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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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I don't get why people complain about no end game content so much. Bioware clearly advertised this game as a story MMO with the emphasize on full voiced story for each character.


Why was that unclear to you folk who like getting to level cap?


Bioware does not have to cater to your style of play. They just have to provide information to the game buyers as to what you get when you buy this box. They did this abundantly in my opinion, and I am enjoying the story part because clearly I followed the development of the game before it came out. It's everything I wanted.


Too bad for you if you ignored this and just wanted end game high level PVP. You should not have bought the game.


Think about it. The guys making this game spent a huge amount of time making the stories, the locations, the characters, and all you want to do is race to the end and max out your gear? That kind of trivializes the work invested over the years spent in development. Bioware made an entire game, not something that should be hurdled to get to what you want.


So please let this most enjoyable game be played by the people this game was meant for. Please stop harrassing the forum community with your petty wants. End game will come but you are bent if you thought that Bioware was making end game the priority before its release. You are bent if you think Bioware should drop the bulk of the game in favor of your individual play style. Read the box - it's a STORY MMO.

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I don't get why people complain about no end game content so much. Bioware clearly advertised this game as a story MMO with the emphasize on full voiced story for each character.


I don't think so. Open up your eyes: 2 millions of subscriptions = a lot of money each year. Problem: you can't keep all these players in game, just by proposing them to roll another toon. If you do believe this, you're just a bit too naive to understand the very goal of every company.

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that's a load of crap! i find getting to 50 is a tedious experience that really hurts the smooth telling of the story line,I must have killed thousands of enemy's and feels so repetitive! that thinking of creating a new character just feels like a chore rather then what it should enjoyable!.
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Are you guys prepared to have your minds blown? The reason why you level so fast now is because mmos now actually have content! They have classes, they have mounts, they have taxis, and last but not least most gamers dont want to spend months and months leveling one toon.


DAOC took 25 days to get to 50 because you had to GRIND mobs all day every day to level, quests were few and far between, it took a long time to travel anywhere even using horses, and after level 40 each level was exponentially longer. Did you really enjoy grinding the same group of mobs from orange/red con to blue/green con for days?


WoW took half the time as DAOC because WoW had a much deeper quest system and accessible mounts.


I am about 5 days played right now and I am not level 45, after coruscant I have skipped alot of side quests because I would rather do the class and planet quests, flash points, space missions and pvp daily then run errands for the peons in the side quests.


Think the run to 50 is too short? Well luckily for you Bioware crafted 7 other completely unique story lines just for you! Go check them out.

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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

- Quests are rewarding too much XP

- War zones are rewarding too much XP

- Space combats are rewarding too much XP


As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


=> Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


Edit 12/29

On my server, there are already many players who have reached level 50, PvP rank 50, and have the full PvP set... just 2 weeks after the early launch and 1 week after the official launch. Go figure.


It's way too fast. What shall Bioware do now, as those players with such a stuff will just outrageously dominate the other players in the battlefield ?


Welcome to 2 weeks ago, so funny seeing people post this stuff now when we posting it weeks ago and getting shot down by fans and drones. Even casuals are now saying its too easy and fast.

Edited by Scan
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I don't think so. Open up your eyes: 2 millions of subscriptions = a lot of money each year. Problem: you can't keep all these players in game, just by proposing them to roll another toon. If you do believe this, you're just a bit too naive to understand the very goal of every company.


Lol WoW has done this very thing for 7 years now! End game is a joke now and most people have a plethora of toons

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I don't think so. Open up your eyes: 2 millions of subscriptions = a lot of money each year. Problem: you can't keep all these players in game, just by proposing them to roll another toon. If you do believe this, you're just a bit too naive to understand the very goal of every company.


I'm looking forward to Bioware proving all you hardcores wrong. Me, and a lot of others play this game because the journey to endgame is WAY more fun then any other MMO in history. You and players like you whine, regardless if its here, or in the WOW or EQ forums, because you are incapable of accepting that there is no company that can realistically keep up with your 30 hour/week lifeless gaming habit.


I can't be thankful enough that Bioware put so much emphasis on making the leveling fun.

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Edit 12/29

On my server, there are already many players who have reached level 50, PvP rank 50, and have the full PvP set... just 2 weeks after the early launch and 1 week after the official launch. Go figure.


It's way too fast. What shall Bioware do now, as those players with such a stuff will just outrageously dominate the other players in the battlefield ?



Correct me if im wrong, but you need aprox 4 days of /played to get to 50?



Thats 96 hours. The game started december 20, so in 9 days someone spent 96 hours playing the game...


Its not the game that is wrong, dude...

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It's not "totally fine". The game is paced too quickly, and you outlevel the content long before you should - as evidenced by your post. You are already level 40 and you haven't even used up your 30 day free trial.


I rest my case.


I have 2 50's, leveling is way too fast.


Even if you take the time to read the dialogue, its still too fast. Remove the PvP exp and it will slow down.

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I agree with the OP!


I'm leveling with a friend of mine and we do all quests we can find, maybe 1 space mission a day on average and 2-3 warzones a day and we easily outlevel the planets and our class quests.


When we came to Tatooine all quests were gray, we have to skip the whole planet since we were 32-33 when the quests were almost 10 levels lower. I had been looking forward to Tatooine the whole time so I was very disappointed with it.


We are now on Taris and all quests, just like on Alderaan, are green to us and we are quite some levels above both the planets quests and our classquests which makes everything (incl 4 man heroic quests) too easy.


I guess people who played the beta didn't get enough feedback so they could have lowered XP awarded from mainly space and warzones but also from quests because as it is right now you can't even do a little PvP or Space since that will result in quests being too easy.

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They made more content for levelling than is needed, compared to so many MMO's where you had to grind to get to max level i'd say this is a good problem to have.


I like this because i'll have new stuff to do on my 2nd playthrough i didn't touch on my first time through!

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I agree with the OP!


I'm leveling with a friend of mine and we do all quests we can find, maybe 1 space mission a day on average and 2-3 warzones a day and we easily outlevel the planets and our class quests.




You don't have to worry.


Levelling with a friend gives you extra exp that soloing players don't get. Also despite being 5-8 levels higher than areas at lower levels, my friend and I got equal level when we got to lvl 45 with the areas we were in. We did no PVP though.

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I'm still only level 30- and I play regularly at least 8-9 hours a day. Not sure what the deal is with it being so fast. I find it seems to have slowed down considerably after 30. And the FP's you can do only get me like 3K end of mission and MAYBE if i'm lucky more during for enemies. but NOT enough to level me up by a considerable margin Edited by Spyderwraith
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This is a funny thread i Just happened to pop across. You all say leveling is too fast. wait till you get up to 35+ it wont be so speedy. Secondly The game doesn't shut off when you hit 50. Then you must start to try and get the level 50 items and do the level 50 quests and the level 50 hard mode flashpoints.. and level 50 pvp . If there was nothing after 50 this might be an issue. Stop being afraid to get to final level to find out that you are a crap player because everyone is on the same level now. Grind up your toon.. Watch ALL of your In-game content no space-bar through and Enjoy the SW:TOR Universe now that you will finally be talented out you can actually do some real Playing.
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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

- Quests are rewarding too much XP

- War zones are rewarding too much XP

- Space combats are rewarding too much XP


As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


=> Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


Edit 12/29

On my server, there are already many players who have reached level 50, PvP rank 50, and have the full PvP set... just 2 weeks after the early launch and 1 week after the official launch. Go figure.


It's way too fast. What shall Bioware do now, as those players with such a stuff will just outrageously dominate the other players in the battlefield ?


What an uninformed posting OP. Did you think before you typed what you did? Are you going to flag this because someone is telling you you obviously did not think before you typed your piece and simply threw out your own playstyle and expect others to read your comments/advice like it was the way things should be?


I grow so tired of posts like this, people that are allowed to type things like you did and get away with it, and yet when a person like me corrects you, tells you you are uninformed for thinking everyone is going to heed your sage advice on how to play the game or tell whomever, whatever, i end up getting flagged, well before the flagging, your post had no substance and purely your playstyle, as sad as that sounds.


And to the moderators, just go ahead and give me that warning, and while your at it, do your damn jobs for once and kill posts like the op made, might save me a warning or two in the future.



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I agree with the original poster.


One of the major tenets of Star Wars The Old Republic was that it brought back story as a major pillar and focus.


I want to do every quest and sidequest for my character because the storylines are fantastic and the world-record 200,000 lines of voice acting are superb. I'm finding that I may be outleveling some of this content, though, and so spoiling the progression.


I am a late 20s gamer that works long hours and has many other responsibilities outside of this game. Therefore I want to savor every moment and have the ability to enjoy each of the nuggets of story that come out of this experience.


Having a kill XP toggle seems like it would satisfy both the aggressive gamer base and the more casual base. In terms of time investment, I suppose I would fall in the casual category but I would prefer to have the kill XP toggle off so that I could enjoy all of the content.


Having played other MMOs in the past, it does seem kind of crazy that there are already level 50s after a few weeks. But maybe that's just how things are now.


Thanks for your time, and thank you Bioware.

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Since apparantly my new thread was not good enough compared to the 5+ day old threads I was directed to..


I just had one of those lightbulb moments. You know, they dont happen often, but you know when they do. WHAM, a realization you never saw coming. If you had you would have dreaded its arrival.


The death of the MMO, as the most loyal and obsessed fans know them. The noobs cannot understand, how could they? They never experienced EQ1 or any of the other "true" old school MMOs (or any real MMO at all for that matter). The ones where you actually had to dedicate part of your life to play them well, that actually felt like a real thriving world. Back then if you did not feel a true connection to the world, its creatures and your own character, well MMOs were not for you!


So what happened exactly? I think the community changed, and it took a nose dive straight into the dumpster. Yes I am refering to World of Warcraft. Those of us who started in Beta or when the game first came out have very fond memories of this game. In fact, ask a group of WoW players, all from Vanilla (basicly old school WoW, back when it was at its prime) and see what they say about their favorite memories from the game. Personally I will never forget some of my experiences in that game, and I hope I never do. The community was amazing back then, so alive, so fiery, so happy (ok most of the time). We loved WoW, and it was good for a long time.


January 2012, SWTOR. An MMO where you could quite possibly level to 50 in 10 days.




That's right, I said it is entirely possible to level from 1-50 in 10 days. How..could this happen? Who decided it was a good idea to cut out the point of an MMO? I don't know, but as you all know, SWTOR is what we got. Now we are stuck with it. Only time will tell if the MMO genre as a whole is destroyed utterly, or if TOR will simply die quickly and allow a new, hopefully far more experienced company to try again. Either way, it is a sad day for the hardcore community, the MMO community as a whole, and gaming as a whole.

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The levelling pace is fast, but the people that capped fast that I can tell did little else but play this game constantly. I have a full-time job that I need decent sleep for, I've only managed to bring a character to 35. It does seem 'fast' compared to what I remember from ye olde (and godawful) EverQuest... but frankly, I like it.


There are also seven other stories to experience. Considering that legacy experience is something that accrues on a server on both Republic and Imperial characters, there's incentive to just do it over. The shared missions may be repetitious, but at least the other story arcs to follow give a player more to do and see.

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Regardless of how fast you get to Max level, whether in a few days or a few months, it’s out levelling the quest content in relation to your story progression that’s the problem. Particularly if you do the side quests, bonus series and heroics. And if you want to do any of the other content like flashpoints, warzones or space combat then you will be over-levelled for the main quest line.


For my play style, I particularly like to do all the quests (side quests, bonus series and heroics) in an area before moving forward to the next. I’m currently level 33 at the tail end of Tatooine with the next planet Alderaan starting at level 28.


I agree with a gain experience toggle.



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Since apparantly my new thread was not good enough compared to the 5+ day old threads I was directed to..


I just had one of those lightbulb moments. You know, they dont happen often, but you know when they do. WHAM, a realization you never saw coming. If you had you would have dreaded its arrival.


The death of the MMO, as the most loyal and obsessed fans know them. The noobs cannot understand, how could they? They never experienced EQ1 or any of the other "true" old school MMOs (or any real MMO at all for that matter). The ones where you actually had to dedicate part of your life to play them well, that actually felt like a real thriving world. Back then if you did not feel a true connection to the world, its creatures and your own character, well MMOs were not for you!


So what happened exactly? I think the community changed, and it took a nose dive straight into the dumpster. Yes I am refering to World of Warcraft. Those of us who started in Beta or when the game first came out have very fond memories of this game. In fact, ask a group of WoW players, all from Vanilla (basicly old school WoW, back when it was at its prime) and see what they say about their favorite memories from the game. Personally I will never forget some of my experiences in that game, and I hope I never do. The community was amazing back then, so alive, so fiery, so happy (ok most of the time). We loved WoW, and it was good for a long time.


January 2012, SWTOR. An MMO where you could quite possibly level to 50 in 10 days.




That's right, I said it is entirely possible to level from 1-50 in 10 days. How..could this happen? Who decided it was a good idea to cut out the point of an MMO? I don't know, but as you all know, SWTOR is what we got. Now we are stuck with it. Only time will tell if the MMO genre as a whole is destroyed utterly, or if TOR will simply die quickly and allow a new, hopefully far more experienced company to try again. Either way, it is a sad day for the hardcore community, the MMO community as a whole, and gaming as a whole.



About 6 days from my last post... from 30 to level 37

I used to level 2 levels per day average at lower levels the amount i play. now I'm lucky to get even one. and i play pretty much 10 hours average a day.


Is it possible to get to 50 in a short period yes, I've seen it. But that doesn't really kill the MMO. Because ultimately you'd have the goombah's who do nothing but level whine and complain it's taking to long to level.


And obviously you don't but I personally have a connection to the world and my character. So not seeing where your coming from there.

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