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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Quite right regarding the intent of this thread.


However I would like to comment on the section of your post that I highlighted.


Weird (funny, strange, noobish) behaviour in a flashpoint while levelling is understandable even if we do so enjoy laughing about (and "at") said behaviour.


But, as you stated yourself, this is level 55 content. Is it understandable that they don't know their role? Is it understandable that they acuse someone of taunting when they obviously cannot? Is it understandable that they are "learning the basics" at 55?


I personally don't think so.


Should it be "our" responsability to teach them at level 55 what they should have learnt while levelling? Again, I don't think so. Especially if you consider that they didn't learn it during 55 levels of levelling, what makes you think they are even willing to learn from someone that they believe is in the wrong?


Just wanted to leave that out there...


Now, let's get back to stories about the weird people you meet in Group Finder. :)


If the guy was new he probably doesn't know what a maurader can and can't do. And as a new player he may not be able to identify the taunt debuff that gets placed on the enemy.


You don't need to spend all your time with the guy and teach everything you know but a quick note "mauraders can't taunt, but I am pulling threat so I'll back off a bit" vs "[chuckle behind keyboard and start pulling threat on purpose]" shouldn't be big of a deal. If he doesn't take the comment well, then /ignore.

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And why in all holy hell would a Guardian open with Saber Throw?? Except if you open with ST AND Saber Reflect, you're better to Leap > Sweep > Combat Focus > Guardian Slash.


Basically the same problem. If DPS engage straight away, you still have not done your first high threat attack yet. And how is a guardian supposed to pull Tyrans ? Or the council ?


Anyway, moot point since Tyrans doesn't even have an enrage timer. If you wipe, that's definitely not because your DPS had to hold off in the first couple of seconds.

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If the guy was new he probably doesn't know what a maurader can and can't do. And as a new player he may not be able to identify the taunt debuff that gets placed on the enemy.


You don't need to spend all your time with the guy and teach everything you know but a quick note "mauraders can't taunt, but I am pulling threat so I'll back off a bit" vs "[chuckle behind keyboard and start pulling threat on purpose]" shouldn't be big of a deal. If he doesn't take the comment well, then /ignore.


Please quote my saying "ill start pulling threat on purpose"

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I think ill add my two pennies to this (though the phrase is probably incorrect, but oh well)


What annoys me with tanking is DPS who moan they have pulled aggro at the start when I have NO chance to hold it. Yeah ok on a solo enemy (boss) or a bunched up pull or whatever I really shouldn't lose aggro (yeah I may have to waste a taunt or w/e but I shouldn't be relying on taunts for aggro control, they are a "oh sh*t" ability, for use when it all goes wrong). Though to take an example from a hm mando run with my 28k jugg running with a 40k merc healer and 2 maras at 38.5k and 41k, with maras pulling first how does anyone expect me to hold aggro. (luckily when I apologised about not holding it all three of them were polite enough to say they hadn't expected me to in this case).


As for all the numbers that were thrown around (I don't have parsec or any of these number measuring things) such as 5k TPS. Consider that the tank has to split their aggro among everything in the pull (often around 4 or 5 enemies) that pretty much means any damage above 1k DPS is going to pull off the tank (prehaps this is a good reason for dps to follow kill order, kill the weaker enemies first, you can take aggro from it without any risks of death, and give the tank time to build aggro on the stronger enemies).


I often get accused for not tanking properly when I ignore the 1 standard enemy who is shooting the dps to instead concentrate on generating threat on the elite/boss that both the dps are burning down, meaning I cant afford to move away otherwise the 1 standard is going to be the least of their problems...Then ofc I have to go grab the adds as I realise "carry on like this and that healer will be in trouble", next thing I know while im running round with my melee tank generating aggro on the spread out adds the boss runs off to the dps. Now I taunt the boss back to me, carry on chasing down the adds and, as soon as my taunt wears off dps takes aggro again.


What really gets on my nerves though is the comments afterwards "lol why taunt then not carry on generating aggro on it. At the risk of sounding big headed I rarely struggle with tanking when BOTH dps follow a sensible kill order, prehaps being willing to break their rotation to suit the situation. But having 2 dps who know what they are doing is rare, sadly having 1 good and 1 bad dps (im not talking about damage output, I mean their group awareness) is still just as much a problem as 2 bad ones.

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TAC explained how to do Tyrans without having your DPS to hold back -.- And why in all holy hell would a Guardian open with Saber Throw?? Except if you open with ST AND Saber Reflect, you're better to Leap > Sweep > Combat Focus > Guardian Slash.


How in all holy hell should a Guardien/Juggernaut NOT pull a Boss that is more than 10m away WITHOUT using ST??

Do you want to tank Tyrans on his Throne??

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How in all holy hell should a Guardien/Juggernaut NOT pull a Boss that is more than 10m away WITHOUT using ST??

Do you want to tank Tyrans on his Throne??


Top kek.

Yeah, Saber Throw is bad for initial threat, but you've got to have some way of getting him onto the playing field...


No wait! You have a marauder Twin Saber Throw him and then let him tank. Leadership grants 100% damage mitigation.

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I'm pretty sure Force Camo works only on enemies that have targeted you at one point during the fight.


If you read the Dulfy marauder page, there's an extensive conversation between KBN and one of the authors where they specifically address the force camo issue. The author even posts multiple log examples of him using camo and you can look at what actually happens.


i have nefra/ calph logs where i camo like 3 seconds in after doing few GCD and no threat drop at all, once he does the Dot, or i get hit by an AoE (comingfrom boss) the rest of the Camo does work...


He also mentions that "targeting" could be some kind of aoe effect, like nefra dot (but NOT just a ground conal) and force camo would work in that case.


and this was posted by someone else in the convo:

I tested this yesterday in HM Dread Council and it happens you two have been discussing it. I have examples at the beginning of the fight of Force Camo usage both immediately before pulling aggro and after. Force Camo did no threat drop when I wasn't targeted and actually was targeted by Bestia a couple seconds after using it. When I used it after being targeted it was like a 651k threat drop.


I didn't find anything that said explicitly that, say you pull the boss and the tank retaunts, force camo threat drop will still work, but it seems to be that way as long as you were targeted initially.

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against all enemies that have you on the threat table, yes. That isn't the same as reducing threat only on enemies that happen to be hitting you at the moment.

Thanks you. As a clarification, I did not mean that it works against people who are currently targeting you, but those who have at any point done so. Basically, if there are four enemies, a tank would pick three and you'd take one. Then the tank taunts the one you attacked and you use Camo. It'd have no impact on the three that never targeted you, instead the only effect would be that you'd lose all threat you accumulated against that one target. Same works if you attacked two, three or six people. Anyway, good to have that out of the way!


Back to the stories.

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Couldn't this be easily sorted by some1 throwing camo during a fight in which they haven't reached the top of the aggro table at all then see what parsec says? If it says nothing about lost aggro then Dulfy is right, if it says aggro is dropped then it works as the in game tooltip suggests. Simple experiment which gives a conclusive answer. Edited by BobFredJohn
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Couldn't this be easily sorted by some1 throwing camo during a fight in which they haven't reached the top of the aggro table at all then see what parsec says? If it says nothing about lost aggro then Dulfy is right, if it says aggro is dropped then it works as the in game tooltip suggests. Simple experiment which gives a conclusive answer.


People have tested this, look at my last post.

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(Whoops Edit. Mandalorian Raiders. Not Cademimu)


Here's a weird story.


Mandalorian Raiders. Story mode. Level 24 Juggernaut Tank.


The tank is well geared with level and class appropriate gear. He is in the right stance. He uses his cooldowns effectively. He has no issues holding aggro against the 2 DPS who outgear and outlevel him (we were both level 29 at the time). He doesn't say a thing other than "hello" at the start (not that it was needed, we were all obviously experienced players) and keeps up a good pace.


The weird part? He passes on every single piece of gear that drops. Everything! Even stuff that he could use in one level's time (gear from SM Mandalorian Raiders requires level 25) and that is better than what he currently has.


When he passes on the strength lightsaber that the last boss drops, I finally ask "why did you pass on all the loot including the lightsaber that you can actually use?".


The Juggernaut finishes his "Exit Area" cast and then says: "this is just an alt. I craft everything he needs. you guys can have the drops."


He then he says "good-bye", exits the group and the flashpoint.


The group stood there for about 10 seconds and then the other DPS said "weird" to which the healer and I replied "yeah". We said our good-byes and left.


So, what do you guys think? "Weird"? Right? ;)

Edited by ZeroPlus
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Here's a weird story.


Cademinu. Story mode. Level 24 Juggernaut Tank.


The tank is well geared with level and class appropriate gear. He is in the right stance. He uses his cooldowns effectively. He has no issues holding aggro against the 2 DPS who outgear and outlevel him (we were both level 29 at the time). He doesn't say a thing other than "hello" at the start (not that it was needed, we were all obviously experienced players) and keeps up a good pace.


The weird part? He passes on every single piece of gear that drops. Everything! Even stuff that he could use in one level's time (gear from SM Cademimu requires level 25) and that is better than what he currently has.


When he passes on the strength lightsaber that the last boss drops, I finally ask "why did you pass on all the loot including the lightsaber that you can actually use?".


The Juggernaut finishes his "Exit Area" cast and then says: "this is just an alt. I craft everything he needs. you guys can have the drops."


He then he says "good-bye", exits the group and the flashpoint.


The group stood there for about 10 seconds and then the other DPS said "weird" to which the healer and I replied "yeah". We said our good-byes and left.


So, what do you guys think? "Weird"? Right? ;)


Not really. Was pretty nice of him to leave the loot to you guys (even if all you could do was selling it). Also, doesn't Cademimu loot require like level 28 to wear? Because it's a level 28/29/30 FP IIRC.

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The Juggernaut finishes his "Exit Area" cast and then says: "this is just an alt. I craft everything he needs. you guys can have the drops."


He then he says "good-bye", exits the group and the flashpoint.


The group stood there for about 10 seconds and then the other DPS said "weird" to which the healer and I replied "yeah". We said our good-byes and left.


So, what do you guys think? "Weird"? Right? ;)


Seems pointless to be constantly crafting gear when it drops for you in flashpoints.


Dunno, some people in flashpoints are weird. It seems (to me) that for some, it's a small window of time where they can kinda.. show off? They pop on their Living Legend title, rush ahead of the group, provide full explanations at the smallest hiccup, and other such behaviors (in your case, bestowing the rest of you paupers with free gear). Why point out specifically that his toon was an alt? It's not hard to reach level cap, and most people, even the ones who hardly play, probably have at least 1 alt.


Reminds me of one time I was DPSing Mando Raiders. At the boss, I guess he was getting dps'd too much, and ended up flying to the next set of turrets while the previous ones were still up, and we wiped. The sorc healer then proceeded to scold and lecture and explain it to us like we were 5, saying stuff like, "i can't heal through that" and even blaming me for dpsing the boss (I wasn't). Ok sir, calm down, it's 1 wipe, no need to act like the rest of us are failures. And anyway, I've healed through that situation plenty of times.

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Not really. Was pretty nice of him to leave the loot to you guys (even if all you could do was selling it). Also, doesn't Cademimu loot require like level 28 to wear? Because it's a level 28/29/30 FP IIRC.

I used to do this back when I had alts, before I deleted them all to start over. I rarely or never had a use for anything that dropped in FPs, but I did like to level alts, especially tanks and healers, by just grinding FPs and doing class quests only. It was less boring that re-running the same planets for a fourth or fifth time, but I had zero use for any of the loot.

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The Juggernaut finishes his "Exit Area" cast and then says: "this is just an alt. I craft everything he needs. you guys can have the drops."


So, what do you guys think? "Weird"? Right? ;)

Not weird at all. I do exactly same thing. With a panoply of crafting toons, and having unlocked almost every lowbie schematic in the game, I craft all my gear from 10-53.


I pass on any gear drop in lowbie flashpoints, level 50 HM flashpoints, even in level 55 HM flashpoints. (The Black Market stuff that drops in HM 55s is endurance heavy -- I prefer gear drops from ops).

Edited by Khevar
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Strange run on HM foundry with my 55 sorc healer (just wanted afew basic comms to get the basic comm body for the appearance rather than stats) group was 55 jugg tank, 55 sin and 51 sin. start off with guard on me (healer)


55 sin isn't in any charge, though this is only the start conversation. Get going through the mission and see the 55 sin is chain pulling ahead of the tank, and not finishing each pull until moving to the next. This goes on forever though Im not particularly surprised by it looking at the sin and tanks guild names (2 different russian guild, both of which have a bad rep). I also take a look at the 51 sins guild :( hes in the same guild as the previously mentioned "my nemesis" and he later demonstrates that his skill matches what I expected from that guild, more on that later.


We end up at HK and this is the first fight where the sin lets the tank pull :eek:. However I see now that letting the tank pull isn't going to change much. The tank clearly doesn't know there are adds in the HK fight (neither does the 55 sin dps) so myself and the lvl 51 do the adds, with me breaking off to refresh a static barrier on the 2 55's who refuse to move out of HK's flamethrower (god knows why a sin dps would stand in front of the enemy).


After HK we are back to usual with the 55 sin dps pulling. Get to the kor'slug bonus boss and nobody seems to know the spit mechanic, luckily it seems quite weak, my static barrier is capable of preventing damage from the spit (who would have thought 50 HM was so easy?).


The bit after the kor'slug, this is where it gets interesting. The 51 sin dps now decides he can pull too. It also seems everyone else in the group doesn't know the route to get from the kor'slug to revan in just 4 pulls (5 if you include the boss, could be 2 if the sins would stealth cc certain enemies). I make sure im in front and demonstrate how to avoid the pulls, but 1 of the 2 dps will just jump in anyway.


We end up at the room before the droid bonus "boss", you know the room with the bridge where you can go right, jump on the top of the pillar then avoid the 3 jedi by running straight through. I start to go right and get myself to the top of the pillar, at which point the 51 sin cc's the jedi at the bridge then pulls the fight. I cant get back as I cant jump from my pillar to the bridge so I just stand there and wait for them 3 to finish. It seems that none of them 3 realise that if you stealth cc 1 enemy, then pull the group they are with, you also pull the cced one.


All of them run off thinking the fight is over, then the 55 sin asks where the fight is? (we are still in combat). I say its the jedi cced at the bridge, which they pulled and I avoided. The 51 starts flaming how nooby I am "I stealth stunned him, so we aren't in combat with him. As such the 2 55's decide to run round the entire room and look for the enemy. This ends up pulling EVERYTHING in the room below the bridge (3 jedi, 6 strong droids, and the cc has ran out on the jedi on the bridge so they are now coming to join).


I jump off my pillar and start healing, both sins die (tbh with every 1 of those 3 tunnel visioning I had 2 elite jedi, 1 strong jedi and 4 strong droids on me, the healer). After the pull we res the 2 assassins and set off. The 51 decides to continue the argument about how he thinks if you stealh cc an enemy, then pull the group that enemy doesn't get pulled. I stick him on ignore. The 55 sin says im noob (2 people just died and im the healer, ofc pulling the whole room with a tunnel visioning tank and 2 tunnel visioning dps had nothing to do with it). I then take a cheap shot by asking them what charge they are in (up to this point they still haven't switched 1 on). I think they don't want to admit they made a mistake so instead say "im strong enough to not need 1" (then they switch surging on) then throws his buff which only adds mark of power (this is clearly his only 40+ toon).


I ask people to follow me so we can skip the last 2 pulls. The tank then says that he was just following the crowd and doesn't know the mission. Well better late than never (or maybe not as it makes no difference when you only have the final boss left anyway). Get to Revan and nobody seems to understand that his "making himself more powerful" should be interrupted (when text comes up on the screen telling you the boss is becoming uber-strong maybe thats a clue) so I do it myself. Nobody moves out of the falling rocks so I heal through them.


Apart from a dps sin with no charge chain pulling ahead of the tank, a tunnel visioning tank who doesn't tell us he has never done the mission before, a sin dps who doesn't understand how his cc works and claims he knows everything and a complete lack of caring for any boss mechanics, it was a good run.

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Not really. Was pretty nice of him to leave the loot to you guys (even if all you could do was selling it). Also, doesn't Cademimu loot require like level 28 to wear? Because it's a level 28/29/30 FP IIRC.


You're quite right! It was Mandalorian Raiders. Whoops. Original post corrected.

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Apart from a dps sin with no charge chain pulling ahead of the tank, a tunnel visioning tank who doesn't tell us he has never done the mission before, a sin dps who doesn't understand how his cc works and claims he knows everything and a complete lack of caring for any boss mechanics, it was a good run.


That's the spirit! :D

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That's the spirit! :D


In reply to your previous post (I quoted this 1 because if I quoted the other story I would snip it, taking a few milliseconds longer than quoting this 1 (less time than it took to write this sentence in fact....)


I hope mr "pass on everything" isn't wierd as I do that alot. Im quite picky about what I roll for.


What I do is when I make a new character I look for some adaptive stuff or low level custom stuff that I like the appearance of (for example my shadow has white/yellow dyed oricon gear, my merc has orange/light brown dyed section x stuff). Then I just farm heroics on dromund with all my imps giving me enough planetary comms to buy a full set of mods from the planetary vendors on fleet.


Now I have a low level with the appearance I want at endgame, but its not empty shells. Now I level as usual. While doing this, whenever I hit 95 planetary comms (the amount needed to buy all mods for every piece of custom gear) I go to fleet and upgrade my stuff.


As such I pass on everything because I don't need things to sell, I have my higher levels crafting my endgame 156 mods so have no need for more money. I buy all my leveling upgrades with comms and making a fair amount of money just from credit loot and solo-questing.

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The Red Eclipse / Republic


Hammer Station:

Sage healer who didn't rez me and tank after final boss dies -> we have to run all the way back there to get our comms.



Sage who aggro groups that we could easily skip. We didn't have stealth cc but still Sage wanted to cc temple guardians.



I tell everyone that I'm going to respec. One of the members says something like "Really? At level 21? How does 11 points show anywhere?" and another said "If he really respec'd to bad spec it really does..."

So, apparently Focus is bad spec. Just a fact that Force Sweep requires target doesn't mean it's a bad spec. Watchman is good for solo leveling and boss fights, not for instance full of trash.

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Ran Boarding Party SM on my operative DPS today. Got queued with a Assassin DPS, a Powertech tank and a healer of an indeterminate class, because she left the moment we had zoned in. Great start.


While we wait for the tank to requeue us (complicated by his GF role apparently being DPS), I have a quick look at him. He's in Combustible Gas Cylinder, a DPS stance. I ask him to change to Ion Gas Cylinder. "Why?", he asks, and I explain that it's the tanking stance and paraphrase the tooltip for him. He obliges. Okay, fair enough, he's clearly a newb but willing to learn. He also seems friendly enough.


Tank gets out Mako (and slams guard on her) and pulls the first group. That's when the trouble start. While the assassin is excellent, knows kill-order, tactics and does good DPS, the tank stands at 20m distance and pew-pews at the enemies. Momentarily distracted by that sight, I get stuck in a wall and die on the trash. Embarrassing, but really my own fault. I rez and we move on.


First boss. We're still 3 people and Mako, who seems to be undergeared. I CC one droid and focus on the other, but PT's pew-pew immediately breaks CC and lady assassin and my dashing blue self have to take down both while under fire. PT also has trouble keeping aggro on the boss (obviously) and taunts on cooldown. He dies quickly, before we're even done with the droids. Boss still has nearly full health. Amazingly, we DPSers manage to, er, "kite" the boss (read, whoever holds aggro frantically runs away while the other follows and pummels in on her) and kill her on our last sliver of health. While we rez him, I point out to the tank that PT is really a melee class. He asks me to explain, then thanks me and continues to pew-pew everything from 30 metres range. Meanwhile, he needs on a cunning rifle that dropped. I win the roll, he says he misclicked. No biggie, Sith happens.


Several cases of broken CC later, we finally get a new healer. Merc, immediately puts Kolto Shell on everyone, very competent otherwise. Everyone is very friendly, and we start chatting a little while her healing basically pulls us through. There are several amusing instances where tank breaks our CC while we are whittling down mobs, leading to the healer running away from elites while we DPS try to catch up to them and take the aggro off her, while at the same time relieving the beleaguered tank. Perhaps it's a testament to my bad operative-playing, but I actually asked for the guard to be put on the healer (never thought I'd say that). DPS2 and Healer enthusiastically agreed, but he didn't seem to see it.


Next boss almost wipes, but we pull through. Drops an aim helmet -- both PT and merc need, merc wins the roll. PT pouts, we explain to him that both of them needed it and the healer simply won the roll. The bonus boss drops a vibroknife for me, but after much pew-pew the final boss drops another Aim piece. Both hunters need, again the merc wins. Bad luck, but fair. Again the powertech pouts. We repeat our explanations as we queue up for the cutscene at the end ... and he leaves the group. Missing out on the reward for completing the flashpoints. Thirty seconds from the end. Huh.


He was nice enough, but I put him on my ignore list all the same.


On an unrelated note, I ran into a lvl 33 merc in full orange Strength gear on Alderaan. I whispered him about it, but got no reply.

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Had a rather interesting experience in Red Reaper today. I was on my level 47 DPS Operative. Healer is a level 48 Merc. Other DPS is a level 44 Sniper. I forget what level the Assassin tank was, because she left almost right away, because the Sniper warned us that it would take her a while to load into the FP. The Merc and I didn't mind, but apparently the tank couldn't wait one more minute and dropped. Great.


The Merc pulled out his Skadge, and we were actually doing really well. There were only a few minor hiccups along the way. The Sniper forgot what to do at the droid boss with the colored pillars, but no one died. Oh, by the way, it's important to note that as soon as the original tank left we queued again but without much hope. Apparently, it also didn't much matter as two of us were high level for the FP and the Sniper was at level, and were we all pretty decently geared and knowledgeable for our levels.


Then comes the Darth Ikoral fight. We have Ikoral's HP down 25% when lo and behold we get a tank! I was very much amused but less so when the tank catches up to us. When he enters the room, Ikoral resets, just when we'd had him down to half health. Ok, no big deal. Whatever. We'll just do it again, this time with an actual tank.


Tank Force leaps to Ikoral and promptly gets punted into the abyss.


Tank: Why didn't anyone warn me of that??


Sniper: Sorry, was going to.


Me (thinking): Ok. He must have never done this before to not know about the abyss you can get kicked into by Ikoral if the tank doesn't drag him to the stairs or somewhere away from it. This doesn't bode well for me, but we're doing fine with the tank down (as we were before we got him) but then...


The tank returns and Ikoral resets for the second time, again when we had him down to half health or even less. This is the longest Darth Ikoral fight of my life! If I see Darth Ikoral again, it will be too soon. lol.


Sighing, I nevertheless don't say anything, because by now I just want to finally kill Ikoral and get this FP over with. Again, the tank pulls as soon as he gets back, and though it's clear he's never done this fight before he doesn't pause to ask any of us what to do. So when Ikoral summons his apprentices, he has no clue to go behind the apprentices and interrupt their shield power so the lightning can zap them. Both the healer and I are telling him in chat to do so, but it takes a while for it to finally click. Sigh. This fight went on for ages!


I also noticed that no one but me was bothering to interrupt the apprentices shield ability thingy they do. You have to do that in order for them to get zapped by the lightning, even if it is hitting them. But I don't even bother pointing it out, because did I mention this fight took what felt like an hour??? Ikoral is a pushover. No one should be having these sorts of problems. lol


Anyway, after what felt like an eternity, we finally killed Ikoral. We didn't even really need the tank we got. He only managed to prolong the fight. We'd already almost had Ikoral down when he popped. But it was our fault for not turning off the queue, but to be honest we forgot about it. All in all it was a very interesting experience.


Also, a well-geared Skadge is apparently a very decent tank. Guess that ugly son of a Hutt does have his uses after all.

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Whats wrong with maintaining a kolto shell on everything? I always thought that seemed like a good idea.


It is, and I very much appreciated it. What I meant to say was that she put Kolto Shells on us, and was very competent in general, as well. It works better in my native language lol.

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