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I've always laughed at these players that clearly spend way too much time worrying about what others are doing rather than playing the game.. i would bet that's probably a larger reason why they lose than anything else...especially those who feel they can somehow see thru the monitor to another to know how they are playing.
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First point I have is, show me the math.

Second, yes, I have the efficientcy of a keybinding player.


You do not have the efficientcy of a keybinding player. You think you do, but you do not.



Stop. Whatever you are going to reply with, you do not have the efficientcy. You don't, period. I also suspect that you miss interrupts, taunts, or damage dealing chances (if healer).

Edited by KettleBelll
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There are to many clickers in this game its ruining pvp for everyone . Half the subscribers in this game do not know what a clicker is. MmMMMmMMM . Keybind ppl keybind so i can enjoy playing this game like when it first came out.


I have two people on my guild who are clickers, yet pull top dps in almost every wz while playing objectives. 1v1 you can see a little bit of the weakness, but overall they're two of the best players I've ever seen. You don't have to be a keybinder to do well, it just makes it easier.

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This game sucks cause its full of noobs simple as that. This game has more noobs than any other mmo i have ever played. So you can say wow sucks but the only reason this game is still alive is because of f2p. Anyone know why f2p happend? because all the good mmo players realized this game sucked at the beginning and left.


Why won't you, too?


Anyway, after I changed to keybinding around a month ago, I noticed a small change in my effiency - a small one. And that was, of course, after ridiculous amount of time (around 2 weeks probably) when I could survive in solo quests with my keybindings but still did 50-70k damage in wzs. Sure, it went up a little, and melee characters became easier to play, but it's not actually game-breaking if you have a few clickers in your team. They are a little slower than the keybinder of the same skill level, but mostly, it still comes down to the skill level. Good player who clicks > bad player who keybinds.

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Well, I'm about half and half. Here's my excuse, let's see if it works: I bind as many things as I possibly can to my extra mouse buttons and combinations of shift, ctrl, alt + mouse buttons. I also use 1-4, and sometimes F, Q, R. But that's about all that I can deal with. I tried binding everything for a while, but I found myself frequently awkwardly looking down at the keyboard because I can't feel the keys very well. I play guitar quite a bit, so the tips of my fingers on my left hand are so calloused that I cannot feel the keys very well. When certain procs/cooldowns hit, I have to be looking at the screen to be able to see them. Excessive keybinding just makes me have to look down a lot.


To compensate, I have my mouse pointer speed all the way maxed. I also do not use a mouse pad. The formica surface of my desk is much faster.


Do it long enough and it becomes second nature. Don't have to look down or even think about it. I use 1 through =, shift 1 through =, and ctrl 1 through =. My auto run and jump are bound to my mouse.

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I'm half and half.


Tbh I think I need someone to physically be in front of me, showing me the process/benifits and demonstrating it over a video. :p


The benefit comes into play mostly with regards to movement and abilities that ignore the gcd. You can move much more effectively in pvp as a keybinder than you ever will be able to as a clicker.

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The benefit comes into play mostly with regards to movement and abilities that ignore the gcd. You can move much more effectively in pvp as a keybinder than you ever will be able to as a clicker.


People are right any that leads to another thing about this game. the global cooldown respect clickers. Simple as that. This game was made for clickers :)

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Why won't you, too?


Anyway, after I changed to keybinding around a month ago, I noticed a small change in my effiency - a small one. And that was, of course, after ridiculous amount of time (around 2 weeks probably) when I could survive in solo quests with my keybindings but still did 50-70k damage in wzs. Sure, it went up a little, and melee characters became easier to play, but it's not actually game-breaking if you have a few clickers in your team. They are a little slower than the keybinder of the same skill level, but mostly, it still comes down to the skill level. Good player who clicks > bad player who keybinds.


To answer your question i played this at launch i loved it. It was something new. I went to WoW like a lot of ppl who left this game shortly after launch. my Sub ran out so i decided to play this for a little while again. I hate what this game has become. It seems there are a lot of unfixed issues. Specially in the pvp dept.

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Another thread by elitist snobs.


The fact is that this is a GAME... and as such, you should play it for enjoyment, and if that means clicking, then click away. If some random snob expressly or suggestively said that the way I pass the ball in Madden was inferior to their method, I do believe I'd be slightly more than annoyed.


The same people who viciously defend keybinding while slamming clicking are the guys who run around calling everyone NOOB. If it is, in fact, superior in all aspects to clicking, show us. It is simple enough to make a training video.

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Well, okay, as you level you get a lot of new skills, or skills that are vastly improved by your skill trees and so your skills move around a lot.


On my Shadow, level 35, I have maybe 12 abilities keybinded to any sort of easily reachable binding. My 54 Trooper has all useful skills bound in an easily reachable place. I am trying to mirror my skill bars (you know, knockback always D or something like that), but until I reach max, it's a bit of a mixed bag.


I will say, that if you find yourself clicking a particular skill a lot, you should key bind it, but as you level, it can be a bit tough. If you level through PvP as I am doing with my Shadow and Sage, you do not level quickly enough and I don't want to have to relearn every keybinding as I level, so I do have some clicky skills, but they are not ones I use a whole lot.

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Clicking is inferior to keybinding plain and simple. Now whether you want to keybind or not is your choice and to be honest I could care less.


The end result is this thread is stupid, no matter what you tell people they are still going to do whatever they want. It's just like a doctor telling you that you need to lose weight for your health. Everyone knows the advantages of being healthier, but it's still up to the person to make the effort to change, if they want to.

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The same people who viciously defend keybinding while slamming clicking are the guys who run around calling everyone NOOB. If it is, in fact, superior in all aspects to clicking, show us. It is simple enough to make a training video.


not that i care either way but why should we make a vid when there are already plenty of them around showing how why keybinds are better and how you can go from clicking to keybinding.


personally, i think clickers are just lazy. However, they can continue to click to their hearts content as long as I dont have hear them complain about how they always lose, their faction is terrible, and that everyone sucks but them.

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Just out of curiosity, how is it not the same in your opinion? ^


Left and right handiness is complete (from my perspective) a biological phenomena where none is better than the other, and are fundamentally equal.


You'll find that keybinding is almost always better, but there are cases where clicking will yield better performance.

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I click. And use key-binds.


Sometimes I mouse-turn. Other times not.


Reason being I use a keypad with a joystick for movement.


Do what ever floats your boat.


And if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.

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