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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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And this, liebe Kinderlein, is why you never play games in German.


Yeah, I gave up on German localisation after nearly every major voice actor from Mass Effect 1 (which was decent even in German) was replaced for Mass Effect 2.


One of my favorite examples from this game is Imperial Balmorra. In Sobrik, there's a heroic quest named "Settling Debts". The German version is called "Zahltag". Before we had the ability to link quests in chat, that was just annoying :rolleyes:

Edited by Darkelefantos
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And this, liebe Kinderlein, is why you never play games in German.


I switched to the English client because of the voice work. Big muscular or very badas$ looking persons with a voice from a children-storytelling kindergartener . They use kind of gay voices which sound so friendly and warmdushery (I invented that word) in every terrible situation.


Almost every game in German is like that

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Just had an interesting HM cad run with my tank theres a merc dps, sorc dps and sorc healer. I zone in and see both dps are geared higher than me and the healer is about on a par maybe slightly above me.


On the first pull I jump in and both sorcs use force lightning before I even land on my target, the merc soon follows up with dfa. I struggle with aggro and have to aoe taunt.


Second pull I leap in, both sorcs force lightning, the merc does some dps rotation which results in him maxing heat early on. My aoe taunt is on CD so the sorc dps ends up with aggro on 1 of the dogs.


On the tall lift the merc dps asks me to slow down so his dfa is off CD. Both sorcs agree this is a good idea (which 1 of the merc dps trees has dfa at its core?). I cba arguing so I stand waiting at the start of every pull for the merc to give me a green light only to be met with 3 stacked aoe's as soon as I start force charge. This happens on every single pull.


Now the reason this causes me problems is I rarely use enrage and therefore don't have it mapped to a key (if I want it I click its picture on my bars). With my jugg all but 1 of my aoe's require rage (and that free 1 only works on ranged enemies) so I use my first 2 GCD's to force charge and sundering assault. I then start my rotation as normal and this is suitable the vast majority of times.


Except of course when the entire group insists on opening with aoe's on every pull meaning the time I spend in my first 2 GCD's generating the rage I need to pop an aoe means the enemies have all started moving away from me and I now need to catch up to them before I can even use any of my abilities. This repeats through the entire mission which takes ages as whenever I try to pick the pace up all 3 flame me for not waiting on the merc's CD's and I eventually give up and end up waiting the (what feels like) 1 hour before every pull.


This along with the fact that on the wookie boss I ask everybody to stand close in case they rip adds (I reckon they will because all they will see is adds and instantly thing "aoe"). The sorc completely ignores me and decides he wants to do the stand on the ship tactic. The merc decides to join the sorc dps until a short while in where he comes and stands close. I aoe taunt the first set of adds, the second set end up on the merc who came and stood in melee. The second the adds are on him he starts kiting around the place, completely defeating the point of him standing close and, for all the good hes done, he might as well have stayed with the sorc. I end up chasing the merc around trying to grab his adds.


All the time I am chasing the merc around the area the sorc is unleashing all he has on the wookie and pulls aggro. Still we eventually get though it and loot. I ask people if they would please do the tactic I ask for but get no answer. The healer then points out we shouldn't do bonus boss as "this tank wont cope with it". I don't answer, we run through to the lift, then run through to ortol and get started.


After we complete Ortol I end up getting an essay on these 3 about how to tank, good guide websites, the merc says he has a guardian tank and is willing to teach me if I mail him on 1 of my reps.


All 3 of them end up on my ignore, I jump into another 3 consecutive 55 HM's and recieve no complaints about my tanking.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I understand you now BFJ...


KDY. I'm on my lvl 38 SS Slinger with a 26 Sage heal (new but decent), a 25 Guardian and a 54 Vigi Guardian. Everything goes well. We are in the middle of the second scenario and Tank say he gotta leave. Fine, we finish the scenario before he is replaced by a 54 Sabo Slinger.


Boss is the droid. We zone in, I call my usual "Kill adds, don,t stand in stupid." Vigi attacks, I follow as everyone does. Sabo never switch off the boss NEVER. And he won't all through the fights. He pops his DCDs without any logic. Ballistic Shield when we are all outside of it. Hunker Down when there is no chance to be CC'ed. Defense Screen when he isn't attacked. We wipe after I goes last man standing.

Vigi insist on how it is important to kill adds when I say that "No one (no one being the second slinger) bothered to read chat." Sabo begins to trash talk the heal. I answer harshly that no heals should have to heal through mechanics. He try to kick me. Fail.

He then proceeds to pop all his DCDs, Cool Head and Smuggler's Luck before pulling with XS. When the first wave of adds spawns, seeing him not attacking the adds, I /stuck and say I won't fight until he follows the mechanics. Wipe soon follows.

Vigi tries to explain our healer how the heals station works while Sabo tries to kick me because 'I am crazy. He is lvl 54, I'm too low level.' Pissed off by his behavior I toss him a duel. We are in KDY, I'm bolstered, and this guy needs to be taken down a peg or two. I burst him down without using any DCD's and still finish at over 80%. He then switch to a "Please, teach me master." :rolleyes: I toss him a few tips: "Kill adds, don,t stand in ground AoE, don,t pop your DCD's stupidly."

Does he listen? No. Tired about all this ****, Vigi, our heals and me make up for this 'player-suffering-from-an-overinflated-ego-without-any-real-skill'. We kill the boss.


TL;DR. An idiotic level 54 taken down a few peg by a level 38. A good newbie on my friend list, a bad slinger on my ignore list.

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lol at people's ridiculous gear expectations. Those people will have a rude awakening when 3.0 hits and they'll have to run their FPs at or below the required gear level.


inb4 55k hp requirement to be allowed to DPS GF Tacticals

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DP via GF.


They decided to go with one tank even thou several of group members tell them it wont work. Full of enthusiasm the 35k tank said he would keep aggro from all mobs and mark the targets for dps. We had at least 4 dps in BIS 180/186.

First boss - Failed miserably! tank lost aggro on ALL mobs. Everyone dies.

Second try - Failed miserably! Tank lost aggro on ALL mobs again ofc. Even I as a healer stole aggro from him. Everyone dies.

At this point i just laughed and wished them good luck and leave.

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DP via GF.


They decided to go with one tank even thou several of group members tell them it wont work.


It definitely can be done. The only messy part is Tyrans.


A single tank can tank everything in the Bestia fight, nothing gets buffed when they're all stacked on each other and it makes it much easier for AOE specs. Calphayus inside the portals can be tanked by a healer, I've done it even on HM. On Raptus a DPS takes a purple crystal while the tank doesn't pick up anything. When challenges begin, the DPS with the tank crystal will get challenged, at that point the real tank grabs his crystal and heads into the portal. And during the council Bestia is barely there since all DPS focus on her when the fight starts so you only really need a tank on Calphayus.


Of course the tank has to be somewhat competent.

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DP via GF.


They decided to go with one tank even thou several of group members tell them it wont work. Full of enthusiasm the 35k tank said he would keep aggro from all mobs and mark the targets for dps. We had at least 4 dps in BIS 180/186.

First boss - Failed miserably! tank lost aggro on ALL mobs. Everyone dies.

Second try - Failed miserably! Tank lost aggro on ALL mobs again ofc. Even I as a healer stole aggro from him. Everyone dies.

At this point i just laughed and wished them good luck and leave.


DP SM 8man has been done with 3man more than once. (4 is much more easier tho, i had fun time with 3 :), did with sage,sent,scoundrel)

16 Man is doable with 6-7 man? i dont know the exact number for 16.


Its definetly doable with 1 tank.

The only problem there was skill and/or gear


Btw in bestia normaly healers take aggro from adds bc well they aggro everything on the room so tanks have a hard job controlling everything.

Edited by Dark_Mithrandir
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DP SM 8man has been done with 3man more than once. (4 is much more easier tho, i had fun time with 3 :), did with sage,sent,scoundrel)

16 Man is doable with 6-7 man? i dont know the exact number for 16.


Its definetly doable with 1 tank.

The only problem there was skill and/or gear


Btw in bestia normaly healers take aggro from adds bc well they aggro everything on the room so tanks have a hard job controlling everything.


My favourite run of DP SM 8M was 8 Marauders

That team of marauders tackled every op so far in SM, and with bestia they had to sit around for a minute waiting for her to stop being invincible :p


When they went against raptus? 75 second kill :D

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A story where I am the weird 1. My crafters had finished making the 156 armouring, barrel, mods and enhancements for my vanguard. Sadly he was lvl 52 so I had to jump him up to 53. I queue up for kdy and fp's


Get a pop for kdy. 2 tanks (im one), 2 dps


First room is the hanger which goes mostly smoothly.


Second room is starship assembly. I glance at the table, write out the build then we set off. Now none of these other 3 pick up any of the 3 codes, 1 tank and dps end up ALWAYS going the opposite way from me regardless. This wouldn't be much of a problem as I on my vanguard with my dps mate go left and kill everything, collect the thing. The other 2 aren't quite as capable and wipe on the group by the door into the right hand room. Their enemies then come to us, I tank and us 2 kill them, during that fight the other 2 go right and into the room and wipe again. I tank and kill them and pick up the third code.


I have just tanked the group at the top of the stairs to the left, the enemies in the left room, the enemies by the door to the right room and the enemies in the right room without a single chance to use any out of combat heals and only 1 dps shadow for company. The level 53 guardian tank (has better survivability than me) and the commando dps (can off-heal) died twice.


We kill the champ then I repeat the build and get started. The 3 of them run around changing them all and pressing build before I get a chance to correct it so the build is wrong. The shadow then dc's, and the guardian starts jumping around the consoles like a pvper and gets stuck.


great, the bloody noobs have just ruined my exp and now I have to kill the enemies myself as the people who got it wrong are now unable to fight. I fight my way through the 6 elites, having to stop to heal myself between each pair with the guardian filling chat with "I cant move".


I tell him to /stuck but instead he quits group. The shadow comes back from being dc'd and we go to the lift. Now we are 3 members and the commando is the leader, I ask for requeue.


Use the lift and the boss is the droid. I ask again for requeue and the mando says "ok" then pulls out their elara dorne. I stand looking at the boss waiting for this mando to put us in the queue and after waiting a fairly long time (probably afew minutes) the shadow goes and pulls, seems we are going to do this 3-man with a level 23 comp (mine is level 52 and 140 geared but the mando didn't dismiss his 1).


The first wave of adds both of the other 2 focus the boss. I tell them to take adds a number of times and the other 2 die a series of times. I end up soloing it, running round killing adds and tanking the boss and every once in a while the dps will turn up, do some damage, die then run back. After repeating this for around 5 minutes I click the boss and it is at 92%.


I /stuck it and let the other 2 know I wont join in until they start doing it properly, I have now lost my temper. Those 2 die, so its a wipe and I start my rant:

me: "do either of you have a clue what you are doing?"

me: "<mando's name> are you going to requeue us?"

(waiting and get no answer)

me: "do you know what I mean?"

mando: "no"

me: "and why did you not tell me you don't understand?"

(waiting but get no answer)

me: "click group finder button and click find replacement in the bottom right"

(wait a while, the mando pops a ready check)

me: "not quite"

me: "give me lead"

(I get group lead and requeue us)

me: "dismiss your comp we can use mine"

(no reply, no dismiss)

me: "do you know how?"

mando: "no"

(I explain how to dismiss comp and use my aric jorgan)

mando: "need healer?"

me: "no, either of you done this fight before?"

both of them: "no"

me: "why did you not ask about the fight before we wiped?"

(waiting, get no answer)

me: "kill the enemies around the edge as they make the big boss stronger, use the blue things in the corners for heals"


We start the fight and the mando seems to have decided the best way of making sure he does it right is to stay on my tail and do everything I do. Tbh I am beyond caring now, I only came here to level up. Half way through the fight we get a lvl 43 shadow join us with tank symbol, however from his buffs its clear hes infiltration specced (pretending to be a tank to get a quick pop, I hate them).


Still we complete the fight and zone out. I am now about 40% of the way between lvl 52 and 53 and cannot bear to subject myself to another KDY (I hadn't played it in a while and only now remember just how bad it is) so I go to makeb and do some missions there to get to 53.

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A story where I am the weird 1.

I think the weird is rubbing off on you, as you seem to be starting to think of inept and clueless as the new normal. You probably should play with competent people for a change. Being the only one in the group with a clue in the group does not make you weird.

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Not a group finder thing but I really have to tell this.


I'm doing Oricon dailies like normally and I ask if someone wants to help me with the heroic. I get invite from sentinel who is doing the heroic. I run there and help him with bonus and heroic. He decided to leave me there with 1/6 transports and 2/3 commanders. Ok, as Shadow those transports are easy but champions... I ask if someone wants to join. Nothing. I try to do it with Tharan (mostly 140/156). I die few times but then I find one champion that I could finally kill. It required some dancing with Phase Walk and deactivate/activate companion. But I did it, undergeared. I spent last moments of the fight at <10% HP but that's not the point. I keep reading about that you need very good gear to kill anything there. 180? Lol, my lowest armor rating is 146.


Oh, and I also saw Marauder there trying to solo it too. I don't know if he could do it. But started to feel bad about it.


Who is the weird? People who don't want to help others. "This is KotOR3! Solo it!"...:mad:

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I think the weird is rubbing off on you, as you seem to be starting to think of inept and clueless as the new normal. You probably should play with competent people for a change. Being the only one in the group with a clue in the group does not make you weird.


I was the weird 1 because I got annoyed at people who are clueless even though it hadn't caused me any deaths. Sure they died multiple times and I missed out on some exp etc but I feel now my rant towards the shadow and mando was mostly unjustified.


However the reason I get annoyed is because of my background on games. I played alot of runescape and quit that when EoC came out. Before EoC (not sure what its like now) there was no such thing as trinity, there was no aggro (the person who attacked first had aggro regardless of what anybody else did) and to become a healer you had to do a quest which required stats which could be considered close to endgame.


Along with old RS I played alot of Devil May Cry 3 & 4, Rome: total war and Cossacks European wars. Its safe to say my experience in trinity based MMO when I started this game was 0.


I was lucky that when I went through the classes I decided sniper sounded cool and therefore started off the game in the easiest role. However even when I was brand new and I jumped into group missions I had the savvy to know that writing "Im new here, if theres anything I need to know can you tell me?" is better than waiting until everybody is dead and then asking what I am supposed to do.


As for kill order I believe I learnt that on Hutta when I would get into pulls with maybe 2 weaks and a standard. Right from the start of the game I decided that I might as well deal with the softer enemies first as they die faster. I simply don't even understand how some people can think strong -> weak is better as just looking at it logically it clearly shows you should kill weak -> strong.


I get annoyed when I see people who are clueless and when I speak to them they say some **** like "im pro" or "I been playing this since launch" or "I have a <race name> <class name> on WoW, I know what im doing". And yet heres me, a fan of hack and slash games and strategy games able to work out trinity MMO's practically by myself.

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Tanks aren't there to kill things, they are there to control the fight. THIS, imho, is the single biggest misunderstanding of "the trinity" - I don't know why or what people who don't get it are thinking but it is so clear that an awful lot of people simply don't understand this. It seems a lot of dps seem to think tanks are just really hard, better armoured dps'ers and can "take" it... and this is evidenced by all manner of stories in this thread. yeah, that's wrong by the way.


The tank should have an eye on all except maybe the first couple of kills - many times the weakest in the group, but obviously depends on the types of mob... healers, shield projectors, that kind of thing needs to be dealt with first - the deal might only be cc, but still "dealt with".


The DPS kill order in this game, the only one that actually matters, leaves a huge amount to be desired... except in extraordinary circumstances: the only time, imho, that the dps should be focused on the same individual mob as the tank is when that mob is the last one standing.


[Rant] The amount of time, as a healer, I survey the mobs and find several still standing with less than one hit of life left on them and the dps have moved on to the next target is just damned shocking. BUT it does give me an opportunity to use my pathetically weak melee abilities and clean them up - it, ofc, does make me wonder what the hell that dps'er thought they were doing? A mob with 1 hp is just as able to take you down as a mob with full hp, pointless moving on until they are dead - OR at the very least, move on AND then use AOE in your very next attack to finish them off and start on the next, don't just leave them there! Bizarre. [/Rant]


[Aside] I had a Manaan fp on my 39k, full 180 sage healer the other day and we had me and three dps. Soon as we load in, one of the dps (30k odd - not that it has any bearing on it... simple fact is at 39k in 180, I'm virtually invulnerable in the tfp's) pipes up and says he'll tank. WRONG WRONG WRONG - this seems to be the prevailing attitude from many dps, do we know where it comes from? Are they basing it on anything, other than naivety and misunderstanding? Am I missing something? Imho, the only alternative to a tank as a tank in these tfp's is a healer. Thinking the dps is the next best capable as a tank, to me, shows that they not only don't know their class, but also don't know healer or tank either. I'd love to see how these guys handle a 4xdps tfp - I presume they all just bail on it or the gf never gets accepted in the first place? We did have a little argument over the two opposing opinions regarding the tanking role and who would "try" to fill it... suffice to say, once he was dead, me and the other two dps sailed through it - I was even cycling my health into force at the end, just to keep it stylish. [/Aside]

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Well, Champion -> Elite -> Strong -> Standard/Weak is tank kill order.

My kill order as tank is "whatever isn't attacking me". If everything is attacking me, then I try to attack the same target as others so it will keep attacking me.


If I'm in a group where everyone knows what they're doing, I may ignore standard and weak enemies as they die to the DPS in a few GCDs and I can use those to build threat on the stronger ones.

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Insofar as tanks can be said to have a kill order. Theoretically, a tank who has mitigation and threat generation tools, but no damaging attacks, would still be fulfilling his role.


If damage dealers know what they are doing then there's nothing for tank to kill.

In perfect group it's just your priority list: "keep champion, elites and strongs on you and let the dps deal with rest".


My kill order as tank is "whatever isn't attacking me". If everything is attacking me, then I try to attack the same target as others so it will keep attacking me.


If I'm in a group where everyone knows what they're doing, I may ignore standard and weak enemies as they die to the DPS in a few GCDs and I can use those to build threat on the stronger ones.


If, as a tank, you're killing standard/weak enemies when there's elites around you're doing it wrong. :cool:

Edited by Halinalle
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Well, Champion -> Elite -> Strong -> Standard/Weak is tank kill order.


Tanks don't have a kill order as tanks don't kill they have target priority which generally follows what you wrote with afew additions:

anything attacking the healer -> anything you have not hit yet (often the same as the first 1) -> anything attacking the dps -> whatever the dps are burning -> anything you haven't hit for a while.


Then again since when has tanking been in any way similar to healing?


This is the main reason I don't like the whole "well I got field respec so I can queue my dps as a tank". Fine do that with a healer if you want as healing isn't that different from dpsing (you just target allies instead) and gear used for healing is about maxing the heal output while dps is about maxing damage output, therefore dps gear is partially suitable for healing.


However people who spec and play dps, get field respec then decide they are bored of the long queues and jump in as a tank. You end up with 2 types of people who queue as tank & dps at the same time:

1) They can play a tank and play a dps, they have 2 sets of gear and a field respec and know what they are doing

2) They are a dps with dps gear and field respec and decide if they move over to the tanking tree they can now tank.


Sadly type 2 is more common and you end up with tunnel visioning tanks who can't work out how to use their DCD's.


If, as a tank, you're killing standard/weak enemies when there's elites around you're doing it wrong. :cool:


If the standard/weak is a healer? Always need scope to deal with the oddities/rarities, because they are there.


an example: I was tanking false emperor with my vanguard. Theres a dps guardian (tank specced), sent and a mando healer.


second pull the 2 siths are taking it in turns to force choke me and I spend a fair old time of the fight stunned by them. At the end I let the group know those sith's choke can be interrupted. In that pull I end up killing pretty much every standard enemy just by hitting them enough to keep aggro off the healer (the dps are 10k and 12k tunnel-visioning strongs and elites while im 24k and in the time it takes them two to kill 2 of those 4 enemies I had killed the standards).


Afew pulls on and there is a healer in the group of enemies. I run in and, even if I do say so myself, hold aggro as well as I can expect, in so much as nobody else ever gets hit. The fight however takes longer than I had expected and I see the sent is going strong -> weak and the guardian is switching between the 3 strongs. The enemy healer is stood there spamming heals on things left right and centre. I therefore end up having to stick grenade, high impact bolt, storm and stockstrike a standard enemy because the dps don't know kill order.


I explain kill order later on and the guardian actually listens (he even starts interrupting the sith's choke too. Sadly the sent doesn't speak any english and my german isn't good enough to convey my meaning so he carried on with strong -> weak. Still at least half the dps in that group learnt something.


If you believe that "a tank hitting a standard enemy with elites alive is an idiot" then you clearly have better dpser's on your server than are on mine.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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If, as a tank, you're killing standard/weak enemies when there's elites around you're doing it wrong. :cool:


If the standard/weak is a healer? Always need scope to deal with the oddities/rarities, because they are there.


The entire concept of a kill order, that it exists and that the dps are responsible for it NEEDS to be drilled into all dps'ers heads. You mention it in chat and most people seem to think you are RP'ing about Order 66 or something.


Have to say, while it hasn't been perfect I'm wondering if this is an issue specifically with SWTOR? Or maybe themepark MMO's? I've not seen it this bad in any other MMO I've played - I have noticed it, but its pandemic in this game. And by pandemic, I mean, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, so even randomly it should go right here and there, right? Its almost as if SWTOR DPS 101 is "Always focus on what the tanking is hitting".

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Many of these stories I've experienced. When I've levelled a tank or healer I level the pure spec so when I do a levelling FP, there are few genuine repeated wipe issues. The other night on my Op healer I did have the following conversation throughout an FP with a jug 'tank' on the Boarding Party levelling FP.


Me - "you want to get that elite off me?"

Jug - no response


Me - "can you taunt the boss off me?"

Jug - no response/no taunt


Me - "you know you queued as a tank?"

Jug - no response


Me - "why do you keep attacking the only mob I've cc'd?"

Jug - no response


So we get through the FP without any deaths with the final boss down, and then.....


Jug -"lets do the foundry"

Me - no response

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If the standard/weak is a healer? Always need scope to deal with the oddities/rarities, because they are there.


What dps is doing? Why aren't they killing them?

It's after all their job. It's only two or three GCDs for dps.


When I'm dps I make sure that these happen:

- if someone is stupid enough to hit healer = dead

- if someone is stupid enough to "broadcast": "I'm a healer" = dead

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Its almost as if SWTOR DPS 101 is "Always focus on what the tanking is hitting".


I think in some cases, it might be because a number of dps specs, typically the ones that do the most damage on the dummy, are just no good at killing weak enemies. I know it's not really an excuse because every class has some basic attacks and aoe attacks that will dispatch weak enemies without worrying about a rotation, but it can present players with a dilemma when your choice is "do I waste most of my ressources killing a bunch of weak enemies in a horribly inefficient manner, or do I leave that task to the other dps and just focus on what my spec is good at: doing lots of damage to enemies that don't die right after I'm done applying my dots on them."


Hopefully, the 3.0 changes will make this less a problem with dots spreading through AoEs and dedicated aoe specs being replaced by aoe utilities for every discipline.

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