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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I'm going to go slighly off-topic here, but hopefully not much: I know there're quite a few people(and stories!) from my server, Red Eclipse, and I've been reading in fascination. Thank you! (I've had bad experiences with members of a certain F-guild, myself). Now I have a dilemma: my small Russian guild is being disbanded(conquests, guildships, enough money, but just not enough people to get in top ten), and absorbed into Imperial Wolves/Star Wolves. Are there a lot of bad/weird stories about members of that guild in ops/fps? Because I know all those stories about Firewind guild are definitely true - had lots of weird experiences with their members, ninja-looting included.


I never had any trouble with any of their members as far as I can remember.

Goodluck on your guild merger, Kulyok!

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Not so much a group finder as a group I was drug into that was already queued. (Long story) So here was a HM BT run. Level 53 merc, level 50 sith sorc, myself a lvl 55 merc and suddenly no tank. The SS says no problem we will use your Skadge. He says this is cake. I am like ok, these two have run together before so I imagine they have some idea what is going on.


We walked through the starting trash mobs fairly easy except the SS dies. He *****es at me over my heals. I am not the best healer in the world true but still I didn't think he should have went down that fast. Make it to the bridge with me throwing kolto everywhere just to be safe.


Now comes the first boss. Piece of cake right. No. We wiped big as can be. More ************. I am like something isn't right. My average gear level is 156. I don't typically do HM FPs or OPs so I am thinking man I am really screwing this up for these guys. Second time through I was last man standing, we wipe. Now wait a minute! Something is not right.


I inspect them both. Average gear level of 108 and 112. I am thinking holy hell. No wonder the SS is getting two to three hit kills. These guys are way under geared. Then I think wait a second. I look at their achievements. Guess where they have spent all their time. KDY.


Few other FPs done. Decent amount of pvp. But dear god KDY has been smoking for them. Now I have know these two for a little while and they seemed to have some clue prior to this run.


So fifth time through I get yelled out for putting Skadge in a combat stance because of the damage. Last man standing I clear the boss. I don't say anything. I just let the comments roll off. We head over in the shuttle and start hitting the trash mobs. Second group I get the you really suck as a healer comment. I stewed for a few and then dropped.


Like I said I am not the best healer. I am not the best player by far. But how can you expect to do a HM that far under geared.

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Not so much a group finder as a group I was drug into that was already queued. (Long story) So here was a HM BT run. Level 53 merc, level 50 sith sorc, myself a lvl 55 merc and suddenly no tank. The SS says no problem we will use your Skadge. He says this is cake. I am like ok, these two have run together before so I imagine they have some idea what is going on.


We walked through the starting trash mobs fairly easy except the SS dies. He *****es at me over my heals. I am not the best healer in the world true but still I didn't think he should have went down that fast. Make it to the bridge with me throwing kolto everywhere just to be safe.


Now comes the first boss. Piece of cake right. No. We wiped big as can be. More ************. I am like something isn't right. My average gear level is 156. I don't typically do HM FPs or OPs so I am thinking man I am really screwing this up for these guys. Second time through I was last man standing, we wipe. Now wait a minute! Something is not right.


I inspect them both. Average gear level of 108 and 112. I am thinking holy hell. No wonder the SS is getting two to three hit kills. These guys are way under geared. Then I think wait a second. I look at their achievements. Guess where they have spent all their time. KDY.


Few other FPs done. Decent amount of pvp. But dear god KDY has been smoking for them. Now I have know these two for a little while and they seemed to have some clue prior to this run.


So fifth time through I get yelled out for putting Skadge in a combat stance because of the damage. Last man standing I clear the boss. I don't say anything. I just let the comments roll off. We head over in the shuttle and start hitting the trash mobs. Second group I get the you really suck as a healer comment. I stewed for a few and then dropped.


Like I said I am not the best healer. I am not the best player by far. But how can you expect to do a HM that far under geared.


Well, i'v seen guardian-tank and sage-healer having about 20k+ HP in DF SM (GF).

Do i have to add something else? :rolleyes:

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Sighing, I nevertheless don't say anything, because by now I just want to finally kill Ikoral and get this FP over with. Again, the tank pulls as soon as he gets back, and though it's clear he's never done this fight before he doesn't pause to ask any of us what to do. So when Ikoral summons his apprentices, he has no clue to go behind the apprentices and interrupt their shield power so the lightning can zap them. Both the healer and I are telling him in chat to do so, but it takes a while for it to finally click. Sigh. This fight went on for ages!


I also noticed that no one but me was bothering to interrupt the apprentices shield ability thingy they do. You have to do that in order for them to get zapped by the lightning, even if it is hitting them. But I don't even bother pointing it out, because did I mention this fight took what felt like an hour??? Ikoral is a pushover. No one should be having these sorts of problems. lol


Anyway, after what felt like an eternity, we finally killed Ikoral. We didn't even really need the tank we got. He only managed to prolong the fight. We'd already almost had Ikoral down when he popped. But it was our fault for not turning off the queue, but to be honest we forgot about it. All in all it was a very interesting experience.


Also, a well-geared Skadge is apparently a very decent tank. Guess that ugly son of a Hutt does have his uses after all.


Ugh, they still haven't fixed this after almost a year, huh. Had a similar experience to yours, except I used Blizz and our tank never popped. We had to reset the fight about five times before I was able to convince our squishy DPS to lie still and watch the fight. Damn Ikoral and his nine lives...

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Well, i'v seen guardian-tank and sage-healer having about 20k+ HP in DF SM (GF).

Do i have to add something else? :rolleyes:



Which would work well if they knew what they were doing. It became fast obvious that they had no idea how to gear now play their toons. And since I wasn't the group leader I couldn't re queue for a tank. The group leader did not queue us for a tank. It was really a gimped run. And seeing how their toons were leveled I believe I understand why. No one was spec'd DPS.

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Well, i'v seen guardian-tank and sage-healer having about 20k+ HP in DF SM (GF).

Do i have to add something else? :rolleyes:


Well, GF ops buff (through bolster) your mainstat/power/tertiary stats to the minimum gear rating for that op, just they don;t really mess with endurance. We've parsed it and they do enough dps/heals/mitigation to be at least passable, even in rated 112 gear.

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So, two days ago, I queued up as dps while doing dailies on my pt. Eventually I get a pop for athiss. We end up booting the tank after the first boss for A: No gear. and B: is actually specced deception, and bad at it. I just respecced to tank immediately because we have a decently geared sorc in the group and the replacement queue time for a dps will be shorter.


By the time we have killed the dog boss, Im beginning to notice things. The sorc was clearly madness, and either fully madness or too stupid to use the chain lightning part of hybrid. In any case, I definitely see death field being used, and there are usually stacks of +DoT damage on the stuff we are fighting. But they arent getting used. The thing that really tips me off is firstly, how long everything is taking (which starts the why...? going) and the fact that Im almost never able to use railshot unless its got my Ion cell dot ticking. It hits me. The sorc isnt using ANY dots. At all.


I tell the guy to use Affliction. No reponse, and barely any change. We get through the tunnels to the Prophet and here Im keeping track. 2 Crushing Darkness cast, total. From the Dog to the Final. No chain lighting, and an affliction uptime of maybe 10%. Im trying to tell the guy to use his dots. Nada.


Eventually, the flashpoint is complete. The other dps, a mara, actually ran *into* the fire twice. Afterwords, I tell the guy he needs to look up a guide or something on madness as hes not doing anywhere near what he needs to be. He tells me Im bad, and that Im a scrub because I know how to play his class better than he does. I laugh at him, and leave.


Heres the kicker. TWO DAYS LATER. I log in, and before Ive even loaded in fully, Ive got a whisper from this guy "morning scrub."


This derp added me to his friends list, no other way he could have known Id logged in so quickly, just so he could try and insult me, and kept this vigilance for two, whole days. Astounding.

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I had a bad and a good story today.


First, the bad. HM Czerka Corporate labs on my healer. On the droid boss, the dps tunnel visioned on the boss, even when the adds came in. I had to heal myself, the tank, and kill the adds. Was very hectic and more than a little annoying. Eventually, the boss enraged. ... !?! ... The tank and dps were in a mix of 162/168 gear, augmented, stayed on the boss, and still managed to hit enrage. :eek:


I was actually a bit stunned. I've never seen an enrage on that boss, even with a group in poor gear, let alone in gear 2.5 tiers higher than recommended. Were the dps just afk? Or actually that bad?


The tank promptly rage quits, followed by one of the dps. Didn't want wait in instance for a replacement tank, so dropped myself, requeued and got Athiss, which went smoothly.


Then, the good. I switched to my Shadow tank and got a Hammer Station pop. On the first boss (Tunneler), the healer wasn't cleansing the laser. Once my Resilience was on CD, we wiped.


Checked achievements, and the healer was super-brand-new. I explained what Restoration was and when to use it. One of the dps gave tips on how to set up buffs to read them. Nobody was frustrated, everyone was helpful.


Next pull was harrowing at first (I'd either get cleansed at 1 stack or 8 stacks), but by the end of that fight, healer had the mechanic down cold. The rest of the FP went smooth as silk.


It was really cool to see a group that was patient and willing to help, and a player that was willing to learn.

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Which would work well if they knew what they were doing. It became fast obvious that they had no idea how to gear now play their toons. And since I wasn't the group leader I couldn't re queue for a tank. The group leader did not queue us for a tank. It was really a gimped run. And seeing how their toons were leveled I believe I understand why. No one was spec'd DPS.


lol seems you got the **** end of the stick on that run. 2 mercs, 1 sorc and no1 was specced dps. Naturally that means that you have 3 people specced healer, and who gets blamed for the healing?


You should have told them if they weren't happy with your healing then they can heal themselves, seeing as they are specced for it.



Wierd story in atheiss HM. im on my sorc healer with 28k hp so am used to being the noob of the group, however this time im not, the sin tank has 22k, sniper dps 25k, the merc dps has a nice 30k. I throw a quick skim over people's buffs to see if i need to pop any of the class buffs and I notice something. Sin "tank" is in surging charge. I have a feeling this will be an interesting run.


We set off and with the first few trash pulls its clear im going to have 1 hell of a job. This "tank" melts faster than a tub of butter in an oven (not surprised, hes still in surging) and tunnel visions while the sniper dps spams rifle shot (over-exaggeration, he fires ambush on cd but rifle shots while waiting for cd), the merc is competent and is peeling things off me as I frantically spam heal the sin "tank".


First boss doesn't go too bad due to the merc dps throwing a few kolto missiles as my force gets low (spam healing a non-tank sin with half the dps using a poor rotation therefore prolonging the fight is going to drain my force).


We get the boss down with no deaths and move onto beast of vodal. Tank pulls and we enter into our stride. Both dps and the tank tunnel vision the boss and I get all the adds that are there at the start of the fight. I bubble myself and continue frantically healing our melty sin. 4 dog adds appear and make a b-line for me. I decide I ought to interrupt my heals and kill some of this stuff as im going down fast. I force storm everything around me and, in the 6 seconds the force storm takes to cast the tank has died. We get a wipe from there.


On our way back I politely ask if the dps can take the adds as I can't cope. The merc apologises for not doing so before, sniper says nothing. Get back to it and sniper and tank tunnel vision the boss, so the merc carrys us through while I frantically spam heal the sin.


We get into the tomb full of champs and I open the shortcut. We then set off towards the bonus boss where the sin decides 1 at a time is too easy, so he pulls a sorc and 2 warriors. Im now healing a sin in surging charge through damage from 3 champions while the entire group is being hit with the sorc's force storms (we are in the stairway so no room to move out of it). By the end of the fight I have 32/600 force left so I seethe. However the sin carries on and pulls the final sorc. I can't heal fast enough to keep them up (try spam healing with 32 force) so the merc takes over healing while I spam basic attack (melee sorc :confused:) until my force is high enough to heal properly so go back to healing. We finish the fight with me at 22/600 force when the sniper (who cleverly positioned himself during the fight to be able to summon bonus boss) clicked the summon box straight away.


We are now fighting the bonus boss with a sin tank in surging charge and a sorc healer with 22/600 force. We wipe. The tank then complains that I have been healing really badly through the whole mission and, though he put up with it before he has had enough, so he drops group. We get a replacement PT and finish up with no further issues.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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lol seems you got the **** end of the stick on that run. 2 mercs, 1 sorc and no1 was specced dps. Naturally that means that you have 3 people specced healer, and who gets blamed for the healing?


You should have told them if they weren't happy with your healing then they can heal themselves, seeing as they are specced for it.


I guess since I had the highest level toon I was supposed to carry them. My back is bad and I only carry so far. ;) I am just waiting on running into the sorc again. I know it will happen. We run in the same circle so to speak. :confused: I think I am going to volunteer to run with a friend of his who keeps asking me to run KDY with her just so I can see what she has achievement wise. She has at least one 55 toon and a legacy level of 9. Now I am not sure how that works but when she said it the other day I did the Scott from Family Guy "Whaaaaaaaaaattttt?"

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I guess since I had the highest level toon I was supposed to carry them. My back is bad and I only carry so far. ;) I am just waiting on running into the sorc again. I know it will happen. We run in the same circle so to speak. :confused: I think I am going to volunteer to run with a friend of his who keeps asking me to run KDY with her just so I can see what she has achievement wise. She has at least one 55 toon and a legacy level of 9. Now I am not sure how that works but when she said it the other day I did the Scott from Family Guy "Whaaaaaaaaaattttt?"


Prehaps only created their legacy part-way through. Back when I first started with my first toon I remember thinking "well I doubt this legacy stuff makes much difference, its only a surname". As such I didn't create my legacy until lvl 27, only because someone happened to be explaining the benefits of it over general chat on balmorra.

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Prehaps only created their legacy part-way through. Back when I first started with my first toon I remember thinking "well I doubt this legacy stuff makes much difference, its only a surname". As such I didn't create my legacy until lvl 27, only because someone happened to be explaining the benefits of it over general chat on balmorra.
That is a possibility. I think it unlikely with 56% of KDY and only 8% of about everything else. I have randomly started looking at some of my guildmates and I am finding more and more people who are rapid leveling through KDY. And most if not all are on their first toons. I mean is there some big sign somewhere that says "Hey!! Easy XP!! Fast grind right here!!"? I have made a few runs and it gives me a headache. No structure to it. Just basically a smash and grab.
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Yeah KDY is dull, repetitive and gives no lessons in how to play the classes and roles properly. However its getting more and more popular and my previous leveling method (run round on planets while constantly queued for every FP available) isn't as effective any more as it seems everybody is only doing KDY, which I have already got bored with while working my way up to full reputation.
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That is a possibility. I think it unlikely with 56% of KDY and only 8% of about everything else. I have randomly started looking at some of my guildmates and I am finding more and more people who are rapid leveling through KDY. And most if not all are on their first toons. I mean is there some big sign somewhere that says "Hey!! Easy XP!! Fast grind right here!!"? I have made a few runs and it gives me a headache. No structure to it. Just basically a smash and grab.


I sense you will be providing us with a great many stories about KDY school of bads graduates in the near future.


My condolences.

Edited by g_land
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Manaan - tactical so we had a bad group comp, 2 heals 2 dps. I was a much better geared healer, capable of fixing any damage with my own heals or the healing station I was standing by. Yet the weird other healer kept running in circles to avoid "being grappled" and thus contributed neither dps, healing or tanking of any kind. So when I mentioned to him what he was doing incorrectly in private chat, he said "I do what I want" and just dropped group.
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Manaan - tactical so we had a bad group comp, 2 heals 2 dps. I was a much better geared healer, capable of fixing any damage with my own heals or the healing station I was standing by. Yet the weird other healer kept running in circles to avoid "being grappled" and thus contributed neither dps, healing or tanking of any kind. So when I mentioned to him what he was doing incorrectly in private chat, he said "I do what I want" and just dropped group.


They dropped group so that the rest of you could get a real player? How considerate!

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That is a possibility. I think it unlikely with 56% of KDY and only 8% of about everything else. I have randomly started looking at some of my guildmates and I am finding more and more people who are rapid leveling through KDY. And most if not all are on their first toons. I mean is there some big sign somewhere that says "Hey!! Easy XP!! Fast grind right here!!"? I have made a few runs and it gives me a headache. No structure to it. Just basically a smash and grab.


and it dosen't even drop gear..once oyou start is hard to venture on a planet if you have no idea about modding

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I had an odd one today.


HM Athiss as Powertech tank (35k HP). I got a Carnage Marauder (30k HP), a Pyrotech Mercenary, and a healer of some type who dropped immediately. One of the DPS piped up and said that the healer had some sort of bug happen. Whatever. I slice the elevator and head on down, thinking maybe we can clear a little trash. Meanwhile up above, the Merc pulls some of the hard-hitting droid trash that can be easily avoided, getting him and the Mara killed twice each before they finally reset. A few question marks swim into view above my head. Somehow I missed hearing the alarm bells here and chalked it up to an accident...


We queue up and go clear the doggies between us and the explosives while we wait. The Merc pulls the group before I can get any hits in, but I grab the mobs off him and we kill them. I ask him to let the tank pull, especially seeing as we're without a healer and we all have fairly meh gear. We get a 4th, a NiM-geared Madness Sorcerer (40k HP). Wait, Madness? I check and see that the Merc is now slotted as heals. I ask if he can switch. He says he can do either DPS or heals, I ask him to respec, and he cryptically responds that he's off to "do weeklies" before zoning out and dropping group. The question marks are coming up in earnest now.


We clear a little more trash and get another Sorc, healer specced this time, from the same guild as the first Sorc and in similar gear (39k HP). We kill the first boss without any deaths, but the Mara disconnects during the fight. We wait a few minutes but kick him when it becomes clear he won't be back all that soon.


We requeue for another DPS and get...the Merc from before! I anticipate more weirdness and place an order for an emergency shipment of question marks to replenish my depleted stores of them. The Merc comes in and we start clearing trash in the open area between the first and second bosses. We've agreed that we'll do bonus for the decoration, so we're getting lots of trash, and I notice that a lot of groups are getting pulled without me. Ah well, I'm able to gather them up and the face-melting Sorcs prevent any trouble. I attribute that to them deciding that they can be a little sloppy with trash due to their gear, which I'm okay with so long as it doesn't get out of hand.


Then a few pulls later, while I'm handling about five doggies at once, I notice that the Merc is nowhere in sight, his health is dropping precipitously, and we're still in combat after killing the last of the doggies. I run towards him on the minimap and see him trying to solo another group that he pulled while we were still dealing with the first one. After letting the mobs eat his face, I jet in and grab them, and the Sorcs and I clean them up. I explain to the Merc that what just happened is why one should not pull ahead of the tank, especially while the tank is already engaged with another group. He apologizes and we keep going.

Two pulls later he disappears somewhere and comes back with a bunch of friends. I try to gather them all so they don't mob the healer after squishing the idiot Merc, but I die and the Sorcs are overrun for a wipe. The Merc apologizes and drops group before we can kick him. I have so many question marks over my head that they have ceased to hold any meaning for me and just appear as weird squiggles.


The Sorcs murmur of a new entry on their ignore lists. We queue up and get a Marksman Sniper (28k HP). I ask if he knows why it's a bad idea to pull adds ahead of the tank and he responds with a wry comment about ragequitters. We go through and kill the second boss, the bonus boss, and the final boss without any deaths or other problems. I got a decoration so I'm considering it a win in my book.

Edited by venomlash
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Like I said in my first post I am not the best player in the world but neither am I the worst. I try and do my best to learn the game and take constructive criticism well. If I am screwing up and you tell me something that helps me improve my game play that is awesome. In my years of playing mmo's I have learned a few things. Do not run ahead of the trap monkey (DDO), do not pull aggro from the tank, and never ever out run your healer. :D


I was doing KDY on my new tank. Now tanking is not something I have normally done so this is a foray into a new arena. Healing and especially dps are more what I aim for in a toon. I load in and get matched with a mara, sniper and a merc. I am on my Jugg so I think balanced team. First few fights go well with no deaths and then I get the remark from the healer " you know how to use guard?" Hmmmm, yeah. You need to guard me. I am thinking no I really don't. But we are out of combat for a few so I obliged until we got to the next mob and I switched it back to the mara.


Now the merc was evidently not paying that much attention to it as he didn't initially say anything. I pulled right and suddenly we started to wipe out. I am like wth???? We three go down in a blaze of glory and I notice the healer is no where to be found. He decided I guess since he was guarded he could go ahead and pull left and got mauled. He starts ************ about my tanking and how I don't know what I am doing. Ok, well find someone who does this is enough torture for me today. Some of these people amaze me they have enough brain cells to even turn on the computer.

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Mando Raiders SM:

Me (Watchman Sentinel), tank, healer and Sentinel without saber form (I actually point this out early in the FP). Nothing. We go on and kill some enemies. Still no saber form. We get to final boss and this sentinel stays on boss until boss jumps away and then, only then, decides to hit second turret on platform (I had to destroy first one by myself, every single time).



Level 40, yes 40, Sentinel with Juyo Form up stayed at 30 stacks of Centering all the time. He was obviously Watchman because I noticed rare heals from his crits every now and then. A little bit weird but it was KDY after all.

Edited by Halinalle
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I got in The False Emperor flashpoint.

I was a shadow tank with proper tank gear and... technique that still needs work, but good enough.

Our healer was a DPS spec'd sage, cause I'd look at his cooldown bar and see non-healer stuff on it during fights

One of our DPS was a guardian with blue and green PvP gear and no offhand. Where he got that stuff, I don't have a clue.

And one guy dc'd.

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Just got from Cademimu. I was a healer scoundrel and we had 2 worst DPS I ever met (luckily the tank guardian knew her stuff)


1 DPS is a Sentinel with all green gears (damage even lower than me, not that I mind as long as he play well). The thing is, he just keep attacking everything without consideration, often away from the tank, which made healing more difficult. I told him to attack 1 target on the double turret so I can slice the other, but he just attacking 1 turret by himself while the tank and the other dps attacking the other. Naturally I had to heal both him and the tank. Oh, and he click NEED on every gear dropped. There were 3 cunning gears dropped on that FP and he had 2 of them. I regret not voting to kick him earlier.


The second DPS wasn't so bad play-wise, but attitude wise is.. overly childish? I don't know the average age of people playing this game, but he selected NEED for the other cunning gear and got it (despite being jedi sentinel and know about main stats). When I asked him for the gear, he's whining like a little kid, complaining about him hasn't got any orange gear lately and according to his logic, that allows him to click need on someone else gear.




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