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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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In this game, DPs are usually regarded as recyclable trash.


If a healer dies, they blame the DPs from not killing ads or the TNK from not taunting them.

If a TNK dies, DPs are blamed for taking aggro and making the fight chaotic or healer for not healing enough.

If DPs dies noone cares, noone res'es him, even if he got absolutely no heals and TNK stayed CiH instead of aggroing boss/mobs.

That's while in a group.

Then there's the fleet thing. TNKs are hardest to find for a group and when found they have some pretty exaggerated demands. Many are very arrogant. Healers are somewhere in-between (they sometimes do get blaimed for other's stupidity) and DPs...well...smallest mistake and they're out of the group, that's if they can get any. 10 seconds late - out of the group, etc.

Basically, at a LFM shout, 9/10 are DPs,


That being said, tactical (slash,shoot & smash) flashpoints are the best thing that ever happened to them. Too bad you can't get more rewards out of them.


Note: Would be nice to have survival flashpoints for TNK groups and rescue FPs for healer groups :D

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This tank, however, kites the boss in a circle around the area. The sage dps doesn't mind, but my boxer scoundrel screams internally.


Only way to make it worse is spinning boss around so timing Back Blast is difficult. Trust me, I get this a lot in tacticals where everyone is at 60.


We almost wipe the next boss as the tank again tunnelvisions the boss ignoring the slugs who lunge at the healer., meaning we dps have to run and clear them.


That's why we are there for. Adds in question aren't even strong difficulty so even one dps is enough to kill them.

Edited by Halinalle
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That's one of the problems with this game. You can't tell when someone's crazy claim is accurate, because a lot of the time it ends up being true.


There shouldn't be any differences between factions, buuuuuut there are, because... Bioware.



It had steadily gotten better since launch, up until 3.0 when a ton of new faction imbalances were added. From what I saw, all of them favored Imperials. Which, as an Imperial player, I would prefer to imbalance favoring the pub side, but what I'd rather have is no imbalance at all.


Since someone brought this up, I'd like to take a moment to point out that the Smuggler had a bunch of bugs that benefitted it as well as bugs that restricted the capabilities of Agents.

In other words, it was the classes that were the primary targets of the streams that work fine.


Bugs include:



Charged Burst hits ~25% harder than Snipe in equal gear levels



Previously mentioned snipe bug

While active, the smugglers luck buff causes contingency charges to auto-crit. This doesn't happen with the sniper equivalent



Prior to a fix, Smugglers Luck would give a 100% crit chance to Wounding Shots, but Laze Target wouldn't do the same for Cull.


On top of that, I have reason to believe that Takedown is bugged and not hitting as hard as it should





Prior to a fix, Brutal Shots would get 2 extra ticks of Sanguinary Shot when used, compared to Corrosive Assault and Toxic Blast.

Edited by TACeMossie
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After getting 5 separate clueless groups through DP when it was in Q last time I got a lot of experience levels on my patience stat. Most wipes (batmans excluded) were of course at the you-suppose-to-kill-the-crystals part of the Cy past-present-future thing.

Some were thankful about it, some not.


Can this game bind sentences ?

Like: pressing a key to say in chat "You suppose to stay there, press that, avoid circle, not do that .." ?


In general, macros are forbidden in this game, although I think noone will care if you have a macro that just puts text into the chat window.


That said, get yourself a) a keyboard that is able to record and play macros, most gaming keyboards can do that or b) some kind of program that is able to record and play macros (ask google).


I have a Roccat Isku myself and I've got a few macros, i.e. a macro for

[ENTER] [sHIFT]7 r c [ENTER]

which will start a ready check by pressing CAPSLOCK + R

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In general, macros are forbidden in this game, although I think noone will care if you have a macro that just puts text into the chat window.


That said, get yourself a) a keyboard that is able to record and play macros, most gaming keyboards can do that or b) some kind of program that is able to record and play macros (ask google).


I have a Roccat Isku myself and I've got a few macros, i.e. a macro for

[ENTER] [sHIFT]7 r c [ENTER]

which will start a ready check by pressing CAPSLOCK + R




Maybe take a look at this

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Nicest thing would be to bind taunts (at least text ones, unfortunately audio ones don't exist).

BH rockets vs player -- "Eat that"

Backstab - "Sticked you"

Asassin stealth kill "Death sets you free"

Commando - "BFG MdFkrs"

And of course - lightning kill - "power....unlimited power"


And just imagine how nice pvp would be if those would be actual audio taunts !

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You can make a macro using the SWTOR oficial Razer mouse and only the oficial driver/software and go against the rules.


Correct, that's the main reason they finally discontinued selling them. What they advertised the mouse allowed you to do was in outright violation of the ToS. They talk about it at length in the thread that was linked above (The devs make the ToS very clear, players point out how the mouse violates them... the developers pretty much say "Then yes, you are not allowed to use those features of the mouse.")

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Not really group finder thing but I guess this is right place for this. Ilum and planned ganking.


I was looking for group for heroic and we got full group quite fast. Since we didn't have tank or healer two of them wanted us to do the heroic in pvp area. Not really a problem for me usually to get flagged but there was two tanks waiting for us at pylon in full pvp gear. How I know that? My Blood Boiler only did 2,5k damage. They both dropped to 50% before they focused me. When I died they were at full hp. After that I waited a bit to get rid of flag but the VG and slinger kept fighting same Sorcerer over and over and over again without doing much damage. When I was about to quit they left and used g word and "noobs". After that I tried to find no pvp group for heroic without any results. So I decided to do two tacticals with good players (different groups).

Edited by Halinalle
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Queue up with my jugg and get a mannan HM pop. I zone in. Merc healer, mara dps and sniper dps


The healer says "doing revan fight", so I decide they will be a while, no point waiting for them to zone in, pull out quinn and me and the 2 dps fight our way through to the first boss, where we then wait for the healer. The sniper had 50k hp so got guarded but the mara had 42k (which is lower than my sniper was when he was 186 un-augmented), so I decided to inspect:

moddable pieces (head, body etc) 186, except mainhand 172

Implants and earpieces 186

relics: level 50 pvp.


Bear in mind this is a level 60 dps, accuracy rating: 0. And it wasnt just that glitch where the box at the bottom says 90% because it doesn't change the values and you have to mouse over to see the rating. They had no accuracy at all. Anyway the healer turns up and, to my unending pleasure and surpirse, doesn't demand guard, I pull the first boss.


Mara comes and attacks the same add as me, which is nice as hopefully my pitiful dps will make up for the clear gear gap in 50k vs 42k. However as soon as I taunt the add the sniper is on, and run over to give it afew hits on the basis the sniper didnt aggro dump after my taunt the mara switches to that add, but I didnt notice. I only notice when 1 add transfers shield while the other is at 82%. As such the first boss is a shambles, and after the first round of no-shield-on-boss the sniper tunnelvisions and, I can only assume, is completely oblivious of the "immune" appearing on his screen in big white letters above the bosses head. I end up spending the last minute or 2 of the fight doing f-all due to his 4-blast knockdown thing and the droids pull cords.


We do the convo, with the mara spamming "skip" in chat like a pr*ck. From here on the mara decides to pull everything. Yeah, granted my tank is only in 186/192 mix and has no set pieces, but I would have thought its still preferable that I pull opposed to a lower geared dps. Still what do I care about their subsequent 3 deaths and associated repair bills. If they want to be massacred and still pull before the tank why should I care?


We get to the bonus. I write:

me: "<sniper name> can you do the 3-add thing?"

*excessively long wait*

mara: "go"

sniper: "what?"

mara: "go"

me: "can you do the thing with popping an add when theres 3 at once, cover roll does it well"

mara: "go"

mara: "go"

mara: "go"

mara: *you get the idea*

me: "have either of you dps done this before?"

healer: (advising dps) "avoid the red circles from adds and dont attack them"

sniper: "no"

mara: "go"

I start typing an explaination when the mara pulls. I move to the side, taunt and do it as its supposed to be done, up until the adds appear....


We all know killing adds is the dps responsiblity, and for once I have found a PUG dps who also knows that...the mara. The first droid appears, the mara leaps to it and it blows up, then the second, killing the mara. The third add starts coming and the sniper, seeing that the mara is dead and deciding to take up the "ill deal with adds" baton shoots the 3rd droid. I kite the boss away from the sniper while the droid closes on him and blows up. Then the 4th add kills the sniper. Me and the healer run back and forward, me popping DCD's whenever 3 enemies appear at once and going to pop 1 of them. Sadly the boss enrages at 32% and we wipe.


me: "If you dont understand the explaination, ask us to explain it again"

mara: "I know it already"

healer: "could have fooled me"

me: "adds turn up, dont hit them and avoid their red circles. This requires running from wall to wall once in a while. Sometimes 3 will come at once spreading across the corridor. 1 dps needs to use a DCD and blow up 1 of those adds to clear a path"

mara: "go already, your so slow"


I pull. It goes well, until 3 adds turn up at once. I am backing my way down the corridor typing "pop an add", "someone pop an add", "throw a dcd and move into their circle". Thats exactly what the sniper does, except the DCD part and the "AN add" bit. He gets up and runs at the middle one, blowing up all 3 at once and dieing instantly. We fight on, with me doing the 3-add bit and the healer healing me through the damage from that and the hard-hitting boss. It enrages at 22% and we wipe.


3rd try the sniper decides to start shooting the adds. We wipe and the healer asks why:

sniper: "I though shooting them would help"

healer: "last time, if we dont get it, skip"

me: "yeah, it does get annoying when we recieve unnecessarily large repair bills after explaining a fight"

healer: "indeed"


The sniper still doesn't blow up the 3-adds bit and the mara is so clueless its pointless asking them to try and we wipe. I write a comment along the lines of "I never realised "pop 1 of the adds when there are 3" is such a complex sentence which needs to be sent to bletchley park and analysed before it can be understood"

healer: "lol"

sniper: "shut up"

healer: "how are you going to learn if we shut up?"

sniper: "oh go cry to mummy"

healer: "grow up, kid"


We go past the bonus and get to ortol. I ask "all know it" while the sniper spreads out onto the other side of the room. Now I know it can be done without having to stack, but damn stacking makes it a snooze-fest. I see the sniper sitting far away from everyone else, write "apparently not" and pull. First round of lightning the sniper doesnt move at all and is killed by the water, while the mara doesn't bother to stand near me and the healer to make the healing easy. The sniper returns to med centre and we complete the fight. Theres some sort of glitch where the door doesn't open after killing ortol and the sniper can get to us or the conversation door. He asks for a kick, so we kick him and requeue.


After the cutscene we get to the pull with the 2 elite droids and the repair one. I jump in, sabre reflect to get an aggro cushion which should provide me ample time to ravage the healer droid before doing some tanking. While I am doing that the mara is beating on 1 of the elite droids. I end up running round, holding aggro quite easily as the mara doesn't do much damage and suggesting to the mara that dps should be attacking the enemy healer (especially 1 as strong as that) first.


After that pull we get a new dps, 50k pt (I haven't seen many dps pt's recently, nice to meet one after so long). I guard this pt dps and in the final pull before the final boss its clear he's on the ball. He doesn't do the old dps "open with aoe" but instead blasts the healer droid with a ton of damage while I grab aggro on all 4 and, because 2 are melee, end up with all 4 bunched up. Then he uses his dfa and move in to melee to dps correctly as a pt).


We get to the final boss and, apart from utterly rediculous comments from the mara of "is the tank going to start tanking any time soon?", a comment that was made after every single kick and taunt/aggro debuff, we beat him easily.


I thank the healer and the pt. Exit and go pay my 36k repair bill, picked up due to the sniper and mara's refusal to pay any attention what-so-ever.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Since someone brought this up, I'd like to take a moment to point out that the Smuggler had a bunch of bugs that benefitted it as well as bugs that restricted the capabilities of Agents.

In other words, it was the classes that were the primary targets of the streams that work fine.


Bugs include:



Charged Burst hits ~25% harder than Snipe in equal gear levels



Previously mentioned snipe bug

While active, the smugglers luck buff causes contingency charges to auto-crit. This doesn't happen with the sniper equivalent



Prior to a fix, Smugglers Luck would give a 100% crit chance to Wounding Shots, but Laze Target wouldn't do the same for Cull.


On top of that, I have reason to believe that Takedown is bugged and not hitting as hard as it should





Prior to a fix, Brutal Shots would get 2 extra ticks of Sanguinary Shot when used, compared to Corrosive Assault and Toxic Blast.


Bioware gets a lot of crap for copy/pasting. It's scary to think they suck at even that.

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I just had one of the worst HM FPs of my whole experience in game... HM Battle of Rishi. I was on my Lightning Sorc, in a mix of 190-192 rating gear, with 186 relics and mostly 178 Willpower augments on everything moddable.

I joined at the Jedi and Sith bosses, which means I was a replacement to begin with. But let's go with order. :)


The team was me on my Lightning Sorc with 49k HP, a Madness Sorc with 50k HP (so I assume in a mix of 190-192-198 rating gear), a Sorc Healer with similar gear to mine but with Power Augments, and a Tank with something around 58k HP. At first I assumed he was geared with top end gear, but in the end, well... Nope. :eek:


I take a moment to realize where we are, then the Tank pulls as soon as I get there. We try and I see the Tank dies.

I place the Healer on my focus target, to see if that's the issue, and I throw my Resurgence on the Tank to help him survive every time I can, from the next attempt. Nope, the Sorc's healing is ok. :confused:

Second attempt we down one of the two bosses, but as everyone knows, if there's two bosses and one dies the other one gets a buff. The Sith kills us fast, as a result, since it was at 38% health - I swapped target to try and keep things even as I noticed one of the two was getting too low too fast, but... :(

Third attempt I keep the Tank on my focus target. Not a single DCD used. And we wipe again. :mad:

Still, after about 1h in queue and the need to finish one last HM FP for the weekly, I'm not going to kick the Tank. Well, not after two attempts, at least.

I offer some hints on what he should be doing, as kindly as I can, but in the end I resolve to compensate. He dies when the two are at 10% health, and I get to tank them both till we down them at 2 secs distance from each other. Apparently, I'm easier to heal than the Tank, or so the Healer says to me in whisper. :cool:

This is where I inspect the Tank and notice he's stacking Endurance, even in Augments. Easy to understand why he had 58k HP... :rolleyes:


Then we get to the final boss, the Walker. We wipe one time because the Tank can't Intercede to me, which considering I'm not being pulled to the boss when he does the radiation wave thing is bad. I pull the Healer and the other Sorc Force Speeds to us, but with the Tank walking the Healer gets to 0 Force pretty fast, and the Tank survives with about 30% health just because both me and the Madness Sorc throw offheals. We wipe. :eek:

Second attempt goes the same, but the Madness Sorc bails out right after. We queue for a replacement. :o


At this point I repair my gear, and I spend 36k credits. I wanted to cry so bad... But nope, I'm a tough man. I resisted. And offered some more advice once again, along the line of "If you Intercede after the boss pulls you, not only you can survive better, but you can also make it easier on us". The Tank promises to Intercede more right as we get a 49k HP Sniper to join us.

We give it a try again, but unlike us, who are all polite and supportive - well, kinda, we hint at what the Tank should do, rather than comment on what he's not doing :p - the Sniper comments on how the Tank is bad at positioning and managing DCDs, after the first wipe. Which is true, mind you. :o

Offences scale up, so I speak to the Healer and get to see why I was a replacement. Apparently, the Tank changed 8 DPS throughout the FP before I came along, because apparently they were all "undergeared".

My mission tooltip says you need 178 rating gear for HM FPs lvl 60, but apparently that's not true anymore... :confused:


Anyways, the Sniper leaves shortly after, and we get a Marauder in moments. One would think the melee DPS would be a problem, but in the end it's a good thing, for she knows her stuff. We try again, this time I pull the Marauder, the Sorc Healer Force Speeds to me and the Jugg Tank actually Intercedes. Once. Second time that radiation waves thing happen the Tank dies, and I'm back to tanking. :rolleyes:

Our Healer keeps me up though, if only barely, but the Marauder uses Bloodthirst and manages to rip aggro off me, so while the Healer is keeping both of us up I BattleRez the Tank. Which has a great timing with resurrecting, he waits for ages and then, as soon as the boss does the cross thing, he respawns and dies to it again.

The Marauder dies shortly after, I pull the Healer out of the cross as she throws a couple heals on me, but she dies to keep me up. :(

The boss now has 13k HP, so I decide to try my best to take it down with me. I (barely :rolleyes:) survive and down it with a well-placed procced Chain Lightning. :cool:


The Marauder and Healer are euphoric that I took it down, and I complement their performance. I don't say how the Tank should try to use something more than his attacks and should gear properly, because apparently "He's in a Progression Guild on our Server and is part of the First Ops Team". Which I usually interpret as "Don't tell me what to do, I won't listen". :p


Anyways, we parted ways without too much trouble, but not before repairing our gear with my Repair Droid... Another 36k credits. Sigh. Total Repair Bill for a single HM FP 60: 72k Credits. Time taken: 2h. Wipes: I lost the count, tbh... :eek:

I have a feeling this is some sort of record, I never spent that much, not even when I was in my Guild's Ops Team as maintank... :confused:


TL;DR: Disastrous HM Battle of Rishi on my Lightning Sorc from the Jedi and Sith bosses onward, with completion of the FP itself.

Healer is good, aswell as the other DPS, which we change a few times, but the Endurance Stacking Tank apparently can't move out of AoEs or Intercede to safety, so he keeps dying and dragging us down with him. In the end each of us packs about 70k credits of repair bills... :(

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My worst GF experience has been 1 particular evening on the Progenitor server about a year ago when I was leveling a copy of my Inquisitor (just to replay the story). The stuff that was going on in Foundry SM that night brought me to the point of laughing through tears. One group after another we were wiping, arguing and disbanding at HK fight. DPS queueing as tanks or healers, everyone running amok, endless repeating of tacs, using stims, anything possible. After 6 or more failed attempts with different groups, at the end of the night the general Foundry chat was buzzing with arguments and overall frustration. I finished only because 1 player from another group, who also went through whole evening of wipes, brought 55 guildie who carried her and me to the end.
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Oh boy. Here we go: One time, during a 2x week (not weekend, week.) I was grinding KDY because I had nothing better to do and I hadn't yet done it to the point where my brains fell out. Anyway, I was tanking on my Guardian, and we had this one sentinel who kept running in and aggroing everything. So the rest of us, in turn, politely asked him to let me tank since he kept dying. So we got to station guardian one's fight, (The one with the different droids on the glass platform.) and he ran in and aggroed while we were still healing up. Luckily, we had a scoundrel healer who realy knew his/her stuff. So he got us back up to full, and we started an incredibly long fight with the droid where he died multiple times. I think he may have forgotten to repair his gear or something, because eventually the healer just stopped healing him altogether. Eventually we beat him, and he ninja looted everything and got the heck out of there. It was okay, because we got some drops from the other bosses, but it still could have been better.
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This one is one where I completely screwed up. Zoned into Blood Hunt HM (post-nerf, but still a little tough) as an operative healer and we go up to first boss. Die the first time (hit enrage timer), come back and beat him second time. Go through it, I keep noticing that healing is really tough (tougher than I expected) but no one dies for the rest of it. Finally, after we beat torch I notice that my HP is sitting at a smooth 38k and realize I never took my pvp gear off! So major props to the other people in the group who managed to survive an idiot operative who did it all in his pvp gear! (p.s. if you see someone under 40k in a HM, its ok to say something. I at least won't be upset).
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My mission tooltip says you need 178 rating gear for HM FPs lvl 60, but apparently that's not true anymore... :confused:


Worst case I've seen. "Stack endurance on healer":

Group in video is different one but it's most likely same Op and see how he has no difficulties.


The boss now has 13k HP, so I decide to try my best to take it down with me. I (barely :rolleyes:) survive and down it with a well-placed procced Chain Lightning. :cool:


TK/Lightning is still awesome. Some people even stop and stare at me and Nadia sometimes. They probably think I'm hacking because I can kill two strongs on Rishi before either of us drop below 80% (I do have heal on my bubble though). No, I'm not CC'ing one, that's cheating.

Edited by Halinalle
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A contrast:


I get a HM mannan pop with my jugg tank, theres sorc healer, sorc dps and shadow dps. I guard shadow. First pull we all do our stuff, goes extremely smoothly until 1 of the sorcs pulls me and dumps my aggro. I suggest that aggro dumping your own tank is a bad idea, neither of the sorcs own up to it but it doesn't happen again.


Everything is smooth, get to first boss. Healer tells us they are new with no prompting at all. We do the fight easily (apart from the rediculous 4-blast knockdown, 1 droid pull cord, 2nd droid pull cord enemy rotation which causes my jugg to spend 80% of his time on the floor or in the air).


We clear trash to the bonus boss. Healer asks for explaination, we explain it and get started. The clensable debuff which turns into an uncleansable 100% damage recieved increase isnt being cleansed, I point it out but the healer doesnt see and I die. They combat res me, I get back up, start tanking and the boss is dead before I get the 100% debuff again.


On ortol I suggest people stack, the healer doesn't but it doesnt cause issues due to where the adds spawn every time (1 near me, I can taunt the other).


Final boss the healer asks for tacts, I just write "this one is a tank-troll, the only healer mechanics are that you will be healing a dps instead of the tank, still with my tanking your probably used to that :p." The sorc dps politely points out I rarely lost aggro except the spread out pull in the room with the console which opens the door, and he never really expects a tank to hold all aggro on that 1.


We complete, add everyone to friends and the healer is proud of their lovely walker mount.


Strange how 1 mission can see to be an impossibility with 1 group, and a snooze-fest with another.

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