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RUDE Player community


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People in this game are incredibly vile and rude.

I get violently pissed off because people are just snobby and wicked.

Finding help is ridiculously difficult and when people actually choose to respond, they

are complete douchebags about it. Their responses are insulting and just flat out evil.


I have played many MMO games before, but so far, this community is by far the most


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I am not gonna lie but this is true especially in gen chat. i see so many people be rude when someone asks a question, usually why i have gen chat off when im playing. the only thing that that will probably help is finding a friendly sociable guild.
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Don't ask questions in following chats (if you don't want rude answers): starting planets, fleet, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Makeb.

FRom my experience, in other chats, you'll most likely just receive an actual answer or silence.

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Your own attitude is showing just by the words you use. Someone else is a "douchebag"? That's just calling names. This forum is for New Player Help. Here you either ask for help or give it. What help are you asking for here, other than you want people to agree with you? You are being antagonistic yourself. Nothing you say here will suddenly make the player community not rude. I'm suggesting that you receiove rude comments because you make them yourself, such as you have done here.
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Alright everyone let's all calm down here.


Yeah, its true you get a lot of people who are very rude and not helpful at all to people who have serious questions or a desire for help, but those are typically the loud minority. Other people who love the game and willing to help are usually too busy playing to focus on people asking for help is all. I'd say try and find a guild or at least expect some sarcasm with whatever you ask no matter what it is. Dont let it get you down if no one replies or just insults you or whatever, just roll your eyes and keep playing and maybe try to find it online. :)

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I rarely pay attention to general chat and I rarely group outside my guild or friends for various reasons. If someone asks me politely and respectfully if I will help them on one mission they are having trouble with I will. A lot of players are like that they are doing other things than paying attention to general chat.
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Not that it justifies actions of those being rude to you but there is a flip side to this. I am generally very helpful to new people or anyone who asks in general chat about something, but now with F2P there are an overwhelming number of dumb and or lazy questions. Sometimes the questions are so annoying that one can't decide if it's a troll or not.


Another thing that gets on my nerves is when you take the time to help someone, go out of your way even, and you don't even get a 'thanks for your time' type of reply.


In my opinion, F2P made the community a lot worse.

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People in this game are incredibly vile and rude.

I get violently pissed off because people are just snobby and wicked.

Finding help is ridiculously difficult and when people actually choose to respond, they

are complete douchebags about it. Their responses are insulting and just flat out evil.


I have played many MMO games before, but so far, this community is by far the most



I just started finally playing this game.

Within the first few minutes the chat was very disturbing and graphic (very graphic) it really ended up being the real ugly side of such a wonderfully created game. What a shame. I would think they would moderate or listen to everyone who said they were reporting them. It went on and on until I logged off.

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In my experience, this is actually one of the better communities overall. Of course, you get your jerks, but that's life.


I think the jerks are more vocal because those of us who don't like to hear about kittens in microwaves turn General Chat off when in places like Dromund Kaas.

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I think the jerks are more vocal because those of us who don't like to hear about kittens in microwaves turn General Chat off when in places like Dromund Kaas.


True, it does sometimes get to the point where I simply have to turn off General chat. Things like that just make me shake my head. Why? How does something like that even come up in conversation? I'm no saint, but that "some people are too sensitive" bit can only go so far.

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I think the problem is that the people who would usually report this behaviour don't see results (also, right-clicking a person's name only results in "Report Spam", not exactly useful, you need to fill out a full ticket for anything that isn't spam) and that the people who engage is this behaviour are either escaping punishment or the punishment they receive isn't enough. In any case, Bioware needs to do more if they want a less poisonous community. However, and rather unfortunately, because of EA's enforced budget cuts, active monitoring of chat is highly unlikely.
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^ in some websites that have chats and forums, especially ones designed for children, there have been a simple solution for money/active monitoring -problem: they give some older, mature users the ability to warn other users about their behavior and give small bans for chat (i.e. 1 hour ban from writing to chat/forum) and, if necessary, report the worst troublemakers to the actual webmasters of the site. These people are paid in in-game currency (usually something like cartel coins in SWTOR), so they don't actually cost anything to the people who own the site.


However, I believe anything like this would be hard to make work in anything like SWTOR, since it's so big and not designed for children, and the problem imo isn't that big anyway. It's usually only general chat in a few places and some people who like to rage in pvp or pug groups.

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Don't ask questions in following chats (if you don't want rude answers): starting planets, fleet, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Makeb.

FRom my experience, in other chats, you'll most likely just receive an actual answer or silence.


This. Exactly.


PS: i dont think that turn off /1-/3 chats really helps, only make things worse, i normally answer kindly to all questions i see, except to trolls that require u to add something in a really rude way. Ignore list is the thing that really help you keep r chat box at ur like.


Now came to my mind a guy that asked about Adrenals and which were best for X Class, i answered kindly to simply buy 5 of each of the ones he was doubing and test them, like i did, to really see the difference and compare which one fitted his playstyle, i was replied to give him the credits to actually buy them or ****. I dont think that such behaivour required a further reply ever, so i added the guy to my ignore list.

Edited by Otrorto
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It's strange but I never had problem with anything in general chat. Only once I got upset with 2 guys chatting in general on Makeb so hard that I couldn't post my question there with a chance of somebody reading it. But those rude comments etc. everybody is talking about, I just don't see. And I've been playing a lot recently.
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I just started finally playing this game.

Within the first few minutes the chat was very disturbing and graphic (very graphic) it really ended up being the real ugly side of such a wonderfully created game. What a shame. I would think they would moderate or listen to everyone who said they were reporting them. It went on and on until I logged off.


Dont give up, starting planets have that, those guy get banned around the level of Tatooine, that or they actually learn how to be respectfull. Also there are ppl that just create free accounts to troll. Seriously, dont give up, since Nar-Shadda onwards the community is actually kind and respectfull in overall.

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I used to play CoH/V (City of Heroes/Villains) all the time loved that game! Even when it went to F2P it was nothing like the ugliness that is in this game. I don't know why this game would be this nasty, Star Wars = Good, BioWare = Good...perhaps Origin/EA haters?

At first when CoH/V went F2P, I thought that spammers and trolls would rule the game but we had the most helpful and respectful community I have been in. It was a very positive game and community.


In CoH/V If you kept your sub you had access to a server that only other Subs had access too, we really didn't need it but I am wondering if that is what is needed here? I would definitely pursue the subbing here if that was the case (and the game will still be playable in lieu of its Holy Trinity forced game play mechanic).


So very sad this community/game is allowed to be so negative/trashy.

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Been playing MMOs for 13 years now. If you ask a question in general chat here's how I'm gonna respond.

1)The question is a legitimate question and you'll recieve a legitimate answer.

2)The question is asking to give away story so answer will ruin it for others in which you'll get a whisper.

3)The question defies common sense or is something you should know already (forums aren't just there for you to complain about stuff) in which I'll have fun with you a lil, but you will also get an answer shortly there-after.

4)The question is spammed or an obvious troll in which I'll just make fun of you.


Some people are rude, learn to ignore them or actually use ignore if you don't want to hear them.

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I used to play CoH/V (City of Heroes/Villains) all the time loved that game! Even when it went to F2P it was nothing like the ugliness that is in this game. I don't know why this game would be this nasty, Star Wars = Good, BioWare = Good...perhaps Origin/EA haters?

At first when CoH/V went F2P, I thought that spammers and trolls would rule the game but we had the most helpful and respectful community I have been in. It was a very positive game and community.


In CoH/V If you kept your sub you had access to a server that only other Subs had access too, we really didn't need it but I am wondering if that is what is needed here? I would definitely pursue the subbing here if that was the case (and the game will still be playable in lieu of its Holy Trinity forced game play mechanic).


So very sad this community/game is allowed to be so negative/trashy.


I was in that game as well, but the sub only server was completely unnecessary. I'm not sure about other servers, but the regulars on my server didn't even bother with it.


In the end, the community is how you and we choose to play it. If someone is asking questions in chat and getting rude replies, send them a whisper and help them out, telling them to put the jerks on ignore. Better yet, be among the first to answer in general chat and set the tone for a good conversation.


First and foremost, ignore the trolls. Do not engage, whatever you do, and talk and create an environment in which they are clearly not a part of it.


For the OP, there are plenty of nice people in this game. It's no better or worse than most MMOs, and it is best to friend the nice people you teamed with (or at least seemed mildly competent in team content). There are good guides and info to be found here on the forums, though keep in mind there are a fair amount of people angsty or complaining about various changes. Also find a good guild. Ask around in your server's forums and get a feel for people. If you're older (ie, 30+ or so, I forget the requirements) you can join the Old Timer's Guild on Shadowlands server. We're all about having fun and not getting angsty.

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