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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Okay, I need to know if I did something really wrong. I wanted to try a flash-point, and got an HM Battle of Rishi.


I was a backfill for the first boss, we got it on the second try, but when we came to the second enclosure, what happened is that a DPS disconnected during a battle after the first lightening spheres, and the second died almost immediately after. I was just healing up the tank waiting on the guy to reconnect for practice, he was not really doing any damage to the boss. It took a while, no reconnect, so I asked if I stuck, the second DPS agreed, I stuck & asked the tank to get a replacement DPS to try again, but he yelled at me saying we could have killed the boss and quit on us, before I could apologize. What did I do wrong?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Okay, I need to know if I did something really wrong. I wanted to try a flash-point, and got an HM Battle of Rishi.


I was a backfill for the first boss, we got it on the second try, but when we came to the second enclosure, what happened is that a DPS disconnected during a battle after the first lightening spheres, and the second died almost immediately after. I was just healing up the tank waiting on the guy to reconnect for practice, he was not really doing any damage to the boss. It took a while, no reconnect, so I asked if I stuck, the second DPS agreed, I stuck & asked the tank to get a replacement DPS to try again, but he yelled at me saying we could have killed the boss and quit on us, before I could apologize. What did I do wrong?


We'd need a bit more detail in there to say for sure, Domi. Sometimes ppl are just impatient, but... :D


Still, let's get to it. How many HP did you and the Tank have? The boss? Were the two still alive or one died and got the damage buff? Because that changes things a lot, the dmg boost is something bad to face, especially with half the group down... ;)


Plus, all Healer Classes have a battle-rez. You could have asked the Tank to move the boss(es) away from the dead DPS who didn't DC while you battlerezzed him. That remained an option, unless you used it before and didn't mention it. :o

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Boss had about 80 or 90% health. We both were fine, but it was stalling. Not sure about the damage debuff.


Battle of Rishi's bosses all come as a couple, save for the last one. The Wookie and the Imperial Trooper. The Jedi and the Sith. If one of the two dies, the second one gets a dmg buff. :o


As such, you want to down them together, not one at a time. The best way I found personally is to have the two DPS focus on one each, with the Tank swapping as needed - while keeping aggro, that is. :rolleyes:


With the 2 DPS dead it's going to be a tough fight, although doable if the bosses are low enough. Still, if one was dead and the second one at 80%, well... Ouch. Someone messed up. A lot. :eek:


Good thing (for you) is, it was not the Healer. :p

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As such, you want to down them together, not one at a time.


...Still, if one was dead and the second one at 80%, well... Ouch. Someone messed up. A lot. :eek:


It seems that tactics vary here depending on server. We down always the Wookiee/Sith first. This takes out some nasty mechanics quickly. The damage from a soft-enraged single boss is not that hard to heal through. It's just a little bit spiky. :)

Edited by Daivee
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It seems that tactics vary here depending on server. We down always the Wookiee/Sith first. This takes out some nasty mechanics quickly. The damage from a soft-enraged single boss is not that hard to heal through. It's just a little bit spiky. :)


I agree, in principle... Tbh, I'm pretty confident I can take that beating when I'm on my Tanks, but every time we tryed that tactic, it was a wipe due to no heals (no green numbers, so... Yeah :o ). :eek:


That's why in the end I resorted to the ol'EC strat: two bosses? Kill them together. Never had trouble with that. :D

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Boss had about 80 or 90% health. We both were fine, but it was stalling. Not sure about the damage debuff.


I don't think you and the tank would make it when the boss had that much HP left. Idk if the second bosses have timer-based hard enrage, but once awhile electric bubble thingies will spawn and they need to be run into lest they reach the tower in the middle and wipe the group via lightning storm. The longer the fight goes the more of those things will spawn, and anyone with more than three stacks risks getting oneshot (can confirm, my tank accidentally ended up with five stacks). It was a losing fight, you did the right thing by /stuck.

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Not really what I would call weird, just kind of unfortunate.


I don't do HM FP very often any more, so I couldn't really remember all of the specifics of each boss outside of the obvious ones when I zoned into Korriban Incursion on my medicine operative. It probably would have saved us a lot of time if I could have.


We get in, everyone says hello and seems friendly enough, but before we even get to the first add pack the Jugg DPS pipes up that he's actually a tank and hopes that it won't be a problem. He then says that he'll "Off tank if it seems like the queued tank can't handle things." (Sounds rude, but the way he phrased it seemed more well meaning if misplaced).


I tell him that I don't know how well two tanks will work since I don't remember anything about possible enrage timers for this one, but that I'd leave it up to the Tank and other DPS since they'd be more affected. Neither of them say anything so we head on.


No problems until we reach the droid boss. The first couple pulls the sentinel would die almost as soon as the red aoe went out (took us a bit to notice that his gear was all red, once he repaired that problem was solved), and the DPSTank didn't know that he shouldn't stand in the red circles. No problem. I explain to him to move out of those and everything improves immensely. From that point onward we wipe multiple times with everything going well until the boss is about half way, then everything goes from "This is what I expect a fp boss to be like" to "Holy **** I'm healing HM Cora and my co-healer is dead."


Eventually I get suspicious an open up star parse and notice that on every single one of our pulls at the 2 and a half minute mark my damage taken triples, and stays consistently high for the next minute or two until we wipe. I assume this to be a soft enrage maybe? I bring this up to the group and the DPSTank offers to drop. The other DPS leaves at this point too. Tank and me Queue up again and we get two new DPS, or so we think. The operative soon admits that she forgot to uncheck the DPS option... I mention that I'm a terrible operative DPS and probably shouldn't DPS. The second healerDPS laughs it off. I kind of assume that she respeced. I was wrong. We wipe again at the 20% mark. This time I respec as I figure that even as lousy as I am I can probably out DPS a tank and healer. No more problems for the rest of the FP. :)

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Not really what I would call weird, just kind of unfortunate.


I don't do HM FP very often any more, so I couldn't really remember all of the specifics of each boss outside of the obvious ones when I zoned into Korriban Incursion on my medicine operative. It probably would have saved us a lot of time if I could have.


We get in, everyone says hello and seems friendly enough, but before we even get to the first add pack the Jugg DPS pipes up that he's actually a tank and hopes that it won't be a problem. He then says that he'll "Off tank if it seems like the queued tank can't handle things." (Sounds rude, but the way he phrased it seemed more well meaning if misplaced).


I tell him that I don't know how well two tanks will work since I don't remember anything about possible enrage timers for this one, but that I'd leave it up to the Tank and other DPS since they'd be more affected. Neither of them say anything so we head on.


No problems until we reach the droid boss. The first couple pulls the sentinel would die almost as soon as the red aoe went out (took us a bit to notice that his gear was all red, once he repaired that problem was solved), and the DPSTank didn't know that he shouldn't stand in the red circles. No problem. I explain to him to move out of those and everything improves immensely. From that point onward we wipe multiple times with everything going well until the boss is about half way, then everything goes from "This is what I expect a fp boss to be like" to "Holy **** I'm healing HM Cora and my co-healer is dead."


Eventually I get suspicious an open up star parse and notice that on every single one of our pulls at the 2 and a half minute mark my damage taken triples, and stays consistently high for the next minute or two until we wipe. I assume this to be a soft enrage maybe? I bring this up to the group and the DPSTank offers to drop. The other DPS leaves at this point too. Tank and me Queue up again and we get two new DPS, or so we think. The operative soon admits that she forgot to uncheck the DPS option... I mention that I'm a terrible operative DPS and probably shouldn't DPS. The second healerDPS laughs it off. I kind of assume that she respeced. I was wrong. We wipe again at the 20% mark. This time I respec as I figure that even as lousy as I am I can probably out DPS a tank and healer. No more problems for the rest of the FP. :)


Had kind of the same problem today: jug in 172-186 dps gear and dps form in HM Tython. He had lik 44khp, that's why I checked his gear and then asked him if he was aware that he had queued as tank. He said yes, let's move on. We wiped on the first mob pull and he left.

Either people not aware of their role or they would just do anything to get a pop and hope to get carried.

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But that was my first personal experience (in this game at least) with class-role blackmail. Good times!


I have similar experience, but with a tank.


A couple of days ago I joined a ToS run forming at fleet in my Sniper. Jugg tank's name (only one as ToS can be solotanked) was familiar, but I couldn't remember where had I seen his name before. I didn't give it much thought; I raid everyday, I'm bound to run to familiar names once awhile. We got all slots filled, and off we went to Yavin. Everything was fine until Sword Squadron, where things got... weird. This conversation ensued:


Raid lead: <Tank name> will be on Unit 1, <PT DPS> will faketank Unit 2. Can you run bomb as well?

PT DPS: Sure, no problem.

Jugg tank: No, I'm not going to tank. PT DPS can tank instead since he liked to taunt bosses so much.


Apparently during Malaphar PT DPS accidentally single taunted the boss. PT DPS explained that it was a mistake, the keybind for threat drop is next to his single taunt. Mistake happens, we all have those off days, but apparently this was a great, unforgivable offense to the tank. We all started to call him out on it and tell him to stop being a drama queen, but the tank wouldn't have any of it and had started to change to DPS gear. Fortunately the PT DPS brought tank set and agreed - albeit grudgingly - to swap role with the now DPS Jugg. Ready check ensued, Jugg kept clicking not ready. Until suddenly he threw a saber at Unit 2.


Raid lead: What the heck are you doing?

Jugg: See, it's not so fun when someone "accidentally" makes things difficult, isn't it? (At this point he had moved to the edge of the map and away from the fight.)

Raid lead: Get back into the fight.

Jugg: No can do, I haven't picked my utilities yet. It was an "accident".


We were caught off guard and nobody was running bombs, predictably we wiped. Everyone was getting fed up and threatened to leave if the Jugg was allowed to stay. I whispered raid lead to kick Jugg and I would replace him as tank. Jugg got kicked out, my Sintank got invited in, and we oneshot everything. The best thing about having five tanks is that you don't have to put up with entitled tanks who think they can get away with anything. :D Annoyed me that my Sniper got locked to SS though, fortunately the next group was alright with it.


Later I remembered that indeed I had run with Jugg tank before. In every single run he always started drama and threw a massive tantrum if things didn't go as he wanted. I have him ignored on all toons, but the Sniper had only recently dinged 60 and I forgot to refresh his Ignore list. If only Ignore list was legacy wide...

Edited by iusCogens
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First off i notice the other JK is in Soresu form.

Asked him why.

Him: ''I do enough damage even though im shien specced''

Me: ''Well your role is dps so please switch to Shien form.''

Him: ''You should try tanking with Soresu in dps spec once.''

no reaction from me.


I have see a lot of that, people speccing dps and using soresu for the armour boost (ignoring the bit that says higher threat generation which, if they didn't have they wouldn't need the damn armour) or tanks in dps gear because it generates loads of aggro (which tbh it does, when levelling my shadow tank during 12x I put it in dps gear and its slow time at level 53 hit for 7.6k). However this is crap for group play because, although you will have aggro you will die quick and struggle with resource (a lot of tank resource is about deflecting/shielding to get procs or resource back, I think shadow is 1 force every time you defend or shield, which with tank gear happens often).


It seems that tactics vary here depending on server. We down always the Wookiee/Sith first. This takes out some nasty mechanics quickly. The damage from a soft-enraged single boss is not that hard to heal through. It's just a little bit spiky. :)


This. Not so much on the second boss, I usually ask people to burn equally there, but the first I actually find easier to just kill the wookie with the red guy at full hp (give or take a smidge from my building aggro or dps aoe's). The red guy's damage buff is a joke compared to the damage that wookie can put out, and the hassle he causes.



I havn't played in a while so thought I may be rusty so I decided to practice with my sent in tfp before doing HM's, just pick my rotation back up etc.


Now I understand everybody's sense of humour is different, and mine can annoy people (I like dark humour, among other things) but I reckon this guys reaction was over the top.


After my practice runs I zone into mannan HM. Its my sent, vang tank, shadow dps and commando healer. The shadow notices something:

shadow: "<vangs name> that body piece looks like you have a bomb strapped to you"

vang: "lol"

me: "you're not a member of isis are you?"

vang: "you will find out when I blow up all the heathens"


I am busy laughing so I don't bother writing something, but the healer does: "you bunch of tossers, that's not funny" then tries to vote kick the vang. It fails, healer quits and vang is happy to try with a healer comp, which is successful until first boss where we wait for healer, they show up and we complete, with some subtle references to the joke at the start (many around the vangs use of stick grenades and explosive surge).


3 missions in after months off and I have already met stupid people. If someone wants a laugh and joke then why does it matter, they aren't being serious.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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@ Bob: Don't think anbout it. Black humor is like a pair of legs. Not everybody has it ;)


In fact some fun story not from group finder. We had an apllicant to our raid group. We wanted to give him a chance to proove himself, so he got invited to our group and joined our TS. Didn't say much, other than "hi".

So while we waited for the last few people to log on and get going, we joked around, somebody posted some... let's call it politically incorrect video, we all had a laugh and commented on it with a lot of black humor and irony. Guy left both the group and our TS without a word. We were all like "***?".

Later he whispered with our guild lead and said that we're all nazis and things like that. Made us all laugh really hard :D

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Had a couple fun runs on my Sniper last night.


HM Manaan - it was my first time running it on HM, and I said so, but no-one was interested in explaining the different mechanics to me. So naturally, I died in the water/lightning because I didn't realize what was happening. Then later, the tank lagged out and died as well, causing a wipe. Which prompted the (painfully undergeared) Jugg DPS to start insulting me for causing the wipe, and he threatened to quit. We redid the fight, and now that I knew what was going on and the tank didn't lag out, it went perfectly. Really, aside from that one wipe, it was actually a very smooth game. Though I did end up with the boss on my for almost the entire last boss fight. Clearly it aggro-dumps, but was there something I should have been doing/not doing to avoid picking it up every single time?


SM Battle of Rishi - This one I knew, as did the other Sniper. The tank and healer, apparently didn't know the walker boss. Everything went great, right up until the final boss. At which point, both the tank and healer just stood there and got slaughtered when they should have been hiding behind the console. Much to our amusement, the other sniper and I did the entire boss fight with just the two of us, thanks to the healing stations on that fight.:cool: I had never realized before just how much of a pushover that boss is! Meanwhile the tank/healer were standing at the door shouting encouragement.


Then I switched over to the Healer Mercenary I am currently leveling, and ran SM Red Reaper. A marauder pulled both of the first two fights, one of them before I had even loaded in, which ended about as well as you might expect. Turns out, neither the tank or the marauder had ever done RR before, and the Sniper DPS had just come back after a year of not playing, and couldn't remember. Fortunately, he had done it enough before that my explanations jogged his memory, and the two of us handled all the boss mechanics - the flags, interrupting the adds on the last boss, and collecting the glowy red things. Not so fortunately, the Jugg had no clue how to tank, and I ended up healer-tanking the entire FP.

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HM Battle of Rishi - This one I knew, as did the other Sniper. The tank and healer, apparently didn't know the walker boss. Everything went great, right up until the final boss. At which point, both the tank and healer just stood there and got slaughtered when they should have been hiding behind the console. Much to our amusement, the other sniper and I did the entire boss fight with just the two of us, thanks to the healing stations on that fight.:cool: I had never realized before just how much of a pushover that boss is! Meanwhile the tank/healer were standing at the door shouting encouragement.


Does HM have healing stations now?


If you hadn't done this last night, I might have thought the healer was me a few months ago. Had never done Battle of Rishi and no one bothered to mention anything about getting behind the console. Me and the tank (also new, obviously) both died and were locked behind the door. Now, being behind the door, I had no idea that I could continuously die to the same mechanic. So after I rezzed myself a couple times the two dps who were fighting the boss told me to stop it and just wait for the fight to end. Felt like a total noob twice :o

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HM Battle of Rishi - This one I knew, as did the other Sniper. The tank and healer, apparently didn't know the walker boss. Everything went great, right up until the final boss. At which point, both the tank and healer just stood there and got slaughtered when they should have been hiding behind the console. Much to our amusement, the other sniper and I did the entire boss fight with just the two of us, thanks to the healing stations on that fight.:cool: I had never realized before just how much of a pushover that boss is! Meanwhile the tank/healer were standing at the door shouting encouragement.




I sense big pile of BS now.

You. Did. HM Rishi last boss fight. Alone. With healing stations.


Dude... Are you serious?

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I sense big pile of BS now.

You. Did. HM Rishi last boss fight. Alone. With healing stations.


Dude... Are you serious?


Pretty sure it was HM. Maybe I'm wrong? I do remember being surprised that there were healing stations on HM, since I had always assumed there weren't. I only had HMs selected in the group finder, since I was trying to do the weekly. Is it possible that I somehow got dumped into SM instead?


Edit: Now that I think more about it, there was no bonus boss, so it musn't have been HM. I better fix that post. Damn, now I feel really stupid...

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I wouldn't say weird people (they were good people). BUT I was running a HM rakata and after the Rancor / some guy boss the other DPS had an issue with their kid (something about a meltdown) and promptly left. So we decided to go on and after an add group or two the healer is like "anyone got a dps companion" I said yes and I pulled out my Hk-51 thats in 186 gear with optimized enhancements and statted properly. me and the healer (tank was the ops lead) both mention once to queue for a replacement but either the tank didn't notice those messages (He was actually communicating btw) or he wanted to try without.


Anyway, we continue on to clear the adds just fine, using HK-51s assassinate and my 60 second combat cc on certain add groups to make it easier. We never wipe, things are good. We go to the boss that has the massive amounts of droids, all good and dandy, we LOS the first droid wave, hit him, etc etc, kill him without issue (altough HK-51 died early, no biggie though) We continue on, still havent died or wiped on any trash yet. We hit final boss, and do that just fine as well (not that much slower than normal runs either) Had to micromanage Hk-51 once or twice to make sure he wouldnt kill anyone with the circle of death.


it was fun, all 3 of us were talking and co-operating. The merc healer apparantly never healed before so I gave her a few tips (seeing as that is my main class and role) It kinda showed since I had to cleanse here and there in the rancor fight (she apparantly didnt know where cure was or didnt have it on her bar I believe during the fight) and I occasionally casted my emergency scan during a few boss fights and a rapid scan once or twice (I was on my mercenary also but in arsenal spec)


Its funny My dps was 3000 on average (its lower than usual since I was casting out heals here and there and micromanaging HK-51 at times, and watching health bars all at the same time) and I have no idea how much HK-51 was doing but imagine trying to 3 man bloodhunt HM, with a HK-51, you'd probably not pass the first boss. But HM Rakata? peh, go nuts. you'll only have a soft enrage during the final fight.

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Is it possible that I somehow got dumped into SM instead.


Happened to me a while ago, I queued only for level 55 HM FPs and got dropped into Tython tactical with three 60's. At least one of them said he also queued only for level 60 HM. After facerolling content each of us could easily solo, my level 55 char couldn't use the console at the door to the final boss, so I had to quit group.

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HM Manaan...

Though I did end up with the boss on my for almost the entire last boss fight. Clearly it aggro-dumps, but was there something I should have been doing/not doing to avoid picking it up every single time?

Right after the kick Stivastin gets an aggroreset/dump. I've got the feeling he loves us snipers and our entrench too much ;) But feel comfortable with it, it's easy to roll with covered escape for the next fire spot.

Just a guess: entrench prevents the kick and the aggrodump, so Stivastin will keep on focussing his actuell target, even aggroreduce doesn't seem to work. This causes the sniper beeing lot of time the tank^^ My guildheal starts whining about my tp-drops, but he is able to manage it. Dunno, maybe snipers shouldn't use entrench in this fight...?

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Right after the kick Stivastin gets an aggroreset/dump. I've got the feeling he loves us snipers and our entrench too much ;) But feel comfortable with it, it's easy to roll with covered escape for the next fire spot.

Just a guess: entrench prevents the kick and the aggrodump, so Stivastin will keep on focussing his actuell target, even aggroreduce doesn't seem to work. This causes the sniper beeing lot of time the tank^^ My guildheal starts whining about my tp-drops, but he is able to manage it. Dunno, maybe snipers shouldn't use entrench in this fight...?


He resets the tanks aggro to 0 and makes him unable to gain any aggro for a few seconds. He rhen switches to the next target on his aggro list (usually the DPS with the most damage and/or least aggrodumps). Just wait until you entrench-resist the second kick and have the tank taunt off you after that.

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He resets the tanks aggro to 0 and makes him unable to gain any aggro for a few seconds. He rhen switches to the next target on his aggro list (usually the DPS with the most damage and/or least aggrodumps). Just wait until you entrench-resist the second kick and have the tank taunt off you after that.


he does not reset aggro to 0, just prevents you from being targeted. I never taunt back the boss and it switches to me as soon as the debuff wears off. I actually try to hold back on aggro, and let dps take a few stacks and maybe kicks, so that I can instantly taunt and get him under fire when it appears.


I don't know about entrench, but I know for sure that hold the line / hydrolics does not prevent the effect. Even though you're not knocked back, boss still loses interest in you and switches to the next guy.

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He resets the tanks aggro to 0 and makes him unable to gain any aggro for a few seconds. He rhen switches to the next target on his aggro list (usually the DPS with the most damage and/or least aggrodumps). Just wait until you entrench-resist the second kick and have the tank taunt off you after that.

Thanks for clarifying!

edit: for you both ;)

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