, you are the type that gives PVE players a bad name.


just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean you have the right to say "you give PVE players a bad name".


That just makes yourself look like a whiney child who doesn't get his own way.

Edited by Vallerine
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just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean you have the right to say "you give PVE players a bad name".


That just makes yourself look like a whiney child who doesn't get his own way.

What?! No it doesn't lol...it makes it look like he's the type of player that understands that some players need to be prompted and motivated to do something, otherwise they'll never ever attempt it.


I'm that way with crafting. I HATE crafting in MMOs. I can't think of anything quite so freaking boring and lame as crafting. In the MMOs I've played, I've avoided it 100%...in SWTOR though, I've found a use for it that has opened me up to being less hateful of it. Maybe by giving incentive for players to set foot in a PvP zones, these anti PvP people will have have a similar experience of "huh...not that bad".

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What?! No it doesn't lol...it makes it look like he's the type of player that understands that some players need to be prompted and motivated to do something, otherwise they'll never ever attempt it.


I'm that way with crafting. I HATE crafting in MMOs. I can't think of anything quite so freaking boring and lame as crafting. In the MMOs I've played, I've avoided it 100%...in SWTOR though, I've found a use for it that has opened me up to being less hateful of it. Maybe by giving incentive for players to set foot in a PvP zones, these anti PvP people will have have a similar experience of "huh...not that bad".

TUX is right (gasp) in that it can motivate people to try stuff they wouldn't normally.


Of course, for those of us who already know we don't like PvP, it just means more missions that we don't do.

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TUX is right (gasp) in that it can motivate people to try stuff they wouldn't normally.


Of course, for those of us who already know we don't like PvP, it just means more missions that we don't do.

I'm like a stopped clock...right twice a day!!! You've just missed the other days :p

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  • 8 months later...

So, I just returned to this game, last time I played was early 2012, I am a founder member.


I haven't read the full topic... but is there no more world-pvp here ? The reason I returned is to play PVP-Ilum, been back for 2 weeks or so to level up a new char to re-learn the game, and I checked on google to see that PVP-Ilum is gone ? I still have my old pvp-ilum quests open on my user-interface lol... ***.


Any alternatives ?

Edited by Zechz
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So, I just returned to this game, last time I played was early 2012, I am a founder member.


I haven't read the full topic... but is there no more world-pvp here ? The reason I returned is to play PVP-Ilum, been back for 2 weeks or so to level up a new char to re-learn the game, and I checked on google to see that PVP-Ilum is gone ? I still have my old pvp-ilum quests open on my user-interface lol... ***.


Any alternatives ?


There is little to no open world pvp. Open world pvp happens a little more on pvp servers, but even then it is pretty rare. The events like Gree and Rakghoul manage to spur some open world pvp though. The majority is done in Warzones and Arenas, and there are pvp seasons now that run each month, with unique rewards. Sadly the dev team doesn't seem to have pvp on their radar anymore. There is one new king-of-the-hill map coming out sometime in the next couple of months, but that is about it for 2016.

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Well for whats its worth; FFXIV:ARR is doing very well and it has zero Open World PvP.




That to me is a strong case that PvP is not really a "pillar" for a MMO to become successful. I don't think pvp in a MMO is as popular as it used to be. With the MOBA popularity dominating the arena style games, most of your true hardcore pvp'rs from MMO's past have moved on. Circa 2003 era? Sure, PvP was a must - nowadays? Not so much. I'm not anti-pvp by any means, I still love it here and there, but the times are changing and this is a business after-all, so it doesn't surprise me to see pvp content falling behind so hard.

Edited by DenariusJay
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Well for whats its worth; FFXIV:ARR is doing very well and it has zero Open World PvP.




That to me is a strong case that PvP is not really a "pillar" for a MMO to become successful. I don't think pvp in a MMO is as popular as it used to be. With the MOBA popularity dominating the arena style games, most of your true hardcore pvp'rs from MMO's past have moved on. Circa 2003 era? Sure, PvP was a must - nowadays? Not so much. I'm not anti-pvp by any means, I still love it here and there, but the times are changing and this is a business after-all, so it doesn't surprise me to see pvp content falling behind so hard.

Helluva necro by somebody. Anyway, ya ... I agree. MMORPGs will never be able to devote the resources necessary to compete with full-time PvP titles. I think MOBAs and their ilk have become the haven for true PvP aficionados. Though we've had some epic bloodbaths on Hoth. Edited by GalacticKegger
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