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Everything posted by itsluck

  1. Does anyone know if you can get jeasa back yet, or where to find her? I cant find any info about her.
  2. Anyone know when patch 2.4.3 is suppose to drop? Thanks in advance for any info
  3. itsluck

    cool premades bro!

    I've never understood these threads...what's holding you back from making your own premade? Don't be so anti-social, ask to group up with people that you see do good in a WZ, and learn to communicate.
  4. now I know this isn't very high on the devs list of things to do, as it seems pretty hard implement open world PvP for this game; mainly due to the engine. But why not try to come up with some good ideas, and maybe JUST maybe a dev will see some and think "hey we might be able to work with that" It obviously can't just be kill players and get comms, because that leads to a lot of possible kill trading or other ways to abuse it, and that's bad mmmkay. Something much more viable would be having some kind of structure that two factions have to fight over (reward being something along the lines of x% amount of exp boost). But because of the games engine how would you accomplish that when a planet can have 3 different instance? Perhaps you could have a structure to fight over on each instance, and who ever controls 2/3 structures gets the buff. Not a perfect idea I agree, but any incentive to create world pvp is a good idea to me. So I encorage all of you, throw out some suggestions you think would be legitimately viable to kick start open world pvp!!
  5. Well besides the fact that you would have to do the SW storyline again, a marauder sounds fitting for you. Insane Dps and a few very good defensive abilities (undying rage is basically 5 seconds of invisibility)
  6. The best thing LoL has to offer is the balance in pvp. If you know how to play the character, you can dominate a game with any character in the game (which there are well over 50 different characters to choose from). IMHO LoL is one of the better balanced games in history. That being said it's a fun game, but gets old rather quickly. Swtor pvp is much more entertaining to me...maybe I just need to have 30 buttons infront of me:rolleyes:
  7. I have a 55 marauder in full augmented conq and fairly experienced with ranked, so if anyone is short a few players and needs a Dps I would be happy to fill the spot, as long as unconquered isn't queing up as well that is:) Feel free to send a pst in-game to itsluck if anyone is interested.
  8. The only way this would ever work would be to have a group finder that devides classes much like for PVE. Otherwise you will see premades that are built for that specific WZs and overal would make pvp much less fun. On top of that WZ que times could double, or triple the waiting time. Cool thought, just not viable for the pvp and maps in this game:(
  9. Ik both specs are viable for ranked, but if carnage has better single burst wouldn't that be better for ranked since a lot of it is focus firing with your team?
  10. First off I know this is should probably be in the PvP section, But I'd rather have input from fellow POT5 players. Pretty simple question really.. What do you think is better for DPS in a ranked WZ: rage spec or carnage spec and why? Any feedback is much appricated!! Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey everyone! So with server transfers up, and I am thinking about moving myself. However I was hoping someone who has already transferred could answer my question; what all transfers with you? For example if I have a assassin and a mara, but I only transfer my assassin then would I still get perks like the sith warrior buff from my legacy?
  12. Can't help but notice they didn't mention server transfers at all?
  13. Saw this on dulify about a bounty hunter event coming soon. I was curious if anyone has any other info regarding the event. I know 2.3 isn't gonna comeout till the mid-end of summer so we won't get much info but it would be awesome to get this confirmed by a dev. However what I'd really like to know is if bounties are gonna be on actually players, or will it be more of just a PVE event, or even a mixture of both. Links posted for those interested. http://dulfy.net/2013/06/14/swtor-patch-2-3-bounty-hunter-event-info/#more-44902
  14. /signed They need to either give us some details or drop a butt load of pvp content in 2.4 (some thing more than 1 new WZ and gear) or I fear this games future. Neither of these things are likely though imho
  15. I would imagine most are going to POT5 since it is an east coast server like the shadowlands is, rather than transfer to a west coast server like the bastion
  16. Well with Devs confirming server transfers in 2.2 as their goal release date, Im curious if anyone from ID has info if they are going to transfer. since it seems like they are the only main guild that are always able and willing for ranked, then with ID leaving, rated WZ ques could be even more of a challenge then they already are.
  17. I know this probably isn't the best place to post this, but it got no replies in the new players forum so ill try again here. All I mostly do though is PvP and have been trying to use Advanced combat tracker for my assassin when duplicity and other procs pop. so I was wondering if anyone had any advice or even possibly the code i would need for setting up a custom trigger. or if there are better download-able programs that are out there to help acheive this. Any help is much apprciated!!
  18. I'm not really new to the game, but i didnt know where else to post this. I've been trying to set a custom trigger for duplicity proc on my assassin for when i go dps, but havent been able to make it work or make any sound when the proc does go off. If anyone has any tips or the code i would need for this trigger would be a great help!
  19. My vote goes to POT5. Though login ques and general lag concerns me, the thought of rated ques popping close to normal WZ ques could make things very interesting
  20. My vote goes to POT5. Though login ques and general lag concerns me, the thought of rated ques popping close to normal WZ ques could make things very interesting
  21. I've seen a few threads now talking about paid transfers, but is there any actual evidence this is happening or is this another feature to expect "soon" from BW. Any links would be apprciated.
  22. So i noticed there are two different PvP sets for a marauder. I am almost always speced rage (sometimes to carnage to switch it up). I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or advice on what set to focus on? Thanks
  23. On my phone so i cant post one atm, but if your already 42 in a few more lvls i would consider respecing to rage, and learning how to make your smashes crit. i swtiched to rage around your lvl with my mara, and with the added smash crits and found a day and night difference in my damage output.
  24. itsluck


    Only avaliable on those two planets by your class trainer. though atm i wouldnt bother getting the gear unless you are only using it for pve and questing
  25. This is the case right now yes. Devs have confirmed that top PvE gear > top PvP gear, but that it isnt suppose to work that way. Patch for it is coming 2.0.1, which comes out this tuesday. otherwise check this link for other notes http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php
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