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Pink/Purple and Longer Hair!


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A 45 second video is all they could do? Really? Half of which is text and logos.


And would it kill them to give us a full list of the dyes and how they are available?


PS: I am tired of that stupid "thump" sound they use in every single video now.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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A 45 second video is all they could do? Really? Half of which is text and logos.


And would it kill them to give us a full list of the dyes and how they are available?




The patch is 4 days away. I think you can hold out that long without know the dye colors. Are you making life changing decisons or something in real life based on what the dye palette is or something?


Think of it as something silly you can complain about for 4 days. After that, you can complain about the cost of dyes on in game vendors, how they colors are not what you wanted, and demand they fix it for you NAO!.


Consider these 4 days a chance for you to save up your energy for post patch raging. :p


PS: we would all like to know the dye colors. Most of us can wait until we get to read the patch notes and log into the game though.

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Forget about the new haircuts or dyes. Watching a jedi wearing a robe with its hood down in the starter area on Tython.... that's certainly more than surprising, indeed.


That's a trap.. don't fall into the trap. :p




It could be a clue to a surprise coming on Tuesday. :D

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lol the top comment is the best part of that link.


LOL... indeed. :D


Please note: that is not me.... so don't go there. ;)


I might steal that comment as my new sig though. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Is it just me but dont some of the cathar they have shown like like vampires.


Were they sparkling? If so then we can logically deduce that they are indeed vampires. Otherwise it is merely a coincidence.

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Forget about the new haircuts or dyes. Watching a jedi wearing a robe with its hood down in the starter area on Tython.... that's certainly more than surprising, indeed.


I might be wrong, but I think that is a robe already in the game... it looks like the "classic" version of the Preceptor robe.

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I might be wrong, but I think that is a robe already in the game... it looks like the "classic" version of the Preceptor robe.


Yeah, you're right, pal. On a closer look, it's that robe, only being dyed in black.

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