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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Ugh, /facepalm....


ATT'N: All Lightning-spec Sorcerers.


This is your opener/rotation. As you can see, it's quite simple. Granted that mine may not be perfect, as my main classes are Merc and Gunslinger...But, with that caveat in mind:


(Optional? Not too sure, TBH) Pre-cast Crush-D ---> Polarity Shift (plus Adrenal and/or click-relic if so equipped) ---> Affliction ---> ThunderBlast ---> Recklessness ---> Insta Chain Lightning ---> 'Flash ---> Shock as filler, or CrushD, or TBlast, whichever is off CD at this time ---> Lightning Strike/'Bolt spam until cooldowns come back up ---> priority: TBlast ---> Insta CL ---> Flash + hasted CrushD ---> InstaBolt/Strike if available ---> Bolt/Strike spam ---> repeat with Polarity Shift and Recklessness as close to on cooldown as possible.


You will note that the above does NOT say --


Force Storm ---> Force Storm ---> Force Storm ---> Overload just because ---> Force Storm ---> .... ----> Overload just whenever/whyever ---> Force Storm.


Yeah, I know it's just KDY, but that was still genuinely painful to watch.


All the more so because the guy never once even came close to paying for such stupidity :(


actually opener is CD+ AFF+ PS+ TB+ CL + Recklessness + Flash + Force Storm, lol

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I am beginning to believe intelligence is in low supply on Jedi Covenant server. Level 60 Rishi HMFP, I am on my Scoundrel Healer, half way to first boss, tank throws up a vote kick on me for "wearing medium armor, and using cunning, not willpower" I thought to myself...hmm...ok. Within seconds the vote kick goes through. In a bit of curious nature, I whisper the tank, and both DPS to find out why...and I am told by all 3 that basically "to be a healer, you need to stack willpower and wear heavy armor" Shocked and amazed I was at this....a level 60...believing this.


Next I logged onto a lowbie tank to play around for a bit, level 21 Shadow. Pop into an in progress Hammerstation run with 2 level 20 sentinels (the bane of my existence) and a lvl 19 scoundrel. We start off, sentinels are pulling like mad before me, but I am able to get threat under control in no time. Gets to the point where no mob is hitting anybody but me, so the healer starts DPSing. This pissed off the almighty sentinels, and a vote kick goes up on the healer "if you wanna dps, then play a dps, otherwise you heal" sadly, the vote kick went through. I dropped group right after, whispered the healer, grouped up with him and started leveling together.


I do not understand the level of intellect as of late in this game.




Regarding your first story, all three go on ignore for just plain stupidity. Second story, I've done that before, dps decide to remove the healer, I drop group, group up with healer, queue for another. Oh, and those two Sents go on ignore.


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I do not understand the level of intellect as of late in this game.


1) The entitlement/"You're too special for anything to ever be your fault/responsibility" generation, and pandering to same.


2) MMOs going mainstream vis-a-vis (1)


3) This particular mainstream/current-age MMO going F2P/freemium only bringing in more of (1), exacerbated by (2).


That reminds me, though.


I just ran a [TACTICAL] Czerka Corporate Labs --I know, you can solo that **** easy in current-tier Basic gear at level 60, but I need the additional Basics for some Legacy-smuggling to my heal-Merc on JediCov-- and here we had yet another Merc stacking tank-stats in almost every slot.


Seriously, clueless noobs, will you please just stop flippin' doing that?


You're supposed to know better at level-cap, and this is just giving my favourite AC a piss-poor name. You don't need to do that, we have more than enough Sentinel/Marauders and FotM Sin/Shadow re-rollers to take care of this!


Now then, Mercenaration (<---that's a real word because I say so) 101:


1) Shield and/or Absorption Rating are of no benefit to you, or to any class that can't equip a shield generator, and/or don't happen to have one equipped at the moment.


2) Defense Rating is really only of theoretical benefit to non-tank classes (although I must admit, I am tempted to experiment with it from time to time), and whatever benefit you may actually realise from that generic, lame, RNG-based mechanic, you --and more importantly your group-- will benefit infinitely more from stats that boost your damage. We're alpha-strikers and/or heavy DoTters --the fundamental truth of us is, and has always been, "gank = tank."


3) Arsenal: Learn your frigging rotation, it really isn't hard. At all. Missile Blast + PowerShots until you overheat followed by basic attack, then single-target DFA is not it.


Urrrgggh, total /facepalm :confused:

Edited by midianlord
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I am beginning to believe intelligence is in low supply on Jedi Covenant server. Level 60 Rishi HMFP, I am on my Scoundrel Healer, half way to first boss, tank throws up a vote kick on me for "wearing medium armor, and using cunning, not willpower" I thought to myself...hmm...ok. Within seconds the vote kick goes through. In a bit of curious nature, I whisper the tank, and both DPS to find out why...and I am told by all 3 that basically "to be a healer, you need to stack willpower and wear heavy armor" Shocked and amazed I was at this....a level 60...believing this.


Just wait until you get the classic:

"You can't tank in light armor."

"This is adaptive armor."

"Well, that's even worse!"

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Ugh, /facepalm....


ATT'N: All Lightning-spec Sorcerers.


This is your opener/rotation. As you can see, it's quite simple. Granted that mine may not be perfect, as my main classes are Merc and Gunslinger...But, with that caveat in mind:


(Optional? Not too sure, TBH) Pre-cast Crush-D ---> Polarity Shift (plus Adrenal and/or click-relic if so equipped) ---> Affliction ---> ThunderBlast ---> Recklessness ---> Insta Chain Lightning ---> 'Flash ---> Shock as filler, or CrushD, or TBlast, whichever is off CD at this time ---> Lightning Strike/'Bolt spam until cooldowns come back up ---> priority: TBlast ---> Insta CL ---> Flash + hasted CrushD ---> InstaBolt/Strike if available ---> Bolt/Strike spam ---> repeat with Polarity Shift and Recklessness as close to on cooldown as possible.


You will note that the above does NOT say --


Force Storm ---> Force Storm ---> Force Storm ---> Overload just because ---> Force Storm ---> .... ----> Overload just whenever/whyever ---> Force Storm.


Yeah, I know it's just KDY, but that was still genuinely painful to watch.


All the more so because the guy never once even came close to paying for such stupidity :(


I could have sworn the rotation was:


Chain Lightning -> Force Storm -> Force Storm (clip at 3 secs) -> Force Storm -> Clip after 1 GCD -> Repeat



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Just wait until you get the classic:

"You can't tank in light armor."

"This is adaptive armor."

"Well, that's even worse!"


Havent had that...though I have had a guy in a 55 hmfp with 11k hp wearing lvl 49 gear tell me "its ok, bolster will make up for my bad gear" lol

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Just wait until you get the classic:

"You can't tank in light armor."

"This is adaptive armor."

"Well, that's even worse!"


Ha yeah back before "Adaptive" armor I can't tell you how many times my assassin got kicked for trying to tank in the Imperial dancer outfit. She's an assassin she wear's light...


Then I never did, but I was always tempted to run a Powertech Tank in that outfit after it became adaptive... just to see if I get kicked. Probably would.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I am beginning to believe intelligence is in low supply on Jedi Covenant server. Level 60 Rishi HMFP, I am on my Scoundrel Healer, half way to first boss, tank throws up a vote kick on me for "wearing medium armor, and using cunning, not willpower" I thought to myself...hmm...ok. Within seconds the vote kick goes through. In a bit of curious nature, I whisper the tank, and both DPS to find out why...and I am told by all 3 that basically "to be a healer, you need to stack willpower and wear heavy armor" Shocked and amazed I was at this....a level 60...believing this.


Next I logged onto a lowbie tank to play around for a bit, level 21 Shadow. Pop into an in progress Hammerstation run with 2 level 20 sentinels (the bane of my existence) and a lvl 19 scoundrel. We start off, sentinels are pulling like mad before me, but I am able to get threat under control in no time. Gets to the point where no mob is hitting anybody but me, so the healer starts DPSing. This pissed off the almighty sentinels, and a vote kick goes up on the healer "if you wanna dps, then play a dps, otherwise you heal" sadly, the vote kick went through. I dropped group right after, whispered the healer, grouped up with him and started leveling together.


I do not understand the level of intellect as of late in this game.


I lost a few IQ points reading this.


Any intelligent player knows willpower is the main stat for Inquisitors and Consulars. Furthermore, the only healers that wear heavy armor are Mercenaries and Commandos, and their main stat is aim.


And it's perfectly fine if a healer wants to deal damage if everyone is healed up. Just be ready to switch back to healing.


I'm really happy I'm not on Jedi Covenant.

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So I am new to SWTOR and only recently levelled my first toon (a healer sorc) to level 60. Having spent the time to first get fully into 186 gear (fully augmented) I finally felt confident to try HM level 60 FP’s. So yesterday I ran Korriban Incursion and we survived, but it was difficult to heal especially if the tank does not give the healer even a second to prepare (message for tanks: do not assume the healer can heal you if you attack without the healer present or ready ;))


Now today is another matter; first after more than 1 hour Blood Hunt pops. I’ve read all about the difficulty on HM for this one but I was excited to try it. That did not last long: I arrive in the FP and the tank has already bailed, within 30 seconds without even showing up the first DPS bails as well and of course less than 30 seconds later the second DPS bails.


So I exit and requeue. Maybe one and half hour later Battle of Rishi pops. We start and early on we wipe … again a tank that starts a fight without waiting for me to be ready at all.


We get to the first boss (Rarrook and Marko Ka) and we start the fight. Now when I heal I watch the other players and not the fight (yes … I do watch out for stupid). So I was not really following the fight but quickly one of the DPS died. I could heal the tank and a DPS but not all three. Still it should be doable, but after what feels like a few minutes I look up and the wookie still has more than 50% of his health (and the other almost 100%). I keep on healing but slowly I lose the fight and we wipe.


We start to reposition ourselves and suddenly the first DPS quits, a few seconds later followed by the second DPS and then the tank. Again I have my own private HM FP. :mad:


What is it with people simply quitting, not even saying bye (or even saying hello for that matter)? I consider the level 60 HM FP a challenge that I would like to beat, but this way it seems impossible! Ah well, let’s retry tomorrow. ;)

Edited by YellowRabbitLord
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So I am new to SWTOR and only recently levelled my first toon (a healer sorc) to level 60. Having spent the time to first get fully into 186 gear (fully augmented) I finally felt confident to try HM level 60 FP’s. So yesterday I ran Korriban Incursion and we survived, but it was difficult to heal especially if the tank does not give the healer even a second to prepare (message for tanks: do not assume the healer can heal you if you attack without the healer present or ready ;))


Now today is another matter; first after more than 1 hour Blood Hunt pops. I’ve read all about the difficulty on HM for this one but I was excited to try it. That did not last long: I arrive in the FP and the tank has already bailed, within 30 seconds without even showing up the first DPS bails as well and of course less than 30 minutes later the second DPS bails.


So I exit and requeue. Maybe one and half hour later Battle of Rishi pops. We start and early on we wipe … again a tank that starts a fight without waiting for me to be ready at all.


We get to the first boss (Rarrook and Marko Ka) and we start the fight. Now when I heal I watch the other players and not the fight (yes … I do watch out for stupid). So I was not really following the fight but quickly one of the DPS died. I could heal the tank and a DPS but not all three. Still it should be doable, but after what feels like a few minutes I look up and the wookie still has more than 50% of his health (and the other almost 100%). I keep on healing but slowly I lose the fight and we wipe.


We start to reposition ourselves and suddenly the first DPS quits, a few seconds later followed by the second DPS and then the tank. Again I have my own private HM FP. :mad:


What is it with people simply quitting, not even saying bye (or even saying hello for that matter)? I consider the level 60 HM FP a challenge that I would like to beat, but this way it seems impossible! Ah well, let’s retry tomorrow. ;)


what server are you on?

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Jedi Covenant


You must have met one of the many DPS unable to put out more than 50k damage in a 10min fight we have on JC ;)... At least during the second HM... The first one was likely a tank not wanting to run Blood Hunt but wanting the daily reward.

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I'm really happy I'm not on Jedi Covenant.


IME (Ardennes Legacy, if anyone cares), JediCov seems to be a study in opposed extremes co-existing.


On the one hand, the good players are absolutely rock-solid, and I would follow some of the ones I've played with into attempting a two-man of any NiM boss they name without hesitation.


On the other hand, the bads are...well, beyond merely "egregious" and into the realm of the cosmically --or maybe I should say even Biblically-- retarded.




On JC in particular, the bads, in the main, seem exceptionally immature and bellicose about it compared to the other (five) servers I'm on....Maybe a lot of spoiled kids on JC? Or just kid-ults?


Hell I don't know, but it's worth noting, IMHO.

Edited by midianlord
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(message for tanks: do not assume the healer can heal you if you attack without the healer present or ready ;))


As a new healer I get this a lot in heroics.

I have:

1st: lvl30-ish Sage on TRE, only tried healing at 28+

2nd: lvl29 Sage on Prog, leveled as Seer from start


"Omg, CC... what to CC... Oh no, Sentinel is at 50% and tank just dropped below 65%... Oh no... Sentinel broke his own CC"

After the pull my force is totally wrecked. Probably because I like to do damage when I don't have to heal so I don't feel I'm totally useless. But no one has not died yet in heroics apart from someone else's companion (difficult to heal them). 2x tank KDY runs are also nightmare.

Edited by Halinalle
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But no one has not died yet in heroics apart from someone else's companion (difficult to heal them). 2x tank KDY runs are also nightmare.


Activate the focus target in your UI editor and put the companion in your focus target (alt + f).


You now have an additional target frame where you can put any player, companion or enemy.

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HM mannan, I decided to do a HM fp while I wait for my dinner to cook (relevant later on). I am on my jugg tank. Due to only farming the daily elites I have actually only done this mission 3 times (all as a tank).


I zone in and there is a sorc healer, jugg dps and mara dps. Jugg dps quits instantly. Healer requeus us and we soon get and op dps, who dc's right after zoning in. He soon reconnects and we set off.


First pull is pretty much fine, if by fine I mean needing to pop sabre ward and endure pain just to survive with 2% at the end of the pull. Second pull I need enraged defence to keep me alive. Next pull I pop invincible. I decide to keep an eye on the healer on the next pull.


All 4 of us are stood infront of the next pull. I leap in and break tanking protocol and procedure by using a taunt at the start of my rotation, a simple aoe taunt so I have guaranteed aggro and get some spare time to look at the healer. He is jumping in circles doing no healing what-so-ever.


I start the next pull ensure I grab aggro then spin the camera see what the healer is doing....jumping in circles and not healing.


At the first boss I end up relying on DCD's and kolto barrels to keep me alive but its not enough when the boss starts that 4-blast knockdown thing, so I cant move out of the droids pull-cord thing. We beat the first boss due to the mara being well-geared and played by a good player.


We go through the trash with no heals again. Get to the second boss (skip bonus) and get started, I get no heals. On the first round of adds the healer kites away from me and the group, while spam healing himself. I taunt 1 add off him and sabre throw the other, however due to the healers spam healing on himself he has generated too much aggro for my sabre throw to rip off him so I end up moving into melee, by running across the room to get to the kiting healer. I grab aggro, take a quick glance at group hp and notice the op dps is close to dead. He didn't bother going for the adds, instead tunnel visioning the boss while I spent my time grabbing the adds off a dumb kiting healer, so the op ripped aggro and ended up dead. I die soon after second round of adds due to no heals what-so-ever, followed by the mara and healer.


We go back to the second boss, try again, and a third time. All resulting in wipes. On the 4th one the mara makes a mistake and is caught in the water during the electricity (this is the first mistake he has made so no big deal) and the op dps dc's. We wipe.


This time op dps doesn't return. I start explaining to the healer that if they have adds they should run towards the boss/tank rather than away and explain the whole issue with him spam healing himself while kiting away making it difficult for me to rip aggro without covering the entire room in water. I also use this as a chance to bring up the fact that I have never recieved even 1 single heal throughout the entire mission.

healer: "I heal when I have to"

me: "and a tank at 10% hp isnt a situation in which you have to heal? anyway if your not healing why not dps rather than doing nothing"

healer: "my damage output is negligable and I need to conserve resource"

me: "conserve it for what? healing?"

healer: "well of course, im heal specced"

me: "so why don't you heal?"

healer: "I do when I am injured"

me: "how about when the group is injured?"

healer: "theres nothing I can do about that"

me: "you could do something, for example, heal"

healer: "**** stupid noob, how am I supposed to heal you?"

me: "what?"

mara: "what?"

healer: "my heals only work on me, when I cast them it heals me, thats how it works"

me: "are you trolling?"

mara: "what makes you think he is trolling?"

me: "2 options, 1. a level 60 doesn't realise you can heal allies by targeting them, or 2. hes a troll. Option 1 seems unlikely"

mara: "fair point"


I put up a vote kick on the healer, but it doesn't go through. The mara says we would be better off just explaining healing to this healer. Its now been half an hour since the start of the mission, meaning my dinner is cooked giving me a great excuse to get out of there.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Queud for random hm fp on my commando. Manaan pops, we enter, tank leaves first. No words. Then healer, and then dps. All before we enter first room.


I mean, if they wan't to do Korriban only, just tick that only, don't do things like that... Oh well, I didn't get lockout, but not that it will help - will be in queue for a while.

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So I am new to SWTOR...

(message for tanks: do not assume the healer can heal you if you attack without the healer present or ready ;))


Welcome to the game. You will find that pulling when the healer has no force/energy or is not with the group because they're still stood trying to regen where the last mob died is a common tank problem. Just ask them to slow a little and most will. When tanking you have to balance making sure everyone is ready with waiting too long so the stupid dps pull (there's always one stupid dps).


From recent posts here it sounds like the bads on JC are trying to take the bad crown from our bads on ToFN. ;)

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1st KDY:

First thing I notice is that it's in progress. Fine, should be quick run for me, right? We have two dps and me as heals, fourth member is somewhere but not inside instance. We start clearing first room in Armory. 4th member disappears from group. No problems so far. Sage dps pulls Elite Defender and I put Force Armor + Rejuvenate (didn't have 10% armor buff for it yet though) on her and of course Force armor melts quickly. So I start spam healing. Sage has best strategy for this fight ever: LoS healer. Sage melts in seconds. My heals do exactly nothing. At this point I was considering quitting. Maybe I should... Anyway, that's wipe we can't seem to do it. At least I died last... Sage says "we need tank". I was going to say that we really don't need tank for this FP but Sage quits. Other dps quits few seconds later without saying anything. So, there I was alone in KDY. I probably did something wrong.


2nd KDY:

We get a full group finally. Tank, 2 dps, healer (bad one though). We start first scenario and I notice that there's only 3 of us there. 4th member is somewhere. He quits when we are about 50% done with ship assembly scenario. We get Shadow dps. I focus mostly on healing and dps only rarely. Guardian seems to have some issues with threat but it's not really an issue. Only one death. In Armory fight against Elite Defender I forget to keep tank healed because I had to heal gunslinger who did a lot of damage for low level. :eek: Anyways, I explain I'm bad healer and we continue without vote kicking or anything like that. Final boss is grenade dude. It was kinda fun thanks to Shadow who used the left console just before fight even started, it kind of messed up my concentration. I switched between full on healing and killing adds. I got maybe 2 Weaken Minds, 1 Mind Crush and 1 TK Throw on boss. :D

Edited by Halinalle
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HM mannan, I decided to do a HM fp while I wait for my dinner to cook (relevant later on). I am on my jugg tank. Due to only farming the daily elites I have actually only done this mission 3 times (all as a tank).


I zone in and there is a sorc healer, jugg dps and mara dps. Jugg dps quits instantly. Healer requeus us and we soon get and op dps, who dc's right after zoning in. He soon reconnects and we set off.


First pull is pretty much fine, if by fine I mean needing to pop sabre ward and endure pain just to survive with 2% at the end of the pull. Second pull I need enraged defence to keep me alive. Next pull I pop invincible. I decide to keep an eye on the healer on the next pull.


All 4 of us are stood infront of the next pull. I leap in and break tanking protocol and procedure by using a taunt at the start of my rotation, a simple aoe taunt so I have guaranteed aggro and get some spare time to look at the healer. He is jumping in circles doing no healing what-so-ever.


I start the next pull ensure I grab aggro then spin the camera see what the healer is doing....jumping in circles and not healing.


At the first boss I end up relying on DCD's and kolto barrels to keep me alive but its not enough when the boss starts that 4-blast knockdown thing, so I cant move out of the droids pull-cord thing. We beat the first boss due to the mara being well-geared and played by a good player.


We go through the trash with no heals again. Get to the second boss (skip bonus) and get started, I get no heals. On the first round of adds the healer kites away from me and the group, while spam healing himself. I taunt 1 add off him and sabre throw the other, however due to the healers spam healing on himself he has generated too much aggro for my sabre throw to rip off him so I end up moving into melee, by running across the room to get to the kiting healer. I grab aggro, take a quick glance at group hp and notice the op dps is close to dead. He didn't bother going for the adds, instead tunnel visioning the boss while I spent my time grabbing the adds off a dumb kiting healer, so the op ripped aggro and ended up dead. I die soon after second round of adds due to no heals what-so-ever, followed by the mara and healer.


We go back to the second boss, try again, and a third time. All resulting in wipes. On the 4th one the mara makes a mistake and is caught in the water during the electricity (this is the first mistake he has made so no big deal) and the op dps dc's. We wipe.


This time op dps doesn't return. I start explaining to the healer that if they have adds they should run towards the boss/tank rather than away and explain the whole issue with him spam healing himself while kiting away making it difficult for me to rip aggro without covering the entire room in water. I also use this as a chance to bring up the fact that I have never recieved even 1 single heal throughout the entire mission.

healer: "I heal when I have to"

me: "and a tank at 10% hp isnt a situation in which you have to heal? anyway if your not healing why not dps rather than doing nothing"

healer: "my damage output is negligable and I need to conserve resource"

me: "conserve it for what? healing?"

healer: "well of course, im heal specced"

me: "so why don't you heal?"

healer: "I do when I am injured"

me: "how about when the group is injured?"

healer: "theres nothing I can do about that"

me: "you could do something, for example, heal"

healer: "**** stupid noob, how am I supposed to heal you?"

me: "what?"

mara: "what?"

healer: "my heals only work on me, when I cast them it heals me, thats how it works"

me: "are you trolling?"

mara: "what makes you think he is trolling?"

me: "2 options, 1. a level 60 doesn't realise you can heal allies by targeting them, or 2. hes a troll. Option 1 seems unlikely"

mara: "fair point"


I put up a vote kick on the healer, but it doesn't go through. The mara says we would be better off just explaining healing to this healer. Its now been half an hour since the start of the mission, meaning my dinner is cooked giving me a great excuse to get out of there.


that's just.. insane

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I got a good one and I learned my lesson to never join a pug group for GF Ops or really queue again with non-guildes outside a fp. So bored me wants to get some comms for some tank B mods hear so se someone spamming for Ravagers 16 Gf last boss. I'm thinking good we skipped to an easier boss that people can do should be fine so I join to tank it. Now one dies somehow and goes back to beginning. Instead of taking transport he goes long route. I'm thinking its whatevs. Now come out the first group I despise. The impatient. Several freak out and start verbally abusing the poor guy especially one dude who went full roof rage as his time is "valuable" (how cute) and we can do this easily without him. I'm like chill out (He can't say anything to me as he seems to know better when (guy is op healer btw). So after a few minutes of whining (I had gone back out to show him how to get in). Then one of the impatiens pull before I get back in the room and wipes the raid. We Rez. Now enter the know it alls. Complaints fly at everyone in the room, one threatens to quit because his dinner is ready. The Op healer pitifully asks for a rez but to make things fun I get the newbie to Rez him. Boy he's mad now. We get it down and pull for real. Enter the final group of despicables, the bads and the people who think they are good. People stand in circles but the heals can't keep up. I look up this guy who had been blustering can't heal for crap (Apparently on his legacy he had beaten Bulo HM but certainly not on that healer) plus he's just healing himself while being a scumbag in chat. He leaves and everyone is thankful he left. But impatients now leave. We had only been at this for 10 minutes. Never doing that again. Not until impatient Gimmie gimmie people, *** clowns, terra bads, and bass who think they are good stop joining groups I am out. Nope nope nope. I question why I even thought it was a good idea in the first place.
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me: "how about when the group is injured?"

healer: "theres nothing I can do about that"

me: "you could do something, for example, heal"

healer: "**** stupid noob, how am I supposed to heal you?"

me: "what?"

mara: "what?"

healer: "my heals only work on me, when I cast them it heals me, thats how it works"



Level 60.... just... what the....




Not shocked anymore, should be a role test similar to Raptus's challenges before you can do GF at level cap.

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