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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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I love some of the chest puffing in this thread, especially from the Gorillas. You have some good players and a couple great ones. But the rest are FOTM spec type players (Pyro PTs, Derpsmashers, CC/Heal hybrid) whatever happens to be king of the hill at the moment. There are some great players on this server like Arash, Amber, and Dashto to name a few, who are able to bring it no matter what (even in PUGs). But you damn dirty apes...well, it's power in premades or no dice.


Truth is, there are no special snowflakes among you. Get over yourselves.


Guy, you have no idea what you are talking about. FOTM classes is a funny way to put it, but as i recall it, there aren't any FOTM classes. Most people are trying out new speccs, and liking them. Mercenaries seem to be pretty powerful atm, and I don't see anyone playing them, or trying to level a merc alt. What other class is FOTM? Assassin? Sniper? If that's the case, then tell everyone who has always had a sniper, or always had an assassin that they are only playing the FOTM.... There is no FOTM class, there is only the player. I have played every class in this game, and not once have I seen a class that can struggle in an area, and succeed where another class can't. It's all part of the balance in the game, and since the skill pool of our server is low, most people blame FOTM. I just say play the game, and quit worrying about FOTM. Flavor Of The Month is just another way of saying "damn, I just got my *** whooped by a class I never used to get beat by."

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I might have to disagree, and say there are definitely some FOTM players. There are definitely less after 2.0 but I would say the Rage spec for Juggs is still pretty overplayed.


I would love to see more veng specs juggs, as personalyl it got much more awesome after 2.0. I see these people out to stroke their epeen with their WZ dmg yet rarely actually kill the targets they should be killing. No one thinks you are cool if you can hit smash, but healers learn to fear you as veng spec with a little determination on your end.

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I might have to disagree, and say there are definitely some FOTM players. There are definitely less after 2.0 but I would say the Rage spec for Juggs is still pretty overplayed.


I would love to see more veng specs juggs, as personalyl it got much more awesome after 2.0. I see these people out to stroke their epeen with their WZ dmg yet rarely actually kill the targets they should be killing. No one thinks you are cool if you can hit smash, but healers learn to fear you as veng spec with a little determination on your end.


So smash got a buff for single target damage, and if you don't know this, now you do. Vengance has always been good, but the skill level it takes to be good at Vengance is pretty high, just like playing a marauder, or an operative healer. Put someone on equal skill levels against eachother, and the fight will always be close, no matter how you put it. FOTM will no longer be FOTM.

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I love some of the chest puffing in this thread, especially from the Gorillas. You have some good players and a couple great ones. But the rest are FOTM spec type players (Pyro PTs, Derpsmashers, CC/Heal hybrid) whatever happens to be king of the hill at the moment. There are some great players on this server like Arash, Amber, and Dashto to name a few, who are able to bring it no matter what (even in PUGs). But you damn dirty apes...well, it's power in premades or no dice.


Truth is, there are no special snowflakes among you. Get over yourselves.


I queue solo all the time so what really are you talking about? Are you going to call me a FOTM player? Ive played an Assassin since head start release of this game. And are you the same dude that complained about Tex playing Pyro since you could not beat him as a ST Powertech? It really is sad you trying to bash our guild and its Guerrilla not Gorilla. Alot of the bad rep my guild has been getting lately is so damn annoying. I have great respect for any players that play objectively and are good with teamwork no matter which side they are on. All the flames and QQing needs to stop just because you lose in warzones. Zen plays at night in full force and I queue solo but do I cry about it? No I just queue and try to do the best I can no matter the team. Lastly if you have a problem with a Guerrilla player let me know and I will talk with them or see what we can do to get to the bottom of it.

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I love some of the chest puffing in this thread, especially from the Gorillas. You have some good players and a couple great ones. But the rest are FOTM spec type players (Pyro PTs, Derpsmashers, CC/Heal hybrid) whatever happens to be king of the hill at the moment. There are some great players on this server like Arash, Amber, and Dashto to name a few, who are able to bring it no matter what (even in PUGs). But you damn dirty apes...well, it's power in premades or no dice.


Truth is, there are no special snowflakes among you. Get over yourselves.


And the freaking TROLL award goes to.... ^^^^^ this guy..


seriously bro. Who are you in game btw.. Step up and drop your toon name oh faceless troll of Ebon Hawk.. For real tho. grow a D or some Mammo's... what ever the case may be.


and Really!!

Why do you insist on re inciting an argument every time I or others attempt to diffuse a situation.


Your no better than the accusations you make.

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FFS, get it together. Let me make this totally clear for all of you. This is the current situation on TEH:


There exists one metaguild at the top, a tier above everybody else, that can consistently field a full 8-man team almost any day of the week. They want to do ranked. They are frustrated because nobody will queue against them.


There are also a number of smaller guilds with a few top-tier players and a bunch of players in development. They also want to do ranked (shocker!). They are frustrated because the population is so small that in the presence of a metaguild, there are not enough players to field 8-man teams that could stand a chance against the top dog.


Obviously, development of new players is needed of the smaller guilds to fill out rosters. The metaguild fails to understand that development like this is time consuming and difficult, since they have had other methods to fill out their roster. The metaguild is hostile towards the server for not queueing. Other teams on the server are unwilling to brute-force “develop” (IF they even have 8 people) by getting facerolled for a few months by a hostile team. The smaller teams are hostile toward the metaguild for not offering any support of the development process.


This combination discourages fresh blood from wanting to get involved, and leaves small guilds jaded, desperate for people, and unable to develop. Because the gap has grown so wide, the animosity runs so deep, and nobody has made PRODUCTIVE efforts to reach out to the other side (I say productive because I myself have tried numerous times, and nothing came of it), those of us still in the development phase wonder if it is even worth our time.


Furthermore, because everyone is bored and frustrated, things happen and spill out in regs that come off as unsportsmanlike and disrespectful. Very few people have the balls to call their friends out on unhealthy competetive behavior, and so the problem continues to get worse.


This is fail on all sides, on everyone’s part, and it’s why ranked doesn’t happen here.


Now. IF (and this is a big IF, everyone, don’t forget that we have exactly 0 details on paid server transfers so far) we get server transfers:

The metaguild can leave and finally play against other metaguilds of equal caliber that have developed on servers with a much higher PVP population.

The smaller teams left on TEH are free to develop their teams, if they wish, at their own pace and free of the hostility and pressure to beat an extraordinarily formidable opponent.



It’s a win-win, if it happens.


Arguing about how we got here, which is what this thread has turned into, is really pointless at this point and will leave the server in worse shape in the likely event that we get stuck with each other still. Nobody is going to own up to their past mistakes because **** it, we game online anonymously so we can be a little crazy and don’t have to be responsible adults.



Yes, I made lots of generalizations but remember that the actions of one reflect on an entire guild. If you don't like how you're being portrayed, say something to you idiot friend that's making you look like an ******e.


Thats my $2.50, and I'm just as guilty as the rest of you.

Can we all hug it out, or at least just go home now?

Edited by NadirPalo
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FFS, get it together. Let me make this totally clear for all of you. This is the current situation on TEH:


There exists one metaguild at the top, a tier above everybody else, that can consistently field a full 8-man team almost any day of the week. They want to do ranked. They are frustrated because nobody will queue against them.


There are also a number of smaller guilds with a few top-tier players and a bunch of players in development. They also want to do ranked (shocker!). They are frustrated because the population is so small that in the presence of a metaguild, there are not enough players to field 8-man teams that could stand a chance against the top dog.


Obviously, development of new players is needed of the smaller guilds to fill out rosters. The metaguild fails to understand that development like this is time consuming and difficult, since they have had other methods to fill out their roster. The metaguild is hostile towards the server for not queueing. Other teams on the server are unwilling to brute-force “develop” (IF they even have 8 people) by getting facerolled for a few months by a hostile team. The smaller teams are hostile toward the metaguild for not offering any support of the development process.


This combination discourages fresh blood from wanting to get involved, and leaves small guilds jaded, desperate for people, and unable to develop. Because the gap has grown so wide, the animosity runs so deep, and nobody has made PRODUCTIVE efforts to reach out to the other side (I say productive because I myself have tried numerous times, and nothing came of it), those of us still in the development phase wonder if it is even worth our time.


Furthermore, because everyone is bored and frustrated, things happen and spill out in regs that come off as unsportsmanlike and disrespectful. Very few people have the balls to call their friends out on unhealthy competetive behavior, and so the problem continues to get worse.


This is fail on all sides, on everyone’s part, and it’s why ranked doesn’t happen here.


Now. IF (and this is a big IF, everyone, don’t forget that we have exactly 0 details on paid server transfers so far) we get server transfers:

The metaguild can leave and finally play against other metaguilds of equal caliber that have developed on servers with a much higher PVP population.

The smaller teams left on TEH are free to develop their teams, if they wish, at their own pace and free of the hostility and pressure to beat an extraordinarily formidable opponent.



It’s a win-win, if it happens.


Arguing about how we got here, which is what this thread has turned into, is really pointless at this point and will leave the server in worse shape in the likely event that we get stuck with each other still. Nobody is going to own up to their past mistakes because **** it, we game online anonymously so we can be a little crazy and don’t have to be responsible adults.



Yes, I made lots of generalizations but remember that the actions of one reflect on an entire guild. If you don't like how you're being portrayed, say something to you idiot friend that's making you look like an ******e.


Thats my $2.50, and I'm just as guilty as the rest of you.

Can we all hug it out, or at least just go home now?


From what I've read so far, the talking doesn't seem to be coming from the "Metaguild" Players. It seems like it's coming from other members of the community now. It seems that there are members on both sides of the community. I see what you're trying to say, but this "Metaguild" Isn't saying much. One or two people can't speak for a whole guild. So it seems plenty of players have responded on both sides of the discussion here.

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Can we all hug it out, or at least just go home now?


No doubt.


well Im heading home to be Wes,, A little daddy time. A little Wifey time. Snap a big bong load and put on my Mort hat later in the evening.


Ill see you all later..


XOXO *****es. lol

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From what I've read so far, the talking doesn't seem to be coming from the "Metaguild" Players. It seems like it's coming from other members of the community now. It seems that there are members on both sides of the community. I see what you're trying to say, but this "Metaguild" Isn't saying much. One or two people can't speak for a whole guild. So it seems plenty of players have responded on both sides of the discussion here.


Both sides are saying plenty, and I'm not just talking about this stupid thread. If you can't see that, you're blind.


Regardless, the take-home message was, "stop pointing fingers, cause at the end of the day we don't have ranked to come home to every night and its everybody's fault." And, by trying to tell me your side is less guilty than the other, youre just still trying to point fingers. Knock it off.

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Both sides are saying plenty, and I'm not just talking about this stupid thread. If you can't see that, you're blind.


Regardless, the take-home message was, "stop pointing fingers, cause at the end of the day we don't have ranked to come home to every night and its everybody's fault." And, by trying to tell me your side is less guilty than the other, youre just still trying to point fingers. Knock it off.


Ahhh, so now it's everyone's fault! You are absolutely 100% right Nadir! But wasn't that the point from the beginning? Now we're making progress! :D blaming one single group of people for ruining something was never the way to look at it, because one group of people can't make you do anything. Noone makes you quit, noone makes you join other guilds, it's all "choice." In the end, it all boils down to choice!:rak_03:

Edited by TrueSpurlocK
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Ahhh, so now it's everyone's fault! You are absolutely 100% right Nadir! But wasn't that the point from the beginning? Now we're making progress! :D blaming one single group of people for ruining something was never the way to look at it, because one group of people can't make you do anything. Noone makes you quit, noone makes you join other guilds, it's all "choice." In the end, it all boils down to choice!:rak_03:


Did you just.. take what I said originally and just try to play it off as your own idea?




edit: whatever, I'm done. I'm not wasting my time trying to rectify forum-style selective hearing.

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Did you just.. take what I said originally and just try to play it off as your own idea?




edit: whatever, I'm done. I'm not wasting my time trying to rectify forum-style selective hearing.


So not once did I ever blame anyone for why our ranked queues were broken. I specifically remeber people saying that it was Game Genie's fault, and that it was Guerrilla's fault. But I was saying that you shouldn't blame a single group, when they just play the game just like everyone else. I was never pointing fingers at anyone, only trying to say the same point that you had just shared.


/faceplam. You know this, it's in all of the previous post. Nothing but defense coming from the "Meta"guild side, and nothing but fire coming from the opposing end. So let's not point anymore fingers, because Alan Shore threw everyone under the bus last night. We can all be blamed for the state of pvp on our server, but don't blame a single guild for ruining things.

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Both sides are saying plenty, and I'm not just talking about this stupid thread. If you can't see that, you're blind.


Regardless, the take-home message was, "stop pointing fingers, cause at the end of the day we don't have ranked to come home to every night and its everybody's fault." And, by trying to tell me your side is less guilty than the other, youre just still trying to point fingers. Knock it off.


Who is pointing fingers?


Don't you people see this was the problem? You guys did this. You guys caused this. Your lumping 3+++ guilds worth of amazing players into one left the rest of us scrambling to even get 8 people together, let alone be competitive. Nobody else will ever dominate the server like you guys have, because nobody else actively tries to leech so much talent out of other guilds.



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Who is pointing fingers?






Anyone can go back and see that I said "I'm also guilty." I can own up to my mistakes.


Nice selective editing.


P.S. why do you hate me? :(

Edited by NadirPalo
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Holy crap :eek:..........well that escalated quickly


I would like to ask for the final KIBOSH! on this unnecessary argument. We know where people stand and we all have opinions of each other. SatedBuffalo is correct, put anymore of this in PvP Hate Thread. Only 10% of this is actually about the original thread topic.



Personally, if I were to transfer, Bastion does look more appealing because it won't become overpopulated and seem to have a better "community" where as POT5 is a giant cluster ****. The only issue, for maybe most of us, is that its a west coast server and I'm not sure how some of our connections will handle trying to use a west coast server.

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Let's take a stroll down memory lane. Once upon a time in a magical place there was a server called Sanctum of the Exalted. I was in a guild called Hand of the Republic. Along with Grimmlok, Tak and Dizeren. We queued with a lot of different people on the Republic side and met a lot of good PvPers. This is where we met Jevi and Bay (Helalin at the time). Conflicted Loyalties was created to have a place for Imperial alts to PvP and try to help out the other side when they were often getting wrecked. This is where we were in the same guild. Most of us were spread around throughout other guilds on the Republic side.


As for this:



Eventually what happened was we were doing nothing but queuing for PvP and Jevi decided to create Squad Six on the Republic side. The name came from Jevi pushing the six button on his keyboard, which was smash. It had nothing to do with Navy Seals, despite popular belief. One by one people left whatever guild they were in and joined it. We were only playing together anymore anyways and it was a no brainer decision.


We switched the name to Game Genie one day just because of sheer boredom and people always saying we are hacking and we grew tired of having to defend ourselves. No member of GG has ever hacked, this is fact. There used to be a guild named Your Companion. This guild hated us with a passion and one of their members reported our guild name and during a huttball match the guild was renamed by a GM to "Jevi Guild". Squad Six came back.


Once we transferred to the Ebon Hawk we decided to rename again to Game Genie and see if it will stick, it did. We met a lot of good people on this server. The first people we met were The Code. We quickly became friends with Shamaya, Kincaid and a few others. When ranked came out this was true that we didn't really have enough to queue a full team at times. So we asked friends to queue with us. This wasn't because we thought some of our members weren't good enough or anything like that. This was a timing issue and for me i could only do ranked games Saturday through Mondays because of my work schedule. Which i mainly only did during Monday nights.


Once we first started doing ranked games, the first guild we came across was Broken Chains. They were basically our equals. Those matches were fond memories and we had a lot of amazing matches. We quickly became friends as we had a lot of respect for each other.


Things happen in MMOs and players leave. There isn't a contract like in sports where you are playing there until it expires. Players on both sides of the ball left, myself included when Guild Wars 2 came out. Some players came back (myself), but a lot of players either left for that game or Diablo 3. This happens. When i came back The Code, Game Genie, Resistance and Broken Chains had successively merged their remaining members (except for a select few that decided not to.) Hey all of my friends are in one guild and there is new people, it was an exciting time and here we are at a new exciting time with server transfers.


As of late Guerrilla and Game Genie have continued to lose members to other games and RL. So we made it an open policy for our guilds to share each others members on either side.


We have not made a final decision on where we are transferring and who we are transferring, but know this at least for the time being: Game Genie and Guerrilla aren't going anywhere and these threads just make us a little bit stronger.


I like history lessons. Those of you who think Game Genie original purpose too make a "meta team" are wrong. Here is how GG progressed after transfers, the facts not the things people thought happen. The day of transfers we made our guild and began to queue, we fought all kinds of people. One day I (Dizeren) queue'd solo, now i know this must be a shocker but if anyone knew me they know i always queue solo. I entered a Voidstar with a person named Kincaid, me and him were 2v4ing on the east door. He was DPS spec at this time and he did this amazing thing called off healing. He would heal me, i guarded and peeled and we won the 2v4. I was like hey you are actually smart lets play together so we did. He later introduced me to Shamaya who was another shadow. Those from sanctum should know the server had little shadows. Me and him talked about gearing and I found out i truly enjoyed his company. So i began to queue with them two. They were not the best players out there, I did not care because i enjoyed their company. Ranked rolled around and GG had four people Me, Jevy, Aunty/Zoera and Bay. Four people do not make a ranked team so i called in my 2 friends. At this time that would make our group one DPS scoundrel, two hybrid shadows, one DPS COMMANDO (Madness i know right?), one DPS jug and a Sage healer. That came out to 6 people, Jevy and bay had made friends with a Scoundrel healer and a DPS vanguard. So we played with what would be considered an awful composition but we made it work. These 8 became our A-team but they were not always around and GG would queue the second we heard someone was queuing. When we did not have our 8, i would ask Kincaid or Parae "Hey guys we need a 7th and 8th know anyone?" they would say yeah invite this guy. Now we had no idea if they were good or not we just did it and queued. Game Genie has never had 8 people until the last few months of the last Expac. So we queued up as 8 from our team we had aquired from guilds who had broken up. (Those people being Shamaya, Tuvor, Manlio, Peyton, Dimi and Athena) We did not poach these people because they one had no guild and two we were friends and had already been playing with them for some time. We queued as 8 from our own guild we did not merge or play with guerrilla and empire in ranked. Until Jevy and Bay had both quit. Now we had Hollie to fill bay's spot so thats good but we didnt have a DPS, and there would be nights where someone was not online. We would be at a total of 5 or 6, Guerrilla on the other hand had the same issue but they were missing tanks. The response would be we are friends you dont have tanks but i do, we dont have DPS but you do. i'll give you my tanks for the night or i'll give you my DPS for the night. This allowed us to queue against the other person versus no one playing at all. There was no META-team searching but only a need for players and the fact that we had friends too call upon. You might ask "well there is a other people to choose from on your factions side why not choose them?" Well the answer would be I am gonna choose my friend i enjoy talking too over a random person i do not know that well.

Edited by tizeren
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Love, love, LOVE it!


I told ya in my original post in this thread that I enjoy trolling the gorillas. Those fragile egos are so easily bruised. Tell them you don't think they're awesome, and the rage begins. Let them know that without their premade crutch, they're just mediocre, and oh boy...look out!


Thanks again for not disappointing, fellas. Perhaps once you move to another server, they'll appreciate you more.

Edited by TheronFett
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Love, love, LOVE it!


I told ya in my original post in this thread that I enjoy trolling the gorillas. Those fragile egos are so easily bruised. Tell them you don't think they're awesome, and the rage begins. Let them know that without their premade crutch, they're just mediocre, and oh boy...look out!


Thanks again for not disappointing, fellas. Perhaps once you move to another server, they'll appreciate you more.


Mesh, to be frank, you're not helping or contributing anything. Take your personal amusement somewhere else, please, or join the fray.

Edited by Aikiyc
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And are you the same dude that complained about Tex playing Pyro since you could not beat him as a ST Powertech? It really is sad you trying to bash our guild and its Guerrilla not Gorilla. Alot of the bad rep my guild has been getting lately is so damn annoying.


I'll address you specifically, since you're one of the few exceptions to the rule in your guild. Yep, I've gone back and forth with Tex in the past. It was all in fun, tongue in cheek stuff, and he knows and would acknowledge that. I switched from Pyro to ST because frankly, the facerolling got boring and it seemed like everyone and their brother was playing Pyro.


Yes, I know it's Guerrilla. It's just another way to poke a sharp stick in the eye of some of your members who get irritated by it. I've always had a lot of respect for you personally, Phelan, and several of your fellow primates for that matter. But the fact is, some of your members kind of ruin any amount of good rep the rest of you manage to build up. For me at least, it has zero to do with losing. I've won with Guerilla on my team, I've beat their best players, and I've also been crushed by them, it's all a wash. Across 8 toons, both factions, and tens of thousands of warzones, it's all just a game to me.


I could really care less about skill. Most of the time, I give as good as I get, so again it's all a wash. It's more about attitude. I enjoy trolling the elitists because they get butthurt enough to tunnel vision, and it takes their head out of the game. Throw in some insults, maybe a /laugh or a /yawn and I can practically remove them from any objective-based play because they're so bent on proving how awesome they are. It's either sad or hilarious, depending on your perspective. That's just the way I play. Call me a troll, an ***, it makes no difference. It's all part of the game as far as I'm concerned.

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