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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy-wide cartel market items announced.

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So, as I understand it, for example if I buy Eradicator set, I'll pay some cartel coins extra and will be able to get that set on rest of my alts.... Same with color crystals or weapons?


If that is the case..... BW, you just made me really happy bunny :)


Yes, you'll pay a certain % of the set's price.

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So, as I understand it, for example if I buy Eradicator set, I'll pay some cartel coins extra and will be able to get that set on rest of my alts.... Same with color crystals or weapons?


If that is the case..... BW, you just made me really happy bunny :)


That is what it sounds like. What I want to know. Will there be something in place for things that do not bind. For example the Life Day Orb, Music Therapy probe. And Similar. I would not be against binding items like this to be able to pat CC to unlock on my account.

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hmm... this sounds like one hell of a feature... and if I'm seeing it correctly, should reduce the cost of cartel items on GTN, since people won't have to buy them multiple times anymore.


I'm guessing for a time the prices will drop a great deal, then less people will buy packs and prices will go up again but never to the degree that they used to be like.


I think I need to do some planning O_O

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More than a Legacy Unlock since it actually unlocks it for the entire account--not just whatever server. Of course, I don't know how many people play on multiple servers, but still XD


I do, so this is great for me. :)

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So we have to purchase it once then pay another fee to unlock it account wide.

Sounds good for saving money if you planed to get it for other accounts.


Question is what happens if you already purchase the multiples of the same items for other accounts? Do they get a refund for all those extras? :rolleyes: HAHA Unlikely.



Seriously though. This is both good and bad.

Good because they are making so we can save a little bit of money when getting things for multiple accounts.

Bad because they are still just focusing more on the Cartel Market which is a sign that the still want to Nickel & Dime us and that we will hardly see any more in game content that is not on the Cartel Market.


I am both happy and mad about this bit of info. I think if they keep adding things only to the Cartel Market I may just end my subscription. I do not purchase Cartel Coins because that is more than I want to pay in order to play the game. The Allotment they give us as a Subscriber is just way to low to purchase anything good on the market. We have to basically wait two months or more just to be able to afford one suit of any new Armor that gets released. That is unless we purchase Extra Coins. So constantly see more and more stuff being added is basically showing me more and more stuff that I can not purchase with my Allotment. It would take me years to save up enough of the Allotment to purchase most of these things in the stores. That is years I do not have.


For those wondering what the Allotment amount of Cartel Coins a Subscriber gets:

  • It is anywhere from 500 to 600 per month depending on the Plan they get.
  • Add 100 coins if they have a Security Key.
  • Add 100 coins if they if they had Referred a Friend Subscriber and that Friend is still playing the game as a Subscriber.

So the total amount of Monthly Allotment Cartel Coins is anywhere from 500 to 800 coins.


That is no where near the over 1000+ coins normal we see for a new suit of armor in the Cartel Market. It makes one think about the Prices of things in the Cartel Market and is it really worth it.


In my opinion. Since F2P the Cost to enjoy the game to its fullest has gone up. This is not like buying an Expansion. It is basically paying for each and every new item added to the game, instead of getting said items as loot or mission rewards or even crafting new items. Sure there have a few new items added as loot or mission rewards, but really, compare that what we see in the Cartel Market. It just gives me a bad taste.


When I bought this game I was not expecting that I would need to pay around $10 for every new suit of armor that gets added to the game. That is what the game is turning out like. Sure this new feature of unlocking these items account wide is going to save us a little money, but we still have to pay that $10 to get the armor in the first place then a fee on top of that to unlock it account wide. This game is becoming way more expensive than it should be.


Really BioWare, are you all that hungry for money? It is disgusting. :mad:

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This feature is awesome for me - I had been saving up my Cartel Coins ever since they were first released for a nice Trooper set that I could outfit my entire Havoc Squad with. Nice to know that I can just buy it once now instead of 6 times :)
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This feature is awesome for me - I had been saving up my Cartel Coins ever since they were first released for a nice Trooper set that I could outfit my entire Havoc Squad with. Nice to know that I can just buy it once now instead of 6 times :)


I doubt it works this way. Hopefully I'm wrong.

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I doubt it works this way. Hopefully I'm wrong.


well, he does have to buy it once, then all he has to do is pay a small fee to unlock it account wide. After that, he can give it to as many as his toons as he wishes for free

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I doubt it works this way. Hopefully I'm wrong.


You're wrong. It's specifically stated in the interview that once you've bought the item you can clone infinite (bound) duplicates at no cost. They even give the example of giving Revan's mask to every single companion (on that character) after only buying it once.

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You're wrong. It's specifically stated in the interview that once you've bought the item you can clone infinite (bound) duplicates at no cost. They even give the example of giving Revan's mask to every single companion (on that character) after only buying it once.


Awesome great to know. I cant view that link at work for some reason.

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Question is what happens if you already purchase the multiples of the same items for other accounts? Do they get a refund for all those extras? :rolleyes: HAHA Unlikely.

I'm in the same boat, LOL

Got at least 3 characters with the Outlaw outfit. Might be 4 or 5 though. And I'm pretty sure one of my smugglers actually has 2 copies (one for herself, one for Risha), while one of my Inquisitors still has a completely unbound set, that I bought just incase it got removed from the the store again before I figured I'd want it on yet another character. I'll see what I do with that one.




I figure additional copies created through the collections interface will have a special icon or something? Maybe an extra prefix in their name or something? Because I doubt we'll get to make unlimited copies of our stuff to vendorize for unlimited gold? So there's probably something to denote which item was original and which one was collection-created?

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OMG, at this point they should just make the game FTP for all and have all the abilities that subs have, if this is a trend they are going to continue in terms of patches. I mean, hell, we probably can't even buy a patch amount of content for our monthly 500cc.....
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I'm in the same boat, LOL

Got at least 3 characters with the Outlaw outfit. Might be 4 or 5 though. And I'm pretty sure one of my smugglers actually has 2 copies (one for herself, one for Risha), while one of my Inquisitors still has a completely unbound set, that I bought just incase it got removed from the the store again before I figured I'd want it on yet another character. I'll see what I do with that one.




I figure additional copies created through the collections interface will have a special icon or something? Maybe an extra prefix in their name or something? Because I doubt we'll get to make unlimited copies of our stuff to vendorize for unlimited gold? So there's probably something to denote which item was original and which one was collection-created?


I'm guessing it will be flagged the same way complimentary xp boosts you get on quest chain completion are flagged.


usable, but bound and not vendorable.

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I'm lukewarm about this feature. I'm concerned new players will be struck with information overload as they try to sift between the achievement system, the reputation system and now this.


It will also be a nightmare for the development team to keep this feature free of bugs. If breaks, and it will, all hell will ensue.

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I'm lukewarm about this feature. I'm concerned new players will be struck with information overload as they try to sift between the achievement system, the reputation system and now this.


It will also be a nightmare for the development team to keep this feature free of bugs. If breaks, and it will, all hell will ensue.

Also expect much rage to ensue when they tie achievements to this feature.

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Be a good boy and it will be in your stocking for Christmas :p


Seriously, I really hope hood toggle is included in this patch, but it seems doubtful, unless they are holding info on it back intentionally so it's a surprise it seems unlikely it will be in there.


Believe it or not, what would seem like a simple hood toggle is a lot more complicated. You have to reitemize every single hooded gearpiece to allow for it to be switchable before you can even command it to do so. so the art department has to find all hooded gear pieces, make sure each has both options availible (hood up and hood down) scripts have to be made for each piece, and then the UI has to have a separate one.


This permission just allows you to clone a piece of gear you already own. Much faster and easier.

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So if I bought all the level 7 ship upgrades off the Cartel Market, does that mean fo a small fee all my characters can automatically get them?



Thecnically yes if they're included in the collection interface. But since we don't know what will be included yet this is all speculation.

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