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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Yes, but all good Marauders need high Willpower though, cause it's needed for your Force abilities... you're a Sith. Duh.


(I'm joking of course, but god the number of times I've had players call me noob for trying to tell them not to stack willpower unless they are a consular/inquisitor... yes, I'm a noob... the player that's been playing since beta when you DID need to have two stats (Str/Will for force users, , Aim/Cunning for non-force users) and it was crazy complicated trying to figure out just hte right mix of str and willpower... until they simplfied it... but yep... I'm the noob... stack the willpower on the marauder, stack it good!)


Don't forget Presence.


After all, the Sith are fated to lead, and you can't be a good leader without presence!

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Don't forget Presence.


After all, the Sith are fated to lead, and you can't be a good leader without presence!


....actually, if you get a high enough presence you can make your toon do a little dance while sending your dps companion to attack mobs.


Not that I've done that... certainly not while playing music from Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Tape Vol 1 or anything...

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It's been a while ago, but wasn't able to post here yet till now. And I was the wierd one here, but not sure if anyone noticed..


Just turned 50 on my rDPS Assault Spec and wanted to do SM Directive7, so I turned on the GF.. It looked odd to me somewhat but didn't look in to it much. Turned off everything in the FP section and went in to the queue.


Did a little read up on Directive7 but no visuals. So GF popped and I zoned in, telling I was new to the FP (expecting it to be Directive7). No response. So we started and all was rather chaotic with the first pull and got a death there (me). 2nd pull we wiped twice as the healer couldn't keep the tank alive, or the tank couldn't keep aggro (I even pulled a mob) anyway they went after eachother in chat and the group went poof, leaving me there with the counter going.

Then back at fleet I realised I had a new quest for Kaon under Siege and I was like wut? I didn't queue for that.


Back to GF it was and then I noticed the new group for HM's all still on and I did a facepalm there and then laughed how absurd it was that I was in there and not been noticed..(I think)

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Just met this guy in kdy. I don't know how to describe him except with "weird".


So all of us 3 zoned in after kdy popped, while a sage remained on Alderaan, saying that "get the cure, I'm ruined". I was completely lost. So it took him about 3min to zone in, he wasn't in combat either, since his health or force wasn't changing.


The first thing he did after zoning into kdy was saying "Help. I'm ruined. Caused perverted." ...I was like "what:eek::. One dps asked what ruined him, but he kept repeating the above words while we 3 fought all the mobs. I decided that if he wouldnt contribute to the group and still insist talking nonsense, I'd vote to kick him. He barely attacked. Then when we were busy killing the 2 Sith lords and their commando, the sage stood still for 2min and spoke again:


"A control bug forced me to cause perverted, with it 5 millions americans caused perverted."


Yeah i took a screenshot of the quote, since it's too profound for me to understand.


Now we finished the first map, and proceeded to the elevator. He spoke up again, and that was the last straw.


"brb shower"


He! took! shower! during! a! fp!!!


Should I thank him that he still knew to click the button first? So we moved on to the next map and I initiated a vote to kick. The sage was removed from the group immediately. We all lol'ed. It turned out that another dps and I initiated vote to kick at the same time. The 3rd dps added that she had met the said sage before, who was repeating the same nonsense back to their first encounter,



A guy in kdy did nothing but repeating that "I'm ruined. I'm caused pervert. A control bug forced me to cause perverted, with it 5 millions americans caused perverted.", then decide to afk since he needed shower.

Edited by Relgustik
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In regards to the Mara with cunning/willpower, I can kind of see how it could happen. If a player started with Dragon Age and played a two weapon fighting rogue, you'd use some willpower to increase your stamina pool so you can make more special attacks and cunning increases damage. You could get used to that, then go to another Bioware game and assume it uses stats the same way. I admit a person really should notice that the stats work differently, but how many people have jumped into a new game without reading all the directions first?
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I did that "Flame"-FP on Rishi for the very first time in a group. Not HM. I really had no idea how much geared one must be for it. My Sage's gear (damage oriented) consists primarily of 178 value parts.


Well, we wiped 5 times.

4 times, and one additional time (see below).


And the FP is buggy as hell ! Being defeated and respawned, my char stood behind the door of that arena (the mandalorean couple battling us) meanwhile the battle was still on. After the last wipe, there, one of both jumped to my char RIGHT THROUGH THE DOOR !

Standing BEHIND the door, I also got red AOE circles from one of both Mandaloreans.


After 4 of our 5 wipes, 2 group members left. We got an replacement with 2 group members who were apparingly much more familiar with this FP. We wiped one more time, and then we brought the whole FP to an end.


Our problems in the first group composition were manifold :

- no Trooper, no Smuggler

- no dedicated Healer

- one astonishingly squishy Jedi ( I think he was an dd ) despite having 192 value gear

- me being the only ranged DD

- me being knoecked off the platform too many times - I still have no real idea when this happens. I later found out that it is better to be in the middle of the platform, although this doesn't always help.


Now, despite having made it, I'm still clueless on what I did wrong. And why I had so much aggro. I was attacked quite a lot of times.

I should have reduced aggro, but I didn't remember how to do that, then, because I hardly ever used this ability in story play ( and story play is most I do ).

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Our problems in the first group composition were manifold :

- no Trooper, no Smuggler This is not an issue.

- no dedicated Healer It's a tactical FP--this is not an issue.

- one astonishingly squishy Jedi ( I think he was an dd ) despite having 192 value gear This is not an issue. He may very well have been squishy, but what DD isn't?

- me being the only ranged DD This is not an issue.

- me being knoecked off the platform too many times - I still have no real idea when this happens. I later found out that it is better to be in the middle of the platform, although this doesn't always help. If you don't follow mechanics, things will go bad for you--this is the ONE reason you wiped repeatedly. I'll bet the other people in the original group also got knocked off the platform a lot because they weren't staying in the middle.


Tac FPs can be completed (easily) without a healer or a tank, but if you ignore some mechanics, you'll never make it past certain bosses.

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That fight requires paying attention to what's going on.

- Healer isn't required but if you have good one then it's almost impossible to die in that fight as long as you respect mechanics.

- Even as ranged stay in middle ring, only move out of it when you get red circles.

- When you have to go to kolto station pay attention to knockbacks: when was the last knockback? is next knockback coming soon? Try to run to kolto station only after knockback not just before it because you will most likely die.

Edited by Halinalle
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Since its such a hot topic recently, ill talk about my first character in an mmo ever: my marauder. While I didnt have the fancy cartel gear with cunning/willpower mods, I did have gear. And boy, levelling 1-30 without the help of experienced mmo friends I had makes my cringe now that I look back on it. When I started playing again, I had a high amount of cunning on my toon, and since Vette wore medium armor a high amount of strength gear on cause id just take my old gear after I upgraded and put it on her (funny that I had the right stats just on the wrong characters). After my friends started playing with me, they taught me about modable gear and what my stats should be.

Thats not it though. I was also a carnage marauder. In juyo form. And my rotation entirely consisted of slash, vicious slash occasionally, deadly saber throw, and the rare ravage. They quickly started talking about their rotations and I soon learned that you need to use certain abilities based on your skill tree :eek: so I reevaluated my tree, noticed ataru form, popped that sucker on and figured out the best rotation I could. Even now, I say my marauder was my first toon ever but in all honesty I count my powertech as the first because she was the first I levelled correctly, knowing my role, rotation, and gearing priority.

I am super glad that I didnt know about group content then or else I might have made it onto this thread :p the point is when I see some guys lile that I sympathize now and try to help them the best I can because I would still be like that if I hadnt gotten help:rolleyes:

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LMAO! I nearly fell off my chair when I saw this. It's right up there at the top of the "you must be joking" quotes.


Reminds me of "brb. Gotta go get butter"


sigh.....I love this thread!


Oh yeah I remember that one, that "gem" unfortunately has disappeared amongst the 615 pages in this thread.


Since its such a hot topic recently, ill talk about my first character in an mmo ever: my marauder. While I didnt have the fancy cartel gear with cunning/willpower mods, I did have gear. And boy, levelling 1-30 without the help of experienced mmo friends I had makes my cringe now that I look back on it. When I started playing again, I had a high amount of cunning on my toon, and since Vette wore medium armor a high amount of strength gear on cause id just take my old gear after I upgraded and put it on her (funny that I had the right stats just on the wrong characters). After my friends started playing with me, they taught me about modable gear and what my stats should be.

Thats not it though. I was also a carnage marauder. In juyo form. And my rotation entirely consisted of slash, vicious slash occasionally, deadly saber throw, and the rare ravage. They quickly started talking about their rotations and I soon learned that you need to use certain abilities based on your skill tree :eek: so I reevaluated my tree, noticed ataru form, popped that sucker on and figured out the best rotation I could. Even now, I say my marauder was my first toon ever but in all honesty I count my powertech as the first because she was the first I levelled correctly, knowing my role, rotation, and gearing priority.

I am super glad that I didnt know about group content then or else I might have made it onto this thread :p the point is when I see some guys lile that I sympathize now and try to help them the best I can because I would still be like that if I hadnt gotten help:rolleyes:


I won't go into stupid mistakes I made when I first started since this is not really thread for it but I must have started about 4-5 characters to about level 24ish before binning them and starting again between wrong gear and stupid decisions (oh and not really knowing what a PvP server was when I started and prior to character transfers having to start again on another PvE server).

Edited by Jedi_riches
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A guy in kdy did nothing but repeating that "I'm ruined. I'm caused pervert. A control bug forced me to cause perverted, with it 5 millions americans caused perverted.", then decide to afk since he needed shower.


Beyond epic.


Closest i can relate to this is from another game. We were running the ISD instance in SWG, and one of our healers, types in chat, "brb, need a haircut". We thought he was joking, but sure enough, he went afk, roughly thirty mins later, he types in chat, "all done", something along those lines. He made it back just in time to get credit, as we were on the last boss. We had run with him numerous times before, or we would have kicked him.


Never did find out if he actually did go for a haircut, we were all just in awe at the audacity.

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A guy in kdy did nothing but repeating that "I'm ruined. I'm caused pervert. A control bug forced me to cause perverted, with it 5 millions americans caused perverted.", then decide to afk since he needed shower.


Still better than my "sorry, I ma nub" every time I get hit even once as dps.

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Reminds me of "brb. Gotta go get butter"


Ah ! Yes ! I remember that ! :D A true classic ! :D


- When you have to go to kolto station pay attention to knockbacks: when was the last knockback? is next knockback coming soon? Try to run to kolto station only after knockback not just before it because you will most likely die.


Good point. I was indeed hit several times when I was not too far away from the Kolto station.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I am super glad that I didnt know about group content then or else I might have made it onto this thread :p the point is when I see some guys lile that I sympathize now and try to help them the best I can because I would still be like that if I hadnt gotten help:rolleyes:


Probably not, its not being new that gets people on this thread. Tts being new and, when told that they are (for example pointing out cunning is no use for a mara) throwing a tantrum and ranting about how pro they are and they have been playing for years.


I'll add my 2 pence to this "what I did when I was new" thing


SWTOR was my first trinity/ability-buying MMO, previously I had played runescape but thats nothing like this, along with Devil may cry series (mainly 3 & 4) and quite alot of Rome: total war.


First thing I did was look at the classes and decide sniper sounds cool (I had images in my head of sitting 200m away from an enemy and head-shotting them, too much SOCOM). I made my agent, got to fleet and couldnt grab an advanced class. I assumed that was because I was f2p so went and subbed (having only played a day or 2).


I got back to fleet and still couldn't get an advanced class so ran round clicking everything, eventually I got lucky and made myself into a sniper. I went to DK and....just the usual


Every time I leveled up I would go to the trainer and buy all the upgrades, then carry on. I was level 14, grouped with an overlevelled sniper (high 20's) helping me with H4 friends of old. While running across the bridge there he throws the enemies off with a cover pulse, I ask how he did that. He explained I should have it by now, I can buy it from the trainer. I told him I had brought everything at the trainer.


He got out a holo-trainer, I opened it up and told him it was empty, I had brought everything. He asked if I had seen the tabs at the left. Thats when I notice the "imperial agent" tab and, seperately, the "sniper tab". Ofc I click sniper and buy all those, then thank the guy.


I was level 14 before I noticed the advanced class skills, and even then that was because I was told, who know what level I would be before seeing that if it hadnt been for that guy.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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A few more encounters I remembered in the meantime:

  • Another KDY run, my introduction to sage-tanking:
    We get two healers and two dps, with my long-abandoned sage (dusted off and risen to 53 for and with the Gree event) in the latter group. This was before I discovered this thread, so I don't think of checking anyone's health or gear and we just start smashing. I've only recently discovered the nice procs things like Force Speed apply (didn't bother reading the discipline path after the upgrade since I didn't really plan to play the char), but I manage a somewhat effective and efficient rotation. Most of the trash just drops within seconds, but the rest doesn't seem to like that at all and starts shooting. A lot. My static barrier melts, my health starts dropping, then a cloud of green flytext appears above my head and I'm nearing full health again. Hmm, nice. :D
    I'm not exactly sure how, but we manage to plough through both scenarios and the boss in about the same amount of time it usually takes. I keep aggroing almost everything that doesn't die quickly enough, but keep getting healed expertly and I don't remember any deaths, let alone wipes, at all.
    So after the initial "Argh, I'm tanking! :eek:" this run developed into "Wow, sage-tanking! :)" and ended up being a lot of fun.
  • "Group finder will automatically match you with a balanced group." (or however that in-game help text is worded)
    CZ Core Meltdown Tactical. 1 dps. 3 healers.
    Two of the healers (sorc and op, if I remember correctly) zone in first, assassin dps (me) joins after that, last healer is still somewhere else. We proceed to clear some trash and while I'm falling behind (regenerating, chatting in guild chat, I don't quite remember...), the two healers run ahead to the duneclaw and start the fight -- which of course locks the doors.
    Cue an "oops, sorry..." from the healer who pulled. Might as well see how that goes, so I remind them to kite the beast to the green generator and let them have at it. Sandstorm starts, sandstorm stops. So they at least got that right. Still, while the sandstorm can hit me outside the locked habitat, the kolto stations apparently can't (or maybe they just don't use them), so I walk over to the other beast and use of the kolto terminals there to prevent me from dying. I then realize that I'm a friggin' assassin and could have just force cloaked. I do, speed back to the duneclaw habitat door and check the healers' target frames for the beast's health. 80%. Oh well, I'm a student, I'm in no hurry. :p
    Long [long long long] story short: The duneclaw enrages at 40% health (I didn't even know there was an enrage) and the healers wipe shortly after.
    I commend them for their tenacity (however futile it was in the end), we unanimously kick the fourth player who still hasn't zoned in or even said a word, I summon my 192-geared Xalek and we engage the duneclaw once more. I switch Xalek to passive to kite the beast whenever necessary and everything goes smoothly. At 40% duneclaw health, we get a replacement and Xalek vanishes mid-fight. My "rotation" still relies heavily on Maul from pre-update times, so my damage output drops significantly, but we finish off the duneclaw. And since the replacement is a dps rather then another healer, we actually finish the FP in reasonable time from then onwards.
  • Mandalorian Raiders (SM): 1 sorc healer (me), 1 jugg tank, 2 assassin dps.
    I zone in and enter combat within seconds of arriving -- the two assassin dps have engaged the welcome party at the elevator. I scramble to force speed there and heal them, but they've killed everything by the time I arrive, all without loosing any significant amount of health.
    The tank hasn't zoned in yet, so one of the assassin dps activates dark charge and engages the next pack of trash. The other dps has dark charge enable anyway, but the trash dies too quickly for that to have any significant effect.
    I finally get time to at least check everyone's health: both dps are at 7k and 7k6 health respectively, I'm at 7k1 (we're all at level 31 so I guess that's alright). The tank's health is somewhere around 6k3. Probably not even too squishy for this flashpoint, but with the health difference and the two dps still in dark charge, I prepare for the worst.
    Tank zones in, asks for a minute to get his quickbar sorted, meanwhile 7k6 engages the next pack of trash (the one at the hallway with the three doors). I'm neither prepared for nor close to the fight, so 7k6 and 7k start dropping, but I manage to bubble them in time and heal them while the dogs chew up the static barriers.
    My faith in this group is dropping rapidly. I slice the elevator for the shortcut, 7k6 engages the mobs next to it. [insert a few minutes of unnecessary killing and running in the wrong direction.]
    At some point after that, one dps switches to Surging Charge and the other one to Lightning Charge and things start running unexpectedly smoothly: We kill the boarding party one by one, yet without anyone dropping below 50%, and between my static barriers, the others' DCDs (I presume) and everyone focussing on the turrets, we down Mavrix effortlessly as well.
    Despite all my expectations of doom, that one turned out to be a lot of fun. :D


Like some others have already said, the suboptimal groups often turn out to be more fun than those where everything runs smoothly. That Mando run above could have been the usual boring "Static Barrier everyone, wait until barrier debuff vanishes, recast barrier. Cast Dark Infusion when someone drop below 90% health.", but with the aggro chaos in the beginning and people pulling stuff all over the place, I got to use cool abilities like Resurgence, Innervate and sometimes even Expunge as well. :D

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I did that "Flame"-FP on Rishi for the very first time in a group. Not HM. I really had no idea how much geared one must be for it. My Sage's gear (damage oriented) consists primarily of 178 value parts.


Well, we wiped 5 times.

4 times, and one additional time (see below).


And the FP is buggy as hell ! Being defeated and respawned, my char stood behind the door of that arena (the mandalorean couple battling us) meanwhile the battle was still on. After the last wipe, there, one of both jumped to my char RIGHT THROUGH THE DOOR !

Standing BEHIND the door, I also got red AOE circles from one of both Mandaloreans.


After 4 of our 5 wipes, 2 group members left. We got an replacement with 2 group members who were apparingly much more familiar with this FP. We wiped one more time, and then we brought the whole FP to an end.


Our problems in the first group composition were manifold :

- no Trooper, no Smuggler

- no dedicated Healer

- one astonishingly squishy Jedi ( I think he was an dd ) despite having 192 value gear

- me being the only ranged DD

- me being knoecked off the platform too many times - I still have no real idea when this happens. I later found out that it is better to be in the middle of the platform, although this doesn't always help.


Now, despite having made it, I'm still clueless on what I did wrong. And why I had so much aggro. I was attacked quite a lot of times.

I should have reduced aggro, but I didn't remember how to do that, then, because I hardly ever used this ability in story play ( and story play is most I do ).


  • Blood Hunt (Tactical) can be done easily in 178 blues.
  • Why would you need a Trooper or Smuggler? They are not mandatory classes for any content.
  • It's a tactical so you don't need a healer or a tank, use the mushrooms to heal on the wampa boss and kolto stations on the other bosses. Regenerate between fights.
  • Stick to the middle of the platform, it will stop you going over the side when Jos does her knockback.
  • If you do die don't respawn! If you do respawn don't go stand right at the door or the fight will reset when one of them decides to leap to you. If you die and respawn you will be locked out of most FP boss fights and if anyone in the group has a combat rez they won't be able to use it if you're stood outside. The 'buggy' behaviour you saw while stood outside is pretty normal in FPs.
  • Don't try running this on hard mode (I haven't tried it since the nerf but as released it was nigh on impossible for PUGs.)

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If you do die don't respawn!

This is a concept that players who don't play ops don't seem to grasp... I wish Bioware would enforce it in flashpoints like they do for ops, but really if you're dead, you don't respawn and run back, probably *********** up everything in the process. You're dead. You failed. Game over. Wait for a rez or for the battle to end.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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This is a concept that players who don't play ops don't seem to grasp... I wish Bioware would enforce it in flashpoints like they do for ops, but really if you're dead, you don't respawn and run back, probably *********** up everything in the process. You're dead. You failed. Game over. Wait for a rez or for the battle to end.


There are a few trash pulls close enough to respawn points that if you rez and run back you can prevent a wipe, but it's certainly never a good idea for boss fights.

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This is a concept that players who don't play ops don't seem to grasp... I wish Bioware would enforce it in flashpoints like they do for ops, but really if you're dead, you don't respawn and run back, probably *********** up everything in the process. You're dead. You failed. Game over. Wait for a rez or for the battle to end.




Best case scenario:

You die and wait for that Op to battle rez you, nothing, everyone dies one by one.


Worst case scenario:

You die and wait for that Op to battle rez you, nothing, you just watch while they finish the fight and pull the next trash group while you're still dead. If, let me repeat it: if, you're lucky, someone will run back and rez you.

Edited by Halinalle
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This is a concept that players who don't play ops don't seem to grasp... I wish Bioware would enforce it in flashpoints like they do for ops, but really if you're dead, you don't respawn and run back, probably *********** up everything in the process. You're dead. You failed. Game over. Wait for a rez or for the battle to end.


Why not?


Edit: Oh, I see. I did not know boss fights reset if you rez and run back lol. Havent learned that one the hard way yet I guess.

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