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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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yes, leave the leveling speed alone

Im lvl 25 and I am on alderan so in my case it needs to be faster.


and bunnymage, I dont mean to sound rude but i belive your wrong


there are tons and tons of people who play 2-4 hours a day and work

not all of us are rich or rely on someone to pay our bills. We have to work 40+ hours a week. + deal with our lives & game

Edited by TechRandy
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I've been playing since day 3 of early access, about an hour or two a day (sometimes 4 or more on weekends), and I'm only level 35. I do the occasional warzone and flashpoint, and most of the heroic quests. leveling speed is just about perfect I'd say.


I should also point out that I have an alt at 12 and another at 4.

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If you think most people don't play MMOs for several hours a day or more then you clearly have little experience with MMOs. We don't spend $15 a month to hardly ever play and have nothing to do.


I've been playing MMOs since EQ launched and dabbled in UO. I've also been playing this for only a few hours a day since it launched and am nowhere near 50. I'm not rushing to 50.


Clearly you are just trying to skew this into what you want because you want the power to dictate others leveling speed after you maxed out your character. Clearly you have little experience if you think this topic is new and interesting. Powerlevelers like you do this in every game then complain about not having any endgame content or the speed being too fast.


The devs can see how many players are at what level. I bet you most are in their 20s and 30s still. If the majority of players had maxed out they would've "fixed" it by now. Obviously the devs are fine with the current leveling speed they released with or they would've changed it.

Edited by PhoenixStar
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Are you level 50? Do you plan on playing one single character during your whole MMORPG career? Do you have a life outside your computer? If not just just shut up.


If a person is forced to abandon their character in order to start over again just to experience more content then that is proof that the game's content is processed too quickly. And a person's social life is irrelevant as it has nothing to do with the game. If you are too busy to play a game then the logical solution is to not play it, not call upon the game to be dumbed down to the needs of your busy lifestyle. MMOs are not casual games. If you want casual games go play on your iphone.

Edited by BunnyMage
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These posts are always hilarious.


When games are released, especially MMOs, there's always an abundant supply of people that want to get to 50 first. Whether it's friendly competition, server-firsts, or because their girlfriend doesn't exist, they burn through content as fast as possible, hit the level cap and assume everyone else is doing the exact same thing.


Dude, you're in the minority. Those 50s are in the minority.


If they went back and polished these bugs you're referring to, or slowed down the leveling speed, you'd be complaining about grinding flashpoints, running out of quests, or whatever the hell people could find to whine about.


The leveling speed seems pretty solid to me. More in some areas than I would have expected and smaller in others (Space Combat is the key to leveling). Regardless, there's no way in hell to satisfy the people that already hit 50. They're always the ones complaining about content a few weeks after any MMO release. I apologize for the MMO developers that cannot keep up with your lack of **** to do in the real world, but it's really not their fault.

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My /played meter reads just over 6 days of playing time, my main (and only toon apart from 3 level 3 alts) is a L30 Trooper, and only just now about to reach L31.


I've done almost every quest I could find, ran all of the Heroics at least once, done almost every single bonus mission through the 3 levels and final bonus level, and still have another 20 levels to go.


And now that my Christmas break is about up... I won't have 8+ hours a day to play the game anymore, so I dare say my advancement will slow down even more.


Granted, The game launched 9 days ago, but I've also been playing for 150 hours and still seem to have half of my quest left on ONE character. There are still 7 other story lines to finish, as well as the ability to re-run the Trooper story with a female voice, or as a Dark Side trooper, etc. etc.


I'm sorry if some of you are getting to Level 50 too fast. But I believe you are in a small minority, and the mainstream players aren't anywhere near that yet.


Unfortunately, some peoples' thirst for content can never be quenched. Some people will just burn through content in a tiny fraction of the time that it takes said content to be created. And unfortunately, people like this will always be left in a sort of advanceless limbo. There's nothing much that anyone can do about it, short of implementing full sandbox options.

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I've been playing 5 days straight 10-12 hrs a day on average because of holidays. I JUST hit level 23 So levelling is to fast? Really, I do not undersstand how there can apparently be so "many" players already at 50 to complain about levelling to fast.


In life, if one finds something to fast they slow down.

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If a person is forced to abandon their character in order to start over again just to experience more content then that is proof that the game's content is processed too quickly. And a person's social life is irrelevant as it has nothing to do with the game. If you are too busy to play a game then the logical solution is to not play it, not call upon the game to be dumbed down to the needs of your busy lifestyle. MMOs are not casual games. If you want casual games go play on your iphone.


Your totaly wrong wrong wrong. people like you who just sit at home 24/7 and play need to get a life and a full time job. or atleast stop complaining cause its to fast for you.

people like you just want to ruin it for the rest of us. slow down and enjoy the game.

there are tons and tons of side quests and oher things to enjoy. stop smell the roses along the way. If you dont like the speed then go play wow or some other game

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I've been playing MMOs since EQ launched and dabbled in UO. I've also been playing this for only a few hours a day since it launched and am nowhere near 50. I'm not rushing to 50.


Clearly you are just trying to skew this into what you want because you want the power to dictate others leveling speed after you maxed out your character. Clearly you have little experience if you think this topic is new and interesting. Powerlevelers like you do this in every game then complain about not having any endgame content or the speed being too fast.


The devs can see how many players are at what level. I bet you most are in their 20s and 30s still. If the majority of players had maxed out they would've "fixed" it by now. Obviously the devs are fine with the current leveling speed they released with or they would've changed it.


I am not a "power leveler". I am a normal player who has played a few hours a day at a normal speed and my Jedi Sage hit 50 in under a week. The "power levelers" are the ones that hit 50 in 2-3 days. This is not a problem just for elitists, this is a problem that effects the normal player.


And really, using the "I don't play that much and like to tiptoe through the tulips" excuse doesn't work because even if a player doesn't play often and makes the strange, arbitrary decision to NOT advance their character during play, it still doesn't change the fact that experience points are given out too quickly for the content that is done. As it stands now a person needs to avoid doing warzones in any appreciable facet or be forced to do story quests that are too easy for the level or reward no experience for already being at the level cap.



There is no good reason for leveling to be this fast and there's no argument you could possibly pose to support it, other than simply saying "I don't want to work for stuff give it to me now."

Edited by BunnyMage
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Your totaly wrong wrong wrong. people like you who just sit at home 24/7 and play need to get a life and a full time job. or atleast stop complaining cause its to fast for you.

people like you just want to ruin it for the rest of us. slow down and enjoy the game.

there are tons and tons of side quests and oher things to enjoy. stop smell the roses along the way. If you dont like the speed then go play wow or some other game


Your argument is a fallacy, because if you actually wanted to "slow down and enjoy the game" you wouldn't care how slow or fast it takes to level, since you are supposedly in no rush.


And as already stated, a person's social life has nothing to do with the game. What you do or do not do in your personal life is none of our concern. You are essentially saying "I'm too busy to play MMOs so I shouldn't have to." MMOs are for those of us who DO like to play them. If your socialite status and heavy job schedule are getting in the way then the genre simply is not for you.

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Let us keep in mind that the leveling speed discussion is both a subjective and objective argument.


Leveling speed can be broken down into measurable numbers, thus objective, but it will always be someone's opinion as to whether that is fast, slow, or just right.


And that opinion could be based on many factors. There are things each person will hold relevant to the discussion and things other will not hold relevant. Some people will find certain facts more important than other facts.


So while someone can say hitting level 50 in 70 hours while skipping over everything is too fast.


Someone else might find hitting level 50 in 140 hours while trying everything and taking their time to chat, and experiment in various areas as also being too fast.


I am not saying anyone on this thread is right or wrong.. Just that we should not be getting angry at someone for ruining the game just cause they hold certain facts to be important.


Just because there is a consensus on something does not make thaqt opinion the right opinion.


Also keep in mind that just like WoW, EQ2, and many other MMO's Most of the community does not visit the forums, and when they do it is usually to complain.


Also think about this.. when you have a good/ok/acceptable experience at a store... how many people do you tell? Do you pull the manager aside to say "Today was gosh darned OK."


Now when you have a bad/horrible/less than optimal experience how many people do you tell?


These are not cold hard facts that I am hoping will suddenly change all of our minds.. these are things to keep in mind as you asses various situations. Including the leveling discussion.

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Your argument is a fallacy, because if you actually wanted to "slow down and enjoy the game" you wouldn't care how slow or fast it takes to level, since you are supposedly in no rush.


And as already stated, a person's social life has nothing to do with the game. What you do or do not do in your personal life is none of our concern. You are essentially saying "I'm too busy to play MMOs so I shouldn't have to." MMOs are for those of us who DO like to play them. If your socialite status and heavy job schedule are getting in the way then the genre simply is not for you.


It has everything to to with the game, the time you have to play. and yes, i do care about the leveling speed. I'm not lvl 25 cause i stoped lvling, i've been doing quests and class missions 3-4 hours a day. and there are over billion players on all mmos that have full time jobs and lifes and still play 1-3 hours a day. you cant say that a 1-3 hours a day player has no right to play. thats just like saying you have no right to play because you level to fast. just quit complaing about it.

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Space barring through quest dialog might save you a few cumulative hours at most, so that excuse doesn't fly. Also, it isn't just the "power gamers" who are flying to 50 in a few days. Normal players who have never played the game before and just casually play through the game can get to 50 in just a few days.


Regardless of whether you are a casual or dedicated player, making leveling too quickly only removes merit and worth through the game, as well as DETRACTS from the storyline experience because it's too easy to out-level the questing content.



This type of opinion really annoys me, because it's basically just casual players saying "I can't be arsed to accomplish anything so just give everything to me for free." You're essentially calling on the game as a whole to be watered down because you don't have time to play.


And likewise your type of opinion annoys me. Not to be confrontational, but there are ppl who have many things going on in their lives, but enjoy mmos. I (and many other players) have school/college, work, spouse/sig other, friends, family, responsibilites like chores around the house, yardwork etc., pets to entertain (walking the dog for example), and all these add up to pretty full days. I for one, am happy to get 2 hours in daily if I am LUCKY. Usually I can only get 4-6 hours (amount of time most ppl need for raiding and that is multiple nights a week...) when gf is at work, I have no hw or papers due, nothing around house needs done, and I am off work myself. That particular instance is quite rare (maybe once every other week)...


So I am again, pleased with the somewhat quick trip to 50. It works for ppl like me to have their one or two dedicated toons and get minimal playtime b/c they properly prioritze their lives. Everyone who has a 50 now and cant do anything b/c the 50 count is too low...alts...that will simply have to do to satisfy your swtor needs (and its what BW wants anyway). That...or quit. We shouldnt be punished with a grueling grind to 50 becuase other ppl lack lives, or are incapable of finding other ways to occupy their time so all they do is complain they hit 50 too fast.


Note that none of this is directly fired at YOU...just a general statement.

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There is no good reason for leveling to be this fast and there's no argument you could possibly pose to support it, other than simply saying "I don't want to work for stuff give it to me now."


How about the argument that one only plays PVE as PvP is not something that is enjoyed due to a myriad of reasons one such being I don't want to listen to the trolls who scream "i'm better then you" because general life experience shows us that there will always be that type of person.


Not to mention I enjoy PVE more then any of the "warzones" or what have you. OR the fact that the flashpoints are unbeatable due to the fact that I can't find a group who doesn't bail on me instantly when things aren't going my way.


And for all those who will say MMO is all about PVP etc and so forth if you don't like it go away and pick a new game


I LIKE this game, I reckon the speed is fine. As I've stated I'm only JUST level 23 so I've no issue with the speed of levels



Human nature shows us that the exact same players who complain about speed of levels will then immidiately post "They changeed the levelling Speed now its a grind, We left other MMOS cuz we didnt want to grind" Simply for the fact that complainers complain about EVERYTHING no matter what happens period.

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Way too fast? Bloody hell, my main is still only 26, and my alts are 21 and 16 respectively. Stop playing 15 hours a day, that is the reason why you are reaching 50 so quickly!


HAHA, people like you crack me up.

Main is 26, with alts at 21 and 16.


If you would of played your main only, youd be at 50 too.


My 1 toon atm is 32......

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Your argument is a fallacy, because if you actually wanted to "slow down and enjoy the game" you wouldn't care how slow or fast it takes to level, since you are supposedly in no rush.


And as already stated, a person's social life has nothing to do with the game. What you do or do not do in your personal life is none of our concern. You are essentially saying "I'm too busy to play MMOs so I shouldn't have to." MMOs are for those of us who DO like to play them. If your socialite status and heavy job schedule are getting in the way then the genre simply is not for you.


That is you trying to tell the ppl who simply DONT have TONS of time to spend on this game cant play...a horridly unfair statement. I love this game so far and dedicate what I can to it. Not having 5+ hours a day to play does not make this the wrong genre for me.

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It has everything to to with the game, the time you have to play. and yes, i do care about the leveling speed. I'm not lvl 25 cause i stoped lvling, i've been doing quests and class missions 3-4 hours a day. and there are over billion players on all mmos that have full time jobs and lifes and still play 1-3 hours a day. you cant say that a 1-3 hours a day player has no right to play. thats just like saying you have no right to play,


You're posting on an internet video game forum in the middle of a weekday, so obviously your full-time job isn't quite as full-time as described.


But in any case, no one is saying you don't have the right to play. Simply that the genre probably isn't for you if you are calling on the game content to be processed too quickly. You lack the insight to understand how this is a fundamental game design flaw as it makes game content and progression too insubstantial and without merit. All you care about is having an easy time.

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Your argument is a fallacy, because if you actually wanted to "slow down and enjoy the game" you wouldn't care how slow or fast it takes to level, since you are supposedly in no rush.


And as already stated, a person's social life has nothing to do with the game. What you do or do not do in your personal life is none of our concern. You are essentially saying "I'm too busy to play MMOs so I shouldn't have to." MMOs are for those of us who DO like to play them. If your socialite status and heavy job schedule are getting in the way then the genre simply is not for you.


YOUR argument is a fallacy.


Your assumption that one has to play constantly and do nothing else BUT play MMO's discredits your statement.


Your basically saying "If you can't play this game 100% of the time it's not for you"


Do not presume to tell me what is and is not for me nor think yourself valued enough to say so.


I have a social life and a work life and I enjoy this game

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And as already stated, a person's social life has nothing to do with the game. What you do or do not do in your personal life is none of our concern.




If your socialite status and heavy job schedule are getting in the way then the genre simply is not for you.


Apparently you're qualified to tell us whether we can play the game or not based on our socialite status.


Nicely done.

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My class quest was lvl26 to go to tatooine.

I landed there when i was lvl32.


You CANNOT do any pvp, any flashpoints or any space combat if you want to remain at the right lvl for the planet.

This is sort of a bummer as i do 1 of each ATLEAST every day, especially FP.


Quest system is to quick by far.To all you ppl saying no, its fine, its not. You obviously skip alot of content to get to the next area by the right lvl.


So you dont do flashpoints.Well , by endgame i take it thats alot of what there is going to be. And if you dont do them now, how good are you going to be in a group situation at 50? The rest of us have learnt them all know what to do, how to play our toon in groups. Dont be amazed you may find yuorself getting kicked out of groups.

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You're posting on an internet video game forum in the middle of a weekday, so obviously your full-time job isn't quite as full-time as described.


Or maybe the full-time job let's us get away with a few posts on the internet but not, I don't know, maybe launching a f'ing video game at full screen resolution and shooting lasers?


Your arguments are just... holy crap dude.

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