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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I don't think he was shooting through walls. People claiming that probably never thought to jump when behind the wall so the server most likely didn't synchronize the position properly. At least it never happened to me during the DvL marathon and i was leveling mostly by doing heroics and flashpoints so probably done this ~10 times lat month.


Or they can fix the position update frequency, even better! :D Yeah, that's possible, not everyone is keen on jumping :)

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I don't think he was shooting through walls. People claiming that probably never thought to jump when behind the wall so the server most likely didn't synchronize the position properly. At least it never happened to me during the DvL marathon and i was leveling mostly by doing heroics and flashpoints so probably done this ~10 times lat month.


He does shoot through things when he is out of cover with series of shots. People just need to learn mechanics and how to play their classes.

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He does shoot through things when he is out of cover with series of shots. People just need to learn mechanics and how to play their classes.


no need to learn anything anymore. I did it in HM a couple of days ago and he was hitting for like 300 damage :(

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The forums used to be full of people moaning that kilran is impossible, but while fighting him I realised the mechanics are identical to dakosh but there are no threads about dakosh being too hard. How can people do a mechanic in the first boss but fail miserably at doing the exact same mechanic on the last one?


Who's Dakosh? I just looked it up and the first result is this thread. :p

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He does shoot through things when he is out of cover with series of shots.


He doesn't. You are just no behind the pillar for the server. Just jump when you get LoS.


Or they can fix the position update frequency, even better! :D Yeah, that's possible, not everyone is keen on jumping :)


No it's not possible. Because that would require the client to send constant position updates. This would make the game even more susceptible to any network delay and packet losses.

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No it's not possible. Because that would require the client to send constant position updates. This would make the game even more susceptible to any network delay and packet losses.


Uhm, sure, until you cannot make others in ToS HM that they need to jump on Walkers, because otherwise the game thinks they're not out of red circles. And then you have to explain everyone they have to jump on Underlurker because otherwise the game thinks they're not in the cross/green space behind the rock. Or you need to jump once you get away from pink pools of love on Brontes, or yellow pools of love on Bestia or...


This game should be renamed to MMO Jumping Jack Simulator. It's not about stats. It's not about skills you can use. It's about the proper jumping technique.


And BW wonders nobody does OPS. You need to jump like an idiot all the time and then people defend this solution with "you would need to have a proper internets!" argument. Yay...


Well, even if they add new OPS, if this ops requires me to jump because the mechanic requires me to stand away from something I guess I'm done anyway. This jumping nonsense is building my rage meter fast and furious.

Edited by Deaconik
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This game should be renamed to MMO Jumping Jack Simulator. It's not about stats. It's not about skills you can use. It's about the proper jumping technique.


And BW wonders nobody does OPS. You need to jump like an idiot all the time and then people defend this solution with "you would need to have a proper internets!" argument. Yay...


Well, even if they add new OPS, if this ops requires me to jump because the mechanic requires me to stand away from something I guess I'm done anyway. This jumping nonsense is building my rage meter fast and furious.


Lol mate :D

So true :D

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You don't need to jump. You have 2 other ways to say to the servers that you are out (or in) aoes.


One way is to change your going (like change to the left). The other way is just to stop.


The game is only late with your position when you just walk (or run) in one direction.

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You don't need to jump. You have 2 other ways to say to the servers that you are out (or in) aoes.


One way is to change your going (like change to the left). The other way is just to stop.


The game is only late with your position when you just walk (or run) in one direction.


The stopping thing. I died several times when I just stepped outside of a red circle and continued healing. Two months ago when ToS was priority again I died this way 3 times on walkers. I just stepped outside of the red circle. That was it. And then I received a death as I was healing others and wasn't expecting to be hit. Same applies for EC and tanks(I am the kiting healer in the middle). Stopping doesn't work for me, the game ignores it or it;s not as fast as jumping. Honestly, every time someone mentions nerf of movement for healers I want to kick them.


I'll try the movement change, but honestly, the last time I enraged on this was during Underlurker when I was healing a guild mate and then realized I need to hide and I died just when I stepped inside the green thing(I saw myself in there and I had ping 66 ms, so it wasn't a lag/bad connection thing). I saw myself in, stream saw me in, latency was good.


I am not saying this is the big change that will make everyone return, but it's the small thing that can make several people playing more enjoyable. Even if it only affects WZ and some boss fights in OPS/FP.

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This game should be renamed to MMO Jumping Jack Simulator. It's not about stats. It's not about skills you can use. It's about the proper jumping technique.


And BW wonders nobody does OPS. You need to jump like an idiot all the time and then people defend this solution with "you would need to have a proper internets!" argument. Yay...


Well, even if they add new OPS, if this ops requires me to jump because the mechanic requires me to stand away from something I guess I'm done anyway. This jumping nonsense is building my rage meter fast and furious.


lol mate you Computer and internet must be crap. Sure people do jump, but thats just a safety precaution so that it really avoids the mechanic, otherwise you never need to. I have done all the NiMs A LOT of times, was doing stuff like Tyrans where preceision is vital on where you stand, running away from Corruptor Beam etc, NEVER HAD ANY ISSUES with having to jump to confirm my location for the server.

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I don't think he was shooting through walls. People claiming that probably never thought to jump when behind the wall so the server most likely didn't synchronize the position properly. At least it never happened to me during the DvL marathon and i was leveling mostly by doing heroics and flashpoints so probably done this ~10 times lat month.

NiM prog, good player here. I can confirm that his series of shots would constantly shoot through walls regardless of action taken.

Edited by AndoEyrune
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lol mate you Computer and internet must be crap. Sure people do jump, but thats just a safety precaution so that it really avoids the mechanic, otherwise you never need to. I have done all the NiMs A LOT of times, was doing stuff like Tyrans where preceision is vital on where you stand, running away from Corruptor Beam etc, NEVER HAD ANY ISSUES with having to jump to confirm my location for the server.

Really? Have you never been outside an aoe and still taken damage? Its pretty common knowledge to all raiders that this game's engine is garbage and jumping is nearly a necessity in high end content.

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Really? Have you never been outside an aoe and still taken damage? Its pretty common knowledge to all raiders that this game's engine is garbage and jumping is nearly a necessity in high end content.


Really? Huh... I'll remember that next time I do Manaan. I had a problem a while back where I would be WELL out of the way of the first boss's droid's grapple...thingies (yes, I'm so eloquent and descriptive :p), and yet I'd still get yanked over and punched out.

My flashpoint group thought I was attacking the droids even when they were shielded because I kept getting pulled over to them.

"Tez, what are you doing?" [Tez is a shortened form of my sage's name.]

Me: [dead] Glitching, apparently. -_-

I explained the whole thing after the fight was finished, and one of the others confirmed it was happening to him as well. So yay, crisis averted, I wasn't the weird person. XD

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lol mate you Computer and internet must be crap

And about half of the players in SWTOR suffering from the same issue.

Are they also have crappy PC and connection?

If you don't have issues (which im find hard to believe becouse engine and server positioning are SAME FOR EVERYONE) that doesn't mean everyone else are not suffering from them.

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I never understand why a few healers in FP (3 so far that I encountered) refuse to heal themselves, not even out of combat self-heal. I asked one of them why and he said that he's focused on watching our health bars he forgot to watch his. :(


I often do so. When I was playing my Healers, I often had tunnel vision on other people's health bars. So I often died much more quickly than I should.

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Stop arguing about AoE detection, I want more bad PuG stories :p


Allow me...


Get a pop for hm mando on my sniper, its an in progress group and happens to pop while I am in fight. I click ready then once I finish the fight I am in open gf to click "travel now".


In between joining the group and clicking travel I notice one person in the group wrote "its always been glitched." I look at my mission log and see that mando raiders has appeared. I rack my brains trying to work out where the glitch in mando raiders is....cant think of one....still cant....not sure there is one....well whatever time to get started.


I zone in at the start of the map and in the process of running to them see their hp's and resources going up and down, so they are in a fight. I get to them and see they are in fact fighting the first boss.


I go to cover and channel a penetrating shots and in those 2 second I scope the fight and assess the situation. From what the tank is doing its clear he has never tanked this before. The healer is working their *** off as an enraged dog attacks them and the other tears apart a mara dps. I write in chat (in the middle of this chaos) "have you tanked this before?"

tank: "nope"

me: "keep the bloke away from the dogs"

me: "tank him near a wall and when he freezes you taunt back as soon as you can"


The tank taunts the boss and moves towards the wall and we proceed to mop up the dogs then kill the boss and I get a whispered "thanks, I was too busy healing to write stuff" from the healer.


I make a more detailed assessment of the group. Tank is actually a tank (good start) but has guarded the healer. Healer has living legend title, mara has lp status. Tank pulls next trash group and healer face-tanks as the tank has a serious case of tunnel-vision. Same happens when we fight the 2 turrets by the speeder platform thing and the pull in the middle of the big room (tank doesn't know the shortcut but its not that much slower by the time you have done all the jumping etc).


However as the healer had to los a turret that was tearing them a new one in the previous fight I write "when tanking hit everything in the pull, don't worry about killing stuff that's dps job."

tank: "I will try"


and he does. Hes not half bad, loses aggro from time to time and is slow to taunt. His positioning and grouping needs a lot of work (and there isn't even an overload obsessed sin in the group) but its much better than it was which was me tab targeting everything except the one enemy that the tank and other dps attacked trying to rip stuff off the healer (when a dps is working his *** off trying to keep crap off the healer, might want to throw a few tips to the tank).


We get to second boss and I call out kill order. We beat it though the healer did spend a good 30% of the fight being shot by the scoundrel but that healer could handle themselves.


We get to bonus boss terminal and tank clicks it then carries on to final boss. I don't notice, I just see him click the terminal and start writing and explaination of "he will aggro dump and leap at someone, taunt back straight away and kite around."


By the time I had finished writing that the tank and mara had lept at the final boss while me and healer are stood waiting for a pull on bonus boss. We quickly make our way to them and start our jobs. Mavrix moves and the tank seems to completely forget how much smoother everything was when he was hitting everything. He just stays on mavrix and lets the healer eat the turret fire. Mara goes for one turret so I go for the other (just to keep them off the healer). Sadly the mara gets melted, so fast infact I have a feeling they never used dcd's. I start facetanking both turrets while tank tunnel-visions boss. Boss moves, 2 more turrets come up and start pounding the healer. Healer goes down, then tank then me.


Then the tank says "I thought you said he would leap at other people, he didn't"

I write "I was talking about another boss" while healer writes "lol"


We run back to mavrix, skipping bonus and complete the fp.


P.S. I never did any jumping and never got hit by any aoe's, though I have had times when they have hit me while I am outside of them, its not usually much of an issue except second boss of czerka labs.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I had a pretty messed up D7 HM run on my PT tank, and the group was a sorc healer pt dps and jugg "dps".


We all zone in, say our hellos, and i notice the jugg is using tank abilities and getting procs from the tank tree, but is in shi cho form.

Me: hey "juggy", why are you queued as dps in tank tree and shi cho form?


Juggy: there's nothing wrong with this.


Me: actually it is quite wrong. Immortal is a tank spec yet you're queued as dps, and shi cho is the form used for rage, one of the dps trees.


Juggy: shut up, ill play the game how i want to.


Me: if you're going to play incorrectly intentionally don't mess it up for other players, that's not cool.


At this point we reach the 3 assassin droids and had finished the convo. I was ready to kick the jugg but he facepulled the boss. We kill it, and i decide that i don't even care, and that we can just carry this guy so i can get some sleep (it was 2AM at this point).


We got to one of the areas where you can skip a mob by going up and hugging a wall, and i stay behind in case i have to translocate with someone who is bad at Mario :p . The last person to come is the jugg, and he rudely decides to ask why i was there.


Me: a little paranoid, aren't you. I was just staying in case someone had trouble jumping.


Juggy: lmao stop being such an elitist and let us play the game.


At this point i just decide to ignore him, as we're near the interrogator. During the whole fight he just sits there tossing insults out at me doing no damage whatsoever, and the boss enrages. At this point i make the decision to vote kick him, and it doesn't go through. I decide that i value my sanity, ignore the jugg, and leave the group.

Edited by AndoEyrune
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I often do so. When I was playing my Healers, I often had tunnel vision on other people's health bars. So I often died much more quickly than I should.


It helps to have the ops frame for groups, then you're just another health-bar to refill.

Edited by Mubrak
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It's a really really good thing Hammer has popped so much doing my dailies. My group was, a giant mess between drawing golds into fights we'd already barely scrapped through. You can do flashpoints without a healer or tank- I've done that one this week, no deaths in an all DPS squad. That streak ended tonight- I was doing the most damage, drew the most threat and basically ate a few deaths- not because I wanted to play Marauder tank but because of stupid.


The two champion turrets, one was CC-d and I was burning the other down nicely, well within thirty seconds and all would be well... nope, can't have that- one of the others decided to wake up the other one early. I had a choice, pop my reduced threat/camouflage or use my CC to stop it killing us all. I was drawing one of the champions, giant droid and keeping it focused on me- all well and good as long as the adds were killed and the kolto stations were used fast enough. At least they learned for the next boss.


Another awesome moment, sometimes we went straight into another fight- triggered by one idiot at low health and the concept of healing completely between mobs already made difficult because we started with a level 19 and two 40s, me 65. Stayed alive in the final fight because I'd had it as far as trusting them to activate the stations appropriately, ran between the boss and the stations as I needed to, pitched in with adds despite having his undivided attention.


I think Hammer Station is one of the easier flashpoints, it became painful because, for example, apparently we needed another mob drawn into a fight... I didn't know we did otherwise I'd have helped out by using double lightsaber throw like an idiot.


I've had a really awesome time otherwise running flashpoints on my Marauder main. I started to clear my head and frustrations on playing my second server main Lightning Sorcerer through a flashpoint and cringing at the low DPS and I do have fun- tonight just felt like I was in a group with a death wish.

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