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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question of the Day 5/17/2013

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None - I was going to change my Chiss to a Twi'lek, but the cost put me off. Instead I'll just consider re-rolling her male in the future, as gender change is apparently game breaking.


The new hair colours and styles are also rather underwhelming and a lack of cybernetic options for species other then Human makes it unlikely I'll ever really want to add or change anything about my characters.


To be honest, though, Twi'lek would have been a bad choice because of the lack of helmet functionality for the species.


Edit: Actually, do know what the over-sweet, slightly artificial tasting cherry is on the giant disappointment cake of this feature is? That you didn't open up the Slave Branding Scars to other classes. Tut tut.

Edited by Tatile
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Only my main. I've re-rolled and although I'd like to tweak the chars on my old server I'm not going to do so before the rumored transfers have been confirmed and more details have been added (move to any type of server? move from one continent to another? etc etc). No point in wasting CC on chars I won't/can't play.


Oh, I bought white eyes btw and I wil probably put them on my sorc on the new server.

Edited by MidichIorian
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1. It costs too much.


2. I debated lightening my skin to see if Dark Side 5 made me completely pale, but I couldn't figure it out in the system, and the changes again: cost too much for the benefit of what I wanted.


3. Not to mention - nothing truly new for the Zabrak.

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I have purchased zero body modifications. I did however start a new Cather Powertech. But I agree with many of the posts prior to mine: the prohibitive prices make me think twice about making too many changes. It is almost more cost efficient to start a new toon with the changes you wanted as opposed to altering a below-level-20 character.
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I thought the prices for were pretty reasonable, though IMHO at least hair cut/color should be purchasable as coupons that can be sold on the GTN. I used the kiosk for 3 of my characters, but mostly just for little things -- no one got a radical makeover.


Fortunately, I have been waiting for months to make my Cathar characters so no need to get a species change for anyone. :)

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I, like several others in this thread, have to respond with a resounding 'none.'


Mainly because I already like the look of all my characters (although, I would definitely buy the new human hair colors & styles if they could be used on the other 'colored' humans in the game (because, come on, Chiss are blue humans, Cyborgs are 'techy' humans, etc etc), but won't since I only have the 1 'human' character :rolleyes:), but also because I think it's pretty stupid to not offer the choice between CC and in-game credits for the adjustments.


So, yeah, none. I also agree with the people who have said that this is probably not the best question for you to ask, given the rage & spittle about it, heh. (I'm not raging about it personally, but I still won't use it until there's an option to buy with either CC or in-game credits, like pretty much every single other MMO (that I've played, at least) on the market...)

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I changed the skin color of my zabrak to a darker shade of red since I was being teased that I look like a lobster. :p Though I also changed my outfit so you don't really see my skin anymore.. ah well, dying the voss mystic set was too tempting.

I also bought the new hair styles and colors which gave me a reason to roll my first human toon. I love the purple. I also changed her eye color just now, what I thought would look good didn't really fit and paying 20 coins is much better than rerolling. :)


I also think about changing my bounty hunter to a cathar. The new customization options finally made me play an agent, so I'm hoping a new race will make me want to level my bounty hunter. But I'm not sure. Either way, cathar have to wait for next month because I've used all my coins up now.

Edited by abokado
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I love the long hair for the human males that we were told was not possible when the game came out. I noticed some of the free stuff is stuff I did not have access to when I created my character back in December of 2011. So this is very cool option. I love the silver eyes.
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Well its the wierdist thing, with 2.1 hitting and the FAQ being changed my computer has had a make over, its currently lost about 40gig of data and its running alot smoother. so thank you bioware for helping me to get my pc to run faster and allowing me to save £48 every 6 months. Edited by Shingara
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None yet, despite the low prices.


(A friend's Shadow has improved for the better though, what a spunky redhead that char has become!)


I guess my main may be in for some minor surgery to tighten up the area around the eyes. Apart from that I'll wait and check out the forthcoming customisation options in the next few market drops :) Until then I'm more keen on checking out more dye options.

Edited by Laurreth
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I'm a subber since launch, bought the CE, so :




That said you already have metrics about this...


Well its the wierdist thing, with 2.1 hitting and the FAQ being changed my computer has had a make over, its currently lost about 40gig of data and its running alot smoother. so thank you bioware for helping me to get my pc to run faster and allowing me to save £48 every 6 months.


Sad to see you go Shingara, even though we may not have agreed here and there in some threads.

Edited by Shoogli
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Made my JK's skincolor two shades darker, suits her much better. And removed the headband from my twilek. After that I was happy, spend a lot of time in character creation to get them the way I want. The big hair was great for my little fledgling Bounty Hunter. Now if it was possible to change haircolor and hair with ingame credits I would probably use it more often. I can fully understand Cartel Coins for big changes like a new species or body size.
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I've played around with it on at least three characters:


(1) Tried changing my Main's hair color, because he's just a funny guy like that. Tried purple first. Meh. Then bright blue. Finally, I just dyed his armor blue and kept his hair black. He just looks too awesome.


(2) My Sentinel had that spiky hair-do that I figured needed a trim. She's looking pretty awesome, too. Not hard to do. She's my Main's little sister, anyway.


(3) Got my new Cathar made. What a fun species to play around with in the character creator. Ran her all over Ord Mantell and finally figured her face pattern just wasn't working for me. So I changed it up once I got her up to Fleet. I'm very happy with her looks at the moment.


So, real quick ... when can I make it so I can give my companions a hair-cut, too? Torian needs those dang sideburns trimmed.

Edited by Phyreblade
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As a (now ex-) subscriber i can proudly say 0 and not the slightest intention to use it because i intend to boycott anything related to "customization" till you guys make it happen that i can for example buy black/black dyes without to lotto for it or spend huge ammounts of credits. Marginal thing ...i know but then again there are people playing for the whole purpose of having freedom about the looks of their characters ...you deny them this.... and thus we are very, very upset.

I have no problem to pay a micro payment for customization - then again..why should i subscribe if ihave to pay for it ? F2p have to pay somewhat more ..cool ... they don't pay a monthly subscription fee to start with though.


We wanted to build up legacies... a legacy as a sith in green/white , flingbrown/yellow is not acceptable..i suggest to rethink that vision of yours.

Edited by dyarshin
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None. I will not pay CC to use the kiosk.


I can agree with monetizing race and name changes, but as a subscriber, regardless of stipend availability, I just can't accept paying additional real world value to change my haircut.


This. I used my monthly 'stipend' to unlock the cathar and created me a smuggler - which i like very much - but i won't pay cc to use the kiosk.

Edited by Throki
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None, but it's not because I hate the Kiosk or the prices. I just love my characters the way they are.


That being said, if you add silver eyes to the Zabrak, I'd love to give those to my Jedi Consular. I don't play any humans, but I love those eyes! :D

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I put a beard on my shadow. And changed my bh into a cathar, kinda like a jaguar. I brought extra cc to do it to. I don't mind though as I'd spent my stipend one drunken night on gamble packs hehe.


I guess ill get some abuse now from the useual crowd for spending my money on cc coins, but I recon at 37 with 2 kids and a wife and a good job I'm entitled to spend my money on what I like.

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