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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Joseph, NO ONE was perfect when they started. I wasn't, no one was.


And I have plenty of patience for teaching people if they are obviously lacking knowledge, messing up mechs, etc.


But the fact that you can get THAT FAR INTO THE GAME with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever how the game works, is absolutely ridiculous.


I don't give a darn how you wanna spend your 15$ a month, but as soon as you start wasting MY 15$ a month, I become angry.

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First story. Happened to me last week with my fresgly level 60 commando. I tagged for HM FP, got a Korriban Incursion. I'm happy since I really know this FP. It's probably the one that pop the most for me, I don't know why. I zone in. Tank was a vanguard and DPS were a sent and a shadow. Firstly, I notice the weird name of the shadow. Since I'm on a RP server, that's not really usual. Anyway, we start to clear the trash to the first boss, no problem. Same goes with the bonus boss and I start to have confidence in my healing with the mando.

Time for the second boss. At the first aoe phase, the shadow starts to take loads of dammage, it manage to keep him alive, but fall back on heal on everybody else. We wipe. Second and third try, exactly the same. I start to lose the little confidence I had build up so to be sure, I turn starparse on. We fight the boss once again. To my surprise, I was outputing 3.5k EHPS, but I couldn't keep the group alive because I had to burn everything on the shadow. We wipe again.

I then proceed to talk a bit with him. It turned out he was not able to move and do his rotation at the same time. He's a serenity shadow and complained about the number of cast he had to do that kept him from moving so he stood in aoe.


An other story that happened today. I tagged with my commando healer and had a Blood Hunt HM pop up. I say to myself : "nice, a bit of a challenge with a toon I'm not the best with" (I've already beaten BH countless times and even once with my commando. It was actually my 3rd attempt at BH for the the day (one with my sorcerer healer and an other one with my commando, I really want those Massassi MK-2 implant since I don't plan on raiding with them ^^).

I zone in, we have a shadow tank, a sage dps, a slinger dps and me. First thing I notice is the tank had 41k HP. I assumed he was wearing pvp gear and that he'll change before the fight so I don't pay anymore attention. We arrive to the boss, the fight starts and I have a hard time keeping the tank higher than 50%. The slinger dps is standing is **** so it's very heavy on me for the heal. Fortunately, the burst of the commando is great and I manage to keep everybody alive. But we wipe anyway at 52%. The group seems motivated and wants to try again so I follow the move. wipes later I start to check gear. The sage has really great gear, a mix of revanite and ressurected, the slinger is mostly in 192 comms, but the tank is in an awesome 162 ! Anyway, we try one last time. I decide to take a closer look at what the tank is doing since I know a bit of shadow tanking. First, he pull out of stealth, don't really seem to bother with kinetic defense and mostly use double strike and saber strike. We wipe again, and of the group.


I guess I don't really have luck this week :/

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Kaon Under Siege on HM. I'm on one of my sorc healers, just hit level 50 and have the new set bonus gear. I have done Kaon a total of once, on SM, and it was well over a year ago. The only thing I remembered about it was the swarming zombies around the cannon about halfway through.


Zone in and before we even get to the first mob one of the dps just quits without a word. HM FP's on Harbinger can take a very long time to pop, even on tanks and healers, but luckily we get someone within 5 minutes.

Tank is a sin and mostly tunneling, so I get hit a lot. Not too bad though, we don't wipe until the swarming zombie cannon place. Well, one wipe is too much, apparently, and the other dps that didn't quit in the beginning quit now. What happened during the swarm was amusing. We apparently all hadn't done this before or at least in a very long time, so the exploding zombies killed us all very quickly, and all four of us were just running around like headless chickens til death.


We aren't getting an immediate replacement like last time, so instead of waiting we start the swarm again with Khem. The sin took some time before the pull to check a guide and now knew to pull the exploding zombies away from the group. We now survive very easily, no panicking. Still taking most of the swarm but without the exploders it's much more manageable for me and the other dps.


After we survive the swarm the replacement dps shows up. Lvl 55 Sniper. I'm a little thankful for this because now mobs are attacking him instead of me. I don't think our sin noticed this the whole time. She kept starting pulls and was really trying to keep the elites occupied, she just couldn't handle the small stuff.


Two notable wipes on trash as we make our way to the big middle boss. One of the bonuses requires we activate some nodes. The sin kept trying to navigate the area without pulling anything, but no matter which route she chose, she ended up pulling mobs. Twice during this she pulled two mobs at the same time (definitely accidental, she wasn't TRYING to get us killed) that overwhelmed her, then the sniper, then me.


After we get through this area there's a couple dark rooms we have to navigate. In one, we start the mob near the door, and those really, really annoying lasso guys kept pulling me away from the group and one pulled me close enough to activate a second mob. So the rest of the group is melting and I'm stuck in the ropes with my stun breaker on CD. Well, all but three of us wipe, the fourth dps is trying to continue on the mobs (he has some pretty good self-preservation), the spawn point is right outside the door, so two of them re-engage, just as I'm getting back to the group all three of them have died, but I'm still able to keep the fight going so we don't have to reset the mob. I get lassoed again by two or three ropes, the others make it back but I can't heal them again, so myself and two others die. Finally one of the dps says to stop engaging, but at this point the mob has actually made it to the respawn point, so we finally take out the stragglers and can get through. Thankfully, the sin drops a repair droid, but my bill is 24k already.


We actually do not die the rest of the flashpoint, even though I learn that two of them have not done this at all, SM or otherwise, and the one who has is like me, did it once long ago and isn't remembering everything. The non-sniper dps did annoy me once during the bonus boss because he kept taking all the adds and moving himself out of my line of sight. So I'm trying to keep up the squishy sin and dps at the same time but have to keep moving around, and I don't yet have the moving-heals utility. Little more stress, but again, no one dies so we're cool. Final bosses go down so fast it's sort of amazing that we had all the trouble before that.


About being lassoed and stunned as the healer--I was thinking I should yell into chat for them to help me, but I'm so used to everyone ignoring the stunned healer with stun breaker on CD in PvP and most FP runs that I just sat there waiting to be let go (sometimes only to be stunned by the next guy). To keep my blood pressure down I tell myself if they are not watching out for their healer, they must not really care if they die from lack of heals. The only thing that DOES piss me off is when they allow that to happen and then complain about me not healing them. Luckily this group was pretty cool with everything, even the expensive repair bills, so it wasn't unpleasant. I am thinking that sin tank is going to have some trouble from less-patient players in other HM runs, though.

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I then proceed to talk a bit with him. It turned out he was not able to move and do his rotation at the same time. He's a serenity shadow and complained about the number of cast he had to do that kept him from moving so he stood in aoe.


In case you don't realize this, Serenity has exactly ONE casted ability (vanquish), and it's made instant by the proc (Force Strike) which you should have up every time you use it. AGGGGHHHHHHH stupid

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In case you don't realize this, Serenity has exactly ONE casted ability (vanquish), and it's made instant by the proc (Force Strike) which you should have up every time you use it. AGGGGHHHHHHH stupid


I figured that out and even gave a try at Serenity, not really my thing. But you can't really miss the proc and I still don't know why he was complaining

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Had two different ones one recent one a few weeks ago.


First one which was hammer Station I was on my lvl 22 assassin tank, operative healer and I cant remember the dps. The operative healer wasn't a healer but thanks to me knowing the fights and having a medpack I only die once at the large group of trash mobs which happened before she mentioned she wasn't a proper healer, didn't kick her as I couldn't be bothered to and as it was stupidly late at night so it would be unlikely that we would get a new healer and I know the class well enough and was up to date with my gear so mobs didn't hit me for much plus she used what few heals she had to heal me and using cc where possible.


Second one was HM Esseles on my shadow tank who had just got lvl 50 and had been geared up in lvl 50 stuff as I had more then enough comms on my other chars to give her good gear at 60. With this we had a sage "Healer" Commando dps and i cant remember what the other dps was. It was clear from the first boss that our sage was no healer but we killed it, me dieing from getting no heals not even the ones you get for being a sage anyway but the rest surviving. We move onto the next boss where i mention the sage being a dps not a healer and they mention that they get faster pops as a healer but they leave and the commando switched to heals and we re queue. We get 2 sentinels as the new two dps but eventually we failed to get past the boss and the group disbanded as we keep wiping at the second boss. Not a fun experience for my first HPFP as a tank but I've done others since and not died from any of them.

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I had a pretty interesting experience on my juggernaut DPS last night in Blood Hunt HM.

To begin, i was bored last night so i queued up for HM FPS and ended up getting an instapop for BH HM. As it turned out, the other 3 members were from the same guild. The Sniper DPS and Operative Healer both had a 4 piece set bonus, the assassin tank was full 190 un-augmented, and my jugg was in a 6 piece 192 set piece. On the first boss we wipe once, with me holding aggro on the boss for about half the fight, and with the boss at 10%, and the second time we barely kill (i still hold the boss quite a bit), with just me and the healer alive (ty juggernaut defensives). Being the elitist i am, i decided to parse during the fight, and found out that i did 1 mill damage (the boss has 950k, with adds each having 50k) meaning i alone did around 2/3rds of the damage, which was weird considering the sniper's gear. We loot, and proceed to do the challenges with no issues. We one shot the second boss (albeit slowly), although i end up taking Stabby Joe on purpose for a bit because the tank ends up almost dying during the burn phase with both mandos down. We loot, and go on to the third boss, where we wipe once due to the tank and admittedly some positioning errors on my part, but we kill the second time (with me using intercede a few times near the middle/end to give the tank the damage reduction. We loot, say thanks, and leave. Despite all the faults still a pretty fun run.


A bit of a message from this story, the first boss doesn't need a nerf imho :D

Edited by AndoEyrune
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This just happened to me !


I tag for KDY on my level 22 merc healer. I zone in, say hello. We have a jug dps, a sniper dps, a sorcerer healer and me. Everybody say hello except the sorcerer. Whatever, we start the fp. We clear trash, but at one point the jug die on a big pack. He say that we should try to heal him. As he was tanking, I agree with him, but tell him it was hard because he took big hits in the face, but it should be easy with 2 healers. Still no word from the sorcerer. We start to suspect he's not a healer and I start paying close attention to what he's doing and to be sure he's not a healer, I don't heal him anymore. Well, except for spamming force storm, aggroing packs we don't need, regaining health with dark heal when he starts to be very low in hp between fights and dying, he does nothing else.


I thought that if I let him die, he would understand. He died 8 times and 3 times on the last boss.


What a weird encounter.

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M... My first post in this topic... so.. I... ill try my best.


This one is from awhile ago, I don't remember to much of it but this is only the prelude anyway. As my usual queue for HM takes about an hour for DPS, well.. this one took 2 hours now. I was more than happy to run any FP so I click the accept and I get Taral V. I think you start it off like this... I hope... there was 3 commandos, 2 DPS, one of them were me, a healer, and a guardian tank. I have yet to run this version in HM, so I figure at least someone would have. We all say our hellos and everything besides the healer responds, and to my usual luck, no one has yet to run this FP on HM. We go around killing everything in sight until eventually we reach the first mini boss, the one with the 2 vine cats and all. I was about to mark a target, but right before I do, the tank jumps ahead and... well.. what do you think is going to happen... were all level 50+ you think a mini boss with no mechs other than the standard roles that we would be fine... right? NOPE! tank doesn't maintain aggro, I get a vine cat and the mini boss on me, and yet the tank still manages to die before me, meanwhile the other DPS is spraying away on the boss rather than focusing damage on the elite im on, and the heals is well... giving very low heals. Since the tank dies first, I fall almost directly after, but yet, the healer picks up the guardian tank, who at the time I didn't notice, only had 16k health. So you grab the 16k tank who cant maintain aggro over a 31k commando DPS who already downed a elite :rak_02: After that I start to inspect the gear of everyone as I was overjoyed of just getting to pop I didn't care about gear in the start. Turns out the guardian tank is still in 116 f2p mods as a level 55. The other commando DPS is geared okay, 146 set bonus and all, good enough. then I get to the healer. No implants, no earpiece, no relics, and the gear he did have on was 156 purple cunning/STR/tank gear. Yep a commando healer oh... wait.. yeah... at this time I noticed he had a different barrel as to the usual healer commandos do. Turns out he is a DPS. So a Commando DPS queues as a healer in 156 cunning/STR/tank gear, and this was no accident, as all the mods matched perfectly on each piece of gear... oh.. and don't remember he had no relics, earpieces, or implants! So we try the MINI boss again... we wipe even quicker this time, somehow I get all 3 and die, then tank, followed by heals, then the DPS. Tank instantly quits even though he was part of the problem without saying a word. I have a stern talking to the heals, he pulls up the "queue times takes forever excuse" and I throw up a vote kick... surprisingly the other commando DPS agrees. So we wait 15 mins, nothing happens, we say our goodbyes, and he did listen on which target to focus fire on the second time, so I agree in saying we both played our parts.


So now for part II

So after that flop of a FP, of which I hardly ever fail to complete one of, I queue up for another HM FP. This time its Kaon under siege. I instantly smack accept because I played with this heals before, well geared, fun attitude to play with, and is great at there class. So here we are... 2 commando DPS, me and another guy, a jedi sage heals, and some... tank with the double sided light saber... im still new to other classes. All of us level 55 besides the healer. So we start on, we say our hellos, me and the healer goof around with schoolyard insults, and I run past the first mob. Turns out tank wants to go on a kill frenzy and decides to kill them. I actually didn't mind to much... this tank maintained perfect aggro and everything. Eventually we get to the door with the cut scene of the ship crashing, and the other commando is having trouble loading or something. I begin to check the achievements... and gear of everyone... and WOW.... turns out the tank has full achievements for every HM FP, has 186 gear, and fully augmented. This guy put my 172 mods and f2p 116 augments to shame. healer also has some nice 172 gear on, so no need to worry about her. Eventually the commando DPS rolls in... and yep... ITS THE SAME FAKE HEALER/DPS AS BEFORE. I honestly hate to kick people, and since the tank, the healer, and I are all well geared I figured we could carry him. So we get to major Byzal, smack the mobs, tank maintained perfect aggro, healer is having a easy day, and im mowing down everything, mobs are dead, loots out. Its just a proto willpower belt.. no biggy... the other commando DPS needs on it. I take note of it, even the tank does, we give him a stern talking and move on. At this point I was getting a bit nervous because of all the mercs that grab you and I figured I would be grabbed for eternity. NOPE, this tank is awesome, he holds aggro, makes use of his stun breaks, I interrupt if needed, and DPS them down to where they at times don't even grab. We get through the turret section with ease... this time a STR helmet drops. Commando DPS needs of course, and we give him another stern talking to, no response from him. So we work our way through the sewers and "Safe house" and get to the boss. It would of been easy but you know... the boss glitched and when we blew up the barrels THREE TIMES, the rakghoul monster wouldn't lose his buff to lower damage taken. So here we are... a glitched boss... taking forever to kill, so I look at the other commando DPS rotation. Here it is - FIRST spam explosive shot till ALL your energy is depleted. SECOND smack that hammer shot till no tomorrow till you hit 10 stacks. THIRD convert 10 stacks. FORTH smack hammer shot till your energy is back to full. Rinse and repeat. So here we are... boss is enraged.. our tank is taking a lot of damage, the heals can actually keep up with it. Boss finally works when we blow it up to the barrel, dies soon after. Cunning helmet drops, commando DPS needs.. again. This time I go for the vote kick, so someone who doesn't know there class, has no idea how to gear, and smacks need on everything being inconsiderate of the group when there pulling no weight..... it boggles me. We work our way to the bonus boss with some nice tactics from the tank, and we get yet again another commando DPS. First thing I do is inspect. My god.... willpower earpiece, STR implants, mods from 116 cunning, to tank 146s to 156 cunning. This persons gear was everywhere, I believe I saw a single aim mod somewhere, perhaps on the belt. I comment on it in chat as soon as we hit the robot bonus boss. ROTATION TIME! FIRST spam explosive shot till halfway of your energy is gone. SECOND spam charged bolts till your empty even though grav round is better. THIRD spam hammer shots. Rinse and Repeat. The tank and healer had a good laugh in the chat... we were all commenting on this commando DPS gear.... we offered to help after, but no response. Boss is down easy enough... so go to the left to sneak by the mobs, the tank shows a path around that I never knew, the healer CCs that weak unit that aggros the entire mob. We all sneak by.... but.. NAH other commando DPS aggros all the mobs we just ran by. Somehow this god of a tank maintains aggro on everything and the heals can keep up with it. We all shame the other commando DPS and said we could of avoided that...We go to the final boss in the spaceport, beat it no problem, just a lack of DPS from the other commando. I asked for a kick on the other commando DPS because of how they got a free reward for carelessly making this run 5x harder, surprisingly the others decline. We finish the convo on the girl... she lives.... and we then give each other compliments. I thanked the tank, and the usual heal buddy, but wow... I actually received much praise from them myself. Receiving praise from a tank that holds perfect aggro, and a heal who can heal through a lot of stupid, that meant something to me. We say our goodbyes and all... I try to help the other commando DPS with gear, she leaves without a word and was the first to exit area.


Wonder how well my first post turned out..... turns out to be a wall of text :mad:

Edited by peter_plankskull
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M... My first post in this topic... so.. I... ill try my best.




Wonder how well my first post turned out..... turns out to be a wall of text :mad:


Yeah, I feel you buddy. :o


Unfortunately, right now you can faceroll through the game with riddiculous amounts of stupid... I saw ppl struggle on single player missions (Ilum Story, which above 50 is a breeze save for the FP part) in a group of three... :(


It's one of the reason I stopped bothering with the explanations, if the few hints I give to begin with are completely ignored. I dread the moment we'll get to 65, though... Can you imagine that being the new standard? :eek:


Also, yet another story from me. Not GF, but worth a mention. :cool:

Yesterday, I was levelling my Healer Sorc a bit more, and reached 43 on DK during Class Story (finished Chapter 2). Well, as I was there, someone asked for help from a lvl 40+. I thought, why not? The guy had began asking when I arrived on DK, and I had done all my stuff when I decided to accept. So, I volunteered. She was a lvl 41 Jugg. No idea of the spec, though, you'll see why in a moment. :confused:


No wonder she was having trouble... Her strongest piece of gear was for lvl 16... Green. And not modifiable. And let's not talk of the missing pieces of gear... No Relics, no Earpiece, no Implant, but also no bracers. She wasn't even using a Form. And as if that wasn't enough, once we went inside her instanced area (Chapter 2 End aswell), well... Her rotation consisted of running to the enemy target, spamming the basic attack till at 12/12 Rage, then spamming Vicious Strike - I think? The second attack you get at lvl 1 :confused: - till all Rage was consumed. Rinse and repeat. And guess what? I was barely able to keep her alive by spamming heals, because she had a habit of not resting after battle. :eek:


My goodness, I pulled her through that mission, and after that I explained as clearly as possible - without being offensive :rolleyes: - why was she struggling that much. I told her about gear, and about Form. I explained her that she can train attacks from a Teacher, and spawned my Hutt portable one to emphasize it.

Nope, she wouldn't have any of it. The response was something along the lines of "I got till here with little help, I'll go on this way again". She left group, and I was Ignored. :confused:


So yeah, GL with 65 ppl... If this is what we'll have to face, I fear we'll all have to overgear ourselves as much as possible, to run every sort of group content at the easiest possible level... :(

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Cox, I think you're my twin in some alternate SWTOR universe.



I can't BELIEVE people like this can GET to level 41... it's almost like the devs want 9 year olds and ree rees to be able to ******** through the game. When the cap was 55, it did the same thing, but it was nowhere near as bad. How do I know? I was a ree ree on my very first toon. I couldn't get past the Chapter 1 JK Boss, and I found a guild that showed me the way. Thing is, even at that point, I knew to use STR and my implants and relics were filled out.


Now that it's been a few years, I am still fairly patient with people - but there's a certain amount of stupid I just cannot tolerate, and when they refuse to listen to advice that is a fast track to my ignore list.

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Yeah, I feel you buddy. :o


Unfortunately, right now you can faceroll through the game with riddiculous amounts of stupid... I saw ppl struggle on single player missions (Ilum Story, which above 50 is a breeze save for the FP part) in a group of three... :(


No wonder she was having trouble... Her strongest piece of gear was for lvl 16... Green. And not modifiable. And let's not talk of the missing pieces of gear... No Relics, no Earpiece, no Implant, but also no bracers. She wasn't even using a Form. And as if that wasn't enough, once we went inside her instanced area (Chapter 2 End aswell), well... Her rotation consisted of running to the enemy target, spamming the basic attack till at 12/12 Rage, then spamming Vicious Strike - I think? The second attack you get at lvl 1 :confused: - till all Rage was consumed. Rinse and repeat. And guess what? I was barely able to keep her alive by spamming heals, because she had a habit of not resting after battle. :eek:


My goodness, I pulled her through that mission, and after that I explained as clearly as possible - without being offensive :rolleyes: - why was she struggling that much. I told her about gear, and about Form. I explained her that she can train attacks from a Teacher, and spawned my Hutt portable one to emphasize it.

Nope, she wouldn't have any of it. The response was something along the lines of "I got till here with little help, I'll go on this way again". She left group, and I was Ignored. :confused:


So yeah, GL with 65 ppl... If this is what we'll have to face, I fear we'll all have to overgear ourselves as much as possible, to run every sort of group content at the easiest possible level... :(


The problem is how this game lets them get away with that. They don't learn there class properly because they over level so fast and death isn't really much of consequence. A stealth class you say? All you have to do is with one tap of a button, avoid any and all combat unless strictly needed to do so! About to die you say? With once touch of a button, you now have a failsafe for death, every single time. Even so once you die, you can probe right there of no consequence, and if you play smart, progress even further with the stealth. Repairs aren't a problem either, they cost so little compared to what you make, even without using GTN or running dailies. I'm not saying this game has to be CS:GO kind of competitive nature, but to many times I seen level 60s spam there basic attacks. While some people may say without 12x XP, this may still happen, they certainly will have a much harder time to progress through the game with basic tactics.


What I kind of dislike of the newly raised level cap, is how much more soloable this game becomes. Back when the cap was 50, you actually needed a group for classic HM flashpoints and even BH daily heroic. As the cap is raised, people can over level till the point where enemies basic attacks don't do any damage and pose no challenge or tactics. I would kind of want all daily areas to be set at 65 once the new expansion releases, however you become bolstered, and not just a endurance boost like most bolster areas do, a bolster for all your stats like the GSI satellite on Makeb.


I believe this game has lost a slight touch. I was running some operations, the level 50 ones, and once I started gaining knowledge about the mechanics more, most notable on EC, I would see that 60s don't even have to do tactics. Very few mechs will 1 hit you, most just completely and utterly ignore them, so instead of properly learning the fight, the 60s just duke it out with no strategy, and because of the level cap, it is possible, and quite common.

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Cox, I think you're my twin in some alternate SWTOR universe.



I can't BELIEVE people like this can GET to level 41... it's almost like the devs want 9 year olds and ree rees to be able to ******** through the game. When the cap was 55, it did the same thing, but it was nowhere near as bad. How do I know? I was a ree ree on my very first toon. I couldn't get past the Chapter 1 JK Boss, and I found a guild that showed me the way. Thing is, even at that point, I knew to use STR and my implants and relics were filled out.


Now that it's been a few years, I am still fairly patient with people - but there's a certain amount of stupid I just cannot tolerate, and when they refuse to listen to advice that is a fast track to my ignore list.


Yeah, I feel the same... I'm astounded at how the game allows you to go on with that amount of stupid.


Funny thing is, a couple of months ago I decided to have a test of it - strictly solo, though. ;)

I was able to go with the DK green set till Belsavis, before beginning to struggle (still being able to go on with a little more effort and coordination, though), and that was without gearing Comps either, save for the empty gear pieces filling... Although my Presence is high enough to offset that problem a bit. At any rate, with lvl 10-15 gear, I was able to get through all Chapter 1 and 2. And through a bit of Chapter 3 too. :cool:

I have a feeling this is the reason we have these many clueless ppl around... You don't have to L2P till top level. :rolleyes:


Make the game a bit harder BW, just enough so that we have to learn to play it... Please! I'm begging you! :(

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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If anything, early encounters should be designed to teach new players about various roles and their responsibilities. Making it harder might only discourage new players from continuing. And some people are so casual that they don't want to struggle through story missions.


Also, doing EV nim at 55 was already a joke. Most people couldn't do that with EC though at 55, and some can't even do that with Dread ops now. I joined a DP SM for fun the other day and they wiped 3 times at council. Someone dc'd and they were afraid of 7 manning it. Which is funny because council has been 4 manned at level 55.


I guess my point is, challenges exist in the game. Some are there already (hm ops of course) and some you can make (undermanning / old content). And when some people complain about content being hard, it's because they won't take the effort to improve their skill or their knowledge of the encounter.

Edited by BigBreakfast
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If anything, early encounters should be designed to teach new players about various roles and their responsibilities. Making it harder might only discourage new players from continuing. And some people are so casual that they don't want to struggle through story missions.


Also, doing EV nim at 55 was already a joke. Most people couldn't do that with EC though at 55, and some can't even do that with Dread ops now. I joined a DP SM for fun the other day and they wiped 3 times at council. Someone dc'd and they were afraid of 7 manning it. Which is funny because council has been 4 manned at level 55.


I guess my point is, challenges exist in the game. Some are there already (hm ops of course) and some you can make (undermanning / old content). And when some people complain about content being hard, it's because they won't take the effort to improve their skill or their knowledge of the encounter.


Level 60 world bosses are a nice challenge too. It would be great if all World Bosses were at level, but it won't happen :/

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What I kind of dislike of the newly raised level cap, is how much more soloable this game becomes. Back when the cap was 50, you actually needed a group for classic HM flashpoints and even BH daily heroic. As the cap is raised, people can over level till the point where enemies basic attacks don't do any damage and pose no challenge or tactics. I would kind of want all daily areas to be set at 65 once the new expansion releases, however you become bolstered, and not just a endurance boost like most bolster areas do, a bolster for all your stats like the GSI satellite on Makeb.


I believe this game has lost a slight touch. I was running some operations, the level 50 ones, and once I started gaining knowledge about the mechanics more, most notable on EC, I would see that 60s don't even have to do tactics. Very few mechs will 1 hit you, most just completely and utterly ignore them, so instead of properly learning the fight, the 60s just duke it out with no strategy, and because of the level cap, it is possible, and quite common.


Excuse me? I like how soloable this game gets, especially when you can run old group content 10 levels above the content level, it's the only thing that made the HK-51 quest line worth it, not having to group up for Foundry/Maelstrom HM and False Emperor Group SM, such a pity it won't be available in 4.0, unless BW makes the HK parts available in the 4.x SOLO versions.


I'm sorry, but once you the start KotFE quest chain, those dailies and other missions become inaccessible and therefore irrelevant, from Ziost down through everything you ever did before prior.


Level 60 world bosses are a nice challenge too. It would be great if all World Bosses were at level, but it won't happen :/


No, no, NO! You want the challenge? Then find a group AT LEVEL to tackle them, I know that sounds hard, but it's not impossible. I'm sorry, but I and other high-levels don't want our farming of the WB weekly ruined by such a change.


No wonder she was having trouble... Her strongest piece of gear was for lvl 16... Green. And not modifiable. And let's not talk of the missing pieces of gear... No Relics, no Earpiece, no Implant, but also no bracers. She wasn't even using a Form. And as if that wasn't enough, once we went inside her instanced area (Chapter 2 End aswell), well... Her rotation consisted of running to the enemy target, spamming the basic attack till at 12/12 Rage, then spamming Vicious Strike - I think? The second attack you get at lvl 1 :confused: - till all Rage was consumed. Rinse and repeat. And guess what? I was barely able to keep her alive by spamming heals, because she had a habit of not resting after battle. :eek:


My goodness, I pulled her through that mission, and after that I explained as clearly as possible - without being offensive :rolleyes: - why was she struggling that much. I told her about gear, and about Form. I explained her that she can train attacks from a Teacher, and spawned my Hutt portable one to emphasize it.

Nope, she wouldn't have any of it. The response was something along the lines of "I got till here with little help, I'll go on this way again". She left group, and I was Ignored. :confused:


So yeah, GL with 65 ppl... If this is what we'll have to face, I fear we'll all have to overgear ourselves as much as possible, to run every sort of group content at the easiest possible level... :(


Vicious slash, actually. Funny, I've gotten abuse or no reply from people I've tried to advise (these days I nearly always ask if they want me to offer them some advice, those that say yes I help, the nos I leave to their own devices), but never been added to the ignore list; if people want help with a solo quest, I nearly always ask what gear they have, spec, form if applicable, and if they don't co-operate in any way, I just leave them to stew. Going this way again, is exactly why they needed help in the first place. I personally think they were trying to go through the whole game with just those two abilities, and their call for help is a sign that they forgot their original grand plan.


Yeah, I feel the same... I'm astounded at how the game allows you to go on with that amount of stupid.


Funny thing is, a couple of months ago I decided to have a test of it - strictly solo, though. ;)

I was able to go with the DK green set till Belsavis, before beginning to struggle (still being able to go on with a little more effort and coordination, though), and that was without gearing Comps either, save for the empty gear pieces filling... Although my Presence is high enough to offset that problem a bit. At any rate, with lvl 10-15 gear, I was able to get through all Chapter 1 and 2. And through a bit of Chapter 3 too. :cool:

I have a feeling this is the reason we have these many clueless ppl around... You don't have to L2P till top level. :rolleyes:


Make the game a bit harder BW, just enough so that we have to learn to play it... Please! I'm begging you! :(


It sounds like you and all these others have gone through a trillion keyboards through incessant button-mashing...


Honestly, I always tried to stay geared and overlevelled as much as possible (I would have to be literally out of control of my brain to be doing what you did for an experiment, and what the jugg did for e-peen points), especially for 12x XP, since when I started playing I thought armour rating out-prioritised anything else, and that using dark charge with madness skill tree points assigned was perfectly alright. But when someone pointed out what kind of gear I should be using, I didn't react like the viciously-slashing juggernaut, I had them show me everything I needed to know to improve things, and actually started to read the tool tips, but I still consulted an online guide to assign skill points, just in case my own configuration(s) still had shortcomings. That was almost two years ago, though, well before 12x XP ever began (unless you had one before July '13?); and having at least one character with every single discipline allows me to critique others' performances, maybe even learn what they're doing better than I am, if applicable. The irony is that when I stuck with darkness, tanking stats and dark charge, I eventually converted to dps and went deception, and nowadays, that assassin of mine is now hatred (the old madness 'sin tree), so it feels like it's come full-circle, but with the right charge (lightning charge) active. My point being, that never again will I disregard relevant technical information that eases my gaming experience.


You and I have learned to play it, it's not the game's fault, it's the player's attitude, and if this were still 50 cap, I suspect nothing about that belligerent juggernaut player's attitude and personality would change. In fact, they'd probably quit playing; good for us maybe, not so good for BW:A. I still think that an automated system harassing players about their lack of gear and stance and whatever whenever they try to enter and instance or use Group Finder, or even pick up a side mission, and every time they're defeated, said system should scold the **** out of them, citing probable technical reasons why they failed so miserably. I really could've used that when I started playing...

Edited by sentientomega
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It sounds like you and all these others have gone through a trillion keyboards through incessant button-mashing...


Honestly, I always tried to stay geared and overlevelled as much as possible (I would have to be literally out of control of my brain to be doing what you did for an experiment, and what the jugg did for e-peen points), especially for 12x XP, since when I started playing I thought armour rating out-prioritised anything else, and that using dark charge with madness skill tree points assigned was perfectly alright. But when someone pointed out what kind of gear I should be using, I didn't react like the viciously-slashing juggernaut, I had them show me everything I needed to know to improve things, and actually started to read the tool tips, but I still consulted an online guide to assign skill points, just in case my own configuration(s) still had shortcomings. That was almost two years ago, though, well before 12x XP ever began (unless you had one before July '13?); and having at least one character with every single discipline allows me to critique others' performances, maybe even learn what they're doing better than I am, if applicable. The irony is that when I stuck with darkness, tanking stats and dark charge, I eventually converted to dps and went deception, and nowadays, that assassin of mine is now hatred (the old madness 'sin tree), so it feels like it's come full-circle, but with the right charge (lightning charge) active. My point being, that never again will I disregard relevant technical information that eases my gaming experience.


You and I have learned to play it, it's not the game's fault, it's the player's attitude, and if this were still 50 cap, I suspect nothing about that belligerent juggernaut player's attitude and personality would change. In fact, they'd probably quit playing; good for us maybe, not so good for BW:A. I still think that an automated system harassing players about their lack of gear and stance and whatever whenever they try to enter and instance or use Group Finder, or even pick up a side mission, and every time they're defeated, said system should scold the **** out of them, citing probable technical reasons why they failed so miserably. I really could've used that when I started playing...


Ehe... :p

It's fun when you're alone to self-impose a challenge, if you feel like it. In my case, I wanted to see what's the experience of those who don't bother to upgrade their gear. But by going through that, I came to realize it was the fact I knew what to do and what to expect that made me able to pull through. Those who don't, I feel, are going to smach their teeth on a brick wall, once they reach such a point. :o


The problem is, back when I began playing, when 50 was top lvl... Learning was gradual, because you could still pull through that big, large mob while not being perfect... But at the Boss you had to do things properly. Like, using an Interrupt on the big, channelled hit. Or cleansing yourself of a flesh-eating DoT.

Right now, that's not necessary anymore. Use of Interrupts, CC, cleanses and pretty much everything else that requires more than a simple button mashing session is becoming rarer and rarer to see, from new players. :(


What I'm worried about is, I could deal with a tough boss, back then. I still can. Once I figure what to do, I can go past it. But if a new player can faceroll everything till a certain point, which is very advanced, and have all the problems sum up... Wow. That's going to be awful. :eek:

Imagine being: hit by a poweful channelled attack, stun, pushed back and filled with DoTs... All at once, in a single battle, and without a clue how to deal with any of those things. Pretty frustrating, I think. That's what those ppl are risking to face. The brick wall, as I call it. :cool:


That's the difficulty increase I'd like to see, how I want the game to force them to learn. Gradually, rather than combining all things at top lvl and having them be a dead weight for everyone else and themselves and nothing else.

I don't mind having a nice, quick time. But I want others to be able to play at a proper level, like I (think I :p ) do.


Removing all tough stuff is not an answer either, because at that point, who would bother to spend some time there? Once you're done with the content and get to the point where you need to grind... Bye-bye! And back when new stuff to do comes along. :rolleyes:


Which wouldn't help the game, I feel. We want continuity? We want ppl to enjoy the game? Then we need players to be capable players. Casual doesn't mean clueless. Faceroller means clueless. :cool:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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As the game has gotten older, bioware has continually made the lower level content easier. When the game launched class planetary storyline had bosses with mechanics and power to force you to stop and read your abilities in order to learn them and utilize properly. My first toon was a jedi sentinel and I remember the hardest boss for me was the class quest final boss on tatooine. Between his pushes and stuns, you had to learn 4 mains things


How to really use your companion to soak up the most damage but keep them alive

How to use your interrupt sequencing so it would be back up when needed

And to use your stuns as extra interrupts for when your actual interrupt was down

Lastly manage your defensive cds and medpacs because the boss hit like a truck


Now your way to engage that boss is basically... send in treek, sit back and laugh when at 30% use dispatch.

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No, no, NO! You want the challenge? Then find a group AT LEVEL to tackle them, I know that sounds hard, but it's not impossible. I'm sorry, but I and other high-levels don't want our farming of the WB weekly ruined by such a change.


Already did that. And can you explain why you are so against new challenges ? Yes you won't be able to farm a world boss by yourself. And ? You would have to play in group to actually defeat the world boss. And ? That's an MMO after all.

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Already did that. And can you explain why you are so against new challenges ? Yes you won't be able to farm a world boss by yourself. And ? You would have to play in group to actually defeat the world boss. And ? That's an MMO after all.


Pretty sure she was being sarcastic about that... or.. if she was.... I... I hope not. Why would she want a MMO to be more soloable anyway.... and why would she want to avoid any and all challenges.

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Pretty sure she was being sarcastic about that... or.. if she was.... I... I hope not. Why would she want a MMO to be more soloable anyway.... and why would she want to avoid any and all challenges.


People are more and more complaining about the game not being fully soloable. I remember having seen a topic complaining about story lines ending in operation a few month ago. So, you never know.

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After about a month of reading this whole post between breaks at work, I finally finished it. And I'm pretty sure I'm only in one of them where the tank yelled at the healer in boarding party for complaining that they were bored. If that WAS me, it was a compliment to the tank for not doing the two things that healers hate from this post, tunnel visioning, and actually being tank specced and geared.


Anyway, I have a million stories, figured I'd throw on last night's run of ToS to start.


Guildy healer and I on my merc healer got into a run that was about half a guild group, rest pugs. They offered their TS info but didn't require it, and we were fine in our mumble, knew the fights, all that stuff. Anyway, they took a while to get started on trash and constantly did ready checks for trash mobs. For bosses, I agree entirely, for trash? Eh, maybe they are just cautious or something.


So we got past Malaphar only to see that they were calling out the 3 people not in Ts. I really didn't think it was a big deal, my guild pubside has the first four bosses on farm in Hm, and the tank was in a run with me last week on his alt where he ragequit after the revanite commanders when he wasn't given all the gear, so I really wasn't inclined to chat. This Ts problem would continue.


We got to sword squadron, were asked again to get in Ts, politely declined. We wiped. My friend and I are pretty solid healers, and we were laughing about it before we started that any deaths would be caused by too much stupid to heal through. And so it was. The annoying tank decided the rapid fire circles were the best thing ever! And the guy running the bombs decided using the last one 3 seconds before the second shield was reapplied was a wonderful idea. No bombs, they enraged, we all died.


Got back did it again, I pointed out the problems, next pull went better. Tank ate rapid fire again, but we got through it so meh.


This is where everything started to get really messy.


First they demanded that everyone be in ts for Underlurker, and wouldn't move until we all were. I'm of the camp that while Underlurker does wipe pugs, the mechanics are really fairly easy and don't require voice. I said as much. I admit that I probably should have just got in their damn ts, but I just really didn't feel it was needed. The one DPS also not in ts got bored and pulled the big mob after the walkers, we went in... And everyone in ts ran out and kept resetting the fight, and I got focused and killed by the adds. This did not exactly incline me to their point of view after the first wipe.


Eventually, bomb runner guy starts ranting about how he is so superior and doesn't want to type (and proceeds to start flashing his epeen all over the chat log) where we just say we want to have a fun run, don't see the big deal, and don't want any drama. Eventually he goes off and says they kick the first one that does to not paying attention to mechanics. Because I'm an ******e at heart, I suddenly wish my sorc was a healer.


We get to Underlurker, and wipe. My friend was killed by the leap after rage storm (happened to be furthest away with low hp), cross failed, DPS were slow on adds because they decided stacking on the adds (with 3 ranged dps) was a good idea. We get told that everyone who wasn't in Ts ****ed up, I ask them to tell us what we did wrong, no reply. DPS not in ts gets kicked, they announce we will be kicked too, my friend points out the problems with the first pull, holier than thou DPS flashes his 8m HM achievement (i have 8 and 16, and commanders down and laugh a bit when he drags achievements up) and we get kicked.


Proceeded to run around him in circles on my wings of the architect on my sorc while he tries to get more people for his group for a half hour.


So I admit I'm something of an *** when people can't be bothered to play right, and I probably should have just left the group when I realized who the tank was or just ignored him and got in ts or whatever, but I really don't think we are the only ones at fault here, and I don't think joining a run that doesn't require voice and not choosing to enter voice is such a horrible thing.


Yay wall of text. Have loads more stories, I'll probably post a bunch more from all the way back to when 50 was level cap, and I was like a lot of the stupid weird people you meet in pugs, instead of the annoying oh so leet people.

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