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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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Anyone have a 55 over on POT5 or elsewhere that can confirm/deny the queue situation. How do we know they're not looking for more people to fix their own problem like this. My ideal solution is x-server ranked tbph, but who knows if that will ever happen.


*EDIT - As/for escaping PvP drama. This is an MMORPG. Do you really think it's going to be better there. Look at their community as it stands now. It's going to be worse I promise you that.


Yes, there are more ranked going on Pot5 on a daily basis. Many times I have seen pugs ranked groups LFM in /pvp and come out winning. I have not had the pleasure of joining these pug groups since I am not minmaxed Partisan or augmented yet over there. (Personal preference). But I know of someone in GG that ran a couple Pug ranked and came out victorious each time.

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Yes, there are more ranked going on Pot5 on a daily basis. Many times I have seen pugs ranked groups LFM in /pvp and come out winning. I have not had the pleasure of joining these pug groups since I am not minmaxed Partisan or augmented yet over there. (Personal preference). But I know of someone in GG that ran a couple Pug ranked and came out victorious each time.


There ya have it. Mel, with a few sentences, explained why it's appealing for heavy PvPers to go to a PvP server. It's not about the quality of player or any of that other crap that we've been talking about. It's the sheer fact that PvPers want the opportunity to run ranked and on our server we're limited (at best) in our ability to do that.


There's just something appealing about the ability to get online with your guildmates and know that you can run ranked whenever you want without it being a big deal. If you have the people on and want to run ranked you queue up and if you don't then you don't!

Edited by Sindol
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There ya have it. Mel, with a few sentences, explained why it's appealing for heavy PvPers to go to a PvP server. It's not about the quality of player or any of that other crap that we've been talking about. It's the sheer fact that PvPers want the opportunity to run ranked and on our server we're limited (at best) in our ability to do that.


There's just something appealing about the ability to get online with your guildmates and know that you can run ranked whenever you want without it being a big deal. If you have the people on and want to run ranked you queue up and if you don't then you don't!


*Sigh* I won't move a toon but if TEH's PvP scene moves there I might roll a sorc and heal imp side :p

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No, not all. Just most. This thread proves it. Only instead of rolling PUGs on TEH, the push is to move to POT5 so you can roll scrubs in ranked matches. More comms, more high fives for the brohams, more chest hair.


It just seems ludicrous to preach about lack of competition on TEH, then move to where there's even less of it. The only difference being ranked matches instead of normal, where you can assign a ranked number value to how awesome you are. If it's competition you're really after, then the move wouldn't be necessary.


What do you expect to happen on POT5, honestly? Bring a handful of TEH PvP guilds, start crushing their ranked teams, and expect that they'll keep showing up to be facerolled day in and day out? Sure, the good times will roll for a few weeks, but after awhile, you'll have the exact same thing as what we have here. No one to play against.


The pvp player pool on Pot5 is so much larger than on EH. There are a handful of different teams queuing every night. Guilds on EH have difficulties putting together a group of 8 because they'll only queue with their A-team or pug close friends who they are comfortable playing with, work hours also affect if they can queue or not. On pot5 you don't need to twiddle your thumbs hoping XYZ guild queues or ask if they are because there are ranked games going on.


For the record Guerrilla and Game Genie do not like faceroll games. They are boring! Seriously. We'd much rather queue ranked all day than run premades in regs. We want a challenge. Pot5 offers that. So when we see people telling us "queue ranked" I hope they don't think ranked games are happening on a daily basis on EH, because they are not.


As for facerolling in ranked on pot5, I highly doubt the people you see in regs (I like to call them Team Death-matchers) queue ranked. There are a handful of decent players from prestigious guilds solo-queuing regs so I expect that their guildmates are doing ranked, but I cannot say for sure. Ranked will always happen on pvp servers regardless if the dominate guild queues or not.

Edited by Clogski
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There are several problems with ranked games and I'll do my best to illuminate them as follows.



One of them is an issue Jerc brought up, pretty much as described. There is such a vast difference in skill level between just grabbing a random 8 people and a full group of 8 experienced PvPers who have played with each other so well and so much that they instinctively know what to do in every situation.


* I've played with and against my guildmates so many times that I have a pretty good idea how they will react in any given PvP situation. There's only so many different game mechanics and once you've seen and practiced every single one, you know what is a good idea to do and what isn't.


* Good PvP instincts - say on voidstar, and your guard is under attack. Do you overcommit by sending too many and end up losing the strong side, or do you undercommit by not sending enough? How long can your guard last? Do you trust him/her implicitly?


* Playing with all your teammates, not just the same group you always queue with. Different players have different dynamics and we've done pretty much that.


I would argue also there isn't just one tier either, but several tiers, each with sharp drop offs of performance from the other. If you aren't in the top tier, but are 3rd tier, you will get consistently destroyed by the 1st and 2nd tiers, but games within your tier of skill will be highly competitive.


Clearly, if you are not on the same tier level as your competition, one side is going to get stomped mercilessly. I also don't always believe in mercy rules, which is why I try to go for the 3 cap when it's achievable and tactically advisable to do so (you can 3 cap someone and lose because you weren't able to defend it well, I'm sure we've all experienced a loss like that).


The reason I don't believe in them, is that if you're not playing with a killer instinct you can go soft and when a truly good opponent comes along you can get steamrolled. Also, I don't always know at the start of the match if it can be pulled off. It also sets you up for 1v1 situations, or even 1v2 or 3 situations. What better way to practice optimally using your defensive cooldowns and how to duel than against difficult or impossible odds?



There's not enough ranked games. On a given night you're very lucky if you can get more than 3 games. This offers the team that's losing not enough time to rectify their issues if the games played are close.




Not enough ranked teams to queue against. You end up playing the same team over and over and if it's a gross mismatch there's no way out of it.


People don't like losing over and over. This is just a simple fact. This is the reason there are no regular ranked games. When the results are one sided, the ranked queue dies. What's my proof of this assertion? Simple, at ranked queue launch you could get games back to back. That first week I think I must have gotten 60-80 games. I know the first day I got 28 games. No one knew each other so no one was 'afraid' to lose face. And that's what basically all it boils down to.



Pot5 solves several problems which is why I think it's good for people not just in the "top" PvP guilds:


* Multiple tiers of ranked teams. Tired of getting your tail kicked on TEH? Maybe your team is only in the 3rd tier of performance? There's a team that's around your skill level you can match up against.


* Multiple ranked teams. You don't always face the same opponent day in and day out. So if you're having a bad day.


* Far more frequent pops. Want to be progress from your 3rd tier to the 2nd tier? You'll be able to get there without having to set up "secret" scrimmages.


* Less baggage because no one knows you. There's no pressure to form a team of death that requires you to put together what you feel gives you your best chance to win. Not tier 1 material today because you don't have your best comp? Who cares? You can win against tier 2 and tier 3 teams. We've put together teams of doom full of optimal composition because a) we could and b) because a certain someone ran to the forum (and on their private forums as well) and talked a little smack about winning a few games. Needless to say that ended rather quickly. But it ended the ranked queue as well. We've also put together the best teams we thought we could field simply because the other team was that good and if we didn't do that we'd lose all the games.

Edited by VtTethias
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Hokay, because of the abrupt halt in this thread it seems like we discovered the limit of the human brain's capacity for processing WTFQQ. Congratulations everyone.


Back to the original topic, just wanted to share this with you all, in case people haven't seen it yet. If you're too lazy to click the link, its basically Eric saying "paid transfers slotted for 2.2 but I really don't know if we can make that deadline, and we're still not telling you where you can go."


At least its something.

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Hokay, because of the abrupt halt in this thread it seems like we discovered the limit of the human brain's capacity for processing WTFQQ. Congratulations everyone.


Back to the original topic, just wanted to share this with you all, in case people haven't seen it yet. If you're too lazy to click the link, its basically Eric saying "paid transfers slotted for 2.2 but I really don't know if we can make that deadline, and we're still not telling you where you can go."


At least its something.


Yeah, with this knowledge I will likely be spending some time leveling a character on Pot5. 2.2 won't be here until June. I can probably have a 55 before then.

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Hokay, because of the abrupt halt in this thread it seems like we discovered the limit of the human brain's capacity for processing WTFQQ. Congratulations everyone.


Back to the original topic, just wanted to share this with you all, in case people haven't seen it yet. If you're too lazy to click the link, its basically Eric saying "paid transfers slotted for 2.2 but I really don't know if we can make that deadline, and we're still not telling you where you can go."


At least its something.


:( Everyone I like playing against is going to leave TEH and I'm going to be cursed to an eternity of unfulfilling matches. I have PvE obligations to Azure Blades and we're 1-shotting HM bosses so I'm not about to walk away from that for PvPs sake. I'm also NEVER EVER replaying the Consular story, it was boring and annoying, so if I do roll on Pot5 look for Amistar the sith sorc on your heal charts.

Edited by Battyone
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I dunno about that. As bad as the Jedi Consular storyline is.... I consider the Sith Inquisitor to be the absolute rock bottom.


....yeah, after lurking this thread I finally send in a reply to remark on class stories. :p *shrug* I really have nothing to add, since I'm not one of the hardcore PvPers and have pretty much stopped running endgame PvP anyway given everything else I'm doing (leveling alts, PvE content, etc.) Anything I might have said has already been said.


I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.:)

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:( Everyone I like playing against is going to leave TEH and I'm going to be cursed to an eternity of unfulfilling matches.


Transfers may still be a way off, and we don't know for certain if server types must be similar for a transfer to take place.


Also, regardless of which players/guilds leave TEH, they will certainly be replaced by new faces to offer highly competitive regular warzones.

This is occurring already in the wake of many top PvPers rerolling to PoT5 (without a transfer). Currently, 20 different guilds are represented in our PvP 2.0 Records Thread, hardly an oligopoly of the top PvP guilds.


With this knowledge I will likely be spending some time leveling a character on Pot5. 2.2 won't be here until June. I can probably have a 55 before then.


Leveling a character from 1-55 is not a problem. It's the 50 Legacy levels, maximised Crew Skills and Companion Affection, Credit fortune and complete Datacron list that many players have an issue with.

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Also, regardless of which players/guilds leave TEH, they will certainly be replaced by new faces to offer highly competitive regular warzones.

This is occurring already in the wake of many top PvPers rerolling to PoT5 (without a transfer). Currently, 20 different guilds are represented in our PvP 2.0 Records Thread, hardly an oligopoly of the top PvP guilds.


As someone probably planning on staying on tEH, this is my fear with the transfers. That after a ton of the "top" players and guilds leave, some other server's trolls will transfer here with the sole propose of rofl stomping everyone here. And despite what everyone says, even if there is a monthly limit on transferring or something, if folks come here intent on leaving again in a month the damage they do to the community will be really annoying and far worse than anything GG or Guerrilla has ever been accused of doing.

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Leveling a character from 1-55 is not a problem. It's the 50 Legacy levels, maximised Crew Skills and Companion Affection, Credit fortune and complete Datacron list that many players have an issue with.


Yup. Totally agree with this. I will not be re-rolling on PTO5. For me, it's transfer or stay on TEH.


Honestly, I would be very surprised if we are allowed to transfer to different server types. I would imagine it would wreak havoc with server populations if they were to initiate this.


Regardless, transfers are looking to be a ways off. I'm definitely here for the foreseeable future.

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Some other server's trolls will transfer here with the sole propose of rofl stomping everyone here.


Although I can sympathise with the concern behind this, imo the chances of this actually happening are slim.

Despite popular belief, there are very few PvPers across all servers that genuinely enjoy uncompetitive, easy matches, and those that do are far less skilled.


TEH's remaining players (should transfers eventually come around) would have no trouble seeing off any migrating 'would-be' trollers.


I would imagine it would wreak havoc with server populations if they were to initiate this.


This is the exact reason why X-Server queues should be implemented prior to server transfers, with a matchmaking system to boot.

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This is the exact reason why X-Server queues should be implemented prior to server transfers, with a matchmaking system to boot.


Agree 100%. If they don't it's going to be one all messed up as people jump all over the place.

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This server has well proven it can ostracize and practically run off groups of people and guilds that they don't like. And you all are afraid of would-be troll scrubs? lawl.


They'd get lit up on the forums and steamrolled in PvP they'd probably want off server within a week.


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They'd get lit up on the forums and steamrolled in PvP they'd probably want off server within a week.


And if all this fails, we just indicate that somehow they violated the mandalorian code and let the RP crowd finish them off. Think of it as a community team-building project.

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And if all this fails, we just indicate that somehow they violated the mandalorian code and let the RP crowd finish them off. Think of it as a community team-building project.


ROFL! I like the way you think xD

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And if all this fails, we just indicate that somehow they violated the mandalorian code and let the RP crowd finish them off. Think of it as a community team-building project.


I laughed out loud. I really did!

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This server has well proven it can ostracize and practically run off groups of people and guilds that they don't like. And you all are afraid of would-be troll scrubs? lawl.


They'd get lit up on the forums and steamrolled in PvP they'd probably want off server within a week.



I'm not afraid of anything just really don't want to see the server turn into the, hey let's transfer there troll everyone by being complete nonsensical jerks and then transfer back to our home server.

Not to mention the possibility that idiots on pot5 will say, we can't win here lets transfer to tEH because all their top teams left. And then our regs turn to the mess described in that vid.

I guess I just wish they would do cross server ranked and only afterward allow transfers. Then ranked would be available wherever you are and people could chose a server based on community, friendships, and play style, and not be forced to move in order to do ranked.

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And if all this fails, we just indicate that somehow they violated the mandalorian code and let the RP crowd finish them off. Think of it as a community team-building project.


Best comment in this entire thread. I laughed so hard my tummy hurts. XD

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Im not transfering unless I can take every character in one shot... Im not paying alot to do it either...


Industry standard for this runs between $25-$50 per character and most don't do some sort of bulk discount. SWTOR might surprise but given that this is a money making venture, I'm willing to bet that won't go.

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And if all this fails, we just indicate that somehow they violated the mandalorian code and let the RP crowd finish them off. Think of it as a community team-building project.


You kidding me? 90 percent of the RP crowd would think that violating the Mandalorian code would be the perfect opportunity to roleplay their terribad mary sue special snowflake.


It'd never work. You'd have to tell them people are doing it right!

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