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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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So I literally just tried Cademimu with my Focus Guardian. She's doing DPS( technically she CAN tank, but she's not THE tank; currently I'm divided on whether or not to queue her and my Infiltration Shadow as tank ever again), another Guardian DPS, a Shadow tank, and a Commando healer. By the time I get to Cademimu, the Shadow has left the group. The other Guardian summons Treek, and we head for the first trash mob. Wipe, because of minimal healing from Treek and no healing from the commando. We manage to BS our way through the first few mobs, although the commando is only healing when our health gets extremely low. I politely ask the other Guardian to requeue us and we are joined by a Vanguard doing damage a few minutes later. So the other Guardian( who was Vigilance) is now tanking. Trash goes fine, though the healing is horrible, and we reach the officer. I think it was the other Guardian who asked about the fight. I said, "If the droid wants to arrest you, RUN."


Commando says, "Kill the bot."


So basically I'm the only one really fighting the officer, and with getting no healing, I die. We're reaching the Wookiee boss. I die due to no healing yet again, but no wipe.


Now, I admit, I used to be a **** poor healer with my mercenary before I stopped myself and started looking at the stuff she could do. And I can be a bit shaky in new flashpoints, though I try to read guides and watch videos to get a good idea for what to expect. But when my mercenary did Cademimu for the first time, I said it was my first time there and asked for advice and got it. Granted, I was lucky to have another healer specced mercenary in the PUG, but I can admit problems and other things. I don't know if the commando had never done Cademimu before or was just an idiot, but almost literally all he did was DPS, with a little healing in between.


We wiped four times on Ortol. The Vanguard initially blamed us Guardians for standing under the rockets, which was partially true, but the commando kept doing damage to Ortol. The Vanguard left the final wipe and I said before I quit, "This wouldn't happen if we didn't have such a poor healer."

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So I literally just tried Cademimu with my Focus Guardian. She's doing DPS( technically she CAN tank, but she's not THE tank; currently I'm divided on whether or not to queue her and my Infiltration Shadow as tank ever again), another Guardian DPS, a Shadow tank, and a Commando healer. By the time I get to Cademimu, the Shadow has left the group. The other Guardian summons Treek, and we head for the first trash mob. Wipe, because of minimal healing from Treek and no healing from the commando. We manage to BS our way through the first few mobs, although the commando is only healing when our health gets extremely low. I politely ask the other Guardian to requeue us and we are joined by a Vanguard doing damage a few minutes later. So the other Guardian( who was Vigilance) is now tanking. Trash goes fine, though the healing is horrible, and we reach the officer. I think it was the other Guardian who asked about the fight. I said, "If the droid wants to arrest you, RUN."


Oh, sweet irony. Stating that your dps spec guardian and shadow can perform as tanks then complaining that the vanguard that queued as a tank is dps, then that the person who ends up tanking is dps. Then proceeding to get annoyed at a dps who queued as a healer yet still wondering "whether or not to queue my guardian and shadow as tanks".

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So I literally just tried Cademimu with my Focus Guardian. She's doing DPS( technically she CAN tank, but she's not THE tank; currently I'm divided on whether or not to queue her and my Infiltration Shadow as tank ever again),


In the interest of NOT being the weird person in the group, I would recommend never queuing them as tank again (either of them) unless you have respecced into the tanking tree and equipped a shield in your offhand.


You're wrong about one thing--a DPS Guardian can't effectively tank. Don't queue a DPS Guardian as a tank, please. Same goes for DPS Shadow.


Commando says, "Kill the bot."


So basically I'm the only one really fighting the officer, and with getting no healing, I die. We're reaching the Wookiee boss. I die due to no healing yet again, but no wipe.


The Commando wanted everyone to follow HM tactics, but instead you followed SM tactics. "Kill the bot" does not mean that you should focus on killing the officer.

Edited by Fidelicatessen
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We wiped four times on Ortol. The Vanguard initially blamed us Guardians for standing under the rockets, which was partially true, but the commando kept doing damage to Ortol. The Vanguard left the final wipe and I said before I quit, "This wouldn't happen if we didn't have such a poor healer."


so you didn't move out of the flames and then blamed healer when you died? I wouldn't heal someone like that either.

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so you didn't move out of the flames and then blamed healer when you died? I wouldn't heal someone like that either.


We started following the Vanguard who decided to tank Ortol. It's not my fault my computer likes to freeze and drag in battle.

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Oh, sweet irony. Stating that your dps spec guardian and shadow can perform as tanks then complaining that the vanguard that queued as a tank is dps, then that the person who ends up tanking is dps. Then proceeding to get annoyed at a dps who queued as a healer yet still wondering "whether or not to queue my guardian and shadow as tanks".


I don't think I made myself clear. The Commando clearly WAS a healer. He did ZERO healing. He was dealing damage, then putting random kolto probes on us occasionally.


Sorry, I was tired. Also, I'm still new to this whole gaming deal.

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We started following the Vanguard who decided to tank Ortol. It's not my fault my computer likes to freeze and drag in battle.


It's your fault your computer freeze. Time to fix it.

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Worst had to be the commando in Esseles who Needed on all the gear EXCEPT the moddable assault cannon that dropped at the end and the trooper chest piece. His gear was a hodge-podge mix of Cunning, Strength, and Willpower; not a single Aim stat anywhere - even in his rifle.


He actually got pissed at us for practically ordering him to hand the unmodded Guardian boots and gloves he Needed on over to my Guardian, who had also hit Need on them, stating that he'd already equipped them.


And the moment he won the Need on the Sentinel's tunic, he stripped the mods which bound it to him.


Yeah, we ended up /ignoring him.

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I don't think I made myself clear. The Commando clearly WAS a healer. He did ZERO healing. He was dealing damage, then putting random kolto probes on us occasionally.


Sorry, I was tired. Also, I'm still new to this whole gaming deal.


Perhaps the healer was annoyed at being group with a tank who isnt a tank and 2 dps who dont follow fight mechanics.


Tbh if I feel my healer is being used to carry a group I often do a half-assed job.


You had a tank drop, then the new tank was a dps, so one of the dps tried (and likely failed) to tank, probably resulting in the healer facetanking. You ignored instructions on the first boss fight, then ignored mechanics on the final boss and thats the healers fault? All the while you go on about how well dps's can tank. I give credit to that healer for putting up with the group and the blame which they probably didnt deserve.

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Perhaps the healer was annoyed at being group with a tank who isnt a tank and 2 dps who dont follow fight mechanics.


Tbh if I feel my healer is being used to carry a group I often do a half-assed job.


You had a tank drop, then the new tank was a dps, so one of the dps tried (and likely failed) to tank, probably resulting in the healer facetanking. You ignored instructions on the first boss fight, then ignored mechanics on the final boss and thats the healers fault? All the while you go on about how well dps's can tank. I give credit to that healer for putting up with the group and the blame which they probably didnt deserve.


Now, now...I'm sure a player of your experience knows perfectly well:


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Korriban HM (I still don't know where the hard part is...)

Weird: me


I spent ~2 hours in queue on my undergeared Marauder but it finally pops. We say Hellos and I also mention that I'm new to this version. Tank(?) says that he will explain everything. We kill first boss easily. Bonus boss goes down easily. I take quite a lot of damage in second boss (those circles really hurt). We get to last boss. Fight looks easy and then I get stunned. But droid goes down and I get to do my job again. As soon as I see purple circle under me I ran out of it like an idiot (later I heard that it only places HoT on allies so staying there is useless). When boss is at very low HP I start to tunnelvision boss. Boss goes down and I wonder what happened: second dps(?) was dead and healer(?) stunned. Not perfect run from me but that was my first time there. I didn't get any loot so I guess "I got what I deserve".

Edited by Halinalle
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Back into the swing of levelling FPs today, on my Focus Guardian. I started a Taral V at lvl 37 and ended it at 38. Team was a Guardian Tank at 32 - actually a Tank, mind you :eek: - Sage Healer at 31, Commando DPS at 36. Kind of a weird run, but to make it right I'll have to write it all. Long post ahead. :D


So, first things first.

The Tank guarded the Healer right away, so I spent the whole FP facetanking pretty much everything - 5 lvls difference are not to be underestimated, I guess. I did suggest him to move guard to me, but to no avail, even after I explained threat management. Oh well, good thing Guardians are somewhat bulky at that level... :rolleyes:

Second thing, the Commando DPS was in Combat Support Cell - healer stance, pretty much. I thought it was healer speeced, so I didn't say anything, but kept him focus targeted so I could see procs and other things. I saw nothing. :confused:


But, let us proceed with the story. Our Tank was extremely thorough, so much in fact that we went with bonus objectives right away. We pretty much cleared all animals before the first boss, then took care of it.

I let our Tank charge in first and build some aggro, then jump to one of the beasts and Force Sweep. All 3 enemies turn to me, boss included. The Tank takes the boss back. I tank the two beasts focusing one, so the other at a point goes to attack our Commando. I wait a few seconds to see if the Tank notices, or if the Commando will threat drop. Nope. The Commando gets very low, so I taunt the beast off as I kill the other one. We kill the second beast, with the boss at about 50% health, then take care of the guy too.


We proceed again, clearing all beasts, then start destroying Imperials, after the bonus objective updates. As we arrive to the first encampment, the Tank decides to clear the buildings, so we start going inside and killing stuff. This is when I notice our Sage Healer has Needed on green drops. As I go and see the previous rolls - including a pair of Aim Gloves that dropped from the first boss - I notice he Needed everything, and won everything since we all Greeded most of the times... I ask him to stop, to no avail. The other two are not too bothered, apparently, and my gear is better anyway. But I bet the Commando had a better use for the gloves. We proceed with this Sage Needing everything that drops.

Then we attack the second boss, the guy with the large beast. The three take care of the guy, I take care of the beast, on my own. I don't get heals, so I have to use my DCds pretty much as if I was tanking... And I actually down my target before the three down the boss! :eek:


We go on again, clearing the remaining buildings, and manage to get the bonus objective updated again. So we return to the buildings to get the consoles from them. As we arrive to the bridge and pass it, I notice we left maybe 5-6 enemies back alive throughout hte whole FP. This is going to be a nearly clearing run. Good for me, as I notice I'm getting really close to levelling up. :p


As we proceed, I notice the Sage keeps pulling ahead of the Tank with Forcequake. The Tank is swift at jumping in, but of course agro is everywhere but on him at that point. I peel of the Commando relentlessly, but only save the Healer if I see the risk of a wipe, since he keeps Needing on everything regardless of my remarks. :o


As we enter the second encampment, the Tank attacks the enemies to the left, but forgets about hte 3-4 standards that spawn as you pass the gate. They go for hte Sage, and I notice he simply ignores them. As I'm moving to intercept them, he starts running around aimlessly, pulling another mob. And another. At this point we have a Tank at half health clearing a mob with the Commando, a Healer kiting 2 mobs and me downing the last one. I get to save the Healer, with the Tank arriving and trying his best to gain aggro, and right after that mob goes down the Tank asks me to not pull ahead of him. To which I respond it wasn't my intention, but I had to save the Healer.


We exchange some whispers in which I explain him what happened, and he agrees to keep an eye on the Sage from now on. As we go on a little more, the Sage pulls about 4 times on 5 mobs, and hte Tank is forced to work hard to get aggro back. I help too, because I can survive those standards with little trouble anyway.

We finally arrive to the doctor boss with kolto tanks that spawn beasts, and the Tank decides to skip it to finish the console objective before pulling it. :confused:

After that part is done he returns all the way back and pulls the boss, with me and hte Commando nowhere close to it, of course! :eek:

We charge in with haste, since the boss already spawned all adds and the Tank is going down fast, and manage to get the job done. Healer has 1% Force, Tank 1% health, after using Enure. A nice Strength Lightsaber drops. Tank Needs it. Sage Needs it. We DPS Greed on it. Sage wins it, Tank says he will kick the Healer if he rolls Need on another item that is not for him. I guess ninjalooting is fine unless it prevents you from getting gear you want. Oh, well... :rolleyes:


We go on and a pair of green Cunning pants drops. Sage Needs it. Tank tries a kick, it goes through while I explain Need and Greed. Sage disappears. We proceed with the Commando's Elara. And she actually heals me better than the Sage, maybe due to the fact it doesn't make favoritisms with Tank/DPS. :D

We arrive to the bonus boss and actually get it down with little trouble, though nobody moves out of the red circle except me... Trust me, only a companion can heal people through it. ;)


Then, in a moment we take down the big droid. Again, everybody but me eats the satellite strikes, and the Tank can't hold aggro off me - still no guard, and even though I asked for it 3 times I don't want to go at it again after almost 1h in there. :eek:

Here is when the Commando admits he's not Healer speeced - we queued for a replacement just now, and I pointed out he was in healer stance. He's Assault Specialist. In Combat Support Cell. :confused:

I give him a few pointers, but he doesn't know how to spend utility points. The Tank wants to go on, so I offer the Commando to explain him after the final boss. He accepts. :)


We clear the base and get to the final boss. Here I actually started loving my two jumps, because while hte other two focused hte boss I made short work of adds. :cool:

Boss goes down, we watch the final cutscene. Our Tank Guardian thanks us for hte run and leaves in a moment.


Me and the Commando stay in and I explain him how to pick utilities, what do they do and so on. I also give him a few pointers on his rotation, while I'm at it. He absorbs knowledge like a sponge and thanks me because I took a moment to help him. After a few minutes of explanations we part ways, and I proceed with my levelling - finishing Alderaan at lvl 38 is a breeze. :p

A few minutes later, he sent me a whisper thanking me for the pointers, saying he killed things much faster now, and that he also found himself harder to kill. I love when new players act like him, I have to say. :)


TL;DR: Taral V SM run on my Focus Guardian with a Guardian Tank, a Commando DPS in healing cell and a Sage Healer that ninjaed pretty much everything.

The Sage got kicked at about 60% of the run, after we cleared pretty much everything to that point.

The Commando was actually not a healer but a DPS. A new player that took some pointers nicely. :cool:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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So, I guess I have to post this, though I still don't believe it actually happened (or rather, I can't shake the feeling this was someone paying tribute to this thread).


Athiss SM, pretty bad group (I'm sure, though I didn't check, that all the others had an achievement score or aprox. 100), we died a few times from trash, boss fights ended with everyone on their last legs, sucessfull mainly thanks to my level 24 Smuggler Heal-Tank-DPS'ing). :confused:


However what impressed me most was the Shadow, achievement score 115, but subbed and wearing a legacy republic pilot outfit (so he was subbed at beginning of GSF too, that's the reason I imagine it's a project, not a real player). Said outfit was not sullied by anything like armorings, enhancements or modifications of course. He did have a willpower lightsaber, even if it was of the single bladed variety, and a willpower focus.


His rotation on the bossfight consisted mainly of project and telekinetic throw with the occasional force lift thrown in (on CD more or less), no melee attacks.


Somehow we killed the prophet (everyone affected died from soulrend except me) and a double bladed lightsaber and a Willpower chest drops...i win both with greed rolls.


It takes me 5 minutes or so to persuade him to take both pieces and put them on.


I see him 10 minutes later while on another toon, he is still wearing the Willpower chestpiece but has a single bladed lightsaber equipped.


I did give him a few pieces of advice just in case, but am feeling too trolled to take it further...


Anyone want to own up?

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So, I guess I have to post this, though I still don't believe it actually happened (or rather, I can't shake the feeling this was someone paying tribute to this thread).


Athiss SM, pretty bad group (I'm sure, though I didn't check, that all the others had an achievement score or aprox. 100), we died a few times from trash, boss fights ended with everyone on their last legs, sucessfull mainly thanks to my level 24 Smuggler Heal-Tank-DPS'ing). :confused:


However what impressed me most was the Shadow, achievement score 115, but subbed and wearing a legacy republic pilot outfit (so he was subbed at beginning of GSF too, that's the reason I imagine it's a project, not a real player). Said outfit was not sullied by anything like armorings, enhancements or modifications of course. He did have a willpower lightsaber, even if it was of the single bladed variety, and a willpower focus.


His rotation on the bossfight consisted mainly of project and telekinetic throw with the occasional force lift thrown in (on CD more or less), no melee attacks.


Somehow we killed the prophet (everyone affected died from soulrend except me) and a double bladed lightsaber and a Willpower chest drops...i win both with greed rolls.


It takes me 5 minutes or so to persuade him to take both pieces and put them on.


I see him 10 minutes later while on another toon, he is still wearing the Willpower chestpiece but has a single bladed lightsaber equipped.


I did give him a few pieces of advice just in case, but am feeling too trolled to take it further...


Anyone want to own up?


Just to add to this. I was on oricon with my sniper capping off my rep (I had the penultimate rank but didnt bother capping as I got what I wanted from the rep vendor, dye shematic).


A level 56 sent on oricon. They used 1 lightsabre and had 14k hp. I go past him with my 51k sniper and (as its ToFN) he decides to try some open world pvp with me. I entrench, pop laze target and start casting a lovely ambush, waiting for the beautiful auto-crit 26k damage. 2.5 seconds later I am rewarded with the sight of this poor sent dropping to the floor.


I switch to "say" chat and write "mate, put an offhand on, farm some comms on low level planets and get to 172 and dont start fights you cant win". I re-mount and carry on my merry way.

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I was on fleet and started getting really annoying whispers from random players telling me "you're mainstat is way too low compared to endurance", "your undergeared" etc.


GF pops and it's Blood Hunt TFP.

I say "Hello" and that according to other players "I'm undergeared" and they can kick me if they choose so. We down the first boss without issues and they say "Are you joking?", "Your accuracy could be higher but otherwise it's very good". Seriously?

Edited by Halinalle
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I was on fleet and started getting really annoying whispers from random players telling me "you're mainstat is way too low compared to endurance", "your undergeared" etc.


GF pops and it's Blood Hunt TFP.

I say "Hello" and that according to other players "I'm undergeared" and they can kick me if they choose so. We down the first boss without issues and they say "Are you joking?", "Your accuracy could be higher but otherwise it's very good". Seriously?


The ppl on the fleet think about ops and min/maxing.

The ppl in TFPs think about clearing an FP without wipes.

Both are right. You may be well geared in a TFP and still far from having 'good' gear.

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I agree to that.


I said on fleet already: "I don't have access to unlettered 186 mods."

Only one of my Cybertechs who has reached 500 can only craft A mods (Bs too but those aren't for Sentinels/Marauders).


Yes, that would be DP/DF NiM. Can't get to group when I'm "undergeared".

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Running HM Mando Raiders for Weekly in my 60 Sawbones Scoundrel this evening. Get stuck in a group with one DPS that's fairly good. One DPS with crazy damage but continues to jump ahead, and a Tank that can't hold aggro. I've got a headache and am tired. Doesn't take a prophet to know something bad's about to go down.


First battles: I note the Tank doesn't take much damage. The bad DPS does. Bad DPS continues to rush ahead of the group. Impatiently wants to grind for Comms or something, I don't know?


First boss: I run around the room face-tanking a great deal of hate from the dogs. Well, that's par for the course for that FP and I've gotten used to it.


In the intermediary, the tank decides to do full clear and never says anything. DPS asks why we are clearing the room. Bad DPS has moved far ahead of the rest of us and is near death several times, but manages to survive for some reason.


Bad DPS continues to push ahead. We start rushing. All jump down the elevator, I fall to my death to the amusement of the DPS. Alright. I'll give, it was kind of funny, but I'm cranky at this point and am not having any fun.


Then comes the final boss...


Final boss is bugged and all turrets open up simultaneously. Tank cannot hold aggro, good DPS dies immediately. Bad DPS jumps to next platform to continue fighting the main baddy--out of range of my heals at this point, as I'm still with Tank who decides to focus down the remaining turrets one-at-a-time on the platform I am on. Tank loses all aggro and I begin face-tanking several turrets at once. I stick with Tank because I'm paradoxically more sick of that DPS than I am the Tank at this point. I don't know why...also, his shield does help with some of my damage. (As was stated, most tanks still guard the healer instead of a DPS...)


I get a second to breathe and select the dead DPS at my feet. I battle-res good DPS just as he clicks out and begins running back--but in the chaos, I do not realize he hasn't accepted the battle-res. Bad DPS dies under the boss/turret damage he was tanking across the room. Room turret aggro on me. I begin furiously face-tanking HM FP incoming DPS. Headache pounding. Irritation rising. Then the bad DPS (we'll call him DPS1) starts chatting...every two or three seconds, he starts spamming for battle res, while I'm across the room keeping myself alive. Tank continues to battle a single turret.


DPS1: "You got a battle res (my name). Bres me buddy. lol"


I start losing to the turret DPS and leave the room. Some breathing time to reply in chat and figure out what the hayo is going on...


ME: "I used battle res on (other DPS)."

DPS2: "No you didn't. Lol"


I see DPS2 is running from Area Start Point back. Tank has finally regained room aggro. And then is about to die.


At this point, I'm getting frustrated.


In the end, I leave tank to die (he wasn't doing anything anyway), and b-res bad DPS while face-tanking the room. Boss is finally beaten. I place tank and bad DPS on ignore after some comments about how it was "Interesting lol". I was in a crummy mood, and to be honest, feel a little bad about my behavior. But sheesh...can't we get people to play by the rules just once instead of expecting the healer to make up for other peoples' terrible play styles?

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Final boss is bugged and all turrets open up simultaneously. Tank cannot hold aggro, good DPS dies immediately. Bad DPS jumps to next platform to continue fighting the main baddy--out of range of my heals at this point, as I'm still with Tank who decides to focus down the remaining turrets one-at-a-time on the platform I am on. Tank loses all aggro and I begin face-tanking several turrets at once. I stick with Tank because I'm paradoxically more sick of that DPS than I am the Tank at this point. I don't know why...also, his shield does help with some of my damage. (As was stated, most tanks still guard the healer instead of a DPS...)


Last time I was there the boss died on first platform while both dps was on first set of turrets causing all other turrets to spawn. We had Merc healer who just ran behind us spam healing himself while we focused turrets one by one. Yes, it looked funny.

Edited by Halinalle
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Running HM Mando Raiders for Weekly in my 60 Sawbones Scoundrel this evening. Get stuck in a group with one DPS that's fairly good. One DPS with crazy damage but continues to jump ahead, and a Tank that can't hold aggro. I've got a headache and am tired. Doesn't take a prophet to know something bad's about to go down.


First battles: I note the Tank doesn't take much damage. The bad DPS does. Bad DPS continues to rush ahead of the group. Impatiently wants to grind for Comms or something, I don't know?


First boss: I run around the room face-tanking a great deal of hate from the dogs. Well, that's par for the course for that FP and I've gotten used to it.


In the intermediary, the tank decides to do full clear and never says anything. DPS asks why we are clearing the room. Bad DPS has moved far ahead of the rest of us and is near death several times, but manages to survive for some reason.


Bad DPS continues to push ahead. We start rushing. All jump down the elevator, I fall to my death to the amusement of the DPS. Alright. I'll give, it was kind of funny, but I'm cranky at this point and am not having any fun.


Then comes the final boss...


Final boss is bugged and all turrets open up simultaneously. Tank cannot hold aggro, good DPS dies immediately. Bad DPS jumps to next platform to continue fighting the main baddy--out of range of my heals at this point, as I'm still with Tank who decides to focus down the remaining turrets one-at-a-time on the platform I am on. Tank loses all aggro and I begin face-tanking several turrets at once. I stick with Tank because I'm paradoxically more sick of that DPS than I am the Tank at this point. I don't know why...also, his shield does help with some of my damage. (As was stated, most tanks still guard the healer instead of a DPS...)


I get a second to breathe and select the dead DPS at my feet. I battle-res good DPS just as he clicks out and begins running back--but in the chaos, I do not realize he hasn't accepted the battle-res. Bad DPS dies under the boss/turret damage he was tanking across the room. Room turret aggro on me. I begin furiously face-tanking HM FP incoming DPS. Headache pounding. Irritation rising. Then the bad DPS (we'll call him DPS1) starts chatting...every two or three seconds, he starts spamming for battle res, while I'm across the room keeping myself alive. Tank continues to battle a single turret.


DPS1: "You got a battle res (my name). Bres me buddy. lol"


I start losing to the turret DPS and leave the room. Some breathing time to reply in chat and figure out what the hayo is going on...


ME: "I used battle res on (other DPS)."

DPS2: "No you didn't. Lol"


I see DPS2 is running from Area Start Point back. Tank has finally regained room aggro. And then is about to die.


At this point, I'm getting frustrated.


In the end, I leave tank to die (he wasn't doing anything anyway), and b-res bad DPS while face-tanking the room. Boss is finally beaten. I place tank and bad DPS on ignore after some comments about how it was "Interesting lol". I was in a crummy mood, and to be honest, feel a little bad about my behavior. But sheesh...can't we get people to play by the rules just once instead of expecting the healer to make up for other peoples' terrible play styles?




An out and out rant about how 60's behave in 55's

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Last night I'm on my Vanguard tank, and I get a GF pop for HM Rakata with a DPS Guardian, Sent, and Sage Healer. Zone in, guard the better geared DPS (don't remember which), and we start to roll out. Sage starts asking for guard. I ignore through the first couple mobs, and the Sage asks again.



Me: You don't need it.

Sage: Neither do the DPS so why guard them?


/Facepalm. I ignore (not /ignore) him and we move on. In the handful of mobs before the Rancor, Sage takes a little bit of damage. You'd think one of two things happened here: a) the world was literally ending for the Sage or b) I'd just shot his puppy in front of him. He starts oozing sarcasm in chat about how "Ooooh, guess I don't need guard" and "Don't blame me when the heals start getting weak because I have to take care of myself..." Asks for guard again right before rancor, and I tell him no, if he doesn't like it, he can leave.


Sage: "Lol no I'll put up with your pore tactics."


We start to fight the rancor, Rakata-man jumps down, and I'm watching the DPSs' health drop. The root debuff is literally double stacking on them. Somehow the fight glitches, and right as they kill Rakata-man, the fight resets and we start all over with the Rancor. At this point they've been beat down too badly for this to work, and the roots start appearing again. They burn alive, we wipe, and res.


Me: You know healer's cleanse clears the root, right?

Sage: Ya, but that reset messed up my cooldowns.


I'm suspicious, but I can kinda see this. Kinda. Okay not really. Then the DPS says something telling in defense of the Sage:


DPS: Oh yeah, he was pulling us out of the fire.


At this point, I'm convinced the Sage thinks his friendly pull is his cleanse, and that's why his "cooldowns" were "messed up." We try again, and sure as hell, the roots start appearing, and stacking on the DPS. Suddenly the healer DCs, and we wipe. One DPS quits and we kick the healer. Get two new teammates within minutes, finish the FP without any further issues (aside from that gad damned Wookiee).


I've started seeing a LOT of 192 geared players who have no idea what mechanics are. Sage was one of them. It's crazy frustrating. I'm not the greatest player in the world, my last attempt at HM DF with another guild was downright embarrassing for me. But I learned.

Edited by Jimfa
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seeing as I now have most of my toons at 60, all except my shadow and scoundrel, and I hate my scoundrel, I decided to level up my shadow.


I log on, queue up for all available fp's (cad and taral V). I get a pop for taral.


Group is my shadow tank, a sage healer, sent dps and guardian dps. I look at hp and guard the sent. We set off, getting the bonus on the way. Get to the first proper pull, that side boss of the imp guy with 2 creatures.


I feel quite confident with my shadow tanking and so get started and things are going well, then the guardian gets aggro so I start hitting the enemy trying to get aggro back but cant out-aggro a dps 2 levels lower than me (embarassing). In the end the enemy dies before I get aggro back and then I move to the next creature and lose aggro again and it makes a b-line for the guardian. I taunt back and we complete the pull.


I was abit worried about my play, wondering why I was struggling with aggro. I havent played my shadow in a while but I remembered it being easy. We carry on and on every pull the guardian is tunnel-visioning strong to weak and ripping aggro constantly. I take a look at whats going on and feel abit stupid for not noticing before.


What had happened was when I saw the sents gear, clicked him and clicked my guard, assuming that was job done, all sorted. Now that I look at the buff bars I see that the sent isn't guarded, I target him and click guard again but it doesn't work. I investigate abit more and see that the guardian is in soresu, guarding me (the tank). I ask him about it but get no answer so I just switch it off, pop guard on sent and ask him to use a dps stance. Instead he pulls the boss, I go in and get aggro at which point the guardian taunts.


Afterwards I ask the guardian about it again but they don't say anything so I move my guard to him and we set off.


Get to the bonus boss and the guardian ignores all mechanics and dies in the force storm and the healer stops healing (tbh he was rubbish, but taral is easy enough that he could get us through). We complete the pull and go to the next boss when the sent dps starts ranting about the healer being rubbish. As soon as I pull the droid boss the healer dc's, the timing is suspicious and I feel they probably alt + f4 due to the sents comments. The guardian doesnt move out of the red circles at all and with no heals we wipe. The sent they starts typing things like "healer heal, your not dps" I point out the healer dc'ed. The sent uses their doc, I spent the rest of the mission asking the guardian if they would like to switch off soresu and start dpsing properly (without taunts) and get fed up so whisper the sent to dismiss healer comp, let the guardian die then kick them. We then complete with me, him and doc.



Another taral V run, my shadow tank, sent dps, sage dps and commando healer. I guard the sent and the healer writes "guard me"

me: "its on dps"

healer: "im the healer"

me: "I know"

healer: "so guard me"

me: "no"

healer: "no??"

healer: "are you a tank??"

me: "yes"

healer: "do you play tanks?"

me: "yes"

healer: "so guard the healer"

me: "no"

healer: "tanks always guard the healer"

me: "I know alot of clueless tanks do that, I prefer to tank properly"

healer: "I need guard"

me: "no"

(me and both dps are now stood by the side boss with the 2 creatures and the healer is still stood by the ship)

sent: "dont worry about it, this is easy lets just go"

healer: "fine, but when I die I will quit"

(the healer comes to us, I pull the boss, I get no heals and die, then aggro is everywhere and group wipes)

healer: "see, guard me"

me: "are you a healer?"

we get back to the boss, start again and my hp gets to 10% and the sent writes "healer heal or your kicked" and he starts healing, we complete the fight with me holding all the aggro constantly.


Throughout the entire mission I check hp after every pull, apart from unavoidable damage issues (like standing in the bonus boss storm, for example) the healer completes all but 3 pulls with 100%, those 3 he finishes with 98%.


However this does not prevent him complaining about aggro and crap tanks who dont guard properly and how he has to carry people. The fact that he never gets hit just acts to piss him off even more and he starts to threaten to stop healing unless he gets a guard but they are empty threats. We complete the mission and at the end I write:

me: "<healer name> was the aggro ok for you?"

healer: "learn to tank noob"

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me: "its on dps"

healer: "im the healer"

me: "I know"

healer: "so guard me"

me: "no"

healer: "no??"

healer: "are you a tank??"

me: "yes"

healer: "do you play tanks?"

me: "yes"

healer: "so guard the healer"

me: "no"

healer: "tanks always guard the healer"

me: "I know alot of clueless tanks do that, I prefer to tank properly"


Yeah and this lack of knowledge how tanking and threat mechanics works is quite common because it is not explained in game nor can be easily guessed (especially for people playing MMOs for the first time).

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Yeah and this lack of knowledge how tanking and threat mechanics works is quite common because it is not explained in game nor can be easily guessed (especially for people playing MMOs for the first time).


You are right about "threat" but, to be honest, not when it comes to Guard and its misuse. The tooltip for Guard explains how it works. Unfortunately, way to many people don't read the tooltip properly. :(

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