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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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OP this is what I get from this


"I want to do every possible mission quest and every possible flashpoint and heroic and complete everything and do everything Warzones Space missions and blah blah blah but I want to remain equal to my planet level so I don't over power the planet"


One of two things


First- If you want to do everything all at once fine do that, but don't expect Bioware to cater the game to YOUR playstyle. You either do what you've been doing and expect to be overpowered and DEAL with it, or stop what your doing and play the game different. This is NOT BUILT for you.


Second- I have been doing nothing but world quests and a few heroics and I can't even finish the flashpoints because the groups I find just flat-out bail. I've had 5 days off due to holidays with some significant hours of play 10-12 per day, and I'm ONLY level 22. I am enjoying this game immensly and find it fast enough.


I dont PVP or Space mission as I enjoy story, if i wanna PVP I'll do it later. My point is Bioware has told us that you can SOLO level to 50 and frankly as much as I love the MMO part of it sometimes the groups you get are full of people who are not that great a group.

If XP gets cut down so much so that I can't level Solo and always have to hunt for a group then it blows.




people will never ever be fully satisfied with any game ever. As an example People Complain about glitches saying they need fixing then when servers are down they SCREAM at bioware because servers are down.


Just saying.

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I don't want the game balanced for the 18 hour a day power-gamers. If they want to grab the casual players and their money, they need to offer a casual leveling pace.


Pace of leveling is fine. There will always be poopsockers that play WAY too much and hit the level cap asap then cry there's nothing to do. The game shouldn't be balanced for them.

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I forgot to mention there is a certain level of self control here. If you see yourself about to out level a planet maybe bioware is thinking


"they are smart people they will stop world questing and go to the next planet"


So how about people stop winging about how bioware has done them wrong and take responsibility for the fact YOU were the one who decided to overlevel yourself and made your bed and now you expect bioware to fix it for you


Grow up

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The fully voiced aspect is also going to make new content slower to put out as well.


I suppose I don't know their development process, but the people who do the voice acting should be working in parallel with people creating content.


I'm almost certain that designing and creating new encounters, zones, etc... would take significantly longer than recording some people speaking the conversation that goes with it, and it's not like either has to wait for the other to finish before starting.


As for the OP:


They likely didn't want to force everyone to do everything available at every level before moving on.


Instead of lowering the experience gains for everything across the board until you have to do EVERYTHING that can reward experience before moving on they settled for the common system of diminishing rewards for higher level characters on level dependent content. It keeps people from getting much more than 3-4 levels above the content, while allowing people to pick and choose a bit and still make progress.


Of course, with PvP and space combat not being based on class story progression they do provide ways for players to significantly out-level their point in the story. Still, a vast majority of every server's population still isn't level 50, and in every MMO ever those who rush typically spend time regretting it before everyone else gets caught up.

Edited by Dymensia
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I play 2-3 hours a day, and have since last Friday and I'm halfway through level 17...I think it's slow enough as is for the vast majority of the player base.




I only play about 2 hours a day. I do every quest and listen to every story. I explore and fill in all of my maps and check out all of the zones to their fullest. I have yet to mess with pvp, but I have enjoyed space missions and am working on all my professions and skills as credits permit. I am moving along quite nicely and am only level 23. I have no intention of rushing through anything, not saying that the OP did.


I feel sorry for those that blew through the content so quickly in 8 days or less and then expect more content to be provided to you at max level even though the game has been out for such a short time.

Edited by Thessal
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I only play about 2 hours a day. I do every quest and listen to every story. I explore and fill in all of my maps and check out all of the zones to their fullest. I have yet to mess with pvp, but I have enjoyed space missions and am working on all my professions and skills as credits permit. I am moving along quite nicely and am only level 23. I have no intention of rushing through anything, not saying that the OP did.


I feel sorry for those that blew through the content so quickly in 8 days or less and then expect more content to be provided to you at max level even though the game has been out for such a short time.


Its not a case of rushing, its a case of doing what you do but finding i am outlevelling quests zones by 2-3 levels.


It makes NPC's too easy to kill, no challenge.

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I have edited my original post, in order to add the following:


On my server, there are already many players who have reached level 50, PvP rank 50, and have the full PvP set... just 2 weeks after the early launch and 1 week after the official launch. Go figure.


It's way too fast. What shall Bioware do now, as those players with such a stuff will just outrageously dominate the other players in the battlefield ?

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No way, leave my leveling speed alone.


I play like 1 hour a day, i don't want to have to grind for fricken weeks to get a few levels.


I love how it doesn't feel like i have to have no life to get ahead and level in this game.


Agree 100%. I have made a BH, SW, and trooper. All between 15-20 and I am having fun casually playing this game and enjoying the STORY (as was intended by BW). I have seen many 50s now and find it sad. I figure lots of ppl spacebarred through the story becuase they dont care or they are leetist D bags who are now ************ that they cant find anyone else to raid with. Let them suffer. I love how friendly this leveling speed is to casuals, while making some quests and content actually challenging. I think it is a perfect balance =)

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What I would want in SWtOR is the option to lock my level. As in, I would stop gaining experience. I have two friends who will soon be joining me in the game, in addition to my girlfriend, and I have a lot of more free time on my hands then they do. And so I will out-level them quite quickly.


Yes, I can make alts, and I plan to, but when I play a character, especially when I just created him/her, I really want to play with that character exclusivly for the next 2-3 days. And if I do that, I will leave my friends in the dust...


Also, I enjoy the space missions, flashpoints, heroics and PvP, so I will more often then not out-level my class story quests, and I dont want that, but at the same time, i dont want to force myself into a playstyle I find less fun, i.e, skipping content. For example, I will soon be going to Taris, a 32-36 planet, for my class mission, and I am currently level 39. I doubt that will give me much challange.


Allowing me to lock my level would allow me to do what I want to do, without leaving my friends behind, nor making my class quests trivial, while still having many ways for people to get through the content. I see this as a win-win-win, really.


I go into more detail on it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=98290

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I love the story and I have NOT got to 50 yet. I am 40 however and have a full 40 pvp set. I am undecided on the leveling speed... you cannot please everyone. If the leveling was slower...then people would complain about grind. My only concern with this is how will the developers keep up with content? If your game just came 2 weeks ago and people are already done with it... then what's the point?


Its almost like I bought a regular PC game and I beat it in 2 weeks and now I'm done. On the flip side... I am interested in other classes and really like that the quests are different for each class. So, I may go try another class.


Personally, I got wrapped up in my character's story and I started doing nothing but class quests and I got WAY ahead of my level. Right now, my class story wants me to go to VOSS but I'm only level 40... so, if I try to go there hunting is a little hard. So, I have to go level a bit before I can continue my class story.


I must say the Sorcerer storyline is getting a little "wierd". I was really into it at first but now I'm just like....seriously?

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I personally find the Leveling a little too slow. I want it to be a little faster, but I also find it to be just right. I know those are 2 contradicting terms... What I mean is getting to 25 myself took longer than I expected, but I always had plenty of quests to do. And even just rushing through the story quests always seemed to provide me with plenty of levels.


On the other hand the leveling/questing is very much like Rift. What I mean is this. Get 3 quests, turn in, get 3 more, next area, repeat.


Now I have no issue with this system in and of itself, but it does present the same frustrations I had with various zones in Rift. after the 5th time turning in 3 quests in the same planet all i can think of when i get 3 more still on the planet.. is "Oh god get me out of this place. I am sick of it.. I don't want to run through that damned area again, or I don't want to run down that damned corridor again."


I want to emphasize I am perfectly happy with the questing and leveling in SWTOR... I am just pointing out the little things that are bothering me.. and they are not that big a deal at all.

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Agree 100%. I have made a BH, SW, and trooper. All between 15-20 and I am having fun casually playing this game and enjoying the STORY (as was intended by BW). I have seen many 50s now and find it sad. I figure lots of ppl spacebarred through the story becuase they dont care or they are leetist D bags who are now ************ that they cant find anyone else to raid with. Let them suffer. I love how friendly this leveling speed is to casuals, while making some quests and content actually challenging. I think it is a perfect balance =)


Space barring through quest dialog might save you a few cumulative hours at most, so that excuse doesn't fly. Also, it isn't just the "power gamers" who are flying to 50 in a few days. Normal players who have never played the game before and just casually play through the game can get to 50 in just a few days.


Regardless of whether you are a casual or dedicated player, making leveling too quickly only removes merit and worth through the game, as well as DETRACTS from the storyline experience because it's too easy to out-level the questing content.



This type of opinion really annoys me, because it's basically just casual players saying "I can't be arsed to accomplish anything so just give everything to me for free." You're essentially calling on the game as a whole to be watered down because you don't have time to play.

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Alot of the people who rushed to lvl 50 also hit "spacebar" on all of the dialogs to level faster...


So as far as i am concerned if they run out of things to do that is their problem...


Pressing space bar to go through quest dialogue will only save you a few hours at most. Try another excuse.

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People who spend all day playing shouldn't be able to dictate leveling speed. They are not the norm, they are not the average, and they certainly are not even close to the majority. Most people do not play the way they do.


If you think most people don't play MMOs for several hours a day or more then you clearly have little experience with MMOs. We don't spend $15 a month to hardly ever play and have nothing to do.

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