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Legacy-wide cartel market items announced.

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Hehe. I have to hand it to Bioware...they take a good idea that the community has been asking for for a while (convert to bind on legacy) and find a twist to make it their own.


I am very happy to see this, CC cost or not. I hope it can be something that can be retroactive.

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Hey, the collectors edition was pretty expensive. Those players, IMO, got hosed the worst with the launch state of the game. The CE vendor is a small apology of sorts in my eyes, and I think adding a few more exclusives wouldn't hurt.


In fact I support having certain exclusives in the game, like PVP gear with unique looks, unique crafted items, event only items...the CE vendor is no different IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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You know you don't have to buy EVERYTHING they add to the Cartel Market, right? :rolleyes:

All armor sets are vanity items. They add nothing to your stats. They are now giving you the option to -essentially- make them account wide, just as people have been asking for. Go check the suggestions forum or just search here - people have been saying they are willing to pay more to make their items legacy-wide.

They did one better by making them account-wide.


Seriously, what is there to complain about?

Of course I know that I do not have to buy everything. In fact I have yet to purchase any fluff items from the Cartel Market. I just have not seen anything (Fluff Item Wise) that is worth getting. Especially for the Prices they have them at. :rolleyes:


The only things I used some of my Allotment on was the Extra Cargo Hold for my Account and a few individual character perks. Other than that I have yet to buy into the Cartel Market Scams they have. ;)


As for those that have asked for such things. They are just some of the few people that have fallen for the Cartel Market. If they do not care about paying more for worthless crap that should normally be added to the game as loot, rewards, or craftable items then that is there own prerogative. It definitely is not mine. :p



As for your question to me as to what there is to complain about.

It is plain as day what I complained about.

You quoting a small part of what I posted and asking that question makes no sense, since it is plain as day what I complained within the entire context of the posting. Plus I did not completely complain about them making this move to allow us to unlock our items account wide. Like I mentioned in the rest of the posting, it is actually good in some ways.


But if you really want to know what my complaint was about. Its about them moving in a direction where they are only adding things to the Cartel Market. That they are focusing to much on that Cartel Market and not as much on adding content just in the game.

Plus that stuff they are adding to the Cartel Market is a bit overpriced. That in charging things a bit overpriced they have made the game more expensive if people want to play the game to its fullest. Besides the cost of F2P Players access to features of the game; obtaining content, even fluff items, is part of playing the game to its fullest. People may think that Fluff items like Armor and such is not content, but it is.

Plus as subscribers our Allotment is hardly worth anything. It is just an enticement they give us in order to try and make us spend more if we want the items they are offering in the Cartel Market. If it was not an enticement, then it would be enough to actually get a bit more items with it. That comes back to the overpricing they are doing. We have to save it up in order to get things with just our allotment which takes a while. So in order to get things we have to purchase more coins on top of our Subscription Fees.


I hope that helps you understand what my complaint was about. I tried to re-express it again for you. :)

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Im curious about this, it says unlocked cartel across an account yet it says individualy unlock, so what gives, do we have to pay for each char to have access to everything on the account held by other chars or unlock every item that is tobe shared across the account. Edited by Shingara
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Im curious about this, it says unlocked cartel across an account yet it says individualy unlock, so what gives, do we have to pay for each char to have access to everything on the accvount held by other chars or unlock every item that is tobe shared across the account.

I think what you are looking for is this.

You purchase an item from the Cartel Market with one of your characters. Say a suit of Armor.

It shows up in the COLLECTIONS INTERFACE that you have one of those items.

You then purchase an unlock which will give you access to that item from any character you make in your account.


So you buy the item then you buy access to it for all the other accounts. Does that help or answer your question?


Oh, I forgot to add. You will have to do that for each individual item. It saves you from repurchasing the same items for each Character you have.

Edited by WarbNull
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I think what you are looking for is this.

You purchase an item from the Cartel Market with one of your characters. Say a suit of Armor.

It shows up in the COLLECTIONS INTERFACE that you have one of those items.

You then purchase an unlock which will give you access to that item from any character you make in your account.


So you buy the item then you buy access to it for all the other accounts. Does that help or answer your question?


Ow great, now they can ramp up the costs of mounts and say but yes they are account bound, you just have to pay extra for it tobe account bound. GG xmas mount. Why is this not just pay x and all accounts share all market items.

Edited by Shingara
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A nice feature but I don't expect too much about it. The cartel market is already overpriced compared with the little stipend that subscribers receive. Unless the prices are way less than 100 per piece my CC will stay where they are.


It's clearly a CC sink and another way to suck more money from subscribers.

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Eradicator's Warsuit for all my chars. Yay! lol.

Seriously though. This was one thing that I just couldn't understand. Why such expensive items didn't bind to legacy. After buying a couple 900cc armor sets (1 each for 2 chars) I said screw it. Now I only use the 500 they give me. Make a new alt once a month, and use the 500cc on the newcomer's bundle (cheap speeder piloting, speeder, xp boosts, etc.) and every few months, I can buy a nice contraband pack with the leftovers. But if I can just buy a legacy unlock that allows me to share with my legacy, I would actually buy some CC's.

I don't mind throwing in some real world money, here and there, for cosmetic items, as long as i can view them as "worth it" and this makes it a little closer to "worth it".

Besides that, I'm 29, married, kids. I seriously have no hobbies outside of gaming, and gaming is the only thing I spend money on. I love this game to pieces and don't mind helping it to survive.

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I am loving this. Plus it will have the side effect of bring prices down on the GTN for things, some of the prices that people are charging for items are insane.


I wouldn't be so sure this will lower prices, it could just as easily increase prices by making things much more desirable. Having to only buy 1 of something and have it account wide could drive up prices of some things.

Edited by powpows
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Huh. Seems interesting. Makes me wonder how it'll affect the market, though; will players be less inclined to open up huge batches of packs? Or will it actually inspire others to spend *more*? Either way, it's great to see such a fantastic quality-of-life addition!


Any word on when 2.1 will be, btw?


They'll see a minor dip in revenue at first, but it will be compensated by all the cash rolled by the "legacy bind" perks purchased :) Then, because people have stopped buying gambling packs, the GTN will be devoid of cartel armor and weaponry, due to legacy binding and people buying and binding what actually gets put on it real quick.


Without GTN to buy the items, a major pack purchase will start happening to obtain said items. :)

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I love this idea!


Now if I could find Revan's mask somewhere, somehow, I'd gladly pay to send it to all my alts! Just one mask, that's all I ask! 4,000,000 credits, or as many CCs as it takes to a) find it, or b) get all the reputation plus the certificates I need...wow. I sad. :(


Maybe this will make the cost of Revan's mask lower! (he said doubtfully)

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