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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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It because your paly style is not what they are tuning leveling to. Simple stuff. So you can get over it now and proceed to play or not.


You ought to be at the right level doing only class quests and a few world quests on the way, since many people will want to play that way.


It also needs to take ~4 months at 10 hours/week to get to 50, so that is just right.


Beta saw people argue this both ways, and it was rightly tuned to casual players.

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People who appreciate merit in an MMO are by no means a minority. But yes, unfortunately these days there are too many mainstream players that lack the insight to understand design and merit in an MMO. Because of this misconception that players apparently don't like working for things, many MMOs try to now be made with them in mind. And as a result hardly any MMOs are a financial success and even WoW has lost nearly 2 million subscribers.


You don't understand that the easier and quicker something in an MMO is, the less meaningful it becomes. Like a child entering a cheat code into a video game not realizing what experience he's cheating himself out of.



You are not right. Which is why you call upon the strawman argument of "others are with me" to try to defend a stance without an argument.


Tell that to the masses of OTHER ppl (whose posts you seem to be ignoring in a vain attempt to "win" this argument) who are flaming YOUR posts and calling YOU wrong.


Just...give up. It is okay to walk away and agree we have our own entitled opinions on the matter.

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Well my main is only level 19 and I've been playing since the 13th. I have also started up an Imperial Agent alt. I like the fact it's casual. With the different stories, different companions and different choices it does feel very different. In fact listening to the sidequests again doesn't really bother me. Edited by Morosi
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Maybe BW can add a new option in the Settings area where people that believe leveling is to fast can opt to cut the earned XP in 1/2 for THEMSELVES.


I like it just the way it is, I gain about 1-2 levels per play (I play 1 to 2 hours a few times a week) and I feel like an hour or two really accomplishes something.


And because it doesn't take a week to gain 1 level, I'll probably play this game a LOT longer then I would your typical grind MMO.


Thanks BW, great job with the game.

The only problem with that suggestion is that this is an MMO, not a single-player game. If you cut off half your own experience it's not gaining any merit to the achievement of getting to level 50. It also creates many other side-effects such as not being able to level at the same pace as your friends.


And if you think that blasting through content as quickly as possible causes people to play the game longer, you obviously haven't seen too many MMO player statistics.

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I think the argument is that it is too easy to get outlevelled for the story quests and planet, not that you can get to 50 too fast. I have just left Taris at level 24 on what is supposed to be a 16-20 planet. Nar Shaddaa is 20-24 and I'm entering it at the high end.


I have done every quest I've encountered and each flash point and space mission once and maybe 10 PVP battles. I find myself avoiding the non-questing means of exp gain just to keep the challenge at a reasonable level. I have a blast with PVP but if I keep playing it, I ruin all of the great quests by being extremely outlevelled for them.


I would greatly appreciate a way to turn off exp for the space combat and PVP. The other solution is for Bioware to make less compelling side quests so I don't care if I skip them...


Ehhh, sure, it seems as if the levelling curve is designed purely for people who want to do a solo-quest grind. People that do all of the extra stuff you can do during leveling; PvP, Flashpoints, Heroic 2/4 dailies, space battles etc. will get ahead of that curve. But if you had to do all of that extra stuff to keep up with the level curve, would that be the game forcing people to do content they don't want to do, or just an incentive to branching out? Everyone's going to have a different opinion on that, too.


In the end, it doesn't make a whole world of difference to the game's difficulty, because you're a higher level wearing lower level gear; you won't get better gear rewards until you actually do the higher level planets. And the gear makes a pretty big difference.

Edited by Bibdy
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/has played since early release, highest level is 21 so far


I don't see how some of you people can be bored of this game already. (unless you don't have a job. That's what eats up most of my gaming time)


My problem is I've logged 4 days /played in a week. I don't honestly know how, but I did it. I'm taking a break. I have to. I might die otherwise, I should shower to.

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Tell that to the masses of OTHER ppl (whose posts you seem to be ignoring in a vain attempt to "win" this argument) who are flaming YOUR posts and calling YOU wrong.


Just...give up. It is okay to walk away and agree we have our own entitled opinions on the matter.


People such as yourself without arguments go straight for the "shut up" and "you're wrong" flames because their stance has no basis to begin with. You just want easy xp and don't like it that others actually care about the game.

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People who appreciate merit in an MMO are by no means a minority. But yes, unfortunately these days there are too many mainstream players that lack the insight to understand design and merit in an MMO. Because of this misconception that players apparently don't like working for things, many MMOs try to now be made with them in mind. And as a result hardly any MMOs are a financial success and even WoW has lost nearly 2 million subscribers.


You don't understand that the easier and quicker something in an MMO is, the less meaningful it becomes. Like a child entering a cheat code into a video game not realizing what experience he's cheating himself out of.



You are not right. Which is why you call upon the strawman argument of "others are with me" to try to defend a stance without an argument.


AGAIN! you continue to prove my point and ultimately prove your again seemingly petulant attitude (based on several posts as examples)


WHO are you to determine merit in an MMO

WHO are you to declare a person wrong

WHO are you to even fathom that your right in any aspect of the matter except your own mind.


And ultimately again who is anybody to baselessly declare someones OPINION as right or wrong

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The fact that this thread exists and has so many posts shows indeed that they are on my side. It's also a strawman argumenet to insinuate that a point is made more valid through popular vote. The only argument that has even been posed to why leveling should be so fast is simply "I'm too busy to play."



If you're too busy to play then please don't play. Some of actually do appreciate investment and merit in an MMO.


BunnyMage, I greatly appreciate you going out of your way to use fundamental debate terms like fallacy and strawman and then following them up with the textbook definition. It really solidifies your arguments and shows us that you can successfully wikipedia big words and debate tactics.


I am impressed. Let me know when you actually make a point.

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People such as yourself without arguments go straight for the "shut up" and "you're wrong" flames because their stance has no basis to begin with. You just want easy xp and don't like it that others actually care about the game.


And your intense, narrow minded perspective shows YOU dont like that others care about the game. Many casuals would NEVER make it to the end of their stories if it took as long as you seem to want it. My stance is backed by nearly every other poster the past 4-5 pages. Seriously dude. You lose. I am getting back to work now. Enjoy standing around in your major city with nothing to do becuase you flew through the game with one character and an excessive amount of playtime.

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The problem with making the leveling process longer is simply the average player probably wouldn't stay with it that long. I know the story is fun and the dialog is very exciting, but I cannot say that the majority of the ~1.5 million players could stand playing for 2-3 months before reaching the level cap and truly get to experience what is considered to be the best part of the game.


By increasing the time players to get to 50 BW would cause a large portion to probably just quit and go lay wow where stuff is handed to them.

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People such as yourself without arguments go straight for the "shut up" and "you're wrong" flames because their stance has no basis to begin with. You just want easy xp and don't like it that others actually care about the game.


Please do yourself a favour and learn a lesson from this experience; read other people's posts!


NOBODY is arguing that they want it to be easy, or be spoon-fed. People are simply disagreeing with your opinion that the current levelling process is too short. It fits some people's play-time just fine. It feels exasperatingly long for other people (probably because they have limited time, and get very impatient when they see a bunch of max-level guys running around). If its too short for you, it probably has a lot to do with this attitude of yours that hitting the highest level first is an achievement. That's how you wanted to play the game; cool! I hope you enjoyed it.


Sitting here accusing everyone of being MMO babies that want to be spoonfed is just making you look silly because you're not even acknowledging or responding to the arguments being brought forward. Just wandering off on your own little tangent and venting frustration at people that don't deserve it.

Edited by Bibdy
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Pretty much what others have said: a lot of focus is on alts and the STORY (oh my god a story in an MMO, holy **** its a NOVEL idea).


Also, there's no point in doing all the extra quests on a planet; you really only need to do the main class quest and any hub quests around that area. Anything else is just extra and will overlevel you for the next zone (not a bad thing, but you are complaining about it like it is)


oh no.. oh no.. you do have to do all the quest.. I didn't do half the quest on Ord Mantell as a trooper.. and guess what I pretty much did the only class quest.. and I left ord mantell around 9.. so then I was under levelled for Coruscanta nd now I cant get past the Justicer sector.. so I made an alt..

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AGAIN! you continue to prove my point and ultimately prove your again seemingly petulant attitude (based on several posts as examples)


WHO are you to determine merit in an MMO

WHO are you to declare a person wrong

WHO are you to even fathom that your right in any aspect of the matter except your own mind.


And ultimately again who is anybody to baselessly declare someones OPINION as right or wrong


I would like to add....


People....I know you spent money on it, some of you had mom and/or dad buy it, some of you had it gifted to you....but its a freaking game. If you dont like it, go get another, get a/live your life, take a nap, watch tv....... Im sorry that it sucked for you, but you ************* here isnt going to fix it, you are just going to get made fun of and this thread will go on and on and on and on and on.


Im sad to see that people need to flame each other because of game. I read the forums for something to do on downtime and lunch.


That is all.....


Continue your flaming

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Maybe it is just me, but I think the OP play time is a little more than 'average'. I work a full time job and have a wife and kid. I'm lucky if I get 2 hours of play time a night. I only have a level 20 and 15. Not everyone gets to play for 5-6 hours a day. I will be lucky if I have a 50 by the end of February.


Level time to 50 is fine for me.

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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


That's because people are playing way too much (plus a lot of people in beta already played through the story and just wanted to race to 50 on release). The average play time was like 5 hours a day, that's pretty ridiculous. Plenty of people were putting in way more than that, myself included. I already have several *days* of in-game time done. Plenty of people have even more than that.

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And your intense, narrow minded perspective shows YOU dont like that others care about the game. Many casuals would NEVER make it to the end of their stories if it took as long as you seem to want it. My stance is backed by nearly every other poster the past 4-5 pages. Seriously dude. You lose. I am getting back to work now. Enjoy standing around in your major city with nothing to do becuase you flew through the game with one character and an excessive amount of playtime.


You realize "nearly every other poster for the past 4-5 pages" has been less than 10 people, right? And most are just the same 3 people arguing with me? Unfortunately, your invisible army doesn't exist.


But in any case, your statement is ridiculous. You're claiming that casual players of an MMO will "never" make it to the end of a storyline if leveling takes more than a few days? That is ridiculous. The average player of an MMO plays steadily for months.


Also, storyline and xp rate are not the same thing. As it stands now you can get to level 50 long before you even finish the class storyline. Which means if you wish to unlock the endgame flashpoints you need to do storyline quests for no xp. Try and rationalize how that is somehow a good design decision.

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Maybe it is just me, but I think the OP play time is a little more than 'average'. I work a full time job and have a wife and kid. I'm lucky if I get 2 hours of play time a night. I only have a level 20 and 15. Not everyone gets to play for 5-6 hours a day. I will be lucky if I have a 50 by the end of February.


Level time to 50 is fine for me.


Hell, it's the Christmas holiday. Some people will happily spend all 16 hours of awake time on the game since they have nothing else to do. Playing that much, and claiming that you don't enjoy the game just makes no sense to me. If you really, genuinely didn't like a game, you'd stop playing almost immediately. 'Getting your money's worth' by hanging around for 30 more days, playing a game you don't even like, is even crazier. I purchased Rage for full price and was wholly disappointed. I didn't play the game through to the end, just to get my money's worth. I simply learned never to trust id ever again and go spend my time playing a game I actually like.

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This game will fail because they are not giving the endgame much thought.


Sure the masses will take time to get to 50 and so will the casuals.


Thing is these people will not keep this game afloat, an mmo of this magnitude needs long term investment on a huge scale.


The casuals will kill this game, dead.


They say they should be the ones that the content is aimed at but then listening to these people will kill this game as it is killing the genre in general.


Listen to the hardcore and keep them interested, the casuals and part timers follow these people whether they admit it or not.


SW:TOR will become a bit of a joke if you listen to the slow pokes, its already happening but its not too late.. Even people that do not play that hard have already hit 50 and I would say there is only a few that will play alts.

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Pretty much this.


Here here! I totaly agree with this. people who rush to 50 then complain in my book

just complain so they can complain. they think just cause they rushed th 50 they have

the sayso on how it works. Its not our fault they rushed to 50 without taking the time to enjoy the game. probably skipping all the quests or hitting spacebar to skip all the conent.

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every mmorpg i played since DAoC has had max level people in a week so i don't see your point.

Some compulsive people will level to max and moan anyhow


Not even close. When DAOC first was released it took a solid 2+ months even for dedicated players. Even WoW originally took several weeks to get to level cap.



Those were the golden ages.

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You realize "nearly every other poster for the past 4-5 pages" has been less than 10 people, right? And most are just the same 3 people arguing with me? Unfortunately, your invisible army doesn't exist.


But in any case, your statement is ridiculous. You're claiming that casual players of an MMO will "never" make it to the end of a storyline if leveling takes more than a few days? That is ridiculous. The average player of an MMO plays steadily for months.


People who actually want the storyline would grind until death if story is what they wanted.


What people do not seem to realize is that if the situation was reversed and the levelling

speed was ground down to nothing then this thread would still exist and the title of it would be " Levelling is to SLOOOOOOOOW" Simply because people will always voice thier own opinions and complain and complain.


Endgame content and speed of levelling ultimatley in my OPINION would not have a standing on MMOs in so much as everyone's opinion will ALWAYS DIFFER on these matters.


So ultimatley the arguments will come if the issue was reversed.


And frankly those who tell us that Design Flaws exist that the endgame is processed to quickly would not make it in business school. Simply because the entire point of producing anything for mass release is to cater to the MASSES (IE music industy or reality TV)


Ultimately this is my first MMO and I love it for what it is I will continue with it in due coarse regardless because I enjoy the game and genre in which the story is based

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