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I dont agree with Blocking a newish player of only lvl 12.


Surely, it would been much wiser & friendlier to explain to him, That side missions are Just as important than main ones, and actually in my opinion now, They MORE important, Why? because These Missions help to expand your Discovery, leading to More XP, more missions and Speeder/Outposts.


I can't think why would you block this person, just because he Doesn't really understand The multi faceted ways this game goes. In any case, if he's trying to do his story line, and not collect necessary items, upgrades, doing Side Missions, he will soon learn, That, without them, his main Quest will be even more boring, since he will not succeed, Just trying to do those alone.


Just my two penny worth

I have been an Admin, Mentor, officer and family leader in a lot of games,including virtual worlds, Blocking players, Is really done for AR (abuse) or AR Instant messages, or spamming. I dont believe Players should be blocked, just because They may be a bit stupid.


Also, you have to remember, everyone is different, some people love these games, But may have slow reasoning, because, They may have a learning difficulty, but that doesnt mean they are silly, just there cognitive skills aren't as sharp as ours.


remember this before you Block, get a feel of the person behind the keyboard.


The only thing about SWTOR I really don't like, is this, "Go to hell Newbie attitude", or "you should know this already", especially as your level 4:jawa_evil:

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I just started finally playing this game.

Within the first few minutes the chat was very disturbing and graphic (very graphic) it really ended up being the real ugly side of such a wonderfully created game. What a shame. I would think they would moderate or listen to everyone who said they were reporting them. It went on and on until I logged off.


Profanity Filter, /ignore, creating custom channels that do not include General Chat. Any/all of these are your friend if you are easily offended.

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People in this game are incredibly vile and rude.

I get violently pissed off because people are just snobby and wicked.

Finding help is ridiculously difficult and when people actually choose to respond, they

are complete douchebags about it. Their responses are insulting and just flat out evil.


I have played many MMO games before, but so far, this community is by far the most



I'm not trying to be rude, but you aren't asking for help, you are complaining. This game is mind numbingly simple - perhaps if you gave us examples of the things you are soliciting help for we could better assist you.


Other than mission help, I can't quite put my finger on "help" or "answers" a competent player would require.


You say you have played many games. Taking that into account, do you not know how to use google? Do you not remember that every game has a quest journal that tells you what you need to do? Do you not know that your map has the Way Point for every mission active? Reading the lexicon and journal will answer 99.999% of any question you might come up with.

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When I first started playing, I was on shadowlands, and it was a little bit "noob unfriendly" but not near as bad as most other games I've played. I trashed my toons and started over on ebon hawk about a month ago and I gotta say, those guys actually had me crying, I was laughing so hard. General chat is awesome on the ebon hawk. They're also very noob friendly except when someone keeps spamming requests. Example:

Last night a lvl 13 juggernaut on dromund kaas kept begging over and over and over for someone to help him with his class mission. Everybody just kept telling him that he needed to level up first. I was a lvl 12 jugg at the time and I whispered him and asked him where he needed help. He said the boss of the mission was a lvl 16 elite. I told him that he needed to pick up some side missions, as you can't survive for very long ONLY doing class. His response? "Side missions? Pffft boring" I promptly blocked him. Why help someone who won't help themselves? I was trying to tea h the guy to fish, not just catch him a fish ya know? That's how people helped me as a noob and I was very greatful.


I agree and I actually ignore people in a heartbeat. Since I mostly play tanks and healers I can afford that luxury. DPSers with massive block lists are counter-productive, their queues are long enough as it is.

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He understood perfectly how important side missions are for levelling. Everybody in the chat was kindly telling him to do some to level up. He insisted on needing help for the mission boss. My conversation with him was whispered and when I suggested he do side missions to level up, he basically told me to go F myself. Why wouldn't I block him? I don't want to interact with someone with such a bad attitude who apparently doesn't even like the game.

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You sound like you need to be catered to. No offense, but I don't find the clout you had in other games to be impressive. You SEEM to have a gernerally bad attitude, and I wonder what you think you do to deserve to pedastal yourself. These people pay their money like everyone else. If you find the casual player daunting you enjoyment, I suggest you go back to one of the other games you blah, blah, blah, blahed in. Arrogance is not becoming on anyone. Now, go ahead and "report" this.

Edited by XtharSpiralDown
wrong person
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@ tgokovenant


Well of course, if he was abusive, when you were trying to help, Then that's an entirely different matter, and you had every right to put him on ignore.





No, I do not have an attitude, I used to Admin and pay 70$ each month to support an iD3 EA server battle map, Didn't you know Admins always have a stick up there backsides? :eek: Nice you actually put a message here, without resorting to the unnecessary ***** words:t_smile:

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it really didnt start out that way. Id say from launch until right before f2p, you rarely saw much in the chat other than LFG's and some complaining about ea. After they went F2P though, good lord. I'd rarely spend any more time than I absolutely had to in the Faction hubs.
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@ tgokovenant


Well of course, if he was abusive, when you were trying to help, Then that's an entirely different matter, and you had every right to put him on ignore.





No, I do not have an attitude, I used to Admin and pay 70$ each month to support an iD3 EA server battle map, Didn't you know Admins always have a stick up there backsides? :eek: Nice you actually put a message here, without resorting to the unnecessary ***** words:t_smile:

As for the comment on the other post I'm sure you're referring to; TGoKovenant is a RW close personal friend. I made a simple post, with his text included, picking on him. He's great in this community, and I don't see why a little riffing needs to be so hastely sctruinized. The forums, NOR the game for that matter, require being ruled with an iron fist. What's funny is subjective.

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If you dislike the community so much, stop listening.


I dropped any faith in public chats completely about an hour into the game on the day it launched, disabled general / say / yell / emotes and found the game was much more enjoyable that way. Find a group of like-minded mature people to play with and no worries.

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If you dislike the community so much, stop listening.


I dropped any faith in public chats completely about an hour into the game on the day it launched, disabled general / say / yell / emotes and found the game was much more enjoyable that way. Find a group of like-minded mature people to play with and no worries.


I agree completely. I pay no attention to chat whatsoever. It's just in the way. I don't find it offensive or abusive. It's just useless, is all. Most of the stuff that flies by is not relevant to your own game play at all. It's background noise. In fact, I frequently turn off the speaker so I don't have to listen to the Muzak. (It also makes the game more compatible with family life.) Most of the complaints on this thread are much ado about nothing. People get bu**hurt about such trivial matters.

Edited by MSchuyler
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Dont give up, starting planets have that, those guy get banned around the level of Tatooine, that or they actually learn how to be respectfull. Also there are ppl that just create free accounts to troll. Seriously, dont give up, since Nar-Shadda onwards the community is actually kind and respectfull in overall.


This is it exactly. By the time you reach, let's say Hoth, the horrors of early planet general chat are kind of a fading memory. Unfortunately though, it's not possible to eliminate Fleet from the game no matter what level you reach.

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Sorry if I hurt someone but usualy,when people throw rude answers or comments at someone, it's because the question can be answered by opening your eyes or turning on your brain .


If the question is something like: How do I change my spec?, the player receive a good answer with the X;Y of the skill mentor.


But if the question is something like:How do I queue for pvp?, the player will receive a lot of retarded answer because its possible to answer this question by:


a) turning your brain on

b) opening your eyes

c) reading the tutorials


and it will be faster than waiting for an answer.


Also Google and Youtube

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I agree completely. I pay no attention to chat whatsoever. It's just in the way. I don't find it offensive or abusive. It's just useless, is all. Most of the stuff that flies by is not relevant to your own game play at all. It's background noise. In fact, I frequently turn off the speaker so I don't have to listen to the Muzak. (It also makes the game more compatible with family life.) Most of the complaints on this thread are much ado about nothing. People get bu**hurt about such trivial matters.

I love the general chat on The Ebon Hawk. Not always, mind you, but I tend to just glance over to it once in a while, while levelling. Sometimes what I happen to read is so funny, that it brings tears to my eyes. However, I think it's just the server. I did not have the same experience on shadowlands.

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Try some Warzones. People are just beyond anything I have ever seen in other MMO's. If you behaved like this IRL you would permanently wear a shiner! :eek:.


Yeah, actually agree with you there. I can't remember the last warzone I played in that didn't have at least one player spouting obscenities about what "f**king idiots people were because people weren't playing exactly the way they thought it should be done. In a PvP battlezone there is always 1 winning team and 1 losing team. It's impossible for your team to win and the other team to win. So, if you happen to be on the losing team... what good does it do to scream obscenities at your team and call them idiots? I usually report spam on those guys (after all, they are SPAMMING obscenities and insults usually) then put them on ignore.


The about veteran players getting sick of "When do I get a lightsaber" and "When do I get my ship?" every five mintues.. Heck I remember once I even heard someone ask Where do I get a lightsaber on DROMUND KASS... I bet it was probably a troll making fun of the newbie players, but... who knows? IIRC you aren't unable to go to the fleet prior to your final quest, you just have to be level 10 IIRC.

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Well, I Do apologies to you, if That was meant to be a wind up, Don't take me too seriously, I was just Doing what I thought best For The Thread.


No, I defiantly Don't want to seem like a none official moderator, In fact being an admin, is mostly a hard thankless task. Its true I have done this roles for 6 years, XtharSpiralDown, Its sometimes hard, not to react to something you been trained at, I'm talking intensive training of more than 8 hours straight a day.


I don't have a bad attitude, actually I am rather soft,:p Which has got me In trouble , by letting someone off with a warning, which I should have banned.:rolleyes:


All I like to to do his pass on my experience I am gaining to others here, and Also offfer Diplomatic solutions to problems players find with sarcastic or rude players. Im actually a fun person, love a joke, and Spoe-Master will vouch, That I learn from him, and never question his judgement or his orders On what Is best course to take or do In game.


Guy last night, had to make a silly joke, but he reall enjoyed it, was so simple, it just rolled of my tounge onto general text.


He says : "Looking for warrior to help me with mission heroic 2 rakhouls"


Quick as a flash I replied " Ahhh! Great Warrior you Seek?" "Then You Seek Yoda ,yes"?


His whisper back was full of Hahahahaaha,:) Wether he found his Yoda I didnt find out, but was nice he appreciated a rather lame Joke, But I enjoyed it LOL

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The rudeness did bother me sometimes, then I met some nice people in a flashpoint and they invited me to their guild. Now instead of General, I set my chat so it only displays when my guildies are talking, and now I pay attention to what they‘re saying there and in Ventrilo. So joining a guild is a great way to tune out the trolls and time-wasters and find people who will actually *enhance* your enjoyment of this game!
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I feel for the OP. I've frequented many games and forums over the years, and the worst communities I have encountered are those associated with Star Wars, for some reason I cannot fathom. Whether it was the long-suffering Galaxies community or the recently-suffering TOR community, Star Wars fans seem to be the most antagonistic people around.


I don't know why.


That said, it's NOT everyone. As usual, the bad apples spoil the barrel. There are more bad apples here than in many other places, but the majority of players are still good people. Give them a chance to show you it's true.

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I have proved to myself, that my aims, my way's I want to play SWTOR is not in anyway like this guys attitude, in fact I almost feel sorry for him, that hes just a nerd without a brain, and doesn't have any understanding or want to engage even some RP elements of SWTOR. fancy passing up almost 1800 credits from 30 or more fallen enemies. What the Fxxxxx is his problem?


One of the problems is when you get to a certain level in the game, not necessarily character level, but after you've played for a while, every single quest that you've done 10 times becomes boring, and all you begin to see is the XP at the end of it. That, and green/blue loot drops as well as credits while leveling seem like pennies.


Personally, in group quests, or FP's, I never really bother looting until level cap. The loot just seems so trivial it's almost a chore to pick up _everything_. However, if someone wants to RP, or watch cutscenes in an FP, I shall valiantly defend their right to do so, and not be one of the people who goes "SPACE" on every convo.


It comes down to finding a group of people who play the way you do. While it's difficult, you may end up being friends with them for years.

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I feel for the OP. I've frequented many games and forums over the years, and the worst communities I have encountered are those associated with Star Wars, for some reason I cannot fathom. Whether it was the long-suffering Galaxies community or the recently-suffering TOR community, Star Wars fans seem to be the most antagonistic people around.


I don't know why.


That said, it's NOT everyone. As usual, the bad apples spoil the barrel. There are more bad apples here than in many other places, but the majority of players are still good people. Give them a chance to show you it's true.


Have you ever played a mass popular shooter such as counter strike, quake 3, UT2004? This community is the most friendly I've ever been a part of. Especially here in Germany where if you win at CS, EVERYONE just assumes you hack, because nobody could possibly beat them, right?

I love it here, don't have much to complain about.


Weird thing happened last night on the fleet though. I wanted to just help a random noob with a bit of good gear to begin their questing with. I put the gear in the chat and said, "if you're new to this game, under lvl 15 and want some free gear, whisper me." The only taker I had was someone who had been playing for 8 months and was on his 4th toon. No noob wanted it. I dunno if maybe they were skeptical, or what. I'm still sitting on these artifact Harbinger's vestments lol.

Edited by tgokovenant
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I totally agree with the Topic Starter. Just an example from 2 hours ago: I joined a random 55 fp and got told to leave because I was wearing Basic gear, which wasn't pretty enough for me fellow groupmembers. My server is full of snobs, and people don't even care to speak in english. Chat is mostly just russian... totally retarded.
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I totally agree with the Topic Starter. Just an example from 2 hours ago: I joined a random 55 fp and got told to leave because I was wearing Basic gear, which wasn't pretty enough for me fellow groupmembers. My server is full of snobs, and people don't even care to speak in english. Chat is mostly just russian... totally retarded.


What server are you on? That sounds incredibly annoying.

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What server are you on? That sounds incredibly annoying.


Red Eclipse Republic side, I think we have like 5 huge russian guilds... I dont have anything against russians, but them thinking they have the right to take over the server and exclude all other people with talking in russian all the time is just annoying as hell. I thought of switching server because of that so often now...

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