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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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I know that your ultimate wish is that all PVPers are miserable tryhards who love to roll PUGs. It just ain't so, bro. It just ain't so.


No, not all. Just most. This thread proves it. Only instead of rolling PUGs on TEH, the push is to move to POT5 so you can roll scrubs in ranked matches. More comms, more high fives for the brohams, more chest hair.


It just seems ludicrous to preach about lack of competition on TEH, then move to where there's even less of it. The only difference being ranked matches instead of normal, where you can assign a ranked number value to how awesome you are. If it's competition you're really after, then the move wouldn't be necessary.


What do you expect to happen on POT5, honestly? Bring a handful of TEH PvP guilds, start crushing their ranked teams, and expect that they'll keep showing up to be facerolled day in and day out? Sure, the good times will roll for a few weeks, but after awhile, you'll have the exact same thing as what we have here. No one to play against.

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can i just check, because i really feel like i missed it. Can we actually transfer to a different server type ?


the last i read was to do with APAC mergers, and Eric had this to say


"Why did we decide not to merge the three APAC servers into one large APAC server? We decided this for two main reasons. 1. The issue in doing this is that two play-styles (PvE, PvE-RP, or PvP) would need to sacrifice their desired play-style in order to have one server with a higher population. We feel that it is important that each player is allowed to continue to play SWTOR in their preferred play-style. Therefore, accommodating all the existing play-styles was a primary goal. By allowing you to move to a NA West server, you will be able to keep your play-style. 2. The move to North American servers better delivers on our ultimate goal of providing the best play experience, with the most possible players, long term."


has this stance changed?


granted this is for forced merges, just wondering

Edited by kloma
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No, not all. Just most. This thread proves it. Only instead of rolling PUGs on TEH, the push is to move to POT5 so you can roll scrubs in ranked matches. More comms, more high fives for the brohams, more chest hair.


It just seems ludicrous to preach about lack of competition on TEH, then move to where there's even less of it. The only difference being ranked matches instead of normal, where you can assign a ranked number value to how awesome you are. If it's competition you're really after, then the move wouldn't be necessary.


What do you expect to happen on POT5, honestly? Bring a handful of TEH PvP guilds, start crushing their ranked teams, and expect that they'll keep showing up to be facerolled day in and day out? Sure, the good times will roll for a few weeks, but after awhile, you'll have the exact same thing as what we have here. No one to play against.


The situation is like this. 80% of POT5 is horrible but 20% is good, Say there is 1000 that PVP that is 200 good people. TEH has about 60 % good 40% bad. but like 100that pvp. so 60 good people VS 200? POT5 has a larger mass of PVPers so yes as a whole the server is worse skill wise but they have the numbers. Those numbers allow it too support constant ranked and have a higher chance of competitive matches.

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can i just check, because i really feel like i missed it. Can we actually transfer to a different server type ?


the last i read was to do with APAC mergers, and Eric had this to say


"Why did we decide not to merge the three APAC servers into one large APAC server? We decided this for two main reasons. 1. The issue in doing this is that two play-styles (PvE, PvE-RP, or PvP) would need to sacrifice their desired play-style in order to have one server with a higher population. We feel that it is important that each player is allowed to continue to play SWTOR in their preferred play-style. Therefore, accommodating all the existing play-styles was a primary goal. By allowing you to move to a NA West server, you will be able to keep your play-style. 2. The move to North American servers better delivers on our ultimate goal of providing the best play experience, with the most possible players, long term."


has this stance changed?


granted this is for forced merges, just wondering


Well, I think we're all hoping that transfers are wide open, but we have no idea.


I do read that above paragraph as referring to forced mergers. I can see why they wouldn't want to force people to change server type. Paid transfers are another matter. They won't get my money unless I get real choice.


Ya'll might be stuck with your favorite Jerc in the galaxy.

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Well now that it appears all of the general negativity is gone and we're all back on the same page, I guess I'll respond with my intentions as of right now considering we know nothing about server transfers and how they're going to be implemented.


That said, if open paid server transfers happened I would consider a transfer to Pot5 with hopes of getting involved in competitive end-game PvP (aka Rated War Zones). However, I wouldn't go over there on a whim unless enough experienced players that I currently enjoy playing with decide that we're all going to move over with intentions to field a team that can compete in Rated War Zones. Right now my current guild is 50/50 on the transfers and some of our more experienced members are currently taking a break from the game. So that means that as of right now, the chances of me transferring are very small considering the totality of the circumstances.


My assumption is that server transfers will likely be the end of me playing this game unless I can get together with some of the experienced players from TEH and develop a plan of attack for competing in Rated War Zones on Pot5 if we are presented with that opportunity.


Anyways, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Edited by Sindol
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If you want to see what unranked warzones are like on PvP servers, look no further than this video:




The fact that almost everyone on Ebon Hawk cares so much about objectives that they are willing to get mad at each other over it actually sort of warms my heart.


When I responded asking if such a thing was commonplace on their server:


What server is this?? Is it usual for so many people to be completely ignoring objectives?
The fact that you even question it makes me want to roll on your server. It must be Narnia over there.


I actually like the presence of good players and guilds in our unranked warzones, because at least this way I am gaining IQ points rather than losing them.

Edited by Jenzali
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If you want to see what unranked warzones are like on PvP servers, look no further than this video:




The fact that almost everyone on Ebon Hawk cares so much about objectives that they are willing to get mad at each other over it actually sort of warms my heart.


When I responded asking if such a thing was commonplace on their server:




I actually like the presence of good players and guilds in our unranked warzones, because at least this way I am gaining IQ points rather than losing them.


Wow....I'm never going over there...the total ignoring of objectives would make me want to kill myself.


No, not all. Just most. This thread proves it. Only instead of rolling PUGs on TEH, the push is to move to POT5 so you can roll scrubs in ranked matches. More comms, more high fives for the brohams, more chest hair.


I'm pretty sure the reason to transfer would be because of more ranked pops. Face it, it's pretty much non-existent here (although I'm interested in joining a group to get face-rolled if anyone is hiring :D ). Now, if nobody else in the game can compete with our teams...that's not really something that can be helped.


Accusing someone of ONLY going to a different server because it's "easier" isn't really a fair judgement to make.

Edited by jackrunip
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If you want to see what unranked warzones are like on PvP servers, look no further than this video:




The fact that almost everyone on Ebon Hawk cares so much about objectives that they are willing to get mad at each other over it actually sort of warms my heart.


When I responded asking if such a thing was commonplace on their server:




I actually like the presence of good players and guilds in our unranked warzones, because at least this way I am gaining IQ points rather than losing them.


That video is 7000% accurate on what goes on in Huttballs over there.

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What do you expect to happen on POT5, honestly? Bring a handful of TEH PvP guilds, start crushing their ranked teams, and expect that they'll keep showing up to be facerolled day in and day out? Sure, the good times will roll for a few weeks, but after awhile, you'll have the exact same thing as what we have here. No one to play against.




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If you want to see what unranked warzones are like on PvP servers, look no further than this video:




The fact that almost everyone on Ebon Hawk cares so much about objectives that they are willing to get mad at each other over it actually sort of warms my heart.


When I responded asking if such a thing was commonplace on their server:


I actually like the presence of good players and guilds in our unranked warzones, because at least this way I am gaining IQ points rather than losing them.


This would make me cry. As it is now, I sometimes wonder what the 4 PUGs on our side are doing in Huttball, and here in this video the sorc has 4 enemy occupied most of the time trying to death-match him. I love playing objectives and overall I think people on TEH do a fair job.


Sometimes I and others come off a bit harsh (idiot being a favorite word) in ops chat when some Nubish person runs off leaving a Pylon empty, or is death-matching in front of a turret while it's being capped, or generally not paying any attention to the overall situation. I assure you there is a real desire to point out poor strats/play, so the team/person can avoid repeating the mistake. Of course some never learn (nor do they want to learn), but this video takes the cake.


On a side note I very much agree with Jerc about Huttball. It too is my favorite WZ and I would indeed pay $15 a month extra for a HB league. In fact I think BioWare is foolish for not having a second HB map by this time.

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What do you expect to happen on POT5, honestly? Bring a handful of TEH PvP guilds, start crushing their ranked teams, and expect that they'll keep showing up to be facerolled day in and day out? Sure, the good times will roll for a few weeks, but after awhile, you'll have the exact same thing as what we have here. No one to play against.





Apparently naivety comes in pairs, if you both honestly expect the currently thriving ranked PvP community on PoT5 to cease to exist a 'few weeks' after paid transfers become available.


Have either of you played ranked games on PoT5? Do you even have a character on that server, for that matter?


If not, as I expect the case may be, then Jerc put it nicely earlier in this thread.


You can easily avoid putting your foot in your mouth by not talking about that which you do not understand.
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Apparently naivety comes in pairs, if you both honestly expect the currently thriving ranked PvP community on PoT5 to cease to exist a 'few weeks' after paid transfers become available.


Have either of you played ranked games on PoT5? Do you even have a character on that server, for that matter?


If not, as I expect the case may be, then Jerc put it nicely earlier in this thread.


You won't be missed


This is a case of not understanding how context works. So where does the "naivety" come from?


Well, the question was what do you expect to happen? That all of a sudden there will be ranked matches all day? A lot of people are already super queueing, and you know what. I personally don't want to see anyone leave, even you Peyton although you feel the need to attack me at every opportunity on these forums.


It's unfortunate that you can't find the thriving PvP that you want here on this server and feel the need to flex where the only reward is commendations.


I wish you the best, with whatever you decide.

Edited by Drazzen
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Well, the question was what do you expect to happen? That all of a sudden there will be ranked matches all day? A lot of people are already super queuing, and you know what. I personally don't want to see anyone leave, even you Peyton although you feel the need to attack me at every opportunity on these forums.


Matches all day, probably not. Matches every night, certainly yes.


We have no unreasonable expectations of the ranked environment on PoT5. Many of our members have been there, experienced the PvP community first hand at 50 & 55, and reported their findings (some of which can be seen in this very thread).


Not everything was positive. Player performance in regular Warzones is, generally, abysmal to the point of disbelief (as demonstrated by the video posted above), far worse than on this server.


We're not itching to jump ship as soon as the option becomes available, but for the sake of regular competition, it's a case of hands tied.


After all the criticism thrown at the top PvP guilds for 'picking on' an RP server, and being constantly questioned as to why they do not reroll on a PvP server, they are now being criticised for doing that very thing.

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So... PvP guilds are planning to transfer because ranked is nonexistent on TEH, but the discussion is about how great our pugs are. This is actually great news. Good players should mean competition and certainly we have enough people to form more than 1 ranked team that does not fall apart, meta or otherwise. Meta teams shouldn't be a real problem in ranked since almost all ranked teams are formed with handpicked players and even some of these handpicked players are left out in certain situations. I'm not talking about the amount of losses experienced as a dissuading factor for ranked players since such players are capable of learning from their losses and surely enjoy the challenge.


We have better pugs and a talented pool of players. Now, why should anyone want to transfer?


Simple. PvP servers have a wider variety of PvPers. There are both better and worse players. Ups and downs. More warzones, more quitters. Worse regular, better ranked (since it actually exists).


Me? I'm staying. I'm faced with enough challenge in solo queue to sustain my interest in PvP and I have no intentions of leaving friends behind.

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Simple. PvP servers have a wider variety of PvPers. There are both better and worse players. Ups and downs. More warzones, more quitters. Worse regular, better ranked (since it actually exists).


Me? I'm staying. I'm faced with enough challenge in solo queue to sustain my interest in PvP and I have no intentions of leaving friends behind.


*clings* Yaaaaay! :D

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This may be silly, but why can't we field more ranked teams on TEH? Yeah it's gonna be imbalanced at first, people don't know how to play with each other, but it's not like it's hard to get on a TS, start focusing targets (*gulp*), and play the objectives but we have enough alert and aware players on both sides to make it happen.


Maybe we should have a PvP draft on both sides before people blow a ton of money on xfers.

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This may be silly, but why can't we field more ranked teams on TEH? Yeah it's gonna be imbalanced at first, people don't know how to play with each other, but it's not like it's hard to get on a TS, start focusing targets (*gulp*), and play the objectives but we have enough alert and aware players on both sides to make it happen.


Maybe we should have a PvP draft on both sides before people blow a ton of money on xfers.


Perhaps what we need is a neutral ground speak channel.


Hmmmm.. I suppose I could look into setting that up..


Would anyone be interested in that sort of thing?


What would be the preference.. TS.. MUMMS, or Vent

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This may be silly, but why can't we field more ranked teams on TEH? Yeah it's gonna be imbalanced at first, people don't know how to play with each other, but it's not like it's hard to get on a TS, start focusing targets (*gulp*), and play the objectives but we have enough alert and aware players on both sides to make it happen.


Maybe we should have a PvP draft on both sides before people blow a ton of money on xfers.


I can't really speak to this, as I've not really participated in ranked. However, I have not participated in ranked yet for two reasons, that I'm sure apply to at least several others on our fine server. 1) Need a team. Takes 8, I only bring myself. Need 7 others :p 2) I literally can't commit to any time because of my job and my timezone. West Coast USA, and a job that typically runs from 3-9PM every day but Sat/Sun, but then I have other things going on Sat/Sun that make me unavailable more often than not.


As much as I would love to participate competitively, the way things are at this moment, means I can't. Le sad. :jawa_frown:

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I can't really speak to this, as I've not really participated in ranked. However, I have not participated in ranked yet for two reasons, that I'm sure apply to at least several others on our fine server. 1) Need a team. Takes 8, I only bring myself. Need 7 others :p 2) I literally can't commit to any time because of my job and my timezone. West Coast USA, and a job that typically runs from 3-9PM every day but Sat/Sun, but then I have other things going on Sat/Sun that make me unavailable more often than not.


As much as I would love to participate competitively, the way things are at this moment, means I can't. Le sad. :jawa_frown:


I'd participate, but I am bad. Until ranked just means 'games against the equally skilled', it's a part of the game I'm just not gonna see much of.

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