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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Yet another arguement on fleet. Long story.


Now my shadow is highish level (51) I finally have a proper rotation with all the DCD's. I carry on my levelling on makeb and, after successfully soloing H2's throughout decide to go for the makeb H2. My 51 shadow with lvl 50 blue comms mods and a healer comp in lvl 50 blue comms stuff makes it through a (I think 52 or 53) H2 with no real issues (apart from that room with the laser floor and 4 consoles but manage in the end).


I feel I have the whole shadow business down well enough to try a fp. I get a pop for D7. Some way into it the healer points out my DCD management. What I had been doing before was popping tkt whenever I had the 3-stack thing regardless of the state of my k-ward and k-bulwark. The healer tells me this isnt the right way to do it and that afew times my ward dropped during my tkt channel. I sort it out and afew pulls later the healer says "much better". I thank him and ask him for any other tips, but he says everything else is ok and will just be a case of practice.



The I get another pop, HM taral. The healer (commando) and dps (sage) are in the same guild, the other dps is a guardian in tank stance with tank gear. The healer (incredibly rudley) tells the guardian to switch to dps or he will be kicked. The guardian switches to sweep-spec and we set off, or at least the other dps, a sage does. Their rotation is quake spam, they force speed between pulls and complain at me for not holding aggro.


I tell them I will not make any effort to grab aggro when someone else pulls, if I happen to rip aggro no problem, but I wont bother constantly switching targets to try to pick up everything. the sage says:

sage: "I only pull what I can solo"

me: "so why does the healer need to spam heal you to ensure you just about survive?"

sage: "because you wont use your aoe taunt, anyway that healer is my friend, and what are friends for?"

me: "carrying useless noobs, obviously"


The healer pops a vote kick on me reason: bye. It doesnt go through and I point out his hipocracy:

me: "so you threaten to kick the guardian for making a mistake but carry the useless sage because you know them?"

healer: "shut up"


We carry on and the sage dies a number of times, along with the healer as the sage pulls but cant hold aggro. I suggest to them either they let me pull or the sage learns a proper rotation and to use their DCD's. I get another kick on me from the healer reason: elitist. It doesn't go through.


At the first boss I notice my hp is dropping low, I die and ask about heals and get told by the healer that they dont heal people who call their guildmates useless. I check the enemies health while the guardian takes over tanking and notice the fight is going wrong. I explain it to the group but too late, the green thing enrages with 87% due to the blokes death and we wipe.


I write "feel free to ask if you dont know the fights"

healer: "oh, like your so pro"

me: "it could save you a repair bill"

healer: "who cares, my repair bill is 100 credits"

me: "wow you must be low geared"

healer: "I have 50m anyway"

me: (check his achievements) "and then you managed to reset your achievements to say you never even reached 1m?"

healer: "shut up"

The healer puts a vote kick on me reason: pr*ck, it fails.


We get to the boss, I explain it with the sage and healer both moaning about how I try and act all pro but am really useless. Once its explained I pull, we beat it and a strength item drops. The guardian needs as do the healer and sage, healer wins. I write "no ninjaing please" the sage replies:

sage: "shut up noob"


I get a vote kick on me from the healer reason: noob. This time it goes through. The guardian writes "f**k this" and quits.


Afew minutes later it seems the sage and commando gave up and come to fleet to complain about how nooby me and the guardian are, stating us by name. I point out that the sage pulled before the tank, chain pulled, ninja looted and the commando ninja looted, had a hideous attitude and refused to heal anyone who suggests he or anyone in his guild may be able to improve.


How can it be that one person (me in this case) seems to do perfectly fine in one group, then is accused of messing up an entire mission in a different group? I also despised the commando's double standards of threatening to kick a person for queuing as dps when tank specced, even though they respecced as soon as asked, yet ignores everything their guild mate does wrong and blames everybody else for not making an effort to carry said guild mate.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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After waiting 3 hours for a GF pop, I was kicked out of HM Mandalorian raiders with my lvl 55 operative in 180 gear after the first boss (the one with the dogs), because:


1. Newb... (the rest of them were 57-59)

2. ...uses rifle instead of knife.... (lethality)

3 ...and pulled the adds all across the room (:rolleyes:)


And here I thought everything went rather smoot till then, at least he (28k level 57 Jugger tank) took the time to tell me what I did wrong before kicking me. :p

Edited by Mubrak
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How is that Bob gets always the worst groups? :confused:


KDY (surprise!)

"Either clueless or trolls"


Scoundrel (me), Shadow, Sentinel and Sage


Run was below average to begin with but the most annoying part was this:

Prison scenario. I mark champion and tell that champion is here. Shadow and Sentinel start running there but Sage decides to solo big group at the back of the room. I go and help Sage. Unfortunately Sentinel and Shadow are already fighting the champion (I assumed Sentinel started it). It's the dual wielder we don't have enough dps to kill it fast enough so we die. Though I managed to keep fight going long enough for it not to reset. I wait for rez but Sentinel after killing champion runs past me and continues. At this point our group breaks up to two smaller teams. I help Shadow to clear lower floor of cell block. Sentinel and Sage are already in next cell block killing and dying. I type "stop soloing". Sage's reply "you talking to me?". We finally manage to get to last boss and it's trooper guy with grenades. Easiest boss fight in KDY. Not with this group though.


We only can clear 1st, 3rd, 5th and so on grenades because Sentinel and Sage always used the other station to clear their grenades. Of course they die a lot too. We defeated the boss. After leaving I get whisper from Shadow thanking me for at least trying to be team player.

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After waiting 3 hours for a GF pop, I was kicked out of HM Mandalorian raiders with my lvl 55 operative in 180 gear after the first boss (the one with the dogs), because:


1. Newb... (the rest of them were 57-59)

2. ...uses rifle instead of knife.... (lethality)

3 ...and pulled the adds all across the room (:rolleyes:)


And here I thought everything went rather smoot till then, at least he (28k level 57 Jugger tank) took the time to tell me what I did wrong before kicking me. :p


Wow. I guess it's the new "kicking a shadow tank because: you can't tank in light armor".

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How can it be that one person (me in this case) seems to do perfectly fine in one group, then is accused of messing up an entire mission in a different group? I also despised the commando's double standards of threatening to kick a person for queuing as dps when tank specced, even though they respecced as soon as asked, yet ignores everything their guild mate does wrong and blames everybody else for not making an effort to carry said guild mate.


This is the first ever MMO I've played and I've only been doing FP's since I reached about lvl 50 on my first character, so about two weeks now and I've been playing for about nine months. But in my experience ( I have really done a lot of FP's since then! hahahaha), it really is just the luck of the draw on group finder. Sometimes you luck out and get really good people, sometimes you don't. By good people I'm talking about the ones that are willing to slow things down and talk you through stuff, that don't ridicule you and know how to laugh at jokes. People who really enhance the game fun ratio.


An example of this type of player is the guy I did the daily FP on CZ - whatever the number is, the other day. I first tried to do it alone, but got my bum handed to me in the worst way, so I put the call out for help and he responded. I was a level 60 Guardian by then, he was a lvl60 Sage, who's name I am sorry to say I can't remember off of the top of my head (I'm at work and have no access to my friends list, otherwise I would tell all, because this guy was totally awesome). I'd started doing the dailies again by that point, he asked where I was, and within seconds of my reply he was helping me out, I think he was already doing them though. He then went out of his way to help me finish, so I'm thinking, "Yeah this is a good start". He then asks if I'm ready, so I say "Crack on". We get to the first boss and just as I'm about to start the pull he says "Stop! Have you done this before?" I say no, so he then goes into "pro-tip" mode, giving me all the little hints and helpful tips, he even has a look at my gear and gives me a few pointers there too, by the time we're through the next two bosses where he had done the same "Pro-tip" routine, I feel like I've been schooled, but in a good way. Not once was he condescending or derogatory, he simply recognized a bit of a noob and helped him as much as he could. In my opinion, it's people like him that make the game a far more enjoyable experience.


Then there's the other crowd, the ones that race ahead leaving you behind, or leaving you to figure things out on your own. the ones that give you endless grief when you clearly don't know what's going on, but never offer to help you out. The ones that hurl abuse or grief at you, or just threaten to kick you if something doesn't go their way or just goes wrong.


An example of this crowd is this guy... He was a Sentinel I think, I was playing my lvl35 Gunslinger, the rest of the group was him, a Trooper(Heals) and another Slinger. This was Cadimemu ( I have no idea how to spell that properly :D). So we start and it's going okay, but then we get to the first boss, we get through him well enough, and he drops a headpiece for strength/endurance. Now forgive me if I'm wrong here, but I was under the impression that anything that drops is fair game and I'm thinking to myself that this piece of kit would be perfect for Bowdarr, so I hit need like everyone else (the other Slinger obviously had the same idea:D). Well, I won that headpiece and the Sentinel went ballistic! This is a guy who had in fact done "F'all" in the fight to begin with, in fact I think the Trooper did more damage than he did, while still healing the rest of us. He then proceeded to launch into a very nasty five minute tirade about how dare I hit need when that kit was clearly meant for him. He says a few more choice words, then quits the group in the middle of another fight leaving the rest of us to mop up and finish the FP 0ne man down.


If the game had less guys like him if would be much better.

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An example of this crowd is this guy... He was a Sentinel I think, I was playing my lvl35 Gunslinger, the rest of the group was him, a Trooper(Heals) and another Slinger. This was Cadimemu ( I have no idea how to spell that properly :D). So we start and it's going okay, but then we get to the first boss, we get through him well enough, and he drops a headpiece for strength/endurance. Now forgive me if I'm wrong here, but I was under the impression that anything that drops is fair game and I'm thinking to myself that this piece of kit would be perfect for Bowdarr, so I hit need like everyone else (the other Slinger obviously had the same idea:D). Well, I won that headpiece and the Sentinel went ballistic! This is a guy who had in fact done "F'all" in the fight to begin with, in fact I think the Trooper did more damage than he did, while still healing the rest of us. He then proceeded to launch into a very nasty five minute tirade about how dare I hit need when that kit was clearly meant for him. He says a few more choice words, then quits the group in the middle of another fight leaving the rest of us to mop up and finish the FP 0ne man down.


If the game had less guys like him if would be much better.


The Sentinels was in his right. You ninja'ed his loot. Gunslinger have no use for Strenght gear. Sentinel's main stat IS Strenght. Gearing comps, alts or vendoring something isn't a valid reason to steal loot from someone who can actually use it. There is a Greed function for that. Not that your whole team was better.


And, considering what you're saying, I don't know if I can trust your judgement about the Sent doing **** all... Sents' animations aren't that visible if you don't know what to look for. Swinging sabers doesn't mean a lot by themselves.

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The Sentinels was in his right. You ninja'ed his loot. Gunslinger have no use for Strenght gear. Sentinel's main stat IS Strenght. Gearing comps, alts or vendoring something isn't a valid reason to steal loot from someone who can actually use it. There is a Greed function for that. Not that your whole team was better.


And, considering what you're saying, I don't know if I can trust your judgement about the Sent doing **** all... Sents' animations aren't that visible if you don't know what to look for. Swinging sabers doesn't mean a lot by themselves.


I'm not sure what my judgement has to do with it, but however. I totally agree with you that swinging sabers around doesn't say much about what he is doing, but pulling before everyone was ready and then standing about 10-15 meters away from the boss just glaring angrily at him sure sends a strong message.


Sadly though, and probably because this has happened to you a lot, you have focused on one small thing I mentioned in your original statement. As I said, I am fairly new to FP's, I am far used to soloing Heroics where I do get all the loot. My mistake, if it can be called that, was to be ignorant of the etiquette involved. His mistake, was to be a total jerk about it, even after I explained to him why I had done what I did.


There is also no stealing involved here either, with the loot mechanic, everyone has the same chance, it's a random dice roll, I cannot manipulate it, if the entire group hits the same button, so there is no possible way I could have stolen anything. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it almost sounds like you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy here.


He could have been a nice guy about it, and had he had a real need for it, I would have gladly traded the item to him, instead he chose to scream and rant at me and verbally abuse me, all because I didn't know there was an etiquette involved. That makes him wrong in this situation, no matter how you slice it. And that was the point I was trying to convey.

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I'm not sure what my judgement has to do with it, but however. I totally agree with you that swinging sabers around doesn't say much about what he is doing, but pulling before everyone was ready and then standing about 10-15 meters away from the boss just glaring angrily at him sure sends a strong message.


Sadly though, and probably because this has happened to you a lot, you have focused on one small thing I mentioned in your original statement. As I said, I am fairly new to FP's, I am far used to soloing Heroics where I do get all the loot. My mistake, if it can be called that, was to be ignorant of the etiquette involved. His mistake, was to be a total jerk about it, even after I explained to him why I had done what I did.


There is also no stealing involved here either, with the loot mechanic, everyone has the same chance, it's a random dice roll, I cannot manipulate it, if the entire group hits the same button, so there is no possible way I could have stolen anything. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it almost sounds like you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy here.


He could have been a nice guy about it, and had he had a real need for it, I would have gladly traded the item to him, instead he chose to scream and rant at me and verbally abuse me, all because I didn't know there was an etiquette involved. That makes him wrong in this situation, no matter how you slice it. And that was the point I was trying to convey.


Sent standing away??? Definately doing nothing ;) And yes, he sounded like an actual ******e.. ANd was probably one.


But you (and the two others on your team) actually stole the loot. All three of you should have chosed '.greed' which would have left only those who can actually use the loot chose 'need'. 'Need' is rolled before 'greed'. So yes, you ninja'ed him.


Considering he was an ******e, and from what you just said, a player with UBER SKILLZZZZZ :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: You made a mistake but he was a ******* ;)

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This is the first ever MMO I've played and I've only been doing FP's since I reached about lvl 50 on my first character, so about two weeks now and I've been playing for about nine months. But in my experience ( I have really done a lot of FP's since then! hahahaha), it really is just the luck of the draw on group finder. Sometimes you luck out and get really good people, sometimes you don't. By good people I'm talking about the ones that are willing to slow things down and talk you through stuff, that don't ridicule you and know how to laugh at jokes. People who really enhance the game fun ratio.


An example of this type of player is the guy I did the daily FP on CZ - whatever the number is, the other day. I first tried to do it alone, but got my bum handed to me in the worst way, so I put the call out for help and he responded. I was a level 60 Guardian by then, he was a lvl60 Sage, who's name I am sorry to say I can't remember off of the top of my head (I'm at work and have no access to my friends list, otherwise I would tell all, because this guy was totally awesome). I'd started doing the dailies again by that point, he asked where I was, and within seconds of my reply he was helping me out, I think he was already doing them though. He then went out of his way to help me finish, so I'm thinking, "Yeah this is a good start". He then asks if I'm ready, so I say "Crack on". We get to the first boss and just as I'm about to start the pull he says "Stop! Have you done this before?" I say no, so he then goes into "pro-tip" mode, giving me all the little hints and helpful tips, he even has a look at my gear and gives me a few pointers there too, by the time we're through the next two bosses where he had done the same "Pro-tip" routine, I feel like I've been schooled, but in a good way. Not once was he condescending or derogatory, he simply recognized a bit of a noob and helped him as much as he could. In my opinion, it's people like him that make the game a far more enjoyable experience.


Then there's the other crowd, the ones that race ahead leaving you behind, or leaving you to figure things out on your own. the ones that give you endless grief when you clearly don't know what's going on, but never offer to help you out. The ones that hurl abuse or grief at you, or just threaten to kick you if something doesn't go their way or just goes wrong.


An example of this crowd is this guy... He was a Sentinel I think, I was playing my lvl35 Gunslinger, the rest of the group was him, a Trooper(Heals) and another Slinger. This was Cadimemu ( I have no idea how to spell that properly :D). So we start and it's going okay, but then we get to the first boss, we get through him well enough, and he drops a headpiece for strength/endurance. Now forgive me if I'm wrong here, but I was under the impression that anything that drops is fair game and I'm thinking to myself that this piece of kit would be perfect for Bowdarr, so I hit need like everyone else (the other Slinger obviously had the same idea:D). Well, I won that headpiece and the Sentinel went ballistic! This is a guy who had in fact done "F'all" in the fight to begin with, in fact I think the Trooper did more damage than he did, while still healing the rest of us. He then proceeded to launch into a very nasty five minute tirade about how dare I hit need when that kit was clearly meant for him. He says a few more choice words, then quits the group in the middle of another fight leaving the rest of us to mop up and finish the FP 0ne man down.


If the game had less guys like him if would be much better.


If this was thru group finder, then considering the flashpoint you were doing, Cademimu, he was not a sentinel, but most likely a guardian; and since you described the 2 dps both being gunslingers and the healer a trooper, making him a commando, I would assume this jedi knight was the tank, making him like I said, a Guardian. So if he wasnt doing much damage then it wouldnt be surprising since he was a tank. Also a general rule of thumb is if anyone in the group can use it then they should get it rather then your companions. If you wouldve said hey can I need for companion first, then not as big of a deal or if he was a shadow or a vanguard then have had it since no one in the grp would have a mainstat of strength at that point.

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I'm not sure what my judgement has to do with it, but however. I totally agree with you that swinging sabers around doesn't say much about what he is doing, but pulling before everyone was ready and then standing about 10-15 meters away from the boss just glaring angrily at him sure sends a strong message.


Sadly though, and probably because this has happened to you a lot, you have focused on one small thing I mentioned in your original statement. As I said, I am fairly new to FP's, I am far used to soloing Heroics where I do get all the loot. My mistake, if it can be called that, was to be ignorant of the etiquette involved. His mistake, was to be a total jerk about it, even after I explained to him why I had done what I did.


There is also no stealing involved here either, with the loot mechanic, everyone has the same chance, it's a random dice roll, I cannot manipulate it, if the entire group hits the same button, so there is no possible way I could have stolen anything. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it almost sounds like you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy here.


He could have been a nice guy about it, and had he had a real need for it, I would have gladly traded the item to him, instead he chose to scream and rant at me and verbally abuse me, all because I didn't know there was an etiquette involved. That makes him wrong in this situation, no matter how you slice it. And that was the point I was trying to convey.




Since you're new, here are the general rules when rolling on items that drop in a Flashpoint:

  1. If the item that drops has your mainstat, you're free to roll "Need" on it. Go for it, even if it is for a companion.
  2. If the item does not have your mainstat on it but you have a companion that can use it, do the following:

    1. See if the player (or players) who can use it clicks "Need" on it (you can see that message appear in the chat window). If they do, just click "Greed" or pass on the loot by closing the loot window.
    2. If the player who can use it didn't "Need" on it, ask in /party "can I need this for my companion?". If noone opposes you, click "Need". If someone objects, click "Greed" and take your chances.


As stated, these are the "general rules", and they will normally ensure drama-free runs :).

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I have to side with the guardian with this. Tanking is the hardest job in the game since you're literally asking to take a beating and NOT die.


Stealing loot from tanks is kinda mean, and the fact that you called him out as a sent means you weren't just woefully ignorant of class, but role as well.


Also, again in his defense, you have no idea of his circumstances. As a tank, maybe he had a few FP's already, but nothing tank-related dropped. He ran a few times, and finally, he gets a tank pieces, only to have a group filled with jerks take it without warning.


In any case, you were in the wrong, so I can honestly say I can't drum up any sympathy for you.

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I have to side with the guardian with this. Tanking is the hardest job in the game since you're literally asking to take a beating and NOT die.


Stealing loot from tanks is kinda mean, and the fact that you called him out as a sent means you weren't just woefully ignorant of class, but role as well.


Also, again in his defense, you have no idea of his circumstances. As a tank, maybe he had a few FP's already, but nothing tank-related dropped. He ran a few times, and finally, he gets a tank pieces, only to have a group filled with jerks take it without warning.


In any case, you were in the wrong, so I can honestly say I can't drum up any sympathy for you.


I would have put you on ignore, kicked you from the Group and gotten another Group member if I was the tank.


One does NOT ninja without repercussions. You never roll Need for Companions, only greed.

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How can it be that one person (me in this case) seems to do perfectly fine in one group, then is accused of messing up an entire mission in a different group? I also despised the commando's double standards of threatening to kick a person for queuing as dps when tank specced, even though they respecced as soon as asked, yet ignores everything their guild mate does wrong and blames everybody else for not making an effort to carry said guild mate.


Maybe you might have done something very, very bad in a previous life to earn such horrid treatment from the Fates in this one? :confused:


Seriously, where do you find these people?


I've said before that I've been relatively lucky during multiple-XP events, in that I tend not to run into too many egregious bads during, and that if I do get them, then it's usually after they're over. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, though.


I think I may have found one such in my first-ever Vanguard's recent run of [sTORY] Maelstrom Prison.


I was DPSing in Tactics spec (such marvellous nuky-nuky fun-tiem nao!), and the other DPS was a Commando.


At first I thought he was a Vang too, because he had a rifle, but as we moved along, I heard the instantly-identifiable sound effect that says "Grav Round" on a few of the weenies we were otherwise butchering.


The weenies that we three --Tank, off-DPS from healer and me-- were butchering. Aside from the self-same very occasional GravRounds, and even more very occasional Mortar Volley, this Mando did nothing --through the whole damned instance, bosses, bonus, and all-- but spam the basic attack. Almost nothing else.


We made it through eventually with a couple deaths --tank was having RL aggro courtesy of a crying kid, or so he said-- but man, it took flippin' forever :(


Ugh, it always genuinely pains me to see either mirror of one of my two all-time favourite ACs/specs played that badly...especially by the time you're closing on level 40 --even with 2XP, you're supposed to know better by that point.


Aren't you?

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Maybe you might have done something very, very bad in a previous life to earn such horrid treatment from the Fates in this one? :confused:


Seriously, where do you find these people?


I've said before that I've been relatively lucky during multiple-XP events, in that I tend not to run into too many egregious bads during, and that if I do get them, then it's usually after they're over. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, though.


I think I may have found one such in my first-ever Vanguard's recent run of [sTORY] Maelstrom Prison.


I was DPSing in Tactics spec (such marvellous nuky-nuky fun-tiem nao!), and the other DPS was a Commando.


At first I thought he was a Vang too, because he had a rifle, but as we moved along, I heard the instantly-identifiable sound effect that says "Grav Round" on a few of the weenies we were otherwise butchering.


The weenies that we three --Tank, off-DPS from healer and me-- were butchering. Aside from the self-same very occasional GravRounds, and even more very occasional Mortar Volley, this Mando did nothing --through the whole damned instance, bosses, bonus, and all-- but spam the basic attack. Almost nothing else.


We made it through eventually with a couple deaths --tank was having RL aggro courtesy of a crying kid, or so he said-- but man, it took flippin' forever :(


Ugh, it always genuinely pains me to see either mirror of one of my two all-time favourite ACs/specs played that badly...especially by the time you're closing on level 40 --even with 2XP, you're supposed to know better by that point.


Aren't you?


I've seen level 60s who don't have their cleanse or interrupt bound. The guy told us he was opening his Skill window and clicking it during HM Lost Island.

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Back in the early days, before the Black Hole (pre-1.2), I seem to recall running NiM EV in full Columi (rating 136) gear and having no trouble with the council. People these days...such wimps sometimes.


Back than my supercasual guild had no issues with the council. At least not to kill stuff on time. The only harder part for was to kill them around the same time since the dps difference was rather large. Cute people at times.


Anyways. Just want to share another story here.

Yesterday I did a Bloodhunt SM run on my pugsloveHP mando. The pop got 1 tank, 1 dps and 2 healers. I was specced healer at time so when I noticed there was an other healer in the group I typed 'sec, will respec to DPS, have 2 healers is tad to much'. The other 3 people didn't wait up for me and by the time I managed to respec inludiing utilities they were attacking the 1st boss.

I didnt mind that at all and though they wanted to speedrun the content.


After we killed the 1st boss I strapped on my rocketboots and went off speedrunning. The other 3 people were most of the time about 20-30 meters behind me. Since I thought we wanted to speedrun it I didnt waited for the tank to pull (he didnt waited for me either which should indicate he doesn't mind).

After we cleared the 2nd challenge I got a votekick against me, no reason given. I asked in chat what the reason was, no response at all. I whispered the person who initiated the kick but again no response. Whispered him again but by that time he had put me ignore :rak_02:. I whispered another person in the group and after a short time he reported back that it was because I wasn't a teamplayer and pulling all the mobs. He didn't agrreed with the kick himself he said.


So .... yes, pulling before the tank pulls might be annoying for the tank although I don't mind it myself if people do that. But regardless ..... I don't get it why people can be that asocial to kick instantly instead of being civil and ask if I could wait for him to pull.

Especially since he didn't wait for me either which can also be considered 'not a teamplayer' :D


Anyways, next fp popped fast with a nice group of people where I could help some guy out with advice. So I guess I should be thankfull of the kick :p

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Anyways. Just want to share another story here.

Yesterday I did a Bloodhunt SM run on my pugsloveHP mando. The pop got 1 tank, 1 dps and 2 healers. I was specced healer at time so when I noticed there was an other healer in the group I typed 'sec, will respec to DPS, have 2 healers is tad to much'. The other 3 people didn't wait up for me and by the time I managed to respec inludiing utilities they were attacking the 1st boss.

I didnt mind that at all and though they wanted to speedrun the content.


After we killed the 1st boss I strapped on my rocketboots and went off speedrunning. The other 3 people were most of the time about 20-30 meters behind me. Since I thought we wanted to speedrun it I didnt waited for the tank to pull (he didnt waited for me either which should indicate he doesn't mind).

After we cleared the 2nd challenge I got a votekick against me, no reason given. I asked in chat what the reason was, no response at all. I whispered the person who initiated the kick but again no response. Whispered him again but by that time he had put me ignore :rak_02:. I whispered another person in the group and after a short time he reported back that it was because I wasn't a teamplayer and pulling all the mobs. He didn't agrreed with the kick himself he said.


So .... yes, pulling before the tank pulls might be annoying for the tank although I don't mind it myself if people do that. But regardless ..... I don't get it why people can be that asocial to kick instantly instead of being civil and ask if I could wait for him to pull.

Especially since he didn't wait for me either which can also be considered 'not a teamplayer' :D


Anyways, next fp popped fast with a nice group of people where I could help some guy out with advice. So I guess I should be thankfull of the kick :p


Yep. I have been vote kicked for no reason before, or for stupid reasons like that. Infact, I was vote kicked once because I was telling the people to use their interrupt on a boss that you were supposed to interrupt. (what a concept) They said I was "trolling". Apparently it is trolling to do game mechanics now. :rolleyes:


Another time we asked the Sorc dps to please heal (at least a little) since he was the only one who COULD heal at all because it was 2 Jugg tanks and I was a sniper. He flat out refused, he wouldn't even bubble us. :rolleyes: WOULDNT EVEN BUBBLE. That freakin amazed me. Both tanks kept dying and I finally left. Afterwards me and the two tanks grouped up ourselves and got a healer, then re-qued and did it easy. Had that Sorc done some healing and bubbling it would have gone fine, but he wanted to be a selfish ***** which ended up wasting ALL of our time. People like that have NO UNDERSTANDING of teamwork and helping out. Self centered players who are playing a multiplayer game. I am always doing offheals and bubbles on my Sage/Sorc in Ops if things get hairy and a healer goes down. I couldn't count the amount of times I have kept the tank up myself as dps when a healer went down and we finished the boss. THAT is teamwork.


People just want to speed through everything and expect everyone else to just catch up or die, then they complain if you die. :rolleyes: It is why I never do FP anymore without guildies, when I ever do FP anymore, which is rare. Pug FP just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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KDY (in progress)

I zone in and have no UI. Only quest tracker and minimap. I try to reset UI with CTRL+/U+U. Nothing. I try to exit area but they keep pulling enemies constantly so I can't exit. I finally get back to Tatooine. UI still gone. I hear sound of vote kick and hit Alt+F4. I log in. Not anymore in group but at least Ui works.

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Like I said, "New to these things", so since I'm feeling a little put upon here, I will respond to each in turn...


If this was thru group finder, then considering the flashpoint you were doing, Cademimu, he was not a sentinel, but most likely a guardian; and since you described the 2 dps both being gunslingers and the healer a trooper, making him a commando, I would assume this jedi knight was the tank, making him like I said, a Guardian. So if he wasnt doing much damage then it wouldnt be surprising since he was a tank. Also a general rule of thumb is if anyone in the group can use it then they should get it rather then your companions. If you wouldve said hey can I need for companion first, then not as big of a deal or if he was a shadow or a vanguard then have had it since no one in the grp would have a mainstat of strength at that point.


If memory serves, he was listed as damage, not tank, because forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think I was there. Also, and forgive me if I'm wrong here again, but I'm pretty sure that wielding two lightsabers makes him a Sentinel, but by all means let me know how a guardian can do this, I'm sure my lvl60 Guardian would look awesome with two sabers :p On the last point you made, I was made aware of that later and have done so since.


I would have put you on ignore, kicked you from the Group and gotten another Group member if I was the tank.


One does NOT ninja without repercussions. You never roll Need for Companions, only greed.


Yes thank you, that was very constructive. You are the sole reason why people cue up to play these kinds of games and why FP's are always so fun.


I have to side with the guardian with this. Tanking is the hardest job in the game since you're literally asking to take a beating and NOT die.


Stealing loot from tanks is kinda mean, and the fact that you called him out as a sent means you weren't just woefully ignorant of class, but role as well.


Also, again in his defense, you have no idea of his circumstances. As a tank, maybe he had a few FP's already, but nothing tank-related dropped. He ran a few times, and finally, he gets a tank pieces, only to have a group filled with jerks take it without warning.


In any case, you were in the wrong, so I can honestly say I can't drum up any sympathy for you.


I was trying to be "diplomatic" in my original post, when I said "I think" but it appears the "Brain-Trust" is out in force today. You would think, that if anyone paid attention to my signature, that I would actually know the difference. However, I guess that's the thing about wearing blinders while soap-boxing over someone else's wild assumptions, it gives one a very narrow view. In any case, maybe you're right and he was just having a bad day, that is still no excuse for his childish behaviour.




Since you're new, here are the general rules when rolling on items that drop in a Flashpoint:

  1. If the item that drops has your mainstat, you're free to roll "Need" on it. Go for it, even if it is for a companion.
  2. If the item does not have your mainstat on it but you have a companion that can use it, do the following:

    1. See if the player (or players) who can use it clicks "Need" on it (you can see that message appear in the chat window). If they do, just click "Greed" or pass on the loot by closing the loot window.
    2. If the player who can use it didn't "Need" on it, ask in /party "can I need this for my companion?". If noone opposes you, click "Need". If someone objects, click "Greed" and take your chances.


As stated, these are the "general rules", and they will normally ensure drama-free runs :).


I thank you for this, it's nice that someone actually took the time to explain, rather than just vilify me. This was in fact, explained to me later in brief over chat, but thank you for the in-depth explanation. And to be fair, I have already had some "laser guided karma" on this topic, because the same thing happened to me twice a day later, even after I had purposely passed on everything except the one thing I actually did need for myself on both occasions.


Now I freely admit, that ignorance is no excuse. However, I would like to point out, that not everyone is 100% from the moment they start. Especially for those of us new to MMO's in general. There are no manuals for these things, it is up to the community to educate. And by educate, I mean educate, not vilify, kick and or insult. Not everybody knows what you know. That's the thing about expectations though, because people are or behave in a certain way, they expect or think that everyone will do the same. Sadly, that is just not the case.


What also intrigues me a little, was that no one took the time to congratulate, let alone mention, the guy in my first story. This disappoints me greatly, because he should have had a mention Nope, it was all about how I stole something, while completely forgetting about the fact that this is a post about telling stories of weird people met through Group Finder. I must have have not seen the part in the OP's post about how the minutest parts of each story needed to be picked apart and analyzed.

Edited by Trevallian
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I am always doing offheals and bubbles on my Sage/Sorc


it annoys me when I am on my sorc healer and some sorc dps decides to bubble. My bubble lasts 30 seconds with a 20 second debuff. Theres is somewhat the opposite to that if I recall correctly on dps, the deionised takes 25 or 30 seconds.


And even more annoying sorc dps who bubble my sorc healer. Clearly they dont realise if I bubble myself I get a hot healing me 2% per second for the duration, which is 30 seconds. Thats 60% hp at the force cost of one bubble and maintaining a bubble on my sorc healer pretty much means I can ignore any damage I get as it will be healed within afew seconds automatically.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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it annoys me when I am on my sorc healer and some sorc dps decides to bubble. My bubble lasts 30 seconds with a 20 second debuff. Theres is somewhat the opposite to that if I recall correctly.


And even more annoying sorc dps who bubble my sorc healer. Clearly they dont realise if I bubble myself I get a hot healing me 2% per second for the duration, which is 30 seconds. Thats 60% hp at the force cost of one bubble and maintaining a bubble on my sorc healer pretty much means I can ignore any damage I get as it will be healed within afew seconds automatically.


It's also almost free for healers.

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Okay, in turn then.


If memory serves, he was listed as damage, not tank, because forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think I was there. Also, and forgive me if I'm wrong here again, but I'm pretty sure that wielding two lightsabers makes him a Sentinel, but by all means let me know how a guardian can do this, I'm sure my lvl60 Guardian would look awesome with two sabers :p On the last point you made, I was made aware of that later and have done so since.


You said you played for 9 months and did a LOT of FP's, so by now, either you know everything there is to know, or know nothing. Either way, it's reflected badly on you.


Group finder for FP's ALWAYS puts a tank, a heal, and 2 DPS. A sentinel CANNOT queue as a tank. Ever. A gunslinger CANNOT queue as a tank. Ever. A commando CANNOT queue as a tank. Ever.


You said you had TWO gunslingers (including yourself), a "sent", and a trooper "healer" (AKA commando). So... where's the damn tank?


QED: The sent was actually a guardian tank, which means your memory did not serve you. We weren't there, true, but there's something wrong with the math here. You need to either be more accurate with your story or get your facts right.



Yes thank you, that was very constructive. You are the sole reason why people cue up to play these kinds of games and why FP's are always so fun.




I was trying to be "diplomatic" in my original post, when I said "I think" but it appears the "Brain-Trust" is out in force today. You would think, that if anyone paid attention to my signature, that I would actually know the difference. However, I guess that's the thing about wearing blinders while soap-boxing over someone else's wild assumptions, it gives one a very narrow view. In any case, maybe you're right and he was just having a bad day, that is still no excuse for his childish behaviour.


You're calling a guy childish after you stole his stuff and now posted it here thinking we'd actually agree with you. Some might, sure. But the blame still goes to the ninja looters that don't make the game any more fun. Ninja looting is bad, period. Doesn't matter what the other guy's reaction is.


I thank you for this, it's nice that someone actually took the time to explain, rather than just vilify me. This was in fact, explained to me later in brief over chat, but thank you for the in-depth explanation. And to be fair, I have already had some "laser guided karma" on this topic, because the same thing happened to me twice a day later, even after I had purposely passed on everything except the one thing I actually did need for myself on both occasions.


Now I freely admit, that ignorance is no excuse. However, I would like to point out, that not everyone is 100% from the moment they start. Especially for those of us new to MMO's in general. There are no manuals for these things, it is up to the community to educate. And by educate, I mean educate, not vilify, kick and or insult. Not everybody knows what you know. That's the thing about expectations though, because people are or behave in a certain way, they expect or think that everyone will do the same. Sadly, that is just not the case.


What also intrigues me a little, was that no one took the time to congratulate, let alone mention, the guy in my first story. This disappoints me greatly, because he should have had a mention Nope, it was all about how I stole something, while completely forgetting about the fact that this is a post about telling stories of weird people met through Group Finder. I must have have not seen the part in the OP's post about how the minutest parts of each story needed to be picked apart and analyzed.


And at least you know... after nine months of FPing. And this IS about the weird people you meet in GF. The thing is, in your case, it wasn't the "childish" tantrum of the "tank", but the ninja looting you and the other slinger did. So technically, the weird one is you.


About 5 pages ago, a guy got roasted because he was a shadow DPS queuing up as a tank for faster pops and then posted it here thinking he was in the right when his group slammed him for it.

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Hi guys just an adition to the above posts


Maybe it was a tac fp not a normal one


Also gf seems buggy to me several times i used it lately


My guardian tank shows as a sentinel in the pop up and even says im dmg

This also does the same for sents they show up as tank guardians


Am i the only one that has noticed that? Im on ToFN server

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