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★ All Ranked Teams: Transfer Same Server ★


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It's 200-300 ping for europeans to play on the bastion, which pretty much rules that server out for us.


And East Coast eliminates Asia-Pacific from coming. The extra 100ping on top of the 120~ already on a pacific server means no APAC players will be able to compete in ratedz.


Maybe we should start a Petition to open a new server in the Midwest so we all get 100ms:)

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And East Coast eliminates Asia-Pacific from coming. The extra 100ping on top of the 120~ already on a pacific server means no APAC players will be able to compete in ratedz.


Maybe we should start a Petition to open a new server in the Midwest so we all get 100ms:)


If they fixed the latency issues then i wouldnt really care where i went, but as of the now the amount of ability misfires, followed by a GCD with the high ping on the bastion, it really is not even worth it for me.

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If they fixed the latency issues then i wouldnt really care where i went, but as of the now the amount of ability misfires, followed by a GCD with the high ping on the bastion, it really is not even worth it for me.


I feel your pain. I live and play in the TZ of my server and continually get frustrated at the 'miss fires', as you call them, from abilities.


Was just saying that there is a reason most of these players play the servers they do to begin with. Server transfers won't alleviate latency and, if anything, increase it on already highly populated servers.

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I feel your pain. I live and play in the TZ of my server and continually get frustrated at the 'miss fires', as you call them, from abilities.


Was just saying that there is a reason most of these players play the servers they do to begin with. Server transfers won't alleviate latency and, if anything, increase it on already highly populated servers.


So they should just forget about transfers completely and just give us X-Server queues, because it is quite simple transfers isnt goin to "fix" anything.

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I heard Santa Claus was real homie...must...be...true.


Also, Brazil Force > Everyone




I'm fairly positive BF changed their name yesterday. Unfortunate, because now there isn't a dead giveaway. With that said, they do have a handful of players who a) can speak english fluently, b) know how to communicate in Ops chat, and c) took the time to learn their class. In my observation, this already puts them above most of the PvPers on Pot5 (see HERE) , but I digress.


I'd love to see transfers made available. I haven't played much ranked (seems pointless at the moment) but I would if there were enough teams for a league, or a tournament of sorts. Even if we had to keep track of rank on our own, it would be more fun than playing against the same people in the same WZ with the same strategies.

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given with how this update turned out, i doubt that server transfers will be reasonably priced. if bioware is going to charge $10 for a name change, imagine what they will charge for a server change


I think WOW had $25 USD for server xfer a few years ago.

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I've seen a few threads now talking about paid transfers, but is there any actual evidence this is happening or is this another feature to expect "soon" from BW. Any links would be apprciated.


Another player (Islander) posted this on the forums the other day, which lead to the mass speculation. Since then, I created this thread to try and get Eric to confirm/deny said screengrab, or perhaps gives us a bit more information. Thus far, he has not responded.

Edited by Pistols
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Another player (Islander) posted this on the forums the other day, which lead to the mass speculation. Since then, I created this thread to try and get Eric to confirm/deny said screengrab, or perhaps gives us a bit more information. Thus far, he has not responded.


Ok, im tired of you posting a screenshot from a phone. lets use the actual site from now on. It is the last question in the article.

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It's not hard to read.


you're the one linking do what you want :p


and more on topic, if yall ever put it to a vote on that facebook page, let everyone know. until then, this is more of an academic argument.

Edited by ForsakenKing
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They ought to implement cross-server queues before they do this. Otherwise, this will create a slippery slope that'll likely lead to the demise of all but one or two servers, for both pvp and pve. Everyone will start stacking on one or two servers. Eventually, you'll "have" to transfer if you want to do anything, or because your server is a ghost town. Effectively, it'll be a server merger/consolidation if things go down like that.


It's happened exactly this way in many other games. In fact, similar phenomena occur in real life. It's kind of human nature for things to happen this way; most people tend to concentrate and crowd in one popular place. And MMO servers can't really become unbearably overcrowded or expensive to be on the same way real life does. Lag and log-in queues rarely discourage people from doing this, no matter how bad.


Oh well, I don't think anything can stop this from happening at this point, unless paid transfers are highly restricted and/or expensive. This is just so I can say "I told you so" when it does happen.

Edited by LetoAtreidesII
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What makes you think this isn't going to happen anyway though? I'd wager they could easily merge down 2-3 more servers as it is, just in the States. Game's slowly on the downward trend, again.


Bioware can't help screwing things up, if they aren't new planet content, or cartel market items.

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If they fixed the latency issues then i wouldnt really care where i went, but as of the now the amount of ability misfires, followed by a GCD with the high ping on the bastion, it really is not even worth it for me.


we call them phantom gcd's and they are also happening on the APAC servers i got quite a few tonight and i have 30ms on my server so ping has nothing to do with it broken game = broken $hit

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What makes you think this isn't going to happen anyway though? I'd wager they could easily merge down 2-3 more servers as it is, just in the States. Game's slowly on the downward trend, again.


Bioware can't help screwing things up, if they aren't new planet content, or cartel market items.


It very well might happen, but much, much more slowly. Right now people can't move unless they create a whole new legacy and start from scratch. So there are massive barriers to self-consolidation. Paid transfers would open the flood gates.


I personally hate crowding, in both real life and in MMO's, but I seem to be a rare exception to the norm. It seems that most people love to crowd and concentrate as I said before, and most would probably prefer to be on one giant server in the first place anyway in all games. It's usually the developers (and a minority of gamers) who want to spread the population out because it's easier to handle from a hardware/tech/logistical standpoint.


I guess I won't really mind all that much unless they shut down the lower population servers and actually force you to move. I've spent way too much time on pvp and have been trying to cut back for a long time.

Edited by LetoAtreidesII
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I'm realizing the idea of a giant PvP server merge is just a pipe dream. POT5 players don't want to leave and neither do Bastion players.


In the end I think the best we can hope for is that the hand fulls of players that are PvP heavy from other servers come to these servers. With them, the aussies and the asians... hopefully it's enough to bring in a few more teams per server. It seems like that's the best it's gonna get right now.


On the bright side.... Bastion and POT5 players can still raid each others server forums claiming to be the best server.

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On the bright side.... Bastion and POT5 players can still raid each others server forums claiming to be the best server.
there is no discussion, Bastion owns da world... of star wars
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This whole thread smells like "Grass is greener" syndrome. And no, I haven't been in any of the conversation up to this point but assuming that the game continues to "decline" in population it will be to the point that I don't really think myself, you, or anyone else here in this thread will really care.


1 of 2 scenarios exist.


Scenario 1) PvP (and by extension ranked PvP) is unpopular and sparsely populated due to multiple reasons. Some of which are the decline of server population, the decline of serious PvPers, and the decline of a truly viable and balanced PvP system due to forced and hashed mechanics.


Scenario 2) PvP IS popular and fun, but just not in the ranked scene. Server population is for the most part stable and is resting around a comfortable plateau. Moving servers really won't change this. Other teams will just fill the temporary void left by the "migrating" teams.


In short, I think you are expecting a highly competitive scene with a dev team that wants to see PvP flourish when this game was not intended for any sort of serious PvP from the ground up. Tacking on PvP is all fine and dandy, but don't expect lots of resource commitment for a relatively small part of the game.


If you want PvP, aim for games that represent it and advocate it highly from the start. Off the top of my head I can name a few that have done so: Guild Wars 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, EVE online to name a few.


Just my 2 cents. Don't be surprised if you migrate servers and see nothing different.

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nut up and come join a big boy server.


I'll just assume you mean a PvP server. Whats the point? Open world PvP? LOL


We have a large pop with just as active a PvP community as any other. Besides, we wouldnt want to lose all of our server first PvE kills.

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I'll just assume you mean a PvP server. Whats the point? Open world PvP? LOL


We have a large pop with just as active a PvP community as any other. Besides, we wouldnt want to lose all of our server first PvE kills.



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One week on the Bastion and you will find out the best guilds and players play here.


I played on P05 and there is some good guilds, Hoth Ski, I am Legend, Casual to name the best.


Those 3 guilds coming to Bastion would make the server explode with talented guilds, and would stir a pot of elitist minded skilled PVP'ers to the top.


The skill cap would raise and players would learn from great guilds how to play, players and guilds would become better with those kinds of guilds around.


I don't care what anyone says, Bastion is where its at and it has been since the start.


If you want to play top rated and guilds on the rise then make the right decision and come to the Bastion.


If you want to be number 2 or 3 or 4 far as the best server, then stay where you are at and dream about playing the best players in SWTOR.


Don't settle for a lessor server, come play the best players on The Bastion.


This message has been brought to you by Caeliux the Truth Teller.


All proceeds go to noobs that play on whack servers who dream about being the best.



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