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Economy Ruined?


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i currently have 20k and all guildmates got 10-30k, but i keep hearing of lvl50 who use slicing and got already 5-10million.



gg Bioware Economy already ruined a day after launch?


No idea, but you should probably stop listening to rumours so much. Given the people that are L50 already probably won't hang around long (they never do) I'm not sure it matters even if it is true.

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who cares about people who allready lvl 50 ?


these people dont even know anything about the game...and maybe they dont care...


goal for them is beeing lvl 50 ..and camping around hot spots showing off useless stuff..and moaning about endgame content...


theres so much interesting stuff in this game...every day i play i find out new cool stuff i never knew before...and i was reading anything about the game..


i suggest people who are bored..look into crafting...alot of items appear there you never seen before...


like stun grenades everyone can use etc ..


any way..if you run through the game and leave every planet as soon its possible..you miss alot ...

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Level 36 with 300k.


Got that with farming and warzones and not spending money levelling crew skills (I want my training first and that isn't cheap). I'll get to crew skills when I hit 50.


It's not Biowares fault some people are good at making money and some aren't.

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Slicing is a bit broken from my experience. I play mostly with my bf. We have characters both at level 17. He plays a little extra and farms mats, etc for his crafting.


I have slicing.


I also have ~30K in the bank without trying. He's hovering around 10K and puts forth more effort.


I'm hearing similar results from other people in our guilds who use slicing as well. Money just ceases to be an issue unless you need to craft at early levels. Then, of course, you're completely missing one of your resources.


I pretty much expect a slicing nerf within the first 6 months. *shrug* Welcome to a new MMO. There's always some balance tweaking to do because you can't easily see some effects in limited population tests.

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Let's look at it, shall we;


  • Slicing is a lucrative profession.
  • You can save a great deal of money by not doing any of the crew skill missions.
  • If you never buy anything but the essentials (i.e. a mount), you save even more money.
  • If you devote your crew to this task, you vastly increase your income.
  • **** at high level gets expensive.
  • If they are already 50, then they got an early jump on the market.


In short, the economy isn't ruined, they just had nothing better to do.

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i currently have 20k and all guildmates got 10-30k, but i keep hearing of lvl50 who use slicing and got already 5-10million.



gg Bioware Economy already ruined a day after launch?



Even though it's "a day after launch" for you, some people have actually been playing for over a week already, so comparing the gold you were able to make in a day to what someone can make in a week is not really grounds for claiming the economy is now ruined.

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It's not just slicing, but gathering skills in general. It's how you make a butt load of credits.


I put everything I gather to use in my crafting. Which I then RE to get better schems. Which, of course, take more mats. I actually lose money.

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I put everything I gather to use in my crafting. Which I then RE to get better schems. Which, of course, take more mats. I actually lose money.


I was referring to having all gather skills, slicing and two others seems most optimal. You get straight up credits for slicing, sell the mats for the other two. Butt load of credits.


Of course, at level cap, I won't be able to craft moddable gear like you will. So there's ups and down to it.

Edited by Jaku
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Wait a minute how is economy Ruined, how do you know, you live in SW Universe and know the prices of everything? Or you simply compare it with something irrelevant like WoW gold?


In my country, 5 years ago, 1.000.000 was very absurd money, like 0.50 cent worth. We were all millioners even billionaires. Government just throw 6 zeros from money. Bioware can make something like that. Or they just can make a new system easily with a patch, like 100.000 credit is 1 X named new Credit, 1.000.000 credit is 1 Y named credit, very simple solution really.


Even if they not change credits sytem, you think 10 million credits is big money, think again?


For Example, i made (or Loot) an Epic Weapon first in my server and selling in Galactic Market and you have 10 million credits, and i know level 50's usualy have 10 millions credits.


What do you think, i will put my Epic weapon for 1 million credits. :confused:


Don't be absurd, i will sell it for at least for 200 million credits (surely will try more first), not even 1 credit cheaper.

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Slicing is a bit broken from my experience. I play mostly with my bf. We have characters both at level 17. He plays a little extra and farms mats, etc for his crafting.


I have slicing.


I also have ~30K in the bank without trying. He's hovering around 10K and puts forth more effort.


I'm hearing similar results from other people in our guilds who use slicing as well. Money just ceases to be an issue unless you need to craft at early levels. Then, of course, you're completely missing one of your resources.


I pretty much expect a slicing nerf within the first 6 months. *shrug* Welcome to a new MMO. There's always some balance tweaking to do because you can't easily see some effects in limited population tests.


Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue here. Slicing gives you immediate gains, it allows you to bring in a steady income while you level both it and your character, but it can -never- go above a certain point - once you hit Slicing 400 and lvl 50, that's it, you get what you get. It's a nice income sure, but it won't even slightly compare to the ludicrous money that people crafting proper items will be pulling in when they have all their crafting skills at 400.


And that's the tradeoff - slicing gives you immediate cash at the expense of long-term profit, and the other crafting skills cost you in the short run but will have vast returns later on.

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And that's the tradeoff - slicing gives you immediate cash at the expense of long-term profit, and the other crafting skills cost you in the short run but will have vast returns later on.


Not unless crafted items are better than PVE drops, otherwise crafting will be useful only for gearing freshly-dinged level 50s and/or their companions.


The problem with slicing is simply that it prints credits as a result of leveling it, while all other skills in game burn credits as a result of leveling them.

Edited by marshalleck
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how is it broken? that just means prices in auction house go up, a million yen is different from a million dollars which is different from a million pesos, you cant compare money in different games to this one.


But the only game that has a true economy is eve. this ecnomy is bassed on alts which is limited at best.

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From what I have heard they already nerfed slicing once and I doubt they will do it again...However it is possible....I mean I am making a killing off of slicing and I am lvl 320 in it. At the same time you dont always get a big yield....At higher levels it takes a long time for your npc to even complete the missions so I guess it all depends on whether you get lucky and get 6k in a lock box or not.....I can see how people would have a lot of money doing it though..


Honestly you should just take up slicing and make your fortune now lol.

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