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*protest for bolster removal*


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Bolster is the new Ilum pvp outcry... players want it either fixed or removed and I hope we are listened to.


Bolster in itself is a great idea in lower level brackets where expertise is not present at all. Once you hit endgame pvp however you start to have gear that has expertise which really makes no sense to have any sort of bolster system in place.


As for gearing.. Recruit gear was also a great idea. It should of worked like this however... As you play in the lower brackets with bolster, and no pvp gear, you gain comms. These comms you really dont ever spend on anything due to nothing really to purchase, or need to now with bolster. Instead, allow players to buy lvl 55 recruit gear with these comms as soon as they can afford it. This then allows them to more than likely be fully geared in a recruit set before they even hit 55 (but unable to equip them until 55). The gear gaps shouldnt be too big, but present since we use a pvp stat and there has to be some progression there. A simple 5/10/15 stat difference or even lower is acceptable to any hardcore pvp player (hell no gear gap is acceptable but we have a pvp stat so that point is mute). Everyone already knows by now when you first get into pvp you are more than likely going to get tossed around. We accept this as mmo players, it is like this in pve and pvp... progression and knowing your class with practice is the natural way of things to us.


Considering the obvious fact that swtor has lost the majority of its hardcore pvpers already, I cant see any arguement to try to carebear it up for new players that already know how the world of mmo's work. You can't please everyone.. and no matter what is ever done there will always be players who will disagree with any decision. But currently things are getting to a point where everyone is unhappy with the current state of pvp in one form or another.


So here's hoping to what little affect we can make as a plea to either fix things or just cut it and move on.



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I have no idea why they made it so it bolsters every individual piece of armor instead of a flat rate, and make that rate slightly lower then partisan's stats. BW made the bolster way too complicated. So complicated it took the community team nearly a week to get all the "mathy" parts of the bolster released to the public.


It doesn't matter though, because what is done is done, and BW really failed on this one. It is a shame, because it looks like we might be going back to the old system where skill = gear...


/disappointingly signed

Edited by Tycoon
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Bolster makes sense in sub-55 brackets when you have a LEVEL DISPARITY.


However, no such disparity exists in the 55 bracket. The only disparity you have in this bracket is with gear.


So, they're bolstering gear. I get it. But I don't think it's appropriate when your game is CONSTRUCTED FROM THE GROUND UP AS A GEAR-DRIVEN MMORPG.


Don't get me wrong, I hate gear-grinding. But if you want your game to be about skill in post-55 PvP, you can't have it both ways. Either you remove the gear altogether to put everyone on equal footing, or you make the gear matter.


Personally, I think the latter is the simplest and most elegant solution. Remove Bolster in the 55 bracket, problem solved.



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P.S. if u think is such a great idea to make everyone equal implement it on pve u will c real rage


rofl no doubt. no doubt.


while I would rather just scrap bolster and give everyone exactly the same stats (for their given spec - or let them dress as they like ala GW2), I don't think all the pro-bolster players quite understand just how egalitarian SWTOR pvp is (or was) since 1.2: you don't have to be good -- at all -- in order to obtain the most effective gear in the game. a high rating buys cosmetic rewards only. now, what pve content allows you to get the top level gear without "winning" in the form of DEFEATING a boss? you don't have to win a single WZ (reg or rated) EVER and you could still have the top level pvp gear. so yeah. there's a gear gap. no, I'm not a huge fan of it. but this is the easiest freaking pvp system EVER to get geared. quit cryin' about it.

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Minimizing the gear gap so that there is only a small difference, such as there was between WH and EWH, is a good thing. However, bolster which was supposed to give a similar result isn't working as it hasn't been implemented correctly and the intent of bolster could be handled by simply giving everyone a new recruit set with stats set to slightly below Partisan level. As such, /signed; remove bolster from level 55 regulars and ranked warzones until it can be fixed properly.
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Right now it's just crap.


Just for fun, I swaped a level 55 conquerer relic with a lvl 40 green junk in a warzone.... I get a whole 1 point of extra expertise with the conquerer stuff...


If you are to go that way, just remove PvP gear and expertise from the game because right now it's just adding complexity with no plus side.


I think the best pvp gear should come from pvping. Right now, ultimate PVE is better than conqueror PVP in warzone..

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I think bolster should be removed from Ranked. Regulars is fine, but not rateds.


No. It wasn't needed for regular warzones before. Bioware took a perfectly functional system and broke it for no reason other then self-ego. Why fix recruit gear when you can justify your pay by making some convoluted and bug infested system that'll go live grossly under-tested?


It's completely un-necessary.


I seriously wonder if these devs write this stuff on purpose, to justify their future employment with 'bug fixing'.

Edited by islander
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adding even 1 piece with expertise on makes your total expertise go down, at least in 1.7 when you got a new piece you could feel the extra stats working for you,

also honestly it did not take too long to get full warhero with aug's (elitewarhero was a bigger grind but it was something to aim for)

Edited by MuRf_uK
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I totally agree to remove it from ranked, if one like to play with the elite, he or she should not need the bolster.


I would agree to remove it from 55 as well, but pre 2.0 the fun to play a BG was more and more spoiled by people leaving a BG because of low expertise PVE group members.They should keep it, but they need to fix it asap.


BTW, the need to bolster PVP items to make it best in slot for PVP, like hilts, is ridiculous.


Overall, they did a very bad job for PVP-players with 2.0 and RotHC.

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Signed. I had my first day of 55 pvp and i *****ed and complained about being stun locked to death. Then i figured out how to manipulate bolster and now i can take over 550k dmg as a healer face tanking juggs and sins while still healing. Its ridiculous. Just remove it from 55 and give a decent set of starter gear within 10% of partisan, its not brain surgery. EA has been told about this and they haven't done squat to fix it. We dont need bolster at 55 bc were all the same level Duh. How do these people get real jobs with this level of incompetence.
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Not signed.


Bolster as it stands, with exploitable aspects to it, doesn't work right and needs fixing. But as a concept - players in PvP are comparable regardless of gear, while grinding PvP gear gives you a small advantage - it's better than what we had before 2.0.


It would be needed for 55 pvp because it's not just about equalising levels, it's that warzones aren't dependent on gear. Without it, you get gear grinders destroying newcomers and warzones decided purely upon the gear of the players. Get the recruit - or god forbid PvE-geared - player on your team and it's probably a write-off before it begins.


Ranked I'm less set on. Without it in ranked you'll have established teams creaming newbs just with gear (rather than experience, teamwork and talent), but maybe people want to exclude others from ranked based on a gear barrier. After all, the ranked scene hardly needs more people playing it.


N.B. There may have been some sarcasm in the final sentence, it's there to make you think.

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