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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Force Wave... Oh, how I've missed you.


Yesterday I had a TFP run on my Gunnery Commando where Shadow kept knocking enemies away from AoEs.

Yeah, Gunnery so I have 30% crit damage boost to Hail of Bolts. When we add 25% damage boost from Chain Gunnery... No, Force Wave isn't even close.

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Not a Weird person I met in GF, but members of a guild I joined 3 days ago....


Rolled a Merc, used up my spare elites and ultimate comms, and built a set with nice stats and queued for the the weekly HMFPs. first 2 goes no hitch, after I finish the second one, I get a blind invite to join a guild. figuring why not, I join, go through the greeting process. Get given a rundown of a mandalorian themed guild, but with force users as mandalorians as well. The GM tells me that as part of my initiation, I will have to prove my worth in a trial. He grabs me, a Sin tank and a Sorc healer for a GF queue. GM is a merc as well. Get queued up and get a pop for HM Manaan.


After we zone in, I get a bit of a shock. When we grouped, I didn't bother checking group portrait. Now that we're in the FP, I have a look - the Sin tank has over 61k HP, GM Merc and Sorc have over 57k HP. I bring up the rear with a "paltry" 53k HP. Curious as to how they hit those numbers, I start inspecting gear. all three are in straight comms bought 192/198s (see no sign of itemization on their gear) and fully augmented - with Fortitude Augments, all three of them. I'm geared in 192/198s comms gear with 100% accuracy (crafted 186 implants for the accuracy rating), 28% crit (boost from Combustible Gas Cylinder) and 68.5% surge, fully augmented with reflex augments.


After zoning, I habitually run to the med droid to make sure I'm repaired, the Tank shouts at me - "GET BACK IN LINE MAGGOT!!! BREAK FORMATION ONE MORE TIME I'LL BREAK YOUR BONES!!" Amused, I say nothing and get back in a diamond formation with tank at the Apex, me and GM Merc on his left and right and the healer at the rear. Once in formation we start WALKING (that's right - Walking) for the fight. as we get in the research center, tank orders us to draw weapons which we comply with. at the entrance mob, Tank orders us not to attack until he gives the order. I'm thinking this will get interesting... tank doesn't even bother with dark ward and opens with Taunt and gets pulled in. healer and GM Merc stands there doing nothing, I start attacking (habit kicks in) and off heal the tank, but tank is dead and the mobs are running for us. Now the GM merc opens up and healer starts casing force storm. we wipe and respawn at the entry point.


The Tank chews me out for disobeying orders and opening fire when he didn't give the order. I reply back - "Since you died, the squad exercised best case judgement and my best case judgement was retaliatory action." Get chewed out again and we start walking again. This time, before tank opens up, healer bubbles him up and tank tells us - as soon as he engages, we are to open up. tank dies again, but this time, we manage to drop the mob. we pick up the tank and move on.


second set of mobs, tank tells us - "Engage at will as soon as I initiate". Ok, no problem. tank rolls, no stealth, no dark ward and opens with mass taunt. we open up with the GM Merc opening on the elites and me picking off Weak > Strong. the healer somehow built aggro on one of the jumper droids so I try to peel it off him, but Merc GM Shouts - "GET THE *********** DROID ON THE TANK YOU *********** NOOB!!" healer dies, tank dies, us mercs shortly follow.


2 wipes on trash and we're not even at the first boss, I'm dreading this run. Merc GM tells me I'm severely undergeared and using wrong augments (SAY WHAT?!?!?). I reply back I'm in 192/198s with reflex augments. followed by -




Me - Errr..no, I am a DPS, my job is to kill ****, survive, peel whatever trash you didn't pick up and ****** the healer.


Merc GM - **** Noob, we've been playing this **** longer than you! You wanna learn from the best you listen to the best! We been clearing this **** since you were born Boy!" with that, he proceeds to link NiM EV achievement.


Me - well, funnily enough, your highest achievement is NiM EV that was done 3 days ago. and you're all stacking endurance up the wazoo, if you want to know my experience - here... **start linking pre 3.0 NiM TFB, SNV, HM DF and DP achievements.**


Tank - "LOL!!! so you're a *********** noob, and you're linking achievements after getting carried, **** off ********!"


Get kicked from the group and land back on the fleet. About an hour later, the GM Merc, the tank and 3 other officers call me to the "guild HQ" and tell me that if I want to advance in the guild, I need to obey orders. And the first order is to strip my gear of reflex augments and put in endurance augments. Then report to the Armory for training. Without saying another word, I /gquit and go my separate way. For the next 2 hours, I get hounded by members from the guild, warning me they are going to put bounties on my head and I better watch my back because there are 50 missiles with my name on them headed for my head.


I still constantly receive PMs from the members of the guild - mostly impotent rage and QQing about what a disgrace I am to call myself a mandalorian. If nothing else, the comedy factor alone is worth sparing them from my ignore list :p.


Begeren Colony Delivers yet again.....

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Not too long of a story, but still kind of funny.

Yesterday a few guildies and i did DP GF. At some point while killing hallway adds the sniper guildy accidentally auto-targeted another mob, whichv led to the CC going out, etc. My guildy appologized, and most of us were ok, since it happens to the best of us. However, a PT tank pug decided it was good reason to call my guildy an "ubergeared noob". We laughed it off in TS3, ignored the guy, and continued. The PT tank, who seemed to think he was better than us, used only rapid shots at full range when he didn't have aggro on the boss and somehow forgot to grab his crystal on Calphy.


Another funny experience in the same run was on the council, where me and my 2 guildies channeled Styrak's crystal at the same time, and it led to him standing in the middle of the room target swapping and not moving around or attacking, with 3 taunt immunity buffs :D

Edited by AndoEyrune
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Another funny experience in the same run was on the council, where me and my 2 guildies channeled Styrak's crystal at the same time, and it led to him standing in the middle of the room target swapping and not moving around or attacking, with 3 taunt immunity buffs :D


NEED to do this:D

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Ehh... This is gonna be a looooong post...

Its a rant but i have to do this...


Met a very unpleasant situation on my tank.

During run in HM Battle of Rishi i noticed that PT DPS was constantly using single target taunt.

I kept silince for a bit and then pointed on this. PT was ensured me that this is obviously a mistake.

Ok then...

But during boss fight (wookie and trooper) he was taunting boss! Thats was kinda not cool at all. Same thing happend a few times in a row - he taunts, im taunting back.


Now lets talk how i was manage to figure out when he was using taunt. Note - im not talking about just losing aggro, no. It can happen sometimes. Tanks are not perfect.

BUT! Any player that runs a tank knows that taunt have VERY special animations - red glowing spots on the target and blue glowing spots on caster (you can try it anytime - it's a 100% true). Also this animation used when TANK (in tank stance) using mass taunt. More of that - taunt cause special debuff on the boss. Which can be easely tracked by more or less experienced player.


So... How can it be that this animation was used by DPS PT?

I made a research. Experimented with all skills and specs on my PT.

So results was clear - no other skill can cause such animation and consiquences (aggroing).


A simple example:

We wiped during wookie fight (shame on me).

We respawned near tight mobs pack. They aggroed on us immediately. Im was able to hold aggro until there was one elite mob that aggroed on DPS. Im taunting him on me... and the after a few seconds i see aggro animation and he is on DPS again!!


Ok... After fight im again tryed to reveal situation. But PT again was insist that he wasn't using any taunts at all.

I'v tryed to point that i CAN SEE both animation and debuff after taunt on boss and mobs.

Then i was called a stubborn noob and get kicked from FP...

How can tank be kicked for pointing that he's suppose to be the only person who can use taunt?

Simple. It was their guild run.

Later i'v tryed to chat with their guild leader. He tryed to convince me that PT was using mass taunt as aggro dump.

Yeah. It could be truth... If i wasn't researched that possibility also. Mass taunt is NOT causing "taunt" animations and debuff unless you are in tank stance.


What really makes me sad that this guild is actually large and have a good reputation (at least i think so).

But now im in their "black list" as hater :D


Just a rant... Nothing serious... ;)

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Just lol?

I mean, I happen to taunt as a dps in FP's soemtimes too, mostly out of PvP habit. Sometimes out of mistake. Where's the problem in admitting it? :confused:


i think he was switching cylinder too at this point, so was all to troll the poster above us..

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I was in an Assault on Tython with a tank in 136 gear who insisted the reason his gear looked how it did was because I was looking at his outfit from outfit designer and he was totally in his 192 gear. When I asked him why he had something like 25k hp he told me to shut up and that I was lucky he was letting a Sentinel in his HM FP group and that I had just better keep transcendence up.


My healer guildie and I left after this dude damn near got 1 shotted by the first boss, after struggling mightily through the pulls.

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I was in an Assault on Tython with a tank in 136 gear who insisted the reason his gear looked how it did was because I was looking at his outfit from outfit designer and he was totally in his 192 gear. When I asked him why he had something like 25k hp he told me to shut up and that I was lucky he was letting a Sentinel in his HM FP group and that I had just better keep transcendence up.


My healer guildie and I left after this dude damn near got 1 shotted by the first boss, after struggling mightily through the pulls.


ahahah i made a nice laugh


blood hunt HM..

i checked only that one on GF because i had to do it for the first time, one drops immediately..get a replacement and one shot all the bosses:eek::eek::eek:

i was healing and i have to say that the last boss is really entertaining..especially if you stand in the aoe hidden by a phase walk :D:D

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The other day, I put out a request for my guild-mates to show me around the Ziost dailies. When I log in, no-one around so I go straight into a WZ. Meantime, the others turn up and go to Ziost to wait for me to finish. But there’s another player there (Assassin IIRC) at the drop-shuttle challenging them all to a duel over and over. They politely turn him down – as they’re strictly PvE/ RP – but they tell him in gen-chat ‘Wait for Tuesday’ He starts giving them grief, calling them rude names, ‘noobs’, 'carebears' ‘u sux’ and the like. I finish the WZ and join my guild. The chap challenges my char – Called Tuesday-Jones – Who proceeds to toss him around like a rag doll, completely humiliating him and finally leaving him for dead, and utterly defeated. - Then he starts ranting and raving like a madman to everyone on Ziost – which is just me and 3 guildmates. In the meantime, coz we’ve been in voice chat all along, the others are wetting themselves laughing. My mate is cackling so much, he sprays beer all over his monitor & kb , and we have to wait another 10 mins for him to clean it up. – Priceless!


I didn’t have the heart to put the guy on ignore. Inspect their character - nothing special for gear, & valor 1.


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Saw a hard enrage on Master and the Blaster today that I didn't know existed. The battle took around 7 minutes (16m with 13 people) and in the last phase the yellow AoE's kept on piling up. As you know, when Master comes down the yellow AoE's alternate on the field, there's three there at any given time, and there are two positions they can be in, which alternate. What happened, is that at some point the previous three didn't disappear, the other set came down so we had a total of six on the field. After that, one new one was placed dead in the middle of Blaster, which then expanded so that the whole battlefield was covered in yellow. Luckily we got the kill before we died to the damage...


But daaamn, pugs, am I rite?

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Shout out to all the kdy'ers with knockbacks. I mean, overload totally does more damage than two sniper aoes that are outlined on the ground in bright, snot green. :rolleyes:


What, you didn't know?


Overload procs-on-use a buff to the Inquisitor, depending on which Advanced Class is chosen.




Applies one charge of InstaGib to the Sorcerer's next use of either Sabre Strike, Thrash, or Shock. This ability will make the next use of the named powers a kill-shot on all enemies below Champion-level.




Increases the range of all abilities --all abilities-- to 35 metres, eliminating the need to close to melée range. Also generates maximum possible threat on all enemies in the battlespace. These abilities last the duration of the combat from use, and are refreshed upon the next use of Overload.


(Check your Codex, it's got to be there, dude, I know it is!)

Edited by midianlord
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Saw a hard enrage on Master and the Blaster today that I didn't know existed. The battle took around 7 minutes (16m with 13 people) and in the last phase the yellow AoE's kept on piling up. As you know, when Master comes down the yellow AoE's alternate on the field, there's three there at any given time, and there are two positions they can be in, which alternate. What happened, is that at some point the previous three didn't disappear, the other set came down so we had a total of six on the field. After that, one new one was placed dead in the middle of Blaster, which then expanded so that the whole battlefield was covered in yellow. Luckily we got the kill before we died to the damage...


But daaamn, pugs, am I rite?


Considering you were running with 13, no, you ain't right. Pick up the slack! :p

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Considering you were running with 13, no, you ain't right. Pick up the slack! :p


Well, considering that when we had a full group around 7 people went ahead and killed each other with probes in the first phase, I'm not exactly sure that we wouldn't have seen it then already, if we had made it that far. I'm still amazed we got Bulo and Torque down on the first pulls, considering how bad MB and Coratanni were.

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So I did my first pve (other than levelling and xenoanalyst) since before 2.0 hit. New char, new server, had got my 190/186 set from crafting and Ziost, put augments on most slots. Thought it was time to try a HM flashpoint.


Loaded in to HM Korriban. Told everyone I am a pve noob and didnt know this in HM, to no response (have been around the game since not much after launch but mostly pvp since 2.0 when the gap between pvp and pve gear became such that you needed 2 sets).


Up to the second boss without a hitch. First try on second boss; wiped not sure if it was an enrage or if that just happens at about 5-10% health. Had a mara and a sorc that both tended to stand in stupid a bit, but not too much. Sorc quit without a word. Mara wanted to know 'where the heals were'? (I inspected him at this point and he had some pieces of gear with defence/shield/absorb, 198s on those pieces none the less!)

Second time around, had another sorc now as our replacement dps, s/he seems pretty competent. We did the bonus boss on the way to going back to the second boss this time. Mara disconnected and didn't come back after 5+ minutes so the tank decided it was time we sought a replacement. Back to the second boss and the replacement dps, an operative, opens from cover with a couple of snipes and a frag grenade, I immediately think 'here comes another wipe' we do down the boss though, I was ready for the enrage somewhat this time. The sorc and I die just before the tank and op finish off the boss though.


The last boss, I mess up and didn't have the tank topped up enough when the mass stun followed by big group damage hits. Tank goes down, I quickly res him, but in getting him back to reasonable health, our dps sorc dies, I think I have stuffed it, but the operative, the same one who opened on the second boss using snipe, stealths and pulls off a perfect stealth res, we finish the boss and I appologise. To which I was told it's fine. That was the most anyone talked all fp!


So I'm not sure if it is me or the others who are the weird people you find in group finder!

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Battle of Rishi HM


Was playing with my gear on the guild ship and had 3 pieces removed (so was sitting on 43 k hp) when i got gf pop i jumped in and after load said my hello put the gear back and started to heal to full, there was jugg dps , op merc dps (almost full revanite), and me as a merc heal.

First thing that tank said was we cant do it with jugg dps (around 47k hp) and undergeard heal. So i said check my gear again as i am in almost full min/max Revanite. But no word, he left :-)

We que again and 30 sec later we have another tank, who then also quit asap.

So me, op Merc , and and jugg dps cleared all to the last boss without a tank.

We got the the last boss tank joined in we killed it no problem :-)


The end

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Was playing with my gear on the guild ship and had 3 pieces removed (so was sitting on 43 k hp) when i got gf pop i jumped in and after load said my hello put the gear back and started to heal to full, there was jugg dps , op merc dps (almost full revanite), and me as a merc heal.

First thing that tank said was we cant do it with jugg dps (around 47k hp) and undergeard heal. So i said check my gear again as i am in almost full min/max Revanite. But no word, he left :-)


I try to confuse people sometimes on purpose. :D

I usually have multiple costumes on different tabs (complete or mixed sets).

Because I don't like the The Justice cannon with Outcast chest piece (it just doesn't fit!) so I have to swap the mainhand too. Nothing else changes, only cosmetic change.


Has not worked yet...

Why I can't get these "Commando in light armor! -> kick" people in groups?

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Up to the second boss without a hitch. First try on second boss; wiped not sure if it was an enrage or if that just happens at about 5-10% health. Had a mara and a sorc that both tended to stand in stupid a bit, but not too much. Sorc quit without a word. Mara wanted to know 'where the heals were'? (I inspected him at this point and he had some pieces of gear with defence/shield/absorb, 198s on those pieces none the less!)


Lol you hit the soft enrage on that boss which means the dps weren't doing their job. But of course they will call out the healer because they died. I like everyone to stack on that boss for aoe heals and to make using aoe on the adds easier.

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