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Agent, warrior and knight were good stories.


Agent most dramatic and thrilling

Warrior is what you might expect, typical Star Wars

Knight is probably THE typical Star Wars story.


The worst so far the bounty hunter and smuggler. Bounty hunter taris was quite good and emotional though. Smuggler I am only lv 36 but I don't feel involved into my character and story.


Played first planet trooper and I liked this part most of any first planet story (was the first char I played just to try out the game 2011). I will probably start one over for 3.0

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8. Smuggler: Played as a human male gunslinger and just could not get into the story and found it rather dull and boring the whole way through.


Meaning you have absolutely no sense of humor, because that's what the Smuggler is all about.

Edited by BenKatarn
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  • 4 weeks later...

Far as I remember the Stories,I would rate them :


1 - SW (DS) : Who doesn't like Force Chocking People just because you feel like doing so ... and People simply doing nothing,because they Fear you. #GODMOMENTS!)


2 - BH (LS) : Epic.I think it's the most Unique Story in ToR,fits the Character very well (Specially if you use Mako ): )


3 - Cons (LS) / Agent (Neutral) : I couldn't decide which to choose,I enjoyed both.

Agent : All I can say is 'A double crossing son of a B ... very James Bond-ish. (I love it mostly,because there's different Endings,depending which way you've choosen.)

Cons : Most Jedish story I've ever come across.Most of the Stories are 'Go there > kill/capture > come back' but the Cons has Unique missions (Yes ... ACT l is repetitive but meh ....). Wanted to rate it 2,but I can't remember the ACT lll ending D:


4 - SI (DS) : Can't really remember the Story (entirely) but I remember ACT lll being the most exciting ACT out of all the Stories. (and let's be Honest , Khem Val rocks. and your Last Comp is just pure epicness.)


5 - Smuggler (Neutral) : Well,ACT l was probably the best ACT l out of all the Stories (Gave you this 'personal touch' to the Story,really great) . I expected a more 'Han Solo' type of Story,probably that's why most of the Smugglers are disappointed with the Story.


6 - Trooper : I've only played a Trooper because of Raid Purpose.But I'm not into 'taking orders' type of Stories,so that's a huge - for me.ACT lll ending wasn't that special either ...


7 - JK (LS) : Huge disappointment,very predictable.To be Honest,I only enjoyed ACT lll (and your 2nd Comps Missions) rest of the Story felt like a 'rubbish' light side version of the SW.



At the end,this is my Opinion. I'm not into 'RPing' nor do I give much about the Story Part of the Game (I'm mostly Raids/PvP) but some of the Stories really got me going and caught my Attention. (1-4)

Edited by ahzecklawd
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I haven't played the Knight and the Hunter. My top three are Consular (played LS female), Smuggler (played Neutral female, and a bit of DS male) and Warrior (played a DS female and a bit of a LS male). The other three, I guess I would order as Trooper (LS male & a bit of LS female), Inquisitor (LS male and a bit of a DS female) then IA (neutral female, thanks goodness it's done! Never again!).
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1. Agent

2. Warrior (my main toon)

3. Trooper (not many folks like it :()

4. Knight (too much "save the world" and "ultimate weapon on this planet and that")

5. Bounty Hunter

6. Inquisitor (after DK nothing special)

7. Smuggler

8. Consular

Edited by PavSalco
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Finally gone through 'em all:


1. Agent - great writing, great characters, great emotional impact

2. Knight - played a Jedi who slowly slipped more and more towards the DS, and the plot worked well for that

3. Warrior - solid experience all around.

4. Smuggler - excellent character + companions. Superb chapter 1 rival. The rest gets a bit dull.

5. Inquisitor - Not too bad, but nothing outstanding. Some dull companions.

6. Trooper - played Mass Effect parallel to Trooper. Man, it ain't no comparison in character personality.

7. Consular - very boring Chap 1 with the exact same DS/LS choice on each planet. Gets better with Chap 2+3.

8. Hunter - turned bounty hunting into a sport instead of a job. Boring side characters

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I know the BH class story gets a lot of grief, but Act 1 of the BH story was one of my favorite acts of all 8 classes. Act 2 was a serious letdown (the Mandalorian angle had so much potential) and Act 3 was one of the worst acts in the game.


The BH did have the best group of companions and the best companion side-questline.



The trooper story had similar issues. The trooper story was really fun on Ord Mantell, but after that, it was pretty meh until Corellia. It's a bummer when a class's story was only truly entertaining on the 1st and last planet.

Edited by Marlaander
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  • 1 month later...

After finishing all class stories (a while ago) I'll make these ratings of my personal experience:


1 - Jedi Knight 10/10; definitely my favourite class story in the game, I have to give it the top credit though because I didn't like the rest of pubs stories. Plot is so catchy and the idea of getting involved in the KOTOR series is awesome.


2 - Imperial Agent 10/10; I don't know why, but it's just a great story, and the best out of Imps. It has the best cutscenes in the game, and it's enjoyable from the Prologue to the ending. I also give it the highest score because of the ammount of options you can take throughout the story. Not to mention that the playing is awesome for both adv. classes.


3 - Sith Inquisitor 9/10: the main reason I liked this story much is because it was my first story played in the game. The Prologue is great and my favourite one, the whole Ch.1 was just fascinating, but as from Ch.2 to Ch.3 it became a bit lame. Though I have to give credit to the ending, because it was prety kicka**.


4 - Sith Warrior 8/10; as for this one, it's contrary to the Inquisitor's story, the starting was a bit boring but became good on the way. It's the classic Sith story that didn't happen in the movies.


5 - Jedi Consular 6/10; most people don't really like this story much, but I found it pretty descent. It just gets a bit boring when you are finally inside the plot; and also because I think it's the only story where the 3 Chapters focus on the same topic.


6 - Smuggler 6/10; I tied this story with the Consular's just because it's so random and very funny. I give it credit because I like the cowboy styles. But I have to say that the story is just very boring as from Ch.2


7 - Trooper 4/10; this story in particular is the classical "spacebar through all cutscenes", because it was, not crap, but intolerable. What I only found so good (to make it playable) from this story is that it reminded me of Republic Commando.


8 - Bounty Hunter 4/10; I had to put it down here because the story didn't make much sense at all. After Ch.2 it took me great deal to understand what was going on. I did really enjoy Ch.1 and all that "Great Hunt" contest, but it's like after the first part of Ch.2 it doesn't affect you anymore and all is cast aside. The ending was chaotic, but a bit funny depending on the choices made.

Edited by AgustinSarro
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So far, I've completed only Inquisitor, Jedi Knight and Bounty Hunter. But I have to ask--why don't people care for the Bounty Hunter story?


While most of the other stories seem to operate on a 'building up to a big payoff' type of pacing, the Bounty Hunter story was definitely more self-contained. Whereas Inquisitor was 'let's collect these relics' and didn't really get interesting until the Belsavis/Voss portions, and the Jedi Knight bit were just boring up until chapter ends, each of the contracts on a given planet (Tyresius and Jicoln, just to name some that were particularly fun) gave it a more interesting planet-to-planet feel.


Out of the ones I've actually taken past Chapter 1, though:


> Bounty Hunter - See above. I had the most consistent fun.

> Inquisitor - Xalek is so lame, that's my only problem with it.

> Jedi Knight - It is what it is.

> Smuggler - Just kind of boring. Great lines, but the story itself is pretty secondrate. I hate Risha. But that's me. Don't like that the treasure isn't actually a tangible thing, even though it 'can't' be.

Edited by Djiini
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Opinions vary, but for me it breaks down like this:


  1. Knight
  2. Hunter
  3. Agent
  4. Warrior
  5. Smuggler
  6. Inquisitor
  7. Trooper
  8. Consular


When I say "max level" below, what I really mean is complete with Chapter 3. Also for my companion note, and this is just me; any companion that doesn't speak basic simply doesn't get used. The sole exception is Treek in which case I mute my PC. Also, I'm not just hating on the stories, I have played them all more than once.


Knight by far is the most "iconic and star warsy". Even for hard-line Imperial players (like myself) Knight taps into that deep seated Star Wars fantasy from my childhood. 3/5 companions are interesting. I have three max level Knights.


Hunter, is actually my favorite story. Mainly because I have played it every possible way it can be played. 4/5 companions are interesting. I have eight max level Hunters.


Agent is a story that keeps you engaged from start to finish. I'm not a fan of the mechanics of the agent so for me this detracted from the actual story. 5/5 companions are interesting. I have two max level agents.


Warrior, for me was a fun story to go through. I never really felt like Darth Vader. 2/5 companions are interesting. I have three max level Warriors.


Smuggler, it was a downright funny story often enough to keep me playing it. Again with the agent mechanics. I enjoyed smuggler more than any of the below. 1/5 companion is interesting. I have two max level smugglers.


Inquisitor, I actually felt like a sith lord for most of the journey. The major plot line really irritated me (the "non-companion" companion). I didn't like the back-story, especially with the option to begin as a Sith Pureblood. But, separating myself from that, the history and lore of the story are compelling. The story is written for the Sorcerer. 2/5 interesting companions. I have two max level inquisitors.


Trooper, starts slow and tapers off. Just didn't seem like a lot of thought or consulting went into the story. 1/5 interesting companions. I have two max level troopers.


Consular, where do I even begin with this train wreck? The story is written for the Sage. 1/5 interesting companions. Unless a lot of talk and diplomacy are your thing, this story will make your eyeballs bleed. I have two max level consulars.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I think Inquisitor did the best at capturing the mysteries of the force. It also gave you the feel like you were becoming a sith with strings to pull the more you progressed in the story. Inq was my first class story and it exceeded all my expectations, so I'd have to say it's my favorite.
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1. Consular: I can’t say how much I adore Consular’s story! It’s picking up steam gradually, and you can feel the character growth. Rishi conclusion is just so in character and beautiful! Zenith is my Beloved Companion, no other ever came close. Gameplay is my favorite. So smooth, noob-friendly and posh.


2. Smuggler: It’s a great character and a great story with the best side-romances in the game. Act 2 felt s let-down, but I liked the wrap-up of the Act 3. If I could get attached to any of the Smuggler’s companions (i.e. if Guss was a Nautolan) I might like the Class more than Consular. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay is okay on the Slinger, but Scoundrel is hard to muster.


3. Trooper: It just comes together so well. Everything is solid and good. Story is cohesive, and the team is the best overall. Nothing save for Jaxo story line stands out as GREAT, but everything is good. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay wise, my VGT is a joy.


4. Warrior: Similar to the Trooper, but the crew is not as much to my liking, and Jaesa drags it down a whole lot. Also one of the stories that are better as a male in terms of the availability of content, so a minus in my books. I used to have Warrior > Trooper, but after Rishi with the Warrior, Trooper moves up! Rishi on the Warrior was boring and pointless waste of developer’s time.


5. Inquisitor: Yeah… not the best. The companions also have too much discrepancy. Loved the story-importance of Ashara, Khem and Talos, but Xalek and Andronikus felt completely redundant with absolutely nothing to offer. Andronkus soundset is annoying too. Props to Bio for having Talos as plot-important on Rishi and I liked the quest.


Did not play: Knight and BH, but I have a feeling that Knight>BH, though not sure yet. Knight has a HUGE strike against it for being the most male oriented-story in the game. BH is simply not my thing.


8. There is absolutely nothing that can make me like IA. For me it’s a needlessly convoluted, disjointed, over-hyped story. I am aware that 99% of the players go gaga over it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The Imperial Agent and the Trooper are my personal favorite. I personally loved them so much that I kept playing all night long just to experience the storyline. The advanced classes are great, my personal favorite is the Vanguard, especially with Elara Dorne as active companion, with her I never die. And with my Sniper I do massive damage to my enemies.


I tried Bounty Hunter and Smuggler, just to experience the independence I have with my characters. The Bounty Hunter was more fun because there is a point in the story, in the Smuggler story I felt no point. But again, that is my personal opinion.


I have no experience with the Force-using storylines. Prefferably because I don't like playing Force-using classes because I think they are overrated.


But still man, just try them all, I know you will find your story that you love.

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Agent is my personal favorite story-wise. The writing flows really well, the plot is gripping all throughout, and the choices you make actually feel like they matter--because they do! In the other stories, Consular in particular, you make a Super-Important Decision in Act I and it never comes up again, but that's definitely not the case with the Agent. I cannot recommend it enough.


Bounty Hunter is my favorite crew-wise; all of them (excluding one) are very likeable, very relatable, and they interact in such a way you really do get the impression your crew is one big group of friends. The story isn't particularly enticing until Act III, but it's written well and doesn't try to be anything other than what it is (like, the Trooper's Act I story was way more fitting of an Agent, just dressed up in a Havoc insignia, for instance).


For the most "Star Wars" feel, definitely Knight. Very classic, "chosen one to save the galaxy" type story. Finishing the Knight story is satisfactory because you really get the feeling that you are a hero, a good person, in comparison to an Inquisitor or Warrior.


As for the others: I love the Inquisitor and Smuggler characters just for having the best lines in the game, but both of them have rather lackluster stories--OK at some parts, downright bad at others, though Inquisitor is a little better because of the totally awesome ending sequence and having slightly more interesting companions.


I actually really, really like the Warrior story, just because you can play the exact opposite of the stereotypical, bloodthirsty, dumb muscle, brute Sith. All the Acts were fulfilling because each planet felt like I was actually accomplishing something, something as part of a greater whole, sort of like the Agent. Unfortunately only two of the companions are interesting, and there's some bad writing at points *coughQuinncidentcough*, but it's still in my top four.


Consular is sloooooooooow, has bad voice acting, bad writing, and boring companions, but takes a huge climb in quality in Act III, particularly Corellia.. The ACs are also very fun to play, making levelling much less boring that it would have been otherwise.


Trooper is worse than Consular, because it has the same problems it does without any of the good qualities. It starts off dull and gets worse, sort of like they didn't really care. There aren't even any interesting companions, good voice acting, hilarious lines, or fun classes to lighten things up a bit!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My list would go like this:

1. Warrior

2. Bounty Hunter

3. Imperial Agent

4. Jedi Knight


The Warrior was a delight to play from start to finish, I've played it several times and I'll probably play it again. Depending on the choices you make you can really feel as if you are starting your power base, and you definitely feel like the most ****** sith on the block.


The Bounty Hunter was a joytrip, but maybe that's just because I like tournament like settings to begin with, so it spoke to my heart sort of.


I was pretty hyped for imperial agent when I started due to all the fawning on the forums, maybe I expected too much and it ruined it for me, I dunno. Don't see all the buzz about it.


Jedi Knight was a let down for me, I have to play it again as a more arrogant/cocky JK, cuz as the dogooder JK I almost fell asleep. The story was cool at the end of acts but mostly felt lackluster imo.

Also, it's implied the jedi exile is killed because scourge saw the JK as some sort of space jesus. Didn't like the concept in the prequels, and certainly not again in the old republic


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Most people will often say the Agent is the best story, me personally, not even close, I deliberately left it till last (save the best for last as it were) after hearing so much good stuff from it, I think I might have expected too much in my head from build up as personally I was rather disappointed and it was.. well too predictable :-/


I would put Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior as my top two

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