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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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Question do you have a life and how many hours of sleep do you get ?


I'm in holidays since the launch of SWToR. I have a social life, and sleep 8 hours a day. And I have a /played time that is much lower than those who are already 50.


Surprisingly, my /played time is not the root cause of being ahead of content.

Wait, what ? This is not my /played time that makes me start alderaan at level 33 ??? What else then ? Let's see... Is it my stupid willing to enjoy all the content of the game, such as doing all the available quests ? How stupid I am...

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I don't mind the leveling speed, but what really bothers my wife and I was the choice given at the end of Coruscant.


The story allows you to go to Taris or to Nar Shaddaa.

We didn't know that you are supposed to go to Taris first, that it's the lower level of the two.

We chose to go to NS first and completed it being 25ish.


Now we finally go to Taris and find out that we are grossly overpowered, with everything being gray.

No xp from the critters and no xp from the quests either.

I understand no xp for the critters, else they could be farmed for xp, but most quests aren't repeatable.

We're still enjoying the story, but it's taken some of the wind out of our sails of enjoyment that we could have done it the other way around and been better off xp/level wise.


Our current plan is to essentially skip Taris on our mains, just get the class quests done and then experience Taris' story on our first set of alts.


Our request/suggestion:

-first to give a stronger suggestion that Taris is the next stop.

-allow quest xp to still be given


I'm in a similar boat. I play a tank, my friend plays a healer. We were finding ourselves getting ahead of things because of the bonus XP.


The solution we used?


We got more selective about quests.


"Do we want to run the same space daily AGAIN today? Do we want to queue for PvP today? That quest wants us to run that far out into the Tatooine desert? Forget that, let's just grab that portion of the class quests over there and then head back."


Be a little more selective and it'll balance out.


The game is designed to give the solo player options to level up. If you choose to do ALL the options, you will level too fast. That's your own fault.

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It doesn't take that long to get to 50, but its not like the game dies at 50, and its not like the old worlds are dead content yet either.


There are bonus series quests that send you back to the early planets.


Open pvp lakes in tatooine.


Datacron hunting.


Unlock hunting.


There is also plenty of neat content at 50




Flash Points


Ilum PvP Lake




Daily Quest series


Companion leveling


The crafting system


Space missions


In fact there is so much to do it is hard at times to pick which to do first. So the speed to 50 is not that big of a deal, since there is plenty of content to enjoy and they have already announced we will get more new content in a few months if less.


Although I come from Warhammer which had no new content in years so this game is a bountiful bounty of meaty content to gorge myself on endlessly.


The end game space missions are hard!

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see... i know how to level fast, i know all the things i should do, i've done it in other games, and could in this one if i wanted to.


i've played since second day of early access and i'm level 38 at the moment, that's very slow (for me), and i know i've missed out quite a bit of content in fact i skipped an entire planet at one point, which i'll go back to.


but man, i'm just getting so drawn into the storyline for my character that i am forcing myself to take it as slow as possible.

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I play it like many here, about 2-3 hours a day, because, well yeah I admit it, I have a life to take care of you see...


But regardless of that, in the "accidental" case, you do NOT have a life, and reach the end game too quickly, here is news:


-MMO are not only about reaching the top level.


-There are 8 Story arcs in total including both sides if you are here just for the level 50


-Hardcore MMO players (aka no lifers), do not play for the levelling, and their game begins at 50, because that is where the best gear is, there is no point to get the best gear for level 25, if you will get something 100 times better at level 50 (Reason why WOW messed up their game when they made obsolete all purple/orange gear every time they release a new expansion.

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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I started first day of ealry access.


I listen and read all quests. I am searching all lore entries without asking the www for locations.


I do spacemissions and pvp.




My Chars:

SW: 25

Agent: 6

Trooper: 12


Do crafting, do flashpoints, farm the sets.


And yes i play 4-8 hours a day. Sorry i cant absolutly not understand how you can get that fast to 50. The way is the goal ...

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Bioware! Don't touch the leveling speed. It is perfect. If it took longer it would just be a grind. And all raiders would hate that it would take months before they could even think about top level raids. If it was faster you would miss a lot of content.
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I've got a feeling that for regular player, who plays every evening and weekends, leveling to 50 should take several months. Like 3 at least. No lifers hardcore players will get to to then in about month+. Casual players will get to 50 in about half year. This leveling speed looks reasonable. Even WOW had longer leveling time. TO get to 60 it was about 7days playtime if one knows what he do (i.e. leveling alt). And it was about 10days for 1st char.
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the development team made it PERFECTLY clear that this game is aimed at a casual player of 4-5 hours a day...


If you feel the need to play 12-15+ hours a day then expect to get bored very quickly...The rest of us that play the game as intended, explore, listen to the story etc etc are progressing quite nicely...


Instead of slowing the GAME down.....Why not slow your self down :mad:

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It's fast enough to make you skip every 2nd planet. I scout a bit, want to see in what they put all those years of development. 1-2 BGs / day. Didn't even bother to do the ship missions every day, just once.


For me it was like this:


Hutta -> lvl11

Dromund Kaass -> lvl20

<Balmorra skipped>

Nar Shaddaa -> lvl27

<Tatooine skipped>

Alderaan -> lvl33


I must say that Alderaan felt soooo empty and unfinished. There are tons of locations but no quests, at least not for my class (saw instance gates). Using your mount and playing your char is about 50/50

Edited by squiek
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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.

I think this is a pretty valid concern. When WoW first debuted it took me nearly a year to get to max level playing several hours a day. Nowadays it only takes a few days, but still getting from 1 to max can take about a week. TOR seems tuned much more like WoW is now, which just doesn't leave them a lot of room to grow.


I understand the arguments that it's supposed to be a heavy alt game (although I haven't actually seen Bioware say this, just forum goers), but if alts are supposed to experience different content because you skip content in certain areas, that seems like a weird and confusing way to handle it. It would be better to have a lot more planets with the same general level range (again, like WoW) which offer different experiences: THAT is a good way to handle alts. Telling me to just skip a few quests in an area so I can do them later with another character is counter-intuitive.

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The title of this thread is wrong, but the core feedback is right and I agree with it: if you like doing most of the missions you are given, want to follow your story arc, do a few flashpoints etc... then your level will outpace the content too fast. For example I just enrolled a new character: I'm level 8, have done all the missions in my main arc and all the side quest offered. I have done no grinding. No flashpoint, PVP etc... and I'm already 2 levels above my story arc mission and 2-3 level above the enemies in the new area I have been sent to.

For my other character I had to skip 10 missions on a planet and do my main story arc missions one after the other to try to "catch-up". In the process I have missed the atmosphere and story lines of 2 planets!

That's why it's no fun at the moment... if you are trying to enjoy the great content from Bioware you'll find yourself outleveling it and for me that means I'm wondering if I should stop playing until it's fixed.

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You are crazy dude. Leveling is way too slow. It is actually half speed of PVPing and doing Space Combat.


I don't remember a slow PVE ground mission progression like this since FFXI (and that before Fields of Valor).




I feel like I'm underpowered when reaching a new planet in my class quests. FWIW I do all side quests I can find, plus bonus. Also do daily space missions and occasional PvP. I don't see how people are out levelling their class. Maybe the classes are a little different in XP gains. I play a Trooper.

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Pretty much what others have said: a lot of focus is on alts and the STORY (oh my god a story in an MMO, holy **** its a NOVEL idea).


The story can't be the main focus. You know it can't. In what sense is it an MMORPG if it's 99% about the story? If they want people playing in a year they have to offer more than just this.


Take a deep breath and actually think about what I'm saying before you respond with some canned nonsense. Thanks in advance.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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NO NO NO! its not taking to long to level up in this game,, WoW was very slow in leveling,, rift was imba fast,, this is faster than wow but not as uterly retarded fast as rift,, imo the lvling pseed in this game is ok,,,i love the game but if it would take longer like wow, i prolly would quit playing and return to age of conan and continue with progressing the higher end conten instead, i just dont want to put in that massive amount of game time again in a new game just to get to the capped level..


if u find it going too fast,, stop pressing spacebar during the conversations u numbnut

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They've expressly stated this is a story driven MMO and from my view it's working really well. You're supposed to follow the plot, not spacebar through all dialogue, and I for one will be glad to see the storyline continued in future expansions and updates.


I work 8 hour days, play 2-3 hours a night and take stops to roleplay and craft and explore, and I'm only level 30 despite having started as early as the 15th and played a few 10+ hour stints in the weekends. I think the leveling pace is just right and if you rush through the content and skip dialogue, it's kind of your own fault running out of stuff to do.

They've stated multiple times that the game doesn't start at level 50, it starts at level 1 and I highly appreciate Bioware for taking this route.


WoW leveling, for example, was the utmost bore since the story simply didn't matter, at some point reading through the walls of quest dialogue text got overwhelming since it didn't have an overarching plot to follow and I totally lost my motivation to kill those 10 more boars or 15 more undead. I didn't care about the characters I did it for. I didn't hear from them later and they didn't have any impact on my character.

Nothing I did changed the world. This is a major complaint I've heard from other people, especially game industry people, regarding MMOs - a textbox and a static NPC has nowhere near the same impact as voice acting and an animated face portraying real human emotions.


TOR completely dissolves this problem. The story and emotional connection absolutely matters and is what separates this game from the rest. Though it's superficial at times (for understandable reasons) it still creates an immense emotional impact compared to competitors. If you're going to spend hundreds of hours playing a game, especially one that has you performing repeated tasks over and over again, having a strong narrative and an overarching story and an emotional connection is actually one of the best things you can do to keep the player interested and tied to the story.

It gives a motivation.


If you skip all of the dialogue to press into the next encounter, you lose grasp of that thread and only hurt your own ability to enjoy the game.


Well, My post was off topic in fairness. I actually think the levelling rate is fine. I just don't think they can hand-wave all of the game's MMORPG shortcomings with story.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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