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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Cademimu. Story mode. Story mode.


Typically-oblivious leveling Tank who pays zero attention to what's attacking me (healer) and tunnel-visions exactly 1 mob, sometimes stopping to slowly keyboard turn and do nothing for 5 seconds before going back to his tunneled mob. I spend every pull mostly healing myself against 3-4 mobs. Whatever, it's leveling FPs, I'm used to this.


Both DPS are doing really low damage, and the Gunslinger is not very bright. In the pull with 2 Champion droids, the Gunslinger inexplicably breaks CC and tries to solo one of the Champion droids while the Tank & other DPS both attack the un-CC'd one. I mean, he's a Gunslinger... he could just re-CC it and switch to the tanked droid, right? Instead he sits there performing a DPS rotation on it, getting torn to pieces and sucking up all my healing resources.


He starts running around in circles, randomly entering Cover and leaving it, but doesn't stop shooting the droid with a CC mark on it. Eventually I just stop healing him (I can't afford it any more) and around 10% Health he gets the clue and Slices the droid (after beating it to 60% health over about 2 minutes).


Anyway I carry them through pull after pull of heal-tanking and so far no one has died. Then we get to Xander / EN-4C.


Try #1:

  • Guardian DPS is immediately Carbonized as soon as the robot starts chasing him; he doesn't even try to escape.
  • Next, robot switches to the Gunslinger. He sits there shooting the boss and is Carbonized.
  • Finally, the robot switches to the tank. Tank sits there and gets Carbonized.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


Try #2:

  • I explain tactics (again).
  • Tank gets picked by robot. Tank sits there, and is immediately carbonized.
  • Guardian DPS gets picked next. Keeps whacking boss; is immediately carbonized.
  • Gunslinger DPS stands in gray spots (despite being told not to stand near the shuttles) and gets insta-Cubed.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The Gunslinger takes this opportunity to angrily complain that I am a "bad healer" and I'm "not even trying to heal him". I try to explain that healing carbonized people is a hopeless activity when I need those resources to keep the tank alive, and that he needs to not get caught by the robot or stand near the shuttles if he wants to live. The Gunslinger declares I am a "stupid noob".


Try #3

  • I once again explain the tactics for this fight, pointing out the gray spots near the shuttles and the red warning text indicating you need to run from the robot.
  • Within 10 seconds of the fight beginning, the Gunslinger has gotten himself carbonized.
  • The tank then runs into an orange circle, and is carbonized.
  • The Guardian DPS accidentally falls off the edge of the platform while doing weird spinning jumps to try to escape the robot.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The tank is now angrily yelling at the DPS for being "bad" and "ruining the fight for us". He initiates a votekick at the Guardian DPS, which passes despite me trying to explain that he's not really to blame.


Try #4:

  • I attempt to explain why votekicking the Guardian DPS was both unfair and not going to solve anything.
  • While I'm typing, the Gunslinger runs up and fires a Charged Burst at Xander.
  • The Tank immediately turns and runs out of the room.
  • The Gunslinger (standing by the shuttle, again) is simultaneously caught in an orange circle, shot mercilessly by Xander, and carbonized.
  • I watch in disbelief while he serenades party chat with a long, expletive-filled dissertation about why I am the worst healer ever.
  • Gunslinger dies and the fight resets.


The tank calls the Gunslinger a colorful variety of synonyms for "idiot" in broken, typo-filled sentences. Then the Tank adds, with amazing optimism, "ok, I think we got it this time" and Force Leaps onto Xander before I can even start rezzing the Gunslinger.


I /wave and drop group. Just before I click Exit Area, I watch the Tank get carbonized. Again.

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I'll go ahead and share a short one about myself being stupid. We're all PUGing it in LI HM, all above level 50. I'm on my Watchman-specced Sentinel (this is relevant). We wiped once on Project Sav-Rak, and I had nothing to do with our victory over him. The fight started going wrong when the other DPS got launched off the platform on the first Smash. On the next Smash, I, in all my infinite wisdom, continue my DPS rotation whilst hugging Sav-Rak's nuts. Which includes my Force Leap with no minimum distance requirement. Which, of course, brings me out to the edge of Sav-Rak's character model as he smashes, launching me into the lava. We wipe, I joke and say, "Alright, this time with less stupid, myself included." We start the fight, things go fine, Sav-Rak starts to smash. I get in and the first damn thing I press is "Force Leap," continuing my habitual rotation. I realize my mistake and get launched into the lava again. I decide it's early in the fight and I can rocket boost my way back and make a heroic return. I reach the upper platform, rocket boost ahead... and fall straight into lava, not realizing the bridge goes out for the fight. The group ended up finishing the fight while I stood at the top of the map and watched. It was at that point I realized that no matter how well I played for the rest of the FP (which was quite well, as I was trying to compensate), they would forever think I was a moron.
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Cademimu. Story mode. Story mode.


Typically-oblivious leveling Tank who pays zero attention to what's attacking me (healer) and tunnel-visions exactly 1 mob, sometimes stopping to slowly keyboard turn and do nothing for 5 seconds before going back to his tunneled mob. I spend every pull mostly healing myself against 3-4 mobs. Whatever, it's leveling FPs, I'm used to this.


Both DPS are doing really low damage, and the Gunslinger is not very bright. In the pull with 2 Champion droids, the Gunslinger inexplicably breaks CC and tries to solo one of the Champion droids while the Tank & other DPS both attack the un-CC'd one. I mean, he's a Gunslinger... he could just re-CC it and switch to the tanked droid, right? Instead he sits there performing a DPS rotation on it, getting torn to pieces and sucking up all my healing resources.


He starts running around in circles, randomly entering Cover and leaving it, but doesn't stop shooting the droid with a CC mark on it. Eventually I just stop healing him (I can't afford it any more) and around 10% Health he gets the clue and Slices the droid (after beating it to 60% health over about 2 minutes).


Anyway I carry them through pull after pull of heal-tanking and so far no one has died. Then we get to Xander / EN-4C.


Try #1:

  • Guardian DPS is immediately Carbonized as soon as the robot starts chasing him; he doesn't even try to escape.
  • Next, robot switches to the Gunslinger. He sits there shooting the boss and is Carbonized.
  • Finally, the robot switches to the tank. Tank sits there and gets Carbonized.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


Try #2:

  • I explain tactics (again).
  • Tank gets picked by robot. Tank sits there, and is immediately carbonized.
  • Guardian DPS gets picked next. Keeps whacking boss; is immediately carbonized.
  • Gunslinger DPS stands in gray spots (despite being told not to stand near the shuttles) and gets insta-Cubed.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The Gunslinger takes this opportunity to angrily complain that I am a "bad healer" and I'm "not even trying to heal him". I try to explain that healing carbonized people is a hopeless activity when I need those resources to keep the tank alive, and that he needs to not get caught by the robot or stand near the shuttles if he wants to live. The Gunslinger declares I am a "stupid noob".


Try #3

  • I once again explain the tactics for this fight, pointing out the gray spots near the shuttles and the red warning text indicating you need to run from the robot.
  • Within 10 seconds of the fight beginning, the Gunslinger has gotten himself carbonized.
  • The tank then runs into an orange circle, and is carbonized.
  • The Guardian DPS accidentally falls off the edge of the platform while doing weird spinning jumps to try to escape the robot.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The tank is now angrily yelling at the DPS for being "bad" and "ruining the fight for us". He initiates a votekick at the Guardian DPS, which passes despite me trying to explain that he's not really to blame.


Try #4:

  • I attempt to explain why votekicking the Guardian DPS was both unfair and not going to solve anything.
  • While I'm typing, the Gunslinger runs up and fires a Charged Burst at Xander.
  • The Tank immediately turns and runs out of the room.
  • The Gunslinger (standing by the shuttle, again) is simultaneously caught in an orange circle, shot mercilessly by Xander, and carbonized.
  • I watch in disbelief while he serenades party chat with a long, expletive-filled dissertation about why I am the worst healer ever.
  • Gunslinger dies and the fight resets.


The tank calls the Gunslinger a colorful variety of synonyms for "idiot" in broken, typo-filled sentences. Then the Tank adds, with amazing optimism, "ok, I think we got it this time" and Force Leaps onto Xander before I can even start rezzing the Gunslinger.


I /wave and drop group. Just before I click Exit Area, I watch the Tank get carbonized. Again.


The final sentence made my day. :D

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Cademimu. Story mode. Story mode.


Typically-oblivious leveling Tank who pays zero attention to what's attacking me (healer) and tunnel-visions exactly 1 mob, sometimes stopping to slowly keyboard turn and do nothing for 5 seconds before going back to his tunneled mob. I spend every pull mostly healing myself against 3-4 mobs. Whatever, it's leveling FPs, I'm used to this.


Both DPS are doing really low damage, and the Gunslinger is not very bright. In the pull with 2 Champion droids, the Gunslinger inexplicably breaks CC and tries to solo one of the Champion droids while the Tank & other DPS both attack the un-CC'd one. I mean, he's a Gunslinger... he could just re-CC it and switch to the tanked droid, right? Instead he sits there performing a DPS rotation on it, getting torn to pieces and sucking up all my healing resources.


He starts running around in circles, randomly entering Cover and leaving it, but doesn't stop shooting the droid with a CC mark on it. Eventually I just stop healing him (I can't afford it any more) and around 10% Health he gets the clue and Slices the droid (after beating it to 60% health over about 2 minutes).


Anyway I carry them through pull after pull of heal-tanking and so far no one has died. Then we get to Xander / EN-4C.


Try #1:

  • Guardian DPS is immediately Carbonized as soon as the robot starts chasing him; he doesn't even try to escape.
  • Next, robot switches to the Gunslinger. He sits there shooting the boss and is Carbonized.
  • Finally, the robot switches to the tank. Tank sits there and gets Carbonized.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


Try #2:

  • I explain tactics (again).
  • Tank gets picked by robot. Tank sits there, and is immediately carbonized.
  • Guardian DPS gets picked next. Keeps whacking boss; is immediately carbonized.
  • Gunslinger DPS stands in gray spots (despite being told not to stand near the shuttles) and gets insta-Cubed.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The Gunslinger takes this opportunity to angrily complain that I am a "bad healer" and I'm "not even trying to heal him". I try to explain that healing carbonized people is a hopeless activity when I need those resources to keep the tank alive, and that he needs to not get caught by the robot or stand near the shuttles if he wants to live. The Gunslinger declares I am a "stupid noob".


Try #3

  • I once again explain the tactics for this fight, pointing out the gray spots near the shuttles and the red warning text indicating you need to run from the robot.
  • Within 10 seconds of the fight beginning, the Gunslinger has gotten himself carbonized.
  • The tank then runs into an orange circle, and is carbonized.
  • The Guardian DPS accidentally falls off the edge of the platform while doing weird spinning jumps to try to escape the robot.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The tank is now angrily yelling at the DPS for being "bad" and "ruining the fight for us". He initiates a votekick at the Guardian DPS, which passes despite me trying to explain that he's not really to blame.


Try #4:

  • I attempt to explain why votekicking the Guardian DPS was both unfair and not going to solve anything.
  • While I'm typing, the Gunslinger runs up and fires a Charged Burst at Xander.
  • The Tank immediately turns and runs out of the room.
  • The Gunslinger (standing by the shuttle, again) is simultaneously caught in an orange circle, shot mercilessly by Xander, and carbonized.
  • I watch in disbelief while he serenades party chat with a long, expletive-filled dissertation about why I am the worst healer ever.
  • Gunslinger dies and the fight resets.


The tank calls the Gunslinger a colorful variety of synonyms for "idiot" in broken, typo-filled sentences. Then the Tank adds, with amazing optimism, "ok, I think we got it this time" and Force Leaps onto Xander before I can even start rezzing the Gunslinger.


I /wave and drop group. Just before I click Exit Area, I watch the Tank get carbonized. Again.


This one has my vote for worst group. How do you fail on such an epic scale on a SM (lowbie) FP?

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I'll go ahead and share a short one about myself being stupid. We're all PUGing it in LI HM, all above level 50.


Used GF to do HM FP for daily comms. New to MMO and just hit 55 with 2 toons. We pull LI HM - which i have never even done normal mode. Read some guides earlier, but never got around to playing this FP.

I warn the group of my noob status, and the MDPS is kind enough to explain the fights. All is well until the LR-5 (so a short time). The adds and plasma arc get me and we wipe.

2nd time is better; typing to the group right outside the entrance, when tank pulls a gate locks me out. I can only watch and play with my "emotes" while the team wipes (again). Vote kick starts, I typed in a "srry" and I'm gone. (Was going to leave anyhow - I understand when it's me being the issue or weak link!)

It was at that point I realized that no matter how well I played for the rest of the FP (which was quite well, as I was trying to compensate), they would forever think I was a moron.

Your comment is true here. No matter how much I improve, will always be remembered for this. Am probably already on the whole groups ignore, but would like to GURP (Gear Up, Read, Practice) and come back to show that even us newbs can grow. Still enjoying this game, but should probably take screen shots and send repair bill reimbursements to the group. :cool:

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Cademimu. Story mode. Story mode.


<aweseomely hilarious story>


I /wave and drop group. Just before I click Exit Area, I watch the Tank get carbonized. Again.

As frustrating as I imagine this might have been for you, I found myself highly amused at your retelling of it and am smiling wide at the absurdity.

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Weird people ? I don't know if that's the word, but still very strange...


S&V sm through group finder. Turns out there 2 guildies and the rest all pugs (I was a pug there) . 2 dps an 1 healer never done it, not even 1 boss. So we explain a bit the fights (on ops chat) and proceed. We oneshotted all bosses (the city infiltration bit was mess,lol, but we managed) . On Styrak we get our first wipe, we failed at the burn phase..


What happened next ? Two dps (the "experienced" ones) ragequit immediately without a single word to anyone on the group. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened there. Did they really go to a random op through group finder with the expectation of zero wipes ? I understand ragequitting out of frustration after several tries with no progress towards the kill, but that was not the situation. Not even remotely


Of course, we found replacements in 10 seconds and killed the boss in the next attempt...


But really, some people....

Edited by wainot-keel
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Cademimu. Story mode. Story mode.


Typically-oblivious leveling Tank who pays zero attention to what's attacking me (healer) and tunnel-visions exactly 1 mob, sometimes stopping to slowly keyboard turn and do nothing for 5 seconds before going back to his tunneled mob. I spend every pull mostly healing myself against 3-4 mobs. Whatever, it's leveling FPs, I'm used to this.


Both DPS are doing really low damage, and the Gunslinger is not very bright. In the pull with 2 Champion droids, the Gunslinger inexplicably breaks CC and tries to solo one of the Champion droids while the Tank & other DPS both attack the un-CC'd one. I mean, he's a Gunslinger... he could just re-CC it and switch to the tanked droid, right? Instead he sits there performing a DPS rotation on it, getting torn to pieces and sucking up all my healing resources.


He starts running around in circles, randomly entering Cover and leaving it, but doesn't stop shooting the droid with a CC mark on it. Eventually I just stop healing him (I can't afford it any more) and around 10% Health he gets the clue and Slices the droid (after beating it to 60% health over about 2 minutes).


Anyway I carry them through pull after pull of heal-tanking and so far no one has died. Then we get to Xander / EN-4C.


Try #1:

  • Guardian DPS is immediately Carbonized as soon as the robot starts chasing him; he doesn't even try to escape.
  • Next, robot switches to the Gunslinger. He sits there shooting the boss and is Carbonized.
  • Finally, the robot switches to the tank. Tank sits there and gets Carbonized.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


Try #2:

  • I explain tactics (again).
  • Tank gets picked by robot. Tank sits there, and is immediately carbonized.
  • Guardian DPS gets picked next. Keeps whacking boss; is immediately carbonized.
  • Gunslinger DPS stands in gray spots (despite being told not to stand near the shuttles) and gets insta-Cubed.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The Gunslinger takes this opportunity to angrily complain that I am a "bad healer" and I'm "not even trying to heal him". I try to explain that healing carbonized people is a hopeless activity when I need those resources to keep the tank alive, and that he needs to not get caught by the robot or stand near the shuttles if he wants to live. The Gunslinger declares I am a "stupid noob".


Try #3

  • I once again explain the tactics for this fight, pointing out the gray spots near the shuttles and the red warning text indicating you need to run from the robot.
  • Within 10 seconds of the fight beginning, the Gunslinger has gotten himself carbonized.
  • The tank then runs into an orange circle, and is carbonized.
  • The Guardian DPS accidentally falls off the edge of the platform while doing weird spinning jumps to try to escape the robot.
  • I hustle out and reset the fight.


The tank is now angrily yelling at the DPS for being "bad" and "ruining the fight for us". He initiates a votekick at the Guardian DPS, which passes despite me trying to explain that he's not really to blame.


Try #4:

  • I attempt to explain why votekicking the Guardian DPS was both unfair and not going to solve anything.
  • While I'm typing, the Gunslinger runs up and fires a Charged Burst at Xander.
  • The Tank immediately turns and runs out of the room.
  • The Gunslinger (standing by the shuttle, again) is simultaneously caught in an orange circle, shot mercilessly by Xander, and carbonized.
  • I watch in disbelief while he serenades party chat with a long, expletive-filled dissertation about why I am the worst healer ever.
  • Gunslinger dies and the fight resets.


The tank calls the Gunslinger a colorful variety of synonyms for "idiot" in broken, typo-filled sentences. Then the Tank adds, with amazing optimism, "ok, I think we got it this time" and Force Leaps onto Xander before I can even start rezzing the Gunslinger.


I /wave and drop group. Just before I click Exit Area, I watch the Tank get carbonized. Again.


Priceless. I'm amazed; by the idiots on your team, and the way you wrote this.


10/10 :D

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As frustrating as I imagine this might have been for you, I found myself highly amused at your retelling of it and am smiling wide at the absurdity.


Well, your english is way better than mine, so this is probably what I would have said... And Panda, nice sig :D

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I decide it's early in the fight and I can rocket boost my way back and make a heroic return. I reach the upper platform, rocket boost ahead... and fall straight into lava, not realizing the bridge goes out for the fight. .




Sorry. I'm not really laughing at you for that everyone's gone over a ledge at one point or another. It's just the image of it reminds me of one time in HM Hammer Station where we got the rare pleasure of watching a DPS die trying to cross the disappearing bridge not once, not twice, but three times! Everytime he fell I had Wile E. Coyote flashbacks. Haven't laughed that hard in ages. To give our group credit not a single person razzed him for it.

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Sorry. I'm not really laughing at you for that everyone's gone over a ledge at one point or another. It's just the image of it reminds me of one time in HM Hammer Station where we got the rare pleasure of watching a DPS die trying to cross the disappearing bridge not once, not twice, but three times! Everytime he fell I had Wile E. Coyote flashbacks. Haven't laughed that hard in ages. To give our group credit not a single person razzed him for it.


and none of you explained him how it works. good job

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and none of you explained him how it works. good job


He saw us run across it while it was blue. He waited to run aross it when it was red and it disappeared on him. It's not exactly rocket science. But yes on the 2nd and 3rd times when he ran up on it red we did tell him to wait. Not on us if he didn't listen.


Loss of points for you for automatically assuming we didn't offer advice.

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He saw us run across it while it was blue. He waited to run aross it when it was red and it disappeared on him. It's not exactly rocket science. But yes on the 2nd and 3rd times when he ran up on it red we did tell him to wait. Not on us if he didn't listen.


Loss of points for you for automatically assuming we didn't offer advice.


I also love when people still try to pull that droid on it, only to have it stand in mid air and not die. I have tried turning off run (/) and backpeddaling all the way but I chickened out at the last moment and run the last few meters. It disappeared the moment I stepped off. I have yet to try to Force Barrier.


That bridge is so much fun.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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Another one!

I usually run daily hardmodes with my friend, who's a tank. I'm a healer, so we queue up pretty quickly. Unfortunately, the DPS we get are sometimes... odd, to say the least.


A couple of days ago, we got an in-progress Athiss group. They had barely started, so I had to ask what they did to lose both their tank and their healer.

Pretty soon, I found out: They. Didn't. Shut. Up. We would be in the middle of a boss battle, and they were chatting about random stuff in group chat. They weren't so bad, though. I chided them and they didn't talk out of place for the remainder of the flashpoint.


Yesterday, we were in Hammer Station, and everything seemed fine... until the final boss. That fight took the better part of an hour. Afterwards, my friend inspected their gear, and started complaining, but I don't think it was a gear issue. I just want to know how a sentinel and a gunslinger in 61s and 63s can put out so little damage.

Edited by obliminator
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Okay another one but this time the stupid guy in the story is unfortunately me.


So we do False Emperor hm. There are those big droids walking around people tend to push off the edges as you know. It's one of those. Sage uses his knockback, the droid stays right at the edge but doesn't fall down. I, as the clever Sentinel, see that the droid is alive and Force Leap.


While I'm in the air flying high like a hawk to my target and only a few miliseconds far away from it, the Guardian tank uses his Force Push. This time the droids falls off the edge. And I with it.


So the other players see a Sentinel "successfully" Force Leap'ing into oblivion. :eek:


One of them asks "How did you do that?!?". I reply "Don't ask" and continue.

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I have dropped groups for the dps doing this. I find it highly insulting. I'm either the tank all the way through it I'm not. I refuse to run with DPS who only let me fulfill my role when they deem it necessary. I will not be the meat shield you only pull out for the boss fights.


QFT! When I am tanking I will boot players that run ahead of me. I give a warning the first time, and it applies to the entire group. The next time it happens, DAS BOOT! I don't even understand why they do it either since I am very fast with my pulls. If I was lollygagging around and wasting time... I might be able to understand, but if I am moving along at a fair clip then sit down, shut up and enjoy the free loot!

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While I'm in the air flying high like a hawk to my target and only a few miliseconds far away from it, the Guardian tank uses his Force Push. This time the droids falls off the edge. And I with it.
Every time I'm in any group that combines:

  • Large enemies
  • Nearby edges
  • At least one person with a pushback ability
  • At least one Sentinel or Marauder


I'm almost-guaranteed to watch this happen. :p

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QFT! When I am tanking I will boot players that run ahead of me. I give a warning the first time, and it applies to the entire group. The next time it happens, DAS BOOT! I don't even understand why they do it either since I am very fast with my pulls. If I was lollygagging around and wasting time... I might be able to understand, but if I am moving along at a fair clip then sit down, shut up and enjoy the free loot!


Yeah this is entirely too annoying and will most likely get a reply from me. That or...


I'm marking targets for priority and someone changes my priority. Someone did this to me right in the middle of a pull on my Guardian Tank. I saber throw to the target I didn't mark and then jump to him and then proceed to wailing on the target I did mark and asked everyone to burn only to notice my 'mark' is now on the other target I had planned on focusing on afterwards. I asked them NOT to do that again as a warning.

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Okay another one but this time the stupid guy in the story is unfortunately me.


So we do False Emperor hm. There are those big droids walking around people tend to push off the edges as you know. It's one of those. Sage uses his knockback, the droid stays right at the edge but doesn't fall down. I, as the clever Sentinel, see that the droid is alive and Force Leap.


While I'm in the air flying high like a hawk to my target and only a few miliseconds far away from it, the Guardian tank uses his Force Push. This time the droids falls off the edge. And I with it.


So the other players see a Sentinel "successfully" Force Leap'ing into oblivion. :eek:


One of them asks "How did you do that?!?". I reply "Don't ask" and continue.


I have come close to following a mob over the edge but haven't gone over myself yet. However I did see my favorite saber I had just thrown follow one over an edge. Never got it back that fight either, just waved empty air at the rest of the mobs.

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You think that bad huh ..well read this !


I was on my republic and got fed-up with my level 55 chars so i made a new Jedi Sentinel so I was DPS and we went on the Flash point esseles and Normally the healer stays back right but Noooo this sage had to run in thinking she was a tank !!

So i was asking ( raging ) over chat asking what she was doing and the reply i got was " Im taking the tanking role im bored as a healer "

SO WHAT I had a sage with the lowest HP attempting to Tank ( failed ) and then some random vanguard agreeing with her saying that I was wrong !.

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I think, you overreacted quite a bit, especially when "raging" over it. Esseles is a 2 man flashpoint really, and can be done with no healer at all and companions out. Running ahead of course is a impolite attitude towards the "real" tank, but qualifies not for "weird" under these circumstances - at least in my opinion.

i guess this healer won't do it in any 55 FP, when he is still gearing up.

Edited by Michirure
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